4 - Intro Cholesystitis PA GIS
4 - Intro Cholesystitis PA GIS
4 - Intro Cholesystitis PA GIS
of the gallbladder may be acute,chronic or acute superimposed on chronic It almost always occurs in association with gallstones It is one of the most common indications for abdominal surgeries. Gallstones afflict 10% to 20% of adult populations in northern hemisphere Western countries. Adult prevalence rates are higher in Latin American countries (20% to 40%) and are low in Asian countries (3% to 4%). I
There are two main types of gallstones In the West about 80% are cholesterol stones, containing crystalline cholesterol monohydrate. The remainder are composed predominantly of bilirubin calcium salts and are designated pigment stones.
Cholesterol gallstones
fragmentation of several cholesterol gallstones, revealing interiors that are pigmented because of entrapped bile pigments. The gallbladder mucosa is reddened and irregular as a result of coexistent acute and chronic cholecystitis.
gallbladder wall is thickened and gray-white, owing to fibrosis and inflammation. Multiple faceted cholesterol gallstones are present within the lumen.
Pigmented gallstones
Several faceted black gallstones are present in this
mucosa lining the gall bladder is chronically inflamed and thickened. The elongation of mucosa glands are lined by a single layer of tall columnar epithelial cells (sinus rockitansky- aschoff). Plasma cells and eosinophils can be found between the glands