Radio Trails Analysis 2
Radio Trails Analysis 2
Radio Trails Analysis 2
Target audience
People who have a interest in Formula 1 or people who are fans of cars or the drivers. There are extracts from the race commentator during the race from last year or from other races within the season. This then leads into extracts from the drivers and then to a voice which is calm and direct who tal s a!out what the trailer is a!out and when the programme will !e !roadcasted. There are car noises that are extracts that have !een ta en from different races.
Tone of voice?
"ounds of the F1 cars as well as noises from the crowd who are cheering.
%se of music?
&usic used towards the end of the trailer after '( secs which is used in the !ac ground when the information and times of the programme is !eing introduced) this is faced paced music to lin in with the su!*ect !eing advertised. Two trac s.
"ound levels?
The levels of sound are mainly occupied with the commentary along with car noises and cheering from the crowd.
This trailer is one that is well constructed with is using extracts from previous races as well as past comments from the drivers and commentary team to ma e the next race more exciting and ma e the audience eagerly anticipate the upcoming race.