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"et# $The name of the society shall be "Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Rural Development." %. A&&'e(( of t e Re)"(te'e& off"!e$The Registered office of the society shall be at Adhartal !abalpur"#$%&&% M.'. *. Def"+"t"o+( $I. The Institute means the Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Rural Development Adhartal !abalpur M.'. II. "The (oard of Governors" means the Governing (ody of the Institute. III. "(ye"la)s" means the (ye"la)s of the Society. I*. "The +hairman" means the +hairman of the Institute. *. "The *ice"+hairman" means the *ice"+hairman of the Institute. *I. ",inancial -ear" means the year commencing from the first day of April and ending )ith the thirty first day of March of the follo)ing year. *II. "Government" means the Government of Madhya 'radesh 'anchayat . Rural Development Deptt. *III. "Memorandum" means the Memorandum of association of the Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Rural Development. I/. "Society" means the Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Rural Development. /. "Member Secretary" means the Director of Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Rural Development and Secretary of the Society and of the Governing body. /I. "+ommissioner" means Divisional +ommissioner !abalpur Division !abalpur. ,. Date of Fo'mat"o+ $The Society is formed and is registered under M.'. Society Regestri0ara Adhiniyam 1234. -. Re)"(t'a' of t e D"(t'"!t ."t "+ . o(e /0'"(&"!t"o+ t e off"!e of t e So!"et# "(("t0ate& 5" The office of the Society situated )ithin the 6urisdiction office Registrar of Madhya 'radesh (hopal. 1. B0("+e(( Ho0'( $The Director may sub6ect to the approval of the Governing (ody and by a regulation change if the e7igencies arise the )or0ing hours of the Society. ,or the present the timings of the Society shall be from 1&5&& Am to 85&& 'm. All Government 9olidays shall be holidays to the Society. 2. O3/e!t( of t e So!"et# $The :b6ects for )hich the Society is formed are5" a; To under ta0e and assist in the organisation of training and study courses conferences seminars and lectures and to adopt villages in the State for the purpose.

b; To under ta0e aid promote and co"ordinate research outs o)n or through other agencies including <niversities an Training +enters established by or )ith the aid of the Government of India of the state Government. c; To establish Schools for =i; Study and :rientation =ii; Training and Instruction and =iii; Research and >valuation and such others as may be necessary to achieve the ob6ects of the Society. d; To underta0e consultancies and to analyse and propose solution of specific problems encountered in the planning and implementation of various programmes in the field of Social >conomic and Rural Development 'anchayati Ra6 and similar programmes. e; To follo) up in a manner to be mutually agreed upon the training programmes organised by the training centers referred to in =b; above and to advise the +entral and State Government including the 'anchayat and Rural Developments Department and sub6ect again to mutual agreement any other Ministers or authorities on their Training 'rogrammes. f; To prepare print and publish papers periodicals and boo0s in furtherance of the ob6ectives of the society. g; To establish and maintain libraries and information services. h; To collaborate )ith other institutions associations and societies in India or abroad interested in similar ob6ects in consultation )ith Government of Madhya 'radesh. i; To offer fello)ships scholarships pri?es and stipends in furtherance of the ob6ects of the society. 6; To assist the government of Madhya 'radesh in 'olicy ,ormulation and choice of options in matter pertaining to Rural Development and 0; To do all such other activities as are conducive or necessary to the attainment of the above ob6ectives and for promoting development of rural areas. 4. A!t"5"t"e( of t e So!"et# $'ursuant to the aforesaid ob6ects the Society shall ta0e over all the assets and liabilities of the present unregistered Institute 0no)n as State Institute of Rural Development )hich Institute )as established in the year 12$3 by Government of Madhya 'radesh. a; Accept grants of money securities property of any 0ind and underta0e and accept the management of any endo)ment trust fund or donation not inconsistent )ith the ob6ects of the Society on such terms as may be prescribed by the Government of Madhya 'radesh from time to time. b; Invest and deal )ith funds and moneys of the Society. c; Impose and recover fees and charges for the services rendered by it. d; 'urchase hire ta0e on lease e7change or other)ise ac@uire a property movable or immovable )hich may be necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Society and construct alter andAor maintain such buildings and )or0s as may be necessary for carrying out ob6ects of the Society. e; Sell hire lease e7change or other)ise transfer or dispose of all orAany property movable or immovable of the Society provided that for the

transfer of immovable property prior approval in )riting of the Government of Madhya 'radesh shall be obtained. f; (orro) and raise moneys on mortgages promissory notes of other securities founded or based upon all or any of the properties and assets of the Society or )ithout any securities provided that prior approval in )riting of the Government is obtained in that behalf. g; Dra) accept ma0e endorse discount and deposit of Government of Madhya 'radesh and other promissory notes bills of e7change che@ues or other negotiable instruments. h; +reate Reserve ,und Sin0ing fund Insurance ,und 'ension ,unds or any other special ,unds )hether for depreciation repairs improvement e7tension or maintenance of any of the properties or right of the Society andAor for recouping assets and for any other purpose for )hich the Society deems it e7pedient or prefer to create or maintain any such fund or funds i; +reate administrative technical ministerial and other posts in the Society and ma0e appointments thereto in accordance )ith the Rules of regulations of the Society )hich are not inconsistent )ith the rules framed by the Govt. of M.'. prevalent at the relevant points of time. 6; Do all such other acts and things either alone or in con6unction )ith other organisations or persons as the Society may consider necessary incidental or conductive for the attainment of the above ob6ectives. 6. A0t o'"t"e( of t e So!"et# $ The authorise of the Society shall be5 =i; The (oard of Governors. =ii; The >7ecutive +ommittee and =iii; Such other authorities as may be constituted by the (oard of Governors of the >7ecutive +ommittee. 17. Off"!e'( of t e So!"et# $The follo)ing shall be the officers of the Society namely 5" =i; The Director =ii; The Administrative Manager =iii; Such other officer as may be appointed by the (oard of Governors from time to time. 11. 8e+e'a9 Bo&# a+& Mem3e'( ": $The member of the (oard of governors shall constitute the General (ody of the Society and shall consist of not less than 18 =,ifteen; members. 1%. Ro9e of Mem3e'( $The Society shall maintain a register of members giving their names occupation and address and every member shall sign the register. >very change of address shall be notified to the Secretary. 1*. Boa'& of 8o5e'+o'( $a; Sub6ect to the other provisions of these Rules the Management supervision and control of the Society shall vest in the (oard of Governors. b; The composition of the (oard of Governors shall be as follo)s5"

=i; Minister Government of M.'. Rural Development Deptt. +hairman =ii; 'rincipal secretary Government of Madhya 'radesh *ice +hairman Rural Development Department =>7":fficeo; =iii;+ommissioner !abalpur Division !abalpur =>7":fficio; Member =iv; Secretary Government of Madhya 'radesh Rural Member Development Department =>7":fficio; =v; Secretary 'lanning >conomic . Statistics Govt. of Member Madhya 'radesh =>7":fficio; =vi; Secretary ,inance Government of Madhya 'radesh Member =>7":fficio; =vii; Director 'anchayat Government of Madhya 'radesh Member =>7":fficio; =viii; Director Academy of Administration (hopal Member =>7":fficio; =i7; +ommissionerADirector Bomen and " Member Member child Development Department M.'. =>7":fficio; =7; *ice +hancellor !a)aharlal Cehru Drishi Member *ishvavidhyalay !abalpur or his nominee =>7":fficio; =7i; :ne representative of Cational Institute of Rural Member Development Cominated by the Director General CIRD 9yderabad =>7":fficio; =7ii; +onvener State Eevel (an0ers +ommittee M.'. Member =7iii; Director IRMA Anand or his nominee Member =7iv;T)o eminent persons from registered CG:s Member )or0ing in the field of Rural Development =out of t)o one shall be a Boman member; =7v; T)o eminent persons to be nominated by the Member Government of Madhya 'radesh to represent the interest of the sectored such as 5" Agriculture and rural Development including ,orestry fisheries Animal 9usbandry tribal and Social Belfare )ith special emphasis on those )ho have )or0ed in the non"Government organisation in these sectors. =7vi; Fila 'anchayat 'resident =T)o; and !anpad Member 'anchayat 'resident =T)o; =:ut of these one each shall be Boman member; =7vii; Director Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Member Secretary Rural Development =>7":fficio; =c; The (oard of governors may appoint +ommittees of the member on such purpose as administration and finance training . programming recruitment and may delegate to such committees and the >7ecutive +ommittee such po)er and authorise them to perform such functions as it may deem necessary e7pedient and such delegation or authorisation may be made sub6ect to such conditions as the (oard may thin0 fit to impose.

=d; The (oard of Governors may create ne) classes of membership from time to time for such specific periods and fill them by co"option of such members as it deems desirable and necessary it the interest of the Society. 1,. Te+0'e of Nom"+ate& Mem3e'( $=a; The tenure of the nominated members of the board shall be three years from the date of appointment. =b; Bhen a person including the +hairman is a member of the (oard by the virtue of his office he shall cease to be such member )hen he relin@uishes the said office and the vacancy so arising shall be filled in by the Government or their successor in that office. 1-. ;e((at"o+ of Mem3e'( ": of Boa'& $=a; Cot )ithstanding anything contained in these rules a member of the (oard shall cease to be such member if during his tenure of office he becomes insolvent or is other)ise unable or incompetent to hold office or his membership is terminated by the State Government. =b; The State Government may terminate the membership of any person appointed on the (oard of Governors for such person appointed on the (oard of Governors for such persons as his incapacity to discharge the duties insolvency etc. 11. Re(")+at"o+ $A member of the (oard other than e7"officio member may resign his membership by a letter addressed to the +hairman of the (oard and such resignation shall ta0e effect from the date of its acceptance by the +hairman. 12. ;a(0a9 Va!a+!"e( $=a; Any +asual *acancy arising on the (oard by resignation death or other)ise may be follo)ed by appointment or nomination of a member by the State Government and the members so appointed or nominated shall hold office for the remaining tenure of that (oard. =b; The (oard of Governors shall function not )ithstanding any vacancy on the (oard and any defect in the appointment or nomination of any of its member and no act or proceedings of the (oard shall be invalidated nullified or called in @uestion merely by reason of the e7istence of any vacancy on the (oard or by reason of any defect in the appointment or nomination of any of its member. 14. Meet"+) of t e Boa'& $Sub6ect to the provision of the Act the (oard of Governors shall meet at least t)ice a year )ith not more than G months elapsed bet)een t)o meetings.


A++0a9 8e+e'a9 Meet"+)$ The chairman of the (oard of Governors shall convene the Annual General Meeting )ithin four months to the close of the financial year at







!abalpur or any)here else in Madhya 'radesh. The purpose of A.G.M. shall interalia be =i; To receive and consider the annual report and audited accounts of the Society for the preceding financial year. =ii; To appoint auditors and fi7 their remuneration. =iii; To revie) progress of )or0 during the year ended and consider and approve generally the budget demands and programmes for the ensuing year. =iv; To discuss and other business as may be necessary. S:e!"a9 Meet"+) $The +hairman of the (oard may convene special meeting of the (oard to consider any matter of special importance or urgency or on the )ritten re@uisition of not less than seven members of the (oard specifying the purpose for )hich the meeting is propose to be called. Ve+0e of t e Meet"+) $Meeting of the (oard shall ordinarily be held at !abalpur. 9o)ever the meeting may be held at any other place as may be e7pedient or necessary )ith in the State of Madhya 'radesh as may be decided by the +hairman of the (oard. Not"!e of t e Meet"+) $=a; >very meeting of the (oard shall be convened by notice issued under the hand of the Secretary or any other officer of the society so authorised by the (oard in his behalf. =b; >very notice calling for a meeting of the (oard shall be issued to every member not less than fifteen days before the scheduled date for the meeting e7cept in the case of special meeting )hen the notice shall be issued atleast five days before the day fi7ed for the meeting. A summary of the business to be transacted at the annual and other meeting shall be communicated to the members atleast seven days before the day of the meeting. >7cept that in the case of special meeting it should be circulated atleast three days before the date of the meeting. =c; The accidental omission to give notice to or the non"receipt of notice of any meeting by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings of the meeting. <0o'0m $1A4 Member present in person shall constitute the @uorum for the annual general meeting provided that if a meeting is once ad6ourned for )ant of @uorum a subse@uent meeting called on the basis of the same agenda shall not be re@uired to fulfill the re@uirement of a @uorum. P'e("&"+) Off"!e' $The +hairman shall ordinarily preside over all the meetings of the (oard. In the absence of the chairman the *ice"+hairman shall preside over the meeting. In the absence from amongst themselves to preside over the meeting. I+5"tat"o+ to atte+& a Meet"+) $-







The +hairman may invite any person other than a member of the (oard to attend a meeting of the (oard but such person shall not be entitled to vote at the meeting. Vot"+) $In case of difference of opinion amongst the members of any matter under discussion in a meeting the opinion of the ma6ority of members present and voting shall prevail. >very member present at the meeting including the +hairman shall have one vote and if there be an e@uality of votes the +hairman of the meeting shall have a +asting *ote. Vot"+) 3# ;"'!09at"o+ $Any business )hich is of an urgent nature and )hich cannot be held over till the ne7t meeting of the (oard may be transacted by circulation among all the members of the (oard and any resolution so circulated and approved by a ma6ority of the members of the (oard shall be as effective and binding as if such resolution had been passed at a meeting of the (oardH provided that any business so transacted shall be reported at the ne7t meeting. Bhere the matter is of such urgency that a decision thereon cannot a)ait the convening of a special meeting or voting by circulation the +hairman may for reasons to be recorded in )riting ta0e a decision there on. Such a decision shall be placed before the ne7t meeting of the (oard for ratification. A notice may be served upon any member of the (oard in person or by post addressed to such member at the address mentioned in the roll of members. Any notice so derived by post shall be deemed to have been served t)o days after it )as posted. Po.e'( a+& F0+!t"o+( of t e Boa'& of 8o5e'+o'( $=i; To approve the budget proposals of the Institute for on)ard transmission to the State Government for bloc0 grant assistance. =ii; To create ne) posts for the Institute )ithin the sanctioned budget as approved by the State Government. =iii; All financial po)ers of the Institute )ithin the sanctioned budget as approved by State Government. =iv; To receive and to approve the audited accounts of the Institute. =v; To receive and approve the annual report of the Institute. =vi; To approve policy guidelines regarding nature of training and research programme. =vii; To approve the research programme of the Institute. =viii; To approve the receipt of donations. Po.e'( of t e ; a"'ma+, V"!e-; a"'ma+ = Mem3e' Se!'eta'# $; a"'ma+$ =i; Shall preside over all the meetings. =ii; Shall give directions in regard to the business of the Society.






V"!e-; a"'ma+$ Shall preside over all the meetings during the absence of the chairman and e7ercise such po)ers as may be specifically delegated to him by the +hairman. Mem3e' Se!'eta'#$ 9e )ill convene all the meeting. The staff of the Institute shall be appointed under the signature of the Secretary. 9e shall prepare the minutes for all the meetings and the reports. Pat'o+( of t e So!"et# $The follo)ing shall be the patrons of the Society =i; +hief Minister of the Madhya 'radesh +hief patron =ii; +hief Secretary Madhya 'radesh 'atron E>e!0t"5e !omm"ttee $Sub6ect to the overall control of the (oard of Governors the >7ecutive +ommittee shall have the po)ers to manage and administer the affairs of the Institute. It shall have all necessary po)ers to regulate the incomes and the properties of the Institute )ithin Rules and Regulations framed therein. The e7ecutive +ommittee shall have all such po)ers as may be incidentally necessary for the e7pedient management of the Institute. Specific po)ers to be delegated to the >7ecutive +ommittee shall be determined by the (oard of Governors. ;om:o("t"o+ of t e E>e!0t"5e ;omm"ttee $=a; The >7ecutive +ommittee shall be composed of not more than 3 members including the 'rincipal Secretary Government of M.'. Rural Development Department )ho shall be the +hairmen of the +ommittee. =b; The +omposition of the +ommittee shall be as follo)s 5 =i; 'rincipal Secretary Govt. of M.'. Rural +hairman Development Department =ii; Secretary Govt. of M.'. Rural Development Member Department =iii; Director >mployment and Training Govt. Member of M.'. =>7"officio; =iv; Director 'anchayat Govt. of M.'. Member (hopal =>7"officio; =v; Director of the Institute Member Secretary In case of Govt. does not appoint a 'rincipal Secretary in the Rural Development Deptt. The Secretary of the Deptt. Shall be the +hairman of the +ommittee. Re(")+at"o+ $The member of the e7ecutive +ommittee other than an e7"officio member may resign his membership by a letter addressed to the +hairman and such resignation shall ta0e effect from the date of its acceptance. Meet"+) of t e ;omm"ttee $-




The e7ecutive +ommittee shall meet not less than four times in a calendar year provided that not more than four months shall elapse bet)een any t)o meetings of the +ommittee. The meeting of the +ommittee shall ordinarily be held at !abalpur provided ho)ever that a meeting may be held at any other place in the State to be decided by the +hairman of the +ommittee as may be e7pedient or necessary. =b; >very meeting of the +ommittee shall be presided over by the +hairman four members of the +ommittee including the +hairmanH present in person shall constitute a @uorum at to any meeting of the +ommittee. In case the +hairman is unable to attend a meeting so convened he may authorise the Secretary Rural Development to preside over the meeting. In case of difference of opinion amongst the members on any matter under discussion in a meeting the opinion of the ma6ority shall prevail. >very member present at the meeting including the +hairman shall have one vote and if there be an e@uality of votes the +hairman of the Meeting shall have a casting vote. =c; >very meeting of the +ommittee shall be convened by notice issued under the hand of the Secretary or any other officer of the Society so authorised in this behalf. >very notice calling for a meeting shall setforth the date time and venue of the meeting and shall be issued to every member not less than fifteen days before the day schedules for the meeting provided that for transacting urgent business the +hairman may convene a meeting )ith 3 dayIs notice. A summary of the business to be transacted at the meeting"days before the day of the normal meeting and three days in the case of a meeting convened )ith shorter notice. The accidental omission to give notice to or the non"receipt of notice of any meeting by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings of that meeting. =d; Any business of an urgent nature may be carried out by circulation among all members of the +ommittee and any resolution so circulated and approved by ma6ority of the members of the >7ecutive +ommittee shall be as effective and binding as if such resolution had been passed at a meeting of the +ommitteeH provided that any business so transacted shall be reported at the ne7t meeting of the +ommittee. Po.e'( a+& F0+!t"o+( of t e E>e!0t"5e ;omm"ttee $The (oard of Governors may delegate from time to time. Such po)ers and function to the >7ecutive +ommittee as are considered necessary and e7pedient. ; a"'ma+ of t e E>e!0t"5e ;omm"ttee $=a; The >7ecutive +ommittee may by resolution delegate to its +hairman any of its po)ers as deemed necessary fit and







e7pedient for the efficient and e7peditious conduct of the business of the Institute. =b; The +hairman may refer any @uestion or any matter )hich in his opinion is of sufficient importance to 6ustify such a reference to the decision of the (oard and the decision of the (oard shall be binding on the +ommittee. Such matters shall be reported to the +ommittee at its ne7t meeting. D"'e!to' of t e I+(t"t0te $=a; The Director of the Institute shall be the Academic 9ead and the +hief >7ecutive of the Institute and shall be appointed by the State Government on such terms remuneration and conditions of service as may be decided by the State Government. =b; The Director shall have all such po)ers as may be delegated to him by the (oard of Governors and the >7ecutive +ommittee. Se!'eta'# $The Director of the Institute shall function as the e7"officio Secretary of the (oard of Governors the >7ecutive +ommittee and such other +ommittee and Sub"+ommittees as may be constituted by the (oard of Governors and the >7ecutive +ommittee respectively. The Director of the Institute may be appointed as the Director of any training Institution transferredAopened and transferred to the society by the State Government. F0+!t"o+( of t e Se!'eta'# $=a; The issue of notices of meeting of the (oard the >7ecutive +ommit and the +ommittee of the board . sub"+ommittee of the >7ecutive +ommittee. =b; Maintenance of the records of the meetings and their circulation to member. =c; Maintenance of the register of the Roll of Members of the Society and =d; 'erformance of such other duties as may be assigned by the Secretary of the Rural Development Deptt. T'ea(0'e' $The +hief Accounts :fficerAAccounts :fficer of the Institute so nominated by the (oard shall be the Treasurer. 9e shall )or0 under the overall control of the Director. S:e!"a9 F"+a+!"a9 :o.e'( to t e D"'e!to' $The Director of the Institute shall have the po)ers to effect purchases upto a value of Rs. 8& &&&A" )hich shall be placed before the >7ecutive +ommittee for ratification. T e F0+&( of t e I+(t"t0te ( a99 !o+("(t of $=a; Grant"in"aid received from the State Government and govt. of India. Donations and contribution from the other sources. :ther incomes and receipts. =b; The Institute shall maintain boo0s accounts and other related records in such form and in such manner as may be necessary and



,2. ,4. ,6.



prescribed in consultation )ith the auditors of the Institute and in accordance )ith the (y"la)s and financial rules framed in this behalf. The accounts of the Institute shall be audited annually by the Auditors appointed and the audit report along)ith the annual report shall be placed at the annual general meeting for the consideration and approval of the (oard. After approval of the audit report by the (oard it shall be submitted to the Government and issued along )ith the annual report to the members of the (oard Government and other concerned. ; a+)e of a&&'e(( of mem3e'( $If a member of the Society changes his address he shall notify to the Secretary his ne) addressH but if he fails to notify such address address for further communication shall be as recorded on the rolls of the members. ?A@<0a9"f"!at"o+ $(y virtue of holding the posts mentioned in Rule 14 all those persons holding the respective posts shall become members and shall hold office. ?B@ D"(A0a9"f"!at"o+ of mem3e'( of t e So!"et#$ A member of the Society shall cease to be such a member if he =a; dies or =b; resign his membership or =c; becomes of unsound mind or =d; becomes insolvent or =e; is convicted of a criminal offence involving mortal turpitude. R") t(, O39")at"o+ a+& P'"5"9e)e( of mem3e'( $The Rights obligations and privileges of members shall be as prescribed in these (yela)s. S0"t( B# a+& A)a"+(t t e I+(t"t0te $Sub6ect to the provisions of the act the person in )hose name the Society may sue be used shall be the Secretary of the society. Rem0+e'at"o+ $The member of the (oard of Governors of the e7ecutive +ommittee or any +ommittee of the board or the >7ecutive +ommittee shall not be entitled to any remuneration from the Institute for their services rendered as members in case they are officers of the government. Al other members shall be entitled to such remunerationAallo)ance as directed by the Government. P'e:a'at"o+ a+& F"9"+) of Re!o'&( et!. $The Director shall cause the preparation and filling on the due dates )ith the Registrar of such records annual or other statements )hich are specified in the M.'. Societies Registration Act 1234 and the Rules framed thereunder. Eme')e+!# Po.e'( of t e State 8o5t. $The State Government in the Rural Development Department shall have the po)er to pass an order superseding the (oard of Directors and ta0e over the management of the Institute by appointing an administrator






in case the situation so )arrants. Any such order of the Government shall assign reasons for such suppression. S0::9# of !o:"e( of B#e-La.( $+opies of (yeEa)s Receipt and >7penditure Accounts and the (alance Sheet shall be supplied to the member on application and on payment of Rupee one only. ;0(to&#, a::9"!at"o+ a+& I+5e(tme+t of f0+&( $The ,unds of the Society not immediately re@uired shall be invested by the Secretary in one or more ban0s or institutions or in Government securities as contemplated in section %# of the M.'.Societies Registration Act 1234 the Rules framed thereunder. Mo&e of 3a+B o:e'at"o+ $The funds of the Society for the normal functions shall be maintained in any (an0 and the Treasurer shall dra) che@ue upto Rs. 1& &&&A" and anything e7ceeding Rs. 1& &&&A" shall be signed by the Treasurer and the Secretary. T'a+(a!t"o+ of &a#-to-&a# B0("+e(( a+& F"+a+!"a9 Po.e'( $Sub6ect to the Regulations to be approved by the Governing (ody the Director shall have financial and administrative po)ers as prescribed in (yeEa)s and as may be delegated to him under the (yeEa)s. S:e!"a9 Re(o90t"o+ fo' ame+&"+) t e Memo'a+&0m a+& B#e-La.( $=a; Bithout pre6udice to the general po)ers of the Governing (ody and the Government )henever it shall appear to the Governing (ody that it is advisable to alter e7tend or abridge the memorandum or the (ye"la)s ,ramed thereunder the Governing (ody may submit the proposition to the members of the society at the General Meeting or by convening a Special meeting for consideration thereof. =b; Co such proposition or resolution shall be deemed to have been approved unless such resolution has been delivered or sent by registered post by the secretary to every member of the society %1 days previous to the date of the meeting convened by the +ommittee for the consideration thereof and unless such resolution has been passed by three fourth ma6ority of the members present and voting at the meeting of the General (ody convened for the purpose. =c; Any special resolution may be adopted by circulation amount the members of the Society and the resolution so circulated and approved by 4A#th of the strength of the members of )hich both the +hairman and *ice"+hairman are included shall be effective and binding as if the special resolution had been passed at a meeting of the General (ody of the Society. The Special resolution so circulated and passed shall be filled )ith the registrar of ,irms and Societies )ithin 18 days as re@uired by







1*. 1,.


M.'. Society Registri0aran Adhiniyam 1234 and they shall become effective from the date of such filling. E> "3"t"o+ of Re)"(te'( to Mem3e'( et!. $The register of members the boo0s containing minutes and the boo0s of accounts shall be open for perusal by member =free of charge; at the registered office during the usual business hours. Re:o't of .o'B"+) $=a; Bithin si7 months after the close of every financial year the Governing (ody shall submit to the Government a report on the )or0ing of the Society in the previous year together )ith an audited statement of accounts sho)ing the Income and e7penditure for the previous year. =b; The Governing body shall submit the Government the budget estimates for every financial year by such date as may be fi7ed by the Government in this behalf. De9e)at"o+ of Po.e'( $The Governing (ody may be resolution delegate to the +hairman *ice"+hairman Director or other officer and staff the Governing (ody such of its po)ers for the conduct of the affairs of the Governing body as it may consider necessary. Re5"e., E+A0"'# 3# 8o5e'+me+t $The Government may at any time appoint one or more persons to revie) the )or0ing and progress of the Society or the institute and to hold an en@uiry in to the affairs thereof and to report thereon in such manner as the Government may stipulate. <pon receipt of any such report the Government may ta0e such action and issue such directions as t may consider necessary in respect of any of the matters dealt )ithin the report regarding the Society of the Institute as the case may be and the Society or the Institute shall be bound to comply )ith such directions5 Po.e' to taBe o5e' ma+a)eme+t 3# t e 8o5e'+me+t $In case the Government is satisfied that the Institute or the Society is not functioning properly it shall have the po)er to ta0e over the administration of the Institute and if need be the assets of the Society as )ell. D"((o90t"o+ $If on )inding up or dissolution of the Society there shall remain after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any asset )hatsoever the same shall revert to the State Government. F"+a+!"a9 Yea' $,or all"purpose the ,inancial -ear shall be from the 1 st April of the current year to 41st March of the succeeding year. ; a+)e "+ +ame o' o3/e!t( $If a change is desired in the name or the ob6ects of the Society or if t)o or more Societies are to be amalgamated the procedure laid do)n in the M.'. Society Registri0aran Adhiniyam 1234 )ill be follo)ed. Ot e'( $-



The Society shall not transfer or dispose off any immovable property )ithout prior approval of the Government and the Registrar ,irms . Societies and movable property e7ceeding rupees one la0h )ithout the prior approval of the Government. =b; The Government shall have the right to issue any general or specific directives and such directives shall be dinning on the Society. It is further provided that all such provisions )hich are mentioned in the M.'. Society Registri0aran Adhiniyam 1234 shall be applicable if not mentioned in the aforementioned (yela)s of this Society.

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