BM 3 Math
BM 3 Math
BM 3 Math
Benchmark: %cademics
'u o( he (our core sub)ec s, o"e o( my (a*ori es is ma h. + has al&ays made se"se o me a"d + ha*e al&ays do"e &ell i" i . + e")oy ma h because here are de(i"i e a"d (i,ed a"s&ershere are "o .opi"io"s/ or 0ues io"s abou ho& he au hor (eels. 1ou )us (i"d he a"s&er. 2or hese reaso"s, + ha*e o( e" decided o a3e ad*a"ced, upper4le*el ma h classes.
+ ha*e chose" my &o e,hibi s, a rigo"ome ry es a"d a 0ui$, (or o"e reaso" a"d o"e reaso" alo"e5 success. + belie*e ha hese &o e,hibi s sho& + ha*e s3ills i" ma h a"d pro*e ha i is o"e o( my be er sub)ec s. They ha*e"6 augh me a"y .li(e lesso"s./ They simply sho& ha + am reaso"ably good a ma hema ics. My e")oyi"g ma h has shaped my (u ure a grea deal. + poi" ed me i" he &ay o( he scie"ces a"d &ill ser*e me &ell i" my career.
+ pla" o" bei"g a chemis , a"d (or his reaso" my ma hema ical s3ills &ill be mos impor a" . 7i hou hem, my )ob choice &ill "o ma3e se"se a"d &ould be a *ery poor a"d grueli"g (i . + &ould be u"happy goi"g o &or3 e*ery day a"d doi"g ma h, ma h a"d more ma h. Ho&e*er, si"ce + do e")oy ma h, my career choice ma3es se"se. 8ro(essio"al chemis ry &ill ur" (rom a grueli"g e,perie"ce i" o o"e &hich + &ill happily do (or he res o( my li(e. + ha*e ma h s3ills o ha"3 (or ha .