World War 2 Study Guide

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WWII Study Guide Events Leading to WWII Japanese Aggression Reasons* Wanted Raw Materials and Markets Needed

ded living space for growing population Wanted less dependence on foreign goods/ aterials Manc!uria "#$%#& Italian Aggression #$%' ( Et!iopia Reasons) power and prestige *er an Aggression ( Rear a ent ( +egin re+uilding ilitar, "conscription ( draft *er ans #-. ,ears into ilitar,& Austrian invasion ( Anc!luss "/oining toget!er of *er an, and Austria& et wit! little resistance 0udetenland ( Western 12ec!oslovakia "0udetenland& was de anded +, 3itler at t!e Munic! 1onference in #$%-4 *reat 5ritain6s 7ri e Minister "1!a +erlain& gave into 3itler6s de ands in order to keep peace in Europe and avoid war4 If ,ou give a ouse a cookie8if ,ou give 3itler t!e 0udetenland !e6ll want t!e rest of 12ec!oslovakia Munich Pact France, Great Britain, Germany and Italy eet in Munic!9 *er an, to discuss t!e fate of t!e 0udetenland "part of 12ec!oslovakia&4 12ec!oslovakia not invited4 :rance/*reat 5ritain agreed to give 3itler t!e 0udetenland to avoid war in Europe 12ec!oslovakia ( If ,ou give a ouse a cookie83itler invades #$%$ 7oland ( 0epte +er #9 #$%$4 3itler invades 7oland after t!e Na2i;0oviet Non;Aggression 7act is signed4 <!is is t!e spark t!at +egins WWII Nazi Soviet Non-Aggression Pact o 7u+lic 7art ; 3itler and 0talin agree to N=< attack one anot!er for #> ,ears o 0ecret 7art ( 3itler and 0talin agree to split 7oland

1auses ; A G G ! " S S I # N $aused %%II A A&&easement ( Appease ent eans to give into so eone in order to keep peace4 At t!e Munic! 1onference in #$%-9 5ritain and :rance gave into 3itler6s de ands for t!e 0udetenland in order to avoid war4 <!is was a cause of WWII +ecause 3itler +elieved t!at 5ritain and :rance would keep giving into !is de ands to avoid going to war9 t!erefore appease ent encouraged !i to take ore aggressive action in t!e future4 * G German and Italian Fascism ( :ascis was a political +elief t!at !ad t!e following c!aracteristics) E?tre e Nationalis 9 Militaris 9 private owners!ip of +usinesses9 a class s,ste 9 racis 9 and a totalitarian govern ent wit! strict o+edience to its ruler4 <!is caused WWII +ecause fascis 6s +elief in e?tre e nationalis and ilitaris led *er an, and Ital, to use aggressive tactics to e?pand t!eir +orders and to de onstrate t!eir power4 In addition9 3itler and Mussolini de anded total o+edience fro t!eir citi2ens giving t!e total power to ac!ieve t!eir goals4 * G Great 'e&ression ( <!e *reat @epression +egan on =cto+er A$9 #$A$ w!en t!e B404 0tock Market cras!ed4 Reasons for t!e *reat @epression include +u,ing stock on argin9 overproduction of goods9 and under consu ption due to lagging wages4 <!e *reat @epression resulted in 3ig! Bne plo, ent9 3ig! inflation9 3o e and far foreclosures9 and +usiness failures4 <!e *reat @epression spread around t!e world4 0o e countries looked for strong leaders to solve t!eir countries pro+le s due to t!e depression4 <!is led to t!e rise of totalitarian dictators like 3itler and Mussolini w!o took aggressive action against t!e countries around t!e 4

! !eaction to the invasion o( Poland ( <!roug! t!e Na2i;0oviet Aggression 7act9 3itler !ad secured an agree ent wit! 0talin to split 7oland once *er an, attacked it4 <!e invasion of 7oland +, *er an, was ac!ieved +, 3itler6s use of +lit2krieg9 or lig!tening war and was t!e start of WWII4 <!e invasion caused WWII +ecause :rance and *reat 5ritain finall, reali2ed t!at 3itler could not +e stopped wit!out going to war4 In reaction to t!e invasion9 :rance and *reat 5ritain declared war on *er an,4* " ")&ansionism ( E?pansionis 9 also known as I perialis 9 is t!e e?panding of a countr,6s +orders in order to do inate t!e political9 econo ic and social life of anot!er countr,4 @uring t!e #$%>s9 Ital,9 *er an, and Japan used aggressive tactics to e?pand t!eir +orders4 Ital, attacked Et!iopia4 *er an, attacked t!e Austria9 0udetenland and 12ec!oslovakia4 Japan e?panded into Manc!uria and 1!ina4 E?pansionis caused WWII +ecause it led t!ese countries into conflict wit! ot!er countries4* S Stu&id *reaty o( +ersailles ( <!e <reat, of Cersailles was t!e agree ent +etween t!e allies and 1entral 7owers t!at ended WWI and created anger and resent ent wit! t!e A?is powers4 <!e treat, was a R4A4W4 deal for *er an,9 eaning *er an, !ad to pa, reparations9 give up land9 reduce its ilitar, and sign a war guilt clause4 Japan was angr, t!at t!e, didn6t get a Dracial eEualit,F clause in t!e League of Nations c!arter4 Ital, was angr, t!at t!e, didn6t get t!e land t!at was pro ised to t!e for fig!ting wit! t!e Allies4 <!e <reat, of Cersailles caused WWII +ecause it !u iliated t!e A?is 7owers and caused t!e to want to seek revenge4 * S Strong ,a&anese Militarism ( E?tre e glorification of t!e ilitar, was an aspect of Japanese culture during t!e #$A>6s and #$%>6s4 Japanese c!ildren pla,ed wit! ilitar, to,s9 and received ilitar, training in sc!ool4 :ig!ting and d,ing for t!e Japanese e peror was considered an !onor4 <!e Japanese ilitar, eventuall, gained control of t!e govern ent4 <!is was a cause of WWII +ecause it encouraged leaders to take aggressive action to solve t!e countries pro+le s of overpopulation9 and lack of raw aterials4 * I Isolationism ( Isolationis was t!e foreign polic, of t!e Bnited 0tates during t!e #$A>s and #$%>s4 Isolationis eant t!at t!e B404 would not get involved in Europe6s pro+le s4 Isolationis was a cause of WWII +ecause t!e A?is powers were encouraged to take ore risk and aggressive action knowing t!at t!e B404 would not get involved to stop t!e 4 # #nly - Master !ace ( <!is was 3itler6s polic, to create a World E pire w!ere Ar,an6s "+lond;!aired9 +lue; e,ed *er an6s& would enslave or kill non;Ar,an6s "Jews9 0lavs9 *,psies9 co unists etc&4 3itler +la ed t!e Jews for *er an,6s defeat in WWII and t!e countr,6s econo ic pro+le s4 <!is caused WWII +ecause 3itler !ad to conEuer Europe in order to ac!ieve !is goal of Donl, # aster raceF9 +ringing !i into conflict wit! ot!er nations4 N No !eaction (rom the .eague o( Nations ; <!e League of Nations was an organi2ation created at t!e end of WWII wit! t!e goal of aintaining lasting peace4 <!e L=N was ineffective partl, +ecause t!e B4049 t!e world6s ost powerful nation9 didn6t /oin9 +ut also +ecause it didn6t !ave t!e aut!orit, to enforce its decisions4 No reaction fro t!e League of Nations caused WWII +ecause t!e A?is powers saw t!ere would +e now conseEuences for t!eir aggressive actionsG t!erefore it otivated t!e A?is powers to take w!at t!e, wanted4* WWII 5asics *eams Axis Powers (JIG) Japan Ital, *er an,


Allied Powers (RUB) Russia "B00R& B0A 5ritain

A)is Po/er 0,a&an, Germany, Italy1 similarities Militaristic Nationalistic E?pansionist policies ( agreed not to interfere wit! eac! ot!er6s plans Angr, a+out <=C Ignore League of Nations ( wit!draw in #$%>6s *heaters 0Playing Fields &laces /here %%II /as (ought1 Europe "Western9 Eastern9 0out!ern :ronts& Nort! Africa 7acific "1!ina9 0out!east Asia9 7acific9 Japan& $oaches 2 .ineu& Germany 3itler "@er :u!rer& ( @ictator of Na2i *er an,9 Racist policies against t!e Jews led to t!e 3olocaust !ommel "@esert :o?& ( 3itler6s ,oungest *eneral4 @efeated +, 5ritis! *eneral Montgo er, at t!e 5attle of El Ala ein signif,ing t!e end of Na2i control of N4 Africa4 Responsi+le for defending t!e Atlantic coast and t!e invasion of Nor and, on @;@a,4 Italy Mussolini "Il @uci& ( @ictator of :ascist Ital,4 Appointed +, Hing Cictor E anuel after t!e fascist revolution known as t!e Marc! on Ro e4 :ired +, Hing Cictor E anuel w!en Allies advance on Ital,4 5eaten9 killed and !ung in a town sEuare in Nort!ern Ital, +, t!e Italian resistance towards t!e end of t!e war4 ,a&an *o4o '>t! 7ri e Minister of Japan and Militar, leader during WWII4 E?ecuted for war cri es at t!e end of WWII 5amamoto Master ind +e!ind t!e attack on 7earl 3ar+or4 :elt a swift victor, over t!e B404 was necessar, to win t!e war4 B404 industrial ite would win t!e war if prolonged4 Soviet 6nion Stalin <otalitarian dictator of co unist Russia during WWII4 =rdered !is troops to !old 0talingrad at all costs4 0uccessfull, defeated t!e *er an6s at t!e 5attle of 0talingrad4 3is troops were t!e first to reac! 5erlin and find 3itler !ad co itted suicide at t!e end of t!e war4 France 'e Gaulle :renc! *eneral w!o fled to *reat 5ritain after its defeat +, t!e Na2i6s4 @e *aulle was t!e de facto 7resident of t!e :ree :renc! *overn ent4 3e assisted t!e allies to defeat t!e A?is powers during WWII4 3e led t!e :ree :renc! troops during t!e invasion of :rance on @;@a, Petain WWI *eneral w!o refused to leave :rance w!en Na2i *er an, invaded :rance4 Leader of Cic!, :rance "0out!ern :rance& during WWII4 Hnown for colla+orating wit! t!e Na2i6s ( deported :renc! Jews to Na2i concentration ca ps in Eastern Europe9 and assisted t!e Na2i ar , during WWII4 B404 troops foug!t t!e Cic!, :renc! in Nort! Africa w!en t!e, invaded :renc! colonies "Morocco9 Algeria and <unisia& to sandwic! t!e *er an6s out of N4 Africa4 3e is t!e 5enedict Arnold "traitor& of :rance9 sentenced to life in prison for !is actions during WWII4 Great Britain $ham7erlain 7ri e Minister of *reat 5ritain prior to WWII4 Attended t!e Munic! 1onference in #$%- and gave into 3itler6s de ands for t!e 0udetenland in order to avoid war4 3e declared D7eace in our ti eF after t!e conference concluded4 3e was forced to step down as 7ri e Minister after 3itler invaded 7oland and 0candinavia in #$%$ and #$'>4 $hurchill ( 7ri e Minister of *454 +eginning in #$'>4 3e otivated *reat 5ritain6s to defeat 3itler during t!e 5attle of 5ritain proving 3itler could +e +eat4 3e re ained pri e inister t!roug!out WWII4 6nited States

!oosevelt 0F'!1 7resident of t!e Bnited 0tates during t!e *reat @epression and WWII4 3e convinced 1ongress to declare war on Japan after t!e attack on 7earl 3ar+or leading t!e B404 into WWII *ruman 0ucceeded Roosevelt as 7resident4 Responsi+le for t!e decision to drop t!e ato ic +o +s on Japan "isenho/er 0upre e Allied 1o ander of Allied forces in Europe and Nort! Africa4 3e was responsi+le for allied forces during =peration <orc! "N4 Africa& and @;@a, ":rance&4 All Allied *enerals in Europe and Nort! Africa reported to Eisen!ower4 3e +eca e 7resident of t!e Bnited 0tates in #$IJ4 Im&ortant Battles in %%II #4 Battle o( Poland ( 0park t!at started WWII4 3itler uses +lit2krieg "lig!tning war& to defeat t!e 7oles Blitz8rieg "lig!tening war& ( surprise attacks using fast oving tanks9 airplanes and infantr, A4 Battle o( 'un8ir8 ":rance& ; *er an, invades :rance going t!roug! 5elgiu and sEuee2es around t!e Maginot line 5ritis! and :renc! troops trapped at @unkirk Maginot .ine series of fortifications +uilt +, :rance along t!e :renc!/*er an +order Miracle o( 'un8ir8 5ritis! citi2ens cross t!e Englis! 1!annel and rescue '>>9>>> soldiers trapped at @unkirk using ever, availa+le +oat4 %4 Battle o( France ( :rance defeated4 % Results) Nort! ( *er an occupation +, Na2i ilitar, 0out! ( Cic!, :rance4 :renc! ilitar, co ander9 3enri 7etain esta+lis!es a puppet govern ent controlled +, t!e Na2i6s4 Cic!, :rance colla+orates wit! Na2i6s to fig!t Allies in N4 Africa and deport Jews to concentration ca ps :ree :renc! *overn ent ( *eneral 1!arles @e *aulle flees :rance and esta+lis!es t!e :renc! resistance and assists t!e Allies in defeating *er an, '4 Battle o( Britain ( 5ritis! Ro,al Air :orce "RA:& vs4 *er an Luftwaffe 5ritis! 0ecret Weapons ( Radar"detects inco ing plans&9 Enig a "*er an code +reaking ac!ine allows 5ritis! to decip!er *er an secret codes&9 5lackout "citi2ens use +lack curtains to +lock lig!t9 so Luftwaffe can6t see targets& 5lit2 ( *er an Luftwaffe +o +s civilians in London and ot!er a/or cities during t!e su er of #$'> o Working class citi2ens ; find safet, in <u+e 0tations "su+wa,& o Wealt!, class ( leave cities for !o es in t!e countr, o 1iti2ens owe lives to t!e RA: I4 #&eration Bar7arossa ( 3itler6s invasion of t!e Soviet 6nion 3itler +reaks Na2i;0oviet Non;Aggression 7act attacks using 5lit2krieg 0corc!ed Eart! 7olic, ( 0talin6s order to +urn ever,t!ing useful to t!e *er an ar , as Russians retreat toward Moscow 3itler6s % 7ronged approac! ( Hiev9 Moscow9 Leningrad 3itler6s istakes o splits !is ar , w!en A> iles outside of Moscow4 0ends part of Ar , to Leningrad and 7art to 0talingrad o 7lans to defeat Russians in K weeks ( not prepared to fig!t in t!e winter K4 Battle o( Stalingrad 06SS!1 <urning 7oint in WWII o 5roke *er an ar , "defeated& ; lose A> *enerals9 #>>9>>> en9 large portion of supplies and eEuip ent4 Ar , never recovers fro t!e loss o :irst a/or loss of *er an Ar , on t!e Eastern :ront o *er an, never on t!e offensive on t!e Eastern front again J4 Pearl 3ar7or ( Japanese surprise attack on t!e 3awaiian Islands % Reasons Japanese attack o Angr, at B404 for stopping s!ip ents of oil and etal ;saw t!is action as a t!reat to t!eir national securit,

o o o

5elieve B404 will interfere wit! t!eir plan to e?pand in t!e 7acific Want to destro, t!e B404 fleet in t!e 7acific B0 enters WWII*

-4 '-'ay ( =peration =verlord L Invasion of :rance +, Allies to pus! *er an6s out of :rance I portance ( opens t!e Western :ront4 3itler !as to split !is ar ies and fig!t allies fro % directions4 Eisen!ower9 Montgo er,9 @e *aulle vs4 Ro el Largest a p!i+ious invasion in !istor, Allies invade I +eac!es in Nor and, :rance ( = a!a*"B0&9 Bta! "B0&9 0word9 Juno and *old "1anadian9 5ritis!9 :renc!&4 * ost casualties $4 Battle o( the Bulge ( last *er an offensive of t!e war4 *er an, defeated4 #>4 +-" 'ay 0Cictor, Europe& ( Ma, -9 #$'I *er an6s surrender ##4 Battle o( Mid/ay ( B404 a +us! Japanese at Midwa, Island I portance ( Ends Japanese control of t!e 7acific4 B404 now on t!e offensive4 Island 3o&&ing ( MacArt!ur6s strateg, to onl, attack strategic islands9 cutting off less i portant islands fro Japanese suppl, lines4 =+/ective) *et close enoug! to launc! an invasion of Japan #A4 Battle o( I/o ,ima ( using t!e island !opping strateg, B404 defeat Japanese and are wit!in KK> iles fro Japan @e onstrates Japanese unwillingness to surrender ( A%9>>> Japanese fig!t9 onl, #9>>> survive #%4 Battle o( #8ina/a ( 5loodiest +attle in t!e 7acific4 Japanese losses ##>9>>>4 B404 %%> Japan ( close enoug! to invade4 iles fro

#'4 3iroshima and Nagasa8i ( B404 drops t!e first ato ic +o +s on Japan to end t!e war in t!e 7acific #I4 +-, 'ay "Cictor, Japan& ( August #I9 #$'I ends war in 7acific 5alta $on(erence 1!urc!ill9 Roosevelt and 0talin eet in :e+ #$'I to discuss t!e 7ost War world Bnited Nations ( plan to for world organi2ation to aintain peace @ivision of *er an, and 5erlin ( ' 2ones occupied +, :rance9 *reat 5ritain9 B09 B00R 7ro ise to defeat t!e Japanese ( 0talin agrees to declare war on Japan in e?c!ange for islands off t!e coast of 0i+eria :ree elections ( 0talin agrees to !old in 0oviet occupied Eastern Europe in e?c!ange for t!e eastern part of 7oland Potsdam $on(erence 1!urc!ill9 <ru an9 0talin eet in Aug4 #$'I to discuss t!e 7ost War world :inali2ed plans for occupation of Europe Blti atu to Japan ( de anding unconditional surrender <ensions +etween 0talin and <ru an +egin over t!e future of Europe 0talin !as not +egun free elections as pro ised 3olocaust ( KM of #>M European Jews e?ter inated 3itler convinces *er an6s t!at Jews are to +la e for *er an,6s pro+le s % 0olutions to get rid of t!e Jews o #4 :orced E igration ( AI>9>>> Jews leave *er an, Nure +erg laws passed aking life difficult for Jews

o o

Hristallnac!t "nig!t of +roken glass& ( Jewis! +usinesses and s,nagogues destro,ed 1oncentration ca ps +egin A4 Jewis! *!etto6s esta+lis!ed ( Jews forced to live in walled section of town wit! little food or sanitation %4 :inal 0olution ( 3itler6s code word for total eli ination of European Jews *enocide ( eli ination of a group of people +ased on et!nicit, or race @eat! ca ps esta+lis!ed ( ass s!ootings9 starvation9 poison gas Ausc!wit2 ( largest deat! ca p9 # illion Jews die

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