Critique Sheet

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Critique Sheet

Answer each question using complete sentences. Electronically submit your critique on

Description :: Describe the work without using value words such as "beautiful" or "ugly" 1. What is the title and who is the artist? 2. When and where was the work created? 3. Describe the subject matter. What is it all about? Are there recognizable images? 4. Describe the elements of the work (i.e., line, shape, form, space, texture, value and color). 5. Describe the principles of the work (i.e., Pattern, Rhythm / Movement, Proportion / Scale, Balance, Unity,
and Emphasis).

Analysis :: Describe how the work is organized as a complete composition 6. How is the work constructed (media used)? 7. Identify some of the similarities throughout the work (i.e., repetition of lines, color). 8. Identify some of the points of emphasis in the work (i.e., specific scene, figure, movement).

Interpretation :: Describe how the work makes you think or feel 9. What ideas and/or emotions are being expressed? 10. What expressive language would you use to describe the qualities (i.e. light hearted, happy, funny)? 11. What other things that have you experienced does the work remind you of (i.e., analogy or metaphor)?

Evaluation :: Present your opinion of the work's success or failure 12. What qualities of the work make you feel it is a success or failure? 13. How original is the work? Why do you feel this work is original or not original? 14. What could the artist have done to improve his/her work? 15. What is the best part about this work?

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