Wall Street
Wall Street
Wall Street
The Wall Street journals 1995 executive Pay Survey found the following percent changes in the salaries !ase plus !onus" paid to the chief executive of ficers #$%s" of &9 industrial fir's.
()P (llied Signal (r'strong ,riggs - Stratton ,rowing./erris #S1 #aterpillar #onsolidates /reight #rown #or4 Seal 6eere 6onnelley 7.7." 6un ,radstreet $'erson $lectric $ngelhard /ederal $xpress /luor 8arnischfeger 8illen!rand 9ngersoll.7and :orfol4 Southern %wens.#orning %wens.9llinois PP; 9ndustries Paccar Pentair Pre'ar4 7ayche' 7yder Syste' Sonoco Products Stanley Wor4s Tecu'seh Products Te'ple.9nland Tho'as - ,etts Trinova Tyco <nion Pecific W)1 Technologies Westinghouse =ellow
Percent Change
11.* *+ &1.9 .*.9 *9.0 19.1 .+.2 .3*.& .5.5 1+.0 1*.3 9.0 1.& *3.5 5.5 1*.5 1+.9 &.1 *5.& *+.& **.0 .2.5 5.& 10.2 23.1 .&&.5 5.* .&3.1 *2.& .12.9 .&.5 &5.2 *5.0 1&.1 *2.* 0.2 *2.0 30.1 .+.5
a" What fraction of these chief executives too4 a pay cut in 1995> (ssu'ing that these results are representative of the salary changes for the #$%s of all industrial fir's? find the pro!a!ilities that out of six rando'ly chosen #$%s@ 1" $xactly five saw their pay decrease in 1995. *" (t least five got raises in 1995. &" /ewer than four got raises in 1995. !" #o'pute the 'ean and standard deviation for these thirty.ni ne changes in salaries. c" (ssu'e that the 1995 percent change in salary for the #$%s of all industrial fir' are nor'ally distri!uted with 'ean and standard deviation as calculated in !". /ind the pro!a!ilities that a rando'ly chosen #$% had a pay change in 1995 of@ 1" (t least a *5 percent increase. *" Aess than a 5 percent increase. &" ,etween a 15 percent decrease and a 15 percent increase.