2009 February

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from the Astrology Center of America / AstroAmerica.



FeMarch, 2009

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The Greatest Hits of the 30s! the 30s! and the 30s!

Desert Island Books


HE worst bores are born under Sagittarius... No, no, Ludwig. Calm down. Charles isnt talking about Sag Suns or Sag Mercs or Sagging Venuses. Hes talking about Sag RISING. ...owing to their addictions to crazes and sudden enthusiasms. Most of the astrology books published prior to, say 1995 are already out of print & signifies a prominent sad to say, few of them and afflicted Uranus. of them are missed. Thats Charles again. HAVE Gemini rising. The fixed-sign influDoes this mean I can ence is also inclined not be boring? (How to terse and downboring!) Is that why right expression. But youre still reading? (Ive enough of this! already been two-faced.) week ago a caller OR this month, asked, Whats the very best of the the BEST BOOK on Best of the Best. If Solar Returns? Thats you were only going to Anthony Louiss The get one book, if you were Art of Forecasting Usto be cast away on a Deing Solar Returns. In serted Island, what book it, not only will you would it be? LL of you are expert astrologers, get the best of Volguine, but also Morin, but if you know someone who Penfield, Shea, Eshelman & Merriman. wants to learn, the BEST BOOK Even lunars & lunar mansions. At $40, is Rae Orions Astrology for Dummies. its also the most expensive book on SoAnd its not just because Rae is a very lars. But, hey! youre on a desert island. Money has no meaning. good writer. Its also because Sagittarius rising folks it has sidebars, helpful hints, are more generous, trustcartoons, endless detail, superb ing & lucky than the rest of organization. Except for the us. These sickening opticartoons, all by Rae herself. mists appeal to everyone Dont spill your coconut milk. because of their happy-goKAY, Transits. The lucky approach to life. BEST BOOK really is Thats Debbi Kemptona moldy oldie: Rob Smith, the Top Quark herHands Planets in Transit. Its self. She says I can quote big, its wordy, Rob is excessively cautious in many places (read be- her. Thats the thing about a yummy book tween the lines) but its comprehensive & like Secrets from a Stargazers Notebook. definitive. Its a keeper. If you bought it Everybody quotes Debbi, because they years ago, know the 2nd edition has but cant stop reading & laughing out loud. O how do you progress? I confess one additional delineation: Pluto oppose that I got stuck & dont seem to Pluto. That happens to me in 2036. progress much at all, but if you are Finance? No. Not finance. Not yet. Abruptness of manner nearly always more successful in the world than I am,





Joe, a country doctor from Reading, UK, lived from 1610 to 1682. This book, of astro-medicine, witchcraft & dyet-drinks, dates from 1671. Learn what a witch-bottle is, and how to make & use. About 150 pages, price should be $20 or less. May?

Reporter: Say listen, is he working on a case? Nora: Yes, he is. Reporter: What case? Nora: A case of scotch. Pitch in and help him. C A There L E are still N D A R S

HEY say its just like the 30s. But its not. Movies in the 30s had wit, sophistication, elegance. Sex was so hot they had to soak the screen with the Hayes Code to keep it from exploding. Movies now are larded with special effects. Sometimes I think we are watching noisy, dysfunctional machines. Boring.
New Tarot Decks Top Ten Books

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Copyright 2009 by David R. Roell. All rights reserved.

the BEST BOOK on delineation is Alan Leos The Progressed Horoscope. The BEST BOOK on techniques is Blaschkes Volume 1. E interrupt your deserted island to bring you Friday. Okay, so maybe its just a temp passing through. Gazing upon him/her, are you a love-sick puppy or a professional matchmaker looking to make a buck? Robsons Astrology & Sex is the most comprehensive, but for planet-toplanet details, I use Davisons Synastry. Which I featured last month. O what do you think about this: The true state of this ladys cause stood thus: A Gentleman had been a long time an earnest Suitor to her for Marriage, but she could never master her affection so much as to incline to Marriage-thoughts with him, but slighted him continually; and at last, to the great discontent of the Gentleman, she gave him absolute denial : After which denial so given, she became passionately affectionate of him, and did sorely repent of her folly, and so churlish a carriage, wishing she might again have former opportunities. This was her condition at what time she propounded the Question to me. What he didnt know about women! Thats William Lilly, Christian Astrology. More than just the BEST BOOK ever on Horary. (With Bills help, she got the guy, despite the fact he was on the verge of marrying another. Whereupon the two of them lived miserably ever after.)


he BEST BOOK on fixed stars is still Robson, and will always be Robson. Fixed stars dont do much to my chart & probably dont do much for yours, but with mundane charts & especially the charts of the High & Mighty, +always check the fixed stars. You will be surprised. But what about the money? you ask. What difference does that make? Money is boring. Youre on an island. Youre surrounded by water. Redeem the bottles that wash ashore. Nickels add up! GET asked questions. So where do I go for the answers? I have two favorites: Nicholas deVores Encyclopedia of Astrology for general reference, and, Holdens History of Horoscopic Astrology when I need the Who what why where & when of it. Both are BEST BOOKS. Best book on midpoints? Ebertins Combination of Stellar Influences. Best book on the weather? C.C. Zains Weather Predicting. O what about Esoteric Astrology? Since 1900 it seems every author with pretensions has written a book on it. Charles Carter was scornful of Alan Leos attempt, and I think most of them need work. In my Best Of... I highlighted two: Alice Baileys, as its a hoary classic (even if poorly understood), and William Eisens Caballah of Astrology, which I could make some sense of. You might call this the Religion in Astrology category. more +

What About

TraditionalHellenistic Astrology?

Nick: Nora: Nick: Im a hero. I was shot twice in the Tribune. I read where you were shot 5 times in the tabloids. Its not true. He didnt come anywhere near my tabloids
Copyright 2009 by David R. Roell. All rights reserved.

ACK to the Past! has been the slogan ever since Hindsight was created in the early 1990s. (The movement can be traced at least as far back as Derek Appleby, some 20 years earlier.) By whatever name, I will support the return to astrological roots to my dying breath. It wasnt so much that I was shamed by the shelves of astro-psychobabble of the 1980s, so much as I was ashamed by the lack of choice. That there was nothing else. The current State of Play is this: Some of the best stuff in this area has limited access. (Hindsight, Prof. Dykes, et al.) While this annoys me, I understand the economic reasons for it: Hindsight & Dykes have to pay mortgages & put food on the table & high prices & restricted access are the only way they can do it. If youve got the money. I wish we all did. There is a vast treasure of books, in English, from the 17th century. William Lilly was but one of many. Photocopies of many of the best books can be had, but they are often of poor quality & difficult to read. Ramesey, Gadbury, Coley & many others need to be reset and then distributed widely. This is work I would gladly undertake, if (or when) I have the resources. There are also many translations of early texts. Firmicus, Al Biruni, Dorotheus, Ptolemy are in print, as I have published them. They are all worthy of study. The late David Pingree, an astrologer in all but name (Professor, History of Mathematics at Brown) translated many early astrological texts. I want to reprint his translation of Yavana Jataka (Greek Astrology) as soon as I can clear my schedule. I have not seen the book, but reports are that it is essential. AMES Herschel Holden translated Morins complete Astrologia Gallica many years ago, but it was for many years unpublished. I have been encouraged the AFA has undertaken its publication, in wellmade, reasonably priced editions. I want to see early books on mundane astrology and weather forecasting, as well as Placidus di Titis Primum Mobile. The house riddle is still outstanding.

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This just in

Desert Island Shelter

Escape from an oppressive mortgage

O youve now spent a couple of weeks settling onto your island. Just like in the old radio show, you found the Bible & Shakespeare already there. Glancing at the Old Book, you thought that a bit of editing would make it a pretty good triple XXX-rated adventure story. Which will be something to do when the days get long. Eventually you think of shelter. All islands have caves, but caves are dank, dark places crawling with six-legged creatures. You want a house. Heck, youre already thinking of the tourist trade. You want a dozen. Rent em out. Make the island pay. UT the DIY manual that came with the island just didnt make sense. Houses = Signs? Maybe in Hollywood they do. Those Hollywood back lots. Those arent houses. Theyre empty facades with painting on them. They may look real, but theyre just signs. On our desert island, a house counts for a lot. The books on the shelf just arent encouraging. The read like a bunch of travel guides, though some are better than others. The BEST BOOK was (not is) Karen Hamaker-Zondags The House Connection (Weiser, 1994). Thats where I learned. This book is OUT OF PRINT. I have no copies. I once tried contacting Weiser about reprinting but was unable to get through to them. You can get used copies from the usual suspects. Please dont ask me to name them, it would be gauche. HICH reminds me there is about to be a spike in interest in Mundane Astrology. Its a footwear thing thrown or dropped so you Desert

Islanders wont see it coming, but the rest of us will. The BEST BOOK is the compilation I made a few years ago: H.S. Greens book, Raphaels book, and Carters book, all rolled into one: Mundane Astrology. Along with that you should have Nick Campions Book of World Horoscopes (the best mundane data book of all time), but as its expensive & as most of you will only want it for the one chart, I will give you that data: July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, 5:10 pm. You should be looking at a lot more charts than that, but if you want them you will have to put out the money & get Nicks book. RECENTLY had reason to read that chart & realized it wasnt the chart of the US, but of Mexico. (Learn to read houses & youll find the joke here.) Regulus (aka Dr. H) had a better idea & put it in his new book, America Is Born: Introducing the Regulus USA National Horoscope. He uses the same date & place, but moves the time to 6:17:37 pm. Which reminds me that footwear is ruled, according to the BEST BOOK on the subject (should you be in need of it), by Saturn, Pisces, Jupiter and (Taurus Pluto). Thats Rex Bills The Rulership Book, which includes Uranus, Neptune & Pluto. Should you be in need of the Traditional Approach, you should get J. Lee Lehmans The Book of Rulerships, but if you do, you should know that shoes are a modern invention & were not worn by Lilly or any of the other Learned Ancients, as shoes are not in Lehmans book. But since youre on a desert island, you dont really need them anyway. Or, well, maybe you do. Bare feet in the tropics will get you intestinal parasites quicker than you can snap your fingers. (You didnt think you were being stranded in Greenland, did you?) HERE are a lot of good Medical Astrology books. Im partial to Judith Hills. Everyone should have Cornell (even though its expensive), and for a lively read, theres always Culpeper. Which brings me to food. Food, food, food... Aint no books on astrology & food & the only books there ever were, were sunsign books full of recipes intended for diet-

Nick: Howd you like Grant's tomb? Nora: It's lovely. Im having a copy made for you.

ers & long out of print. Food is gardening. There used to be books on astrology & gardening (the late Louise Riotte had some excellent ones, all now out of print). You can get the essence in various almanacs, or you could, but youre already too late, as publishers, for perverse reasons, publish them in the fall, not the spring. You can get a onepage summary in the back of Maynards wall calendar. I still have a few. If you have last years calendar, look it up. Its on the first page after December. OME of you might consider farming. Im having a go at vegetable gardening. Id do better, but I might have to take up hunting as well. Seems I have an oversupply of squirrels.... BEST BOOK on Asteroids? Thats still Martha Lang Westcotts Mechanics of Future Asteroids. BEST BOOK on the dial? Maria Kay Simms Dial Detective. BEST ASTRO-NEWSLETTER? Why, mine, of course. BEST BOOK on declination? Beyond the Solstice by Declination, by Leigh Westin. BEST MOVIE of 1934? The Thin Man, starring Myrna Loy & William Powell. BEST INTRO to Vedic Astrology? Light on Life, by Defou & Svoboda. Best on Financial? Sorry. Out of space! See you in the Spring Dave

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