Divergent Meridian Chart
Divergent Meridian Chart
Divergent Meridian Chart
Divergent S&S Ling Shu Tx.Px. for Wei Atrophy clear Wei Atrophy, clear heat or clear damp heat S & S ENTIRE TRAJECTORY desc. heat fr. head to chest, heat h.a., renal HBP, fear wei via HT yang & KI yin, fire/water KI/BL Tx jing to joints, l.h. - urogenital, elderly constipation osteoporosis
WRAPS def. yin heat to head - brings fl. to throat, ENT releases stagnation from neck, occiput, sore throat, TMJ, goiter, thyroid buffer for exc. damp heat or cold to Dai Mo urogenital, intestines osteoporosis
WEI QI TO U.H. seasonal chr. URTI, ENT, jaw, ears, upper lid eyes (with ST), balances head yin/yang, dizzy, heavy, HBP, h.a. latency moves to Dai Mo Txs all types of musculoskelet al, (not if bl. def.) osteoporosis bl. wood/fire via mu to Dai, bl. to jing, sinews to joints, gyno wei to head dry S&S, sinusitis, rhinitis dyspnea, (esp. exhale), cough with sweat, chest/rib pain, oppression, asthma hip flexion pain, OA Atrophy, leg atrophy, MS heat rash spasms, fibromyalgia chest & shoulder, thighs
ALL GYNO. Wind Phelgm gyno. - exc. bl. fr. GB d.m., dysmenor-rhea, spotting, heavy bl., LR lou exc. libido, def. genital itch & swelling, i.e. herpes
EXC/DEF fl. ST 42 - yang brings fl. to lips, mouth, tears, nose, throat, (with GB is eyes) facial wind neuro. fr. no ST fl. ENT - nose, mouth, lower eye lid Fl. for Wei Atrophy, RA (fr.exc. heat)
GI, def. fl. TO WIND facial wind - fr. no ST fl., wind stirs, blood, Parkinsons basis of tongue coat ST 30 - acute food allergies, stasis/toxic Intestinal bi taught abd. hemorrhoidspro lapse, help giving birth
Divergent S&S Su Wen Painful Bi Tx with jing well, ying spring, Hua To, local pts., infl. pts. with s.m. - jing well, shu stream
neck/shoulder pain, neuro. sciatica, TMJ, carpal tunnel syn. spine for neuro. & HT
throat bi pain, laryngitis HT pain, full diaphragm, emphysema, empty anger, Running Piglet abdom. dist.,
URTI - nose exc. fl., sneezing, discharge, bl. exocrine fl. - to ST, LU cold upper teeth OA Atrophy
OA SP/KI yang exocrine fl. dyspnea when looking up, poor digestion - diarrhea, constipation,as cites Low back pain with abdominal S&S fibromyal-gia low back, radiating pain (wind)
Indications (cont.)
Divergent S&S Ling Shu Tx.Px. for Wei Atrophy clear Wei Atrophy, clear heat or clear damp heat HEAD & bl. CHEST & GI tonifies bl. daily memory wei fr. sinews to chest/brain palpitations, nightmares, insomnia, peristalsis, reflux, swallowing neuro., muscular & circulation luo & bl. v. Divergent S&S Su Wen Painful Bi Tx with jing well, ying spring, Hua To, local pts., infl. pts. with s.m. - jing well, shu stream Sjogrens syn. - dry mouth/eyes & arthritis, OA SP/KI yang pain lower abdom. radiating to lumbar, genitals neuro. sciatica, , TMJ, carpal tunnel syn. dry consti.- & diarrhea fibromyal-gia -low back, shoulder
HEAD & CHEST tonifies bl. severe SI d.m. anxiety, S&S stroke, speeech & tongue neuro. heat fr. sinews trapped in head wei-atrophy syndrome, allergies, asthma, paralysis LRTI - hot phlegm Sjogrens syn. - dry mouth/eyes with arthritis chest/rib pain palpitations, dizzy, disturbed sleep dypnea esp. lying down neuropathy fibromyalgia chest & shoulder, atrophy via head heat (BL 01)
DAMP HEAT, DRYNESS fire/water balance - Tx. fl. with PC d.m. dry or damp heat autoimmune & latency, MS, RA (def. yin) release d-t-e & w-t-s & jing well pts. for 1-4 extremities chr. cystitis Wei Atrophy Chr. damp heat in joints & sinews
HEAT, DRYNESS heat in v. hemorrage, infections, disturbed Shen via TE 16 w-t-s Tx. fl. with TE d.m. - wind from heat exhaustion, post-bleed, post-sweat Wei Atrophy heat, RA (def. yin) full chest & rib, HT diseaes, chest infection hot phlegm with Shen palpi., restless, delirium, stutter, laughing wrist - carpal tunnel syn., fibromyalgia chest & shoulder
UPPER growth - hair loss/dry, cystic breast, lactation, asthma, fatigue, u.h. - dizzy, red face, sore, swollen throat OA stiffness, deformity (cold blocks), osteo-porosis meets all ch. & at GV 14, ST 12
Release last d.m. - Tx. left ear ST 08, SI 19, GB 08
OA, osteo-porosis Txs immune def. - spreads wei to ch. ST 12 & collaterals GB 22 via Tai Yang, chr. resp. infections full chest, dry cough (bl.), reb. qi, wheezing, hot phlegm, emphysema, rapid breathing, esp. inhale, restlessness hot palms
throat - wind hot phlegm, chr. tonsilitis, emphysema & swollen glands, sore, tight, dry mouth curled tongue Shen via TE 16 w-t-s -restless, irrit. hard lifting arms & head, OA Atrophy fibromyalgia exc. wei in t.m.ch.,wei/fl to t.m.ch. as trigger pts.
full chest & flank, dyspnea mild resp. with LI S&S, LRTI LU heat reb. LU qi
ear infections, deafness - chr. or intermittent (Tx. PC 09) fibromyal-gia -chest & shoulder
fibromyal-gia chest & shoulder, exc. wei in P.M. (pain w/o pressure)
neuro. Phlegm Misting or Harassing HT, Int. Cold, Wind, Cold Phlegm BL 40 up to BL 36, up to anus, up spine to KI via GV 04 down to CV 04, CV 03 (BL mu) from spine to BL ch. at BL 32 to BL 28 up to HT (T5) at BL 15, GV 11 & BL 44 to front CV 17 up to BL 10 to meet KI d.m.
GB 30 to CV 02, CV 03 up to LR at GB 25 & LR 13 up to GB 24 & LR 14 HT at CV 14 to PC 01, up to throat at CV 22 along valley ST 12 to chin & jaw ST 05 up to lat. eye corner at GB 01
LR 05 along GB d.m. (CV 02 up to LR at GB 25 & LR 13 up to GB 24 & LR 14 & HT at CV 14 to PC 01, up to throat at CV 22 along valley ST 12 to chin & jaw ST 05 up to lat. eye corner GB 01)
ST 30 deep to ST at CV 12, up to SP & HT at CV 14 & CV 17 up to throat CV 22 & CV 23 into ST 09 to mouth ST 04 nose LI 20, eyes BL 01 to activate ST 42
Chong, def. SP/KI yang, Wind Phlegm & Int. Wind to face Def./Exc. Exocrine fl., SP 12 up ST d.m. (ST 30, deep to ST at CV 12, up to SP & HT at CV 14 & CV 17 up to throat CV 22 & CV 23 into ST 09) to middle of tongue CV 23 to BL 01
along SI d.m. (HT 01 down canyon GB 22 to HT via PC at CV 17), up to throat CV 23, tongue tip, diffusing to face to BL 01
GV 20 top of heaven down lat. to side of ear TE 16 to ST 12, down to 3 heaters chest CV 17, CV 12 & Tan Tien CV 02, CV 03
3 below armpit at PC 01, to chest at CV 17 down to 3 heaters, CV 12 branch goes up to throat CV 23 up to TE ear, below GB 12, TE 16
lack of drive or int. will, undirected boredom front mouth & tooth pain esophageal pain with swallowing abdominal pain, hiatal hernia pelvic pain esp. during ovulation Inner thigh pain
front mouth & tooth pain ulcer, gastritis, ulcerative colitis bl. & mucus in b.m. ST 30 timing of menses migraine h.a better in p.m. esophageal pain with swallowing thigh, pelvic pain
Indications (cont.)
Gen.S&S immune, lymph, self love, chest, HT pain, brain, head, chronic, polarity zonal a) wei to yuan for def., b) yang in to steaming bones c) EPF wind/heat going in d) auto-immune pain e) world hurts self elemental - a) yuan to wei for def. immune b) HIV, cancer c) bringing energy out ext. conflict SI cheek swelling speech articulation, stiff tongue HT via blood depression, fixed thoughts, masking true self migraine h.a better in p.m. Tai Yang difficult standing up, hemiplegia migraine h.a better in p.m. pectoral & flank pain GB/TE Shao Yang - spasm sinews, hips, sciatica, rib, diaphragm constriction, bitter taste, nausea, palpitations paraplegia malaria, irrit., seizure armpit, throat, clavicle, earache - pain, swelling elbow, side of neck pain pectoral & flank pain TE lubricates vaginal dryness, impotence panting - Wei cant reach diaphragm TE 10 he sea phlegm PC GB 12 - for broke bones TE/PC - fluids above or below, all edema, facial edema with sinusitis overweight nodules LU abscess hot palms (yin def.) stag. PC heat to HT fire - mania, envy, fantasy, stuttering, jealousy, possessive congealed jing as blood deposits moles, prostatitis elbow pain LI Yang Ming plum pit, esophagus hiatal hernia nasal polyps reb. ST qi, parotid swelling or tumor LU respiratory to KI, fl. metabolism swelling throat shoulders, clavicle, chest, axilla, exc. sweat, urine wasting, thirsting Diabetes - wei burns jing, jing stops wei warming inflammed shoulder, front of throat pain
ST 15 wei to gut, LU lid SP 15 wei to gut for Crohn Spinal cancer via KI yin/yang destruction inflammed shoulder, front of throat pain
Trajectory can also add pts. that are wei/yuan qi related jing-well, LR, GB 34 source & he sea pts., joints & neck, mu, 8 extra traj., t.m.ch. meeting pts. SI 18, GB 13, GB 22, CV 03
ST 42 meets with Chong, to LR 05 (via LR 08 he sea) to genitals to CV 02, (or ST 30 with Chong or KI 11 with KI) to floating ribs to CV 17 to CV 22 to GB 01
(ST 36 he sea) or ST 31 to ST 30 to Chong, to chest CV 17 esophagus to clavicle to throat LI 18 to CV 22, to CV at mouth, to LI 20 same side with GB d.m. up to BL 01 and loops to ST 01, LI 20, BL 01
LI 15 - heat TE 15 - damp SI 15 - wind Yuan Qi - self to world (LI 11 he sea or) LI 15 to TE 15 or TE 16 w-t-s to SI 15 or SI 12 more ext. to GV 14 to GB 21 to front ST 16 to ST 12 to throat LI 17, LI 18 to CV 22 down to LU/LI from CV 22 to ST 15 to SP 15 ST 12 branch to LI 18 to LI 20 to ST 16 with ST/LI/GB the zonal pathway is different ???
Def. Heat, Int. Cold, Running Piglet, Damp Heat or Cold in Dai Mo Chong, Du, Ren, Yin Wei Mo Root of tongue brings fluid & wei to throat & neck Resp. to LU, fl. metabolism buffer for exc. Damp Heat or Cold to Dai Mo Roots wei in yang via GV 04
Qi Def. not banking Blood for gyno. or Jing to sinews Chong Mo latency via Dai Mo balances head yin/yang Moves latency to Dai Mo blood of wood, fire via mu to Dai Mo blood to jing for sinews & joints Embraces pelvis LR/GB at LR 13 zang mu, jing to membrane surface of organs for lesions wei (wind) to head
Def. SP/KI Yang Wind Phlegm Int. Wind to Face Def./Exc. Exocrine fl. Chong Mo
Trajectory Functions d-s-d for 1st level to return to latency or protect zang/fu
Desc. heat from head to chest Embraces gut & ribs Latency to joints and Dai Mo stretch psoas to balance ribs for upright posture Txs wei via HT yang and KI yin KI/BL jing to joints Txs spine for neuro. and HT wei to neck & yang to chest wei rooted in yang via GV 04
Embraces pelvis antiinflam-mator y - cools blood via CV 02, CV 03, with jing well of condition
ST 42 - yang brings fl. to head for wind, lips, mouth, teeth, tears, nose, throat (with GB is eyes) Fluid to spine, shoulder, pelvis Exocrine fluid to ST/LU Def. or Exc. Exocrine Fluids ST 30 -regulates mense
Def. LR/KI Yin dryness w/o heat Def./Exc. Endocrine fl. or blood Fire in Zang/Fu Tonifies blood for daily memory circulation via luo and bl. v. to neuro & muscles wei starts to move in to spine, chest & brain - thoracic drainage
Trajectory Functions d-s-d for 1st level to return to latency or protect zang/fu
Tongue tip speech Tonifies blood for severe SI d.m. wei to chest thoracic drainage
Tongue curl PC/TE fire/water balance for dry or damp heat Releases 4 limbs via d-t-e & w-t-s and jing wells Wei & fl. to t.m.ch. for trigger points Ancestrial Dai genitals, diaphragm, rectus abd. Tonifies Zang/Fu via int. branch
Tx. fl. with TE for wind from heat exhaustion, post-bleed, post-sweat GB 12 - broken bones Wei to chest thoracic drainage Conden-sation and asc. of SP fluid TE/PC - luo v. morality
Reb. ST Qi, LU Heat, Reb. LU Qi, LR ins. LU, Def. LU Yin, Hot Phlegm obstruc. LU, Def. Jing Meets all ch. at GV 14, ST 12 ST 15 LU lid ST 15 & SP 15 - wei to gut for Crohns Major ch. of polarity Wei to chest thoracic drainage
LU Heat, LR ins. LU, Def. LU Yin with blood, Hot Phlegm obstruc. LU, To release last d.m. from LU 01 to p.m. - Tx. lt. ear ST 08, ST 19, GB 08 ST 12, luo & GB 22 - chr. wei to ch. & collaterals for immune def. LU 1 GB 22 moves int. bl. stasis lat. SP 21 KI fl. to resp.
Western Diseases
BL Renal, urogenital issues stretching psoas balances ribs for upright posture Fibromyalgia, osteoporosis
LR not brain
Asthma, OA atrophy, MS
Herpes, PID
RA fr. exc. heat & def. fl. OA Atrophy Ulcerative Colitis - with bl. & mucus
OA Diabetes Fibromyalgia