Creepage Distance

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Introduction Creepage Distance(CD) has many advantages. It is easy to understand, visualise, calculate and measure.

A disadvantage is that it does not accurately predicting the electrical performance of Insulators of various diameters. Even following IEC standards, the accuracy of the calculations are limited. The poorer performance, under polluted conditions, of lager diameter versus smaller diameter Insulators, oth designed in accordance with IEC standards, similar profiles and located in the same position, indicates the need for more accurate design parameters than those offered y CD. !."". Creepage Distance The shortest distance, or the sum of the shortest distances, along the contours of the e#ternal surfaces of the insulating parts of the insulator etween those parts which normally have the operating voltage etween them. !."$. %pecific Creepage Distance The overall creepage distance of an insulator divided y the highest operating voltage across the insulator. It is generally e#pressed in mm&'(. CE to chec' !."!. Dry Arcing Distance The shortest distance in air e#ternal to the insulator etween those parts which normally have the operating voltage etween them.

Creepage Distance

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