Yayasan Wakaf Ummat Sejahtera Alwathaniyah Islamic Primary School Final Test of First Semester Examination

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YAYASAN WAKAF UMMAT SEJAHTERA Alwathaniyah Islamic Primary School Final Test o First Semester E!

Aca"emic Year o #$%#&#$%'

Subject 2012 Grade : 6th

: English Time

Day, date

: Wednesday, December 12th

: 09 !0 " 11 00

(irection) Rea" *asmallah +e ore "oin, yo-r test. I/ 0hoose the correct answer. 1. A: How was your holiday? B: It wonderful. a. Is b. great c. are d. was 2. Last week I go! to "alang. a. gone b. goes c. went d. go #. I had a holiday last $onth. It was raining all day. I could not go anywhere. a. wonderful b. terrible c. great d. good This text is for number 4 to 5 %eorge went to Borobudur this &ew 'ear. (here was a lot of fun. He had a good ti$e with his fa$ily. (hey went by car. %eorge bought a nice t shirt. ). *hen did %eorge and his fa$ily go to Borobudur? a. +n &ew 'ear b. +n ,unday c. +n ,aturday d. +n -riday .. *hat did he buy? a. A hat b. a shirt c. a ( shirt d. a book /. I saw a big ani$al. It had narrow eyes0 wide ears0 and long nose. *hat was it? a. It was ele1hant b. It is ele1hant c. It dog d. It was kangaroo 2. (he 1eacock li3es in the a. far$ b. desert c. wild d. house 4. Look5 (he cheetah baby see$s hungry. Lets it. a. cook b. eat c. kill d. feed 6. (his ani$al will be easily found in Australia. It has a 1ocket in its sto$ach to carry baby. It is a. deer b. hen c. kangaroo d. tiger 17. (he 1eacock has a beautiful a. leg b. feathers c. $outh d. fur 11. (he rabbit has a soft a. fur b. feathers c. skin d. co$1le8ion 12. li3es in far$. *ool is created fro$ its fur. a. shee1 b. goat c. 1eacock d. cow 1#. "ilk which is sold in the de1art$ent store 1roduced fro$ a. ele1hant b. 1ig c. hen d. cow This text is for number 14 to 17 It is a sunny day. 9obin and friends want to swi$. (hey go to the swi$$ing 1ool. It is located near the school. Before they swi$0 they do so$e 1re1aration. (hey also wear their swi$ suit. After two hours swi$$ing they go ho$e. (hey are ha11y because they ha3e a wonderful day together. 1). *hy robin and friends go to the swi$$ing 1ool? a. Because it is rainy c. Because it is sunny b. Because it is free d. Because it is near 1.. *here is the swi$$ing 1ool? a. It:s near their house c. It:s far fro$ the school b. It:s close d. It:s near fro$ the school 1/. *hat do they wear? a. unifor$ b. bicycle c. swi$ suit d. shoes 12. How do they feel after swi$$ing? ; alwathaniyah.wordpress.com 2012 <age 1 of 2

a. (hey feel tired b. (hey feel hungry c. (hey feel ha11y d. (hey feel free 14. It is raining outside. I want to go to the school. I need to wear.. a. =acket b. raincoat c. bicycle d. shoes 16. It is hot here0 why don:t you 1ut off your a. bag b. glasses c. =acket d. 1a1er 27. I wear $y when I go to school e3ery day. a. unifor$ b. bicycle c. calendar d. $otorcycle II/ 21. 22. 2#. 2). 2.. 2/. 22. 24. 26. #7. #1. #2. ##. #). #.. III/ Fill in the +lan1s with the a22ro2riate wor"/ >ogya is an 1lace to s1end holiday. I had a holiday. I went to ?isney Land and $et a lot of artists. was your holiday? Appropriate answer *e went to the beach and Last week0 we @nglish together. Blue trousers sweater A bird has beautiful wild study An ele1hant has a long neck nose A tiger li3es in the <eo1le kee1 the rooster in the swam Interesting likes carrot 3ery $uch. rabbit skirt It is so cold. Aan I wear $y A is wore by the girl. New t-shirt trunks *e wear a in the neck. great short celana biru! kaos baru!

farm Studied swim terrible shirt how feather

Answer these 3-estions correctly. Reading for number 36 - 40 Dear Nurul, My holiday was interesting. I visited my cousins in Malang, East Java. I was there with my amily. !e traveled "y car, and we arrived in Malang in the a ternoon. It was lunch time. My aunt coo#ed us a very delicious lunch. I stayed in Malang or three days. $n the second day, my cousins, my sisters and I wal#ed to my uncle%s apple orchard. It was very large. !e clim"ed the apple trees and pic#ed some apples. It was un. I li#e my holiday. &ow was your holiday' (lease write. )egards, *andra

#/. #2. #4. #6. )7. )1. )2. )#. )). )..

*ho sent the letter? *here:s the location of Aandra Holiday? *hat trans1ortation they tra3eld5 How $any days Aandra stay in "alang? *hat did Aandra do in A11le orchard? "ention fi3e 1et ani$als5 "ention fi3e wild ani$als5 (here are ) seasons in the world. <lease write5 "ention 2 colors that you know5 "ention . kinds of clothes5 BB Alha$dulillah BB

; alwathaniyah.wordpress.com 2012

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