Why Hard To Be A Toxicologist?: Ubiquitous

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Review Questions Chs 10, 12 & videos (Natures Warning, Synthetic Sea, Future Conditional Ch 10 Central Case!

Lake Apopka alligators "ouis #uillette, re$roductive $ro%le&s, atrazine, endocrine disruptors What is environmental health' Four ty$es o( environ&ental ha)ards (physical, chemical, biological, cultural disease (vector, **+, &alaria , (radon, lead, asbestos, PBDEs) toxicology (why hard to be a toxicologist? synthetic che&icals are ubiquitous (-S#S .//. strea& study , 0//,/// on the &ar1et ((ew tested , 023. Rachel Carsons Silent Spring, di((erent ty$es o( to4icants! carcinogens, mutagens, teratogens, neurotoxins, allergens, endocrine disruptors endocrine disru$tors 50223 +heo Col%urns Our Stolen Future (we%site o( sa&e na&e6 , +yrone 7ayes, atra)ine, (rogs (atra)inelovers8co& , glo%al s$er& counts, Research into hor&one disru$tion (debate ! %is$henol59 (:;9 , $hthalates +o4icants &ay concentrate in water, travel widely in air, persist, bioaccumulate, biomagni y, determining health e ects challenging cu) o(! 1! complex exposure <ethods o( study (su%=ects! $eo$le or ani&als ! epidemiological, dose response (>*?/ & "*?/ 2! "ndividuals may vary in responses (genetics, current condition, sensitivity, age @ acute vs8 chronic exposure #! $ultiple ha%ards may interact (synergistic e ects &olicy ris! " probability " ris! assessment # management to deter&ine sa(ety! innocent until proven guilty or precautionary principle (%urden o( $roo(' F*9, >;9 (+SC9! Catch5.. , AS79B $ercent synthetic che&icals tested' Cnternational regulations ! Stoc!holm $onvention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (;A;s @ dirty do)en .//D! >-s R>9C7 ;rogra& Ch 12 Central Case! Colorado 'iver! 02.. Colorado River Co&$act *istri%ution o( resh water (vs8 salt water on the $lanet @ how &uch o( the (resh water is groundwater, ice' Where does LA get its water (how do we convey it & who is the res$onsi%le agency ' What are the challenges we (ace with res$ect to those our sources' *e$letionB overdra(tB droughtB (roundwater @ challenges (in ter&s o( water Euality and Euantity 8 )gallala Aqui er (%ossil &ater 8 7ow do we use our (resh water (use %y F ' What is consumptive vs8 nonconsumptive use' What are the $ros and cons o( dams' 9ral Sea, Salton Sea, Awens "a1e desalination oceans (oil $ollution, over(ishing, %y5catch

%ishing do&n the %ood chain, consu&er choices, marine reserves

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