SAPFI Tcodes

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Financial Accounting SPRO OX02 OX03 O% D O '( O 2) O 3, O /3 O *, O *) O D' O *2 O (3 O (5 O C' O O Enter IMG Company Code - Create, Check, Delete

Create !"#ne"" $rea

&!nct#onal $rea" Create Cred#t Control $rea Ma#nta#n &#"cal *ear +ar#ant $""#-n Co. Code to &#"cal *ear +ar#ant Creat#on o0 Chart o0 $cco!nt 1Co$2 Copy Chart o0 $cco!nt 1Co$2 3ran"port Chart o0 $cco!nt De0#ne $cco!nt Gro!p Copy G4 $cco!nt" 0rom the Chart to Co. Code De0#ne Reta#ned Earn#n-" Ma#nta#n &#nanc#al Statement +er"#on" Ma#nta#n &#eld Stat!" +ar#ant De0#ne Po"t#n- Per#od +ar#ant De0#ne Doc!ment 3ype 6 7!m8er Ran-e" Ma#nta#n Po"t#n- %ey" Create 3olerance Gro!p" Create G4 7!m8er Ran-e" $!tomat#c Po"t#n- Doc!mentat#on $!tomat#c $cco!nt $""#-nment MM $!tomat#c $cco!nt $""#-nment Enter Glo8al Parameter"

O $, O '/ O $' & 7/ O 4/ & %P O *C O *9


Creat#on o0 G4 Ma"ter Record"

1&-022 Po"t#n- o0 G4 3ran"act#on" 1& 032 D#"play o0 G4 Doc!ment 1&S/072 D#"play o0 G4 $cco!nt" O '9 O D3 De0#ne Intere"t Calc!lat#on 3ype" De0#ne +endor $cco!nt Gro!p

1X%0/2 Creat#on o0 +endor Ma"ter 1&-'32 P!rcha"e In:o#ce Po"t#n1&%/072 D#"play +endor $cco!nt &//2 O 5 De0#ne ;o!"e ank

Ma#nta#n 3erm" o0 Payment 13oP2 Creat#on o0 C!"tomer $cco!nt Gro!p C!"tomer 3olerance Gro!p"

O D2 O $3

1XD0/2 Creat#on o0 C!"tomer Ma"ter 1&D/072 D#"play C!"tomer $cco!nt 1&-252 Incom#n- Payment Po"t#nO 9/ EC05 O$D O$O O$O$ $O)0 O$*2 De0#ne D!nn#n- $rea Copy Re0erence Chart o0 Deprec#at#on 1CoD2 De0#ne Deprec#at#on $rea $""#-n Chart o0 Deprec#at#on to Co. Code De0#ne $""et Cla"" $""#-nment o0 $cco!nt #n $""et Cla"" Determ#nat#on o0 Deprec#at#on $rea #n $""et Cla""

1$S0/2 Creat#on o0 $""et Ma"ter 1$S//2 Creat#on o0 S!8 $""et

1&-)02 $""et P!rcha"e Po"t#n1$&$ 2 Deprec#at#on R!n 1&-)22 $""et Sale Po"t#n1$<0/72 $""et E=plorer

SAP FI Transaction Code List 1 How to reverse cleared documents? 3he 0ollo>#n- proced!re #" to 8e 0ollo>ed to re:er"e the cleared doc!ment. /. Re"et the cleared doc!ment and re:er"e the doc!ment. Path ? $cco!nt#n- ---@ 0#nanc#al $cco!nt#n- ---@ CA4 ---@ Doc!ment---@ Re"et Cleared #tem" - 3. code B & R$ In th#" "creen "elect re"ett#n- and re:er"e rad#o 8!tton and -#:e the re:er"al rea"on. B 0/ and "a:e the "ett#n-". &-0/ &-02 &-03 &-0' &-0( &-09 &-0, &-/5 &-/) &-20 &-2/ &-22 &-23 &-2( &-29 Enter Sample Doc!ment Enter GA4 $cco!nt Po"t#nClear GA4 $cco!nt Po"t >#th Clear#nPo"t &ore#-n C!rrency +al!at#on Po"t Incom#n- Payment" Po"t O!t-o#n- Payment" Payment >#th Pr#nto!t Re:er"e Stat#"t#cal Po"t#nRe:er"e #ll 4#a8#l#ty

Enter 3ran"0er Po"t#nEnter C!"tomer In:o#ce Ret!rn #ll o0 E=chan-e Pmt ReC!e"t

Re:er"e CheckA #ll o0 E=ch. Incom#n- Payment" &a"t Entry

&-2, &-25 &-2) &-30 &-3/ &-32 &-33 &-3' &-3( &-39 &-3, &-35 &-3) &-'0 &-'/ &-'2 &-'3 &-'' &-'9 &-', &-'5 &-') &-(/ &-(2 &-(3

Enter C!"tomer Cred#t Memo Po"t Incom#n- Payment" Po"t C!"tomer Do>n Payment Po"t >#th Clear#nPo"t O!t-o#n- Payment" Clear C!"tomer Po"t #ll o0 E=chan-e D"a-e

Po"t Collect#on Po"t &or0a#t#n#ll o0 E=chan-e Payment C!"tomer Do>n Payment ReC!e"t Enter Stat#"t#cal Po"t#nClear C!"tomer Do>n Payment #ll o0 E=chan-e Payment Enter +endor Cred#t Memo Enter 3ran"0er Po"t#nEnter +endor In:o#ce Clear +endor Re:er"e Re0#nanc#n- $cceptance Do>n Payment ReC!e"t Po"t +endor Do>n Payment C!"tomer 7oted Item Po"t >#th Clear#nPo"t Incom#n- Payment" Po"t O!t-o#n- Payment"

&-(' &-(( &-(9 &-(, &-(5 &-() &-90 &-92 &-93 &-9' &-9( &-99 &-9, &-)0 &-)/ &-)2 &.0/ &.02 &.03 &.0' &.0( &.09 &.0, &.05 &.0)

Clear +endor Do>n Payment Enter Stat#"t#cal Po"t#nRe:er"e Stat#"t#cal Po"t#n+endor 7oted Item Payment >#th Pr#nto!t Payment ReC!e"t Ma#nta#n 3a8leB Po"t#n- Per#od" Ma#nta#n 3a8leB E=chan-e Rate" Park +endor In:o#ce Park C!"tomer In:o#ce Prel#m#nary Po"t#nPark +endor Cred#t Memo Park C!"tomer Cred#t Memo $cC!#"#t#on 0rom p!rcha"e >. :endor $""et acC!#". to clear#n- acco!nt $""et Ret#re. 0rm Sale >A C!"tomer $ $PA' ReportB Compact Eo!rnal Reconc#l#at#on GA4B Create &ore#-n 3rade Report &ore#-n C!rrency +al.B Open Item" &ore#-n C!rrency +al!at#onBGA4 $""t" GA4B alance Carr#ed &or>ard alance" alance Sheet

GA4B $cco!nt

GA4B $cco!nt 4#"t

&.0$ &.0 &./0 &.// &./2 &./3 &./' &./( &./9 &./, &./5 &./) &./$ &./ &.20 &.2/ &.22 &.23 &.2' &.2( &.29 &.2, &.25 &.2) &.2$

GA4B &3R Report on D#"k GA4B Create F2 to F' GA4B Chart o0 $cco!nt" GA4B General 4ed-er 0rom Doc.&#le $d:ance 3a= Ret!rn $ $PA' ReportB $!tomat#c Clear#n$ $PA' ReportB Rec!rr#n- Entr#e" $ $PA' ReportB 4#"t Rec!rr.Entr#e" $ $PA' ReportB GA4 al.Carr#ed &>d

$ $PA' ReportB C!"t. al.Con0#rmat#on $ $PA' ReportB +end. al.Con0#rmat#on GA4B Good"AIn:o#ce Rece#:ed Clear#nC!"tomerA+endor Stat#"t#c" ;ead O00#ce and $ARB $cco!nt 4#"t $ARB Open Item" $ARB Open Item Sorted 4#"t $ARB $cco!nt alance" ranch Inde=

$ARB Intere"t 0or Day" O:erd!e #ll o0 E=chan-e 4#"t $ARB alance Intere"t Calc!lat#on

$ARB Per#od#c $cco!nt Statement" C!"tomer"B Re"et Cred#t 4#m#t $ARB Set Dp In0o Sy"tem / Calc.c!"t.#nt.on arr.B Po"t 1>Ao OI2

&.2 &.2C &.2D &.2E &.2& &.2G &.30 &.3/ &.32 &.33 &.3' &.3( &.39 &.3, &.35 &.3) &.'0 &.'/ &.'2 &.'' &.'( &.'9 &.', &.'5 &.'$

Calc.c!"t.#nt.on arr.B Po"t1>#th OI2 Calc.c!"t.#nt.on arr.B >Ao po"t#n-" C!"tomr"B &I-SD ma" compar#"on Reconc#l#at#on t>n $00#l#ated Comp"

Mana-ement $cct Gro!p Reconc#l#at#on Create $cco!nt Gro!p Reconc#l. GA4 $ARB E:al!ate In0o Sy"tem Cred#t Mana-ement - O:er:#e> Cred#t Mana-ement - M#""#n- Data Cred#t Mana-ement r#e0 O:er:#e>

Cred#t Mana-ement - Ma"" Chan-e Cred#t Ma"ter Sheet $d:.Ret.on Sl"AP!r.&orm Pr#nto!t1DE2 $d:.rept.t= "l"Ap!rch.0orm pr#nt 1 E 3ran"0er Po"t#n- o0 De0erred 3a= C &I Ma#nt. ta8le 30'2F 1 #llE=c3yp2 $APB $cco!nt 4#"t $APB Open Item" $APB $cco!nt $APB alance"

alance Intere"t Calc!lat#on

$APB Set Dp In0o Sy"tem / $APB E:al!ate In0o Sy"tem +endor"B calc.o0 #ntere"t on arrear" +endor"B &I-MM ma" compar#"on Calc.:end.#nt.on arr.B Po"t 1>Ao OI2

&.' &.'C &.(0 &.(/ &.(2 &.(3 &.(' &.(9 &.(, &.(5 &.() &.($ &.( &.(C &.(D &.(E &.(& &.(G &.(I &.9/ &.92 &.93 &.9' &.9( &.99

Calc.:end.#nt.on arr.B Po"t1>#th OI2 Calc.:end.#nt.on arr.B >Ao po"t#n-" GA4B Pro0#ta8#l#ty Se-ment $dG!"tmnt GA4B Open Item" GA4B $cct al.Intere"t Calc!lat#on

GA4B $cco!nt $""#-nment Man!al GA4B Str!ct!red $cco!nt alance"

Delete Rec!rr#n- Doc!ment GA4B Delete Sample Doc!ment" OI al.$!d#t 3ra#lB 0r.Doc!ment &#le

$cc!m.Cla".$!d.3ra#lB Create E=tract $cc!m.Cla".$!d.3ra#lB E:al.E=tract $cc!m.OI $!d.3ra#lB Create E=tract $cc!m.OI $!d#t 3ra#lB D#"play E=tr. GA4B Dpdate GA4B Po"t GA4B al. Sheet $dG!"tment

alance Sheet $dG!"tment

alance Sheet $dG!"tment 4o-

GA4B S!8"eC.$dG!"tment1 $APC2 Sp.Er$ GA4B $d:.Rep.0.3= on Sl"AP!rch.>.E!r Corre"pondenceB Pr#nt ReC!e"t" Corre"pondenceB Pr#nt Int.Doc!ment" Corre"pondenceB Delete ReC!e"t" Corre"pondenceB Ma#nta#n ReC!e"t" Corre"pondenceB Pr#nt 4etter" 1C!"t2 Corre"pondenceB Pr#nt 4etter" 1+end2

&.,0 &.,/ &.,( &.,, &.,5 &.,) &.50 &.5/ &.)0 &.)/ &.)2 &.)3 &.), &.)5 &.)) &A4$ &A4 &A4C &A4D &00 &000 &0/0 &0/7 &0/O &0/P

#llAE=chan-e Pmnt ReC!e"t D!nn#nDME >#th D#"kB E=tended AE=cha. Pre"entat#on

#llAE=chan-e In0ormat#on

C &I Ma#nta#n 3a8le 30'(D C &I Ma#nta#n 3a8le 30'( C &I Ma#nta#n 3a8le 30'(G Ma"" Re:er"al o0 Doc!ment" Re:er"e Po"t#n- 0or $ccr.ADe0er.Doc" C &I Ma#nta#n 3a8le 30'(& C &I Ma#nta#n 3a8le 30'(4 C &I Ma#nta#n 30/2% 1 #llAE=ch.2 Ma#nta#n #ll 4#a8#l#ty and Rem.R#"k

General 4ed-erB Report Select#on +endor"B Report Select#on C!"tomer"B Report Select#on Create Pr#c#n- Report Chan-e pr#c#n- report" D#"play pr#c#n- report" E=ec!te pr#c#n- report" S$Po00#ceB Short Me""a-e $cco!nt#n$ $PA' Report#n-B &#"cal *ear Chan-e De8#t po"#t#on R$ "#n-le re:er"al +acancy RD "#n-le re:er"al $ccr!al"Ade0erral" "#n-le re:er"al

&0/H &0/R &0/S &0/3 &0'0 &0'/ &0'2 &0'3 &0'' &0'( &0'9 &/0/ &/03 &/0' &/0, &//0 &/// &/3E &/(0 &'5$ &(3$ &(3+ &(9$ &(5$ &9/$

De8#t po"#t#on MC "#n-le re:er"al MC "ettlement "#n-le re:er"al Re:er"e Per#od#c Po"t#nRe:er"e $cc.ADe0. General Contract Reor-an#Iat#on ank Ma"ter Data $rch#:#nGA4 $cco!nt" $rch#:#nC!"tomer $rch#:#n+endor $rch#:#nDoc!ment $rch#:#n3ran"act#on &#-!re" $rch#:#n$ $PA' Report#n-B alance Sheet $dG.

$ $PA' Report#n-B 3ran"0er Rece#:8l" $ $PA' Report#n-B Rece#:8l" Pro:#"n &I +al!at#on R!n Parameter" 0or $!tomat#c Payment Parameter" 0or Payment o0 PReC!e"t $ $PA' ReportB $!tomat#c Clear#nD!nn#n- R!n Doc!ment $rch#:#n$rch#:#n- o0 GA4 $cco!nt" Mana-ement o0 GA4 $cco!nt $rch#:e" C!"tomer $rch#:#n$rch#:#n- o0 +endor" ank arch#:#n-


&9'$ &99$ &5J0 &5J/ &5J2 &5J3 &5 ' &5 97 &5 C &5 & &5 G &5 ; &5 E &5 % &5 M &5 7 &5 O &5 R &5 S &5 3 &5 D &5 + &5 < &5 F &5XX

3ran"act#on &#-!re $rch#:#n$rch#:#n- o0 ank Data Stora-e

D#"play &I Ma#n Role De0#n#t#on Ma#nta#n &I Ma#n Role De0#n#t#on D#"play &I $mo!nt Gro!p" Ma#nta#n &I $mo!nt Gro!p" C &I Ma#nta#n 3a8le 3 %DC C &I Ma#nta#n 3a8le 3 %P+ C &I Ma#nta#n 3a8le 3 %&% C &I Ma#nta#n 3a8le 30'2* Ma#nta#n Glo8al Data 0or &/// Incon"#"tenc#e" 30'2I and 30'2* Ma#nta#n Clear#n- $cct" 1Rec. ank2 Ma#nta#n $4E-Compat#8le Pmnt Method" Ma#nta#n n!m8.ran-eB Payment reC!e"t Corr.$cct- Doc!ment" Payment Payment reC!e"t arch#:#n4e:el" 0or Payment ReC!e"t" Deta#l d#"play o0 payment reC!e"t" D#"play Payment ReC!e"t" Create payment r!n" a!tomat#cally Re:er"al o0 ank-to- ank 3ran"0er" lock

Re"et Cleared Item"B Payt ReC!e"t" &/// C!"tom#I#nPayment ReC!e"t 7o. Ran-e" %I3-&5 M


&$3) &$%$ &$%P &$R/ &$R$ &$R &$RI &$R* &$RF &$X/ &$X2 & 00 & 0/ & 02 & 03 & 03F & 0' & 0(

Call !p report >#th report :ar#ant Con0#-.B Sho> D#"play &ormat Con0#-.B Ma#nta#n D#"play &ormat S &I-$RI Ma#nt. ta8le 309/$ S &I-$RI Ma#nt. ta8le 309/PAH C &I-$RI Ma#nt. ta8le 309/R $R Inter0aceB 3h#rd-party appl#catn" 3a8le 309/S 3a8le 309/+ C "ample S$P DE 2./ C "ample 2 S$P DE 2./ $cco!nt#n- Ed#t#n- Opt#on" Po"t Doc!ment Chan-e Doc!ment D#"play Doc!ment D#"play Doc!mentAPayment D"a-e Doc!ment Chan-e" Po"t >#th Clear#n-

& 0(KO4D Po"t >#th clear#n& 0, & 05 & 0) & /0 & // & /2 Control 3otal" Re:er"e Doc!ment Chan-e 4#ne Item" In:o#ceACred#t &a"t Entry Po"t ;eld Doc!ment ReC!e"t 0rom Corre"pondence


& /3 & /D & /% & /S & 2/ & 22 & 3/ & '/ & (0 & 90 & 9( & ,0 & ,( & )) & $/ & $2 & $3 & $9 & $,

Relea"e 0or Payment" Clear C!"tomer Clear +endor Clear GA4 $cco!nt Enter Stat#"t#cal Po"t#nRe:er"e Stat#"t#cal Po"t#nEnter 7oted Item Po"t 3a= Paya8le GA4 $cct P"t-B S#n-le Screen 3ran". Enter Incom#n- In:o#ce" Enter Incom#n- Cred#t Memo" Enter O!t-o#n- In:o#ce" Enter O!t-o#n- Cred#t Memo" Check #0 Doc!ment" can 8e $rch#:ed C!"tomer Do>n Payment ReC!e"t Po"t C!"tomer Do>n Payment Clear C!"tomer Do>n Payment +endor Do>n Payment ReC!e"t Po"t +endor Do>n Payment

& $,KO4D Po"t +endor Do>n Payment & $5 Clear +endor Do>n Payment

& $5KO4D Clear +endor Do>n Payment & & & / $ P Po"t &ore#-n C!rrency +aln D#"play $cct Determ#nat#on Con0#-. Ma#nta#n $cct Determ#nat#on Con0#-.


& CE

Ca"h Eo!rnal

& CEC0 C &I Ma#nta#n 3a8le" 3CEKCKEODR7$4S & CEC/ Ca"h Eo!rnal Doc!ment 7!m8er Ran-e & CEC2 C &I Ma#nt. 3a8le" 3CEK3R$7S$C3IO7S & CEC3 C &I Ma#nta#n 3a8le" 3CEKPRI73 & COP* Copy &!nct#on Mod!le & D/ & D2 & D3 & D' & D( & D) & D& & E/ & E2 & E3 & E9 & E, & &/ & &2 & &3 & &' & &( & &9 & &, Enter Rec!rr#n- Entry Chan-e Rec!rr#n- Entry D#"play Rec!rr#n- Entry D#"play Rec!rr#n- Entry Chan-e" Real#Ie Rec!rr#n- Entry Enter Rec!rr#n- Entry Men! anC!e de &rance

Create Payment $d:#ce Chan-e Payment $d:#ce D#"play Payment $d:#ce Delete Payment $d:#ce $dd to Payment $d:#ce $cco!nt C50 Report#n- M#n!" Sp.GA4 Ind. &#nanc#al 3ran"act#on" Control Report Do>nload Doc!ment" Report" M#n!" +endor $cco!nt" Doc!ment Chan-e" C50 Report" M#n!" Sp.GA4 Ind.


& &5 & &3 & IPD & %$ & %& & %P & 4/ & 4/7 & 42 & 427 & 43 & 437 & 4' & 4'7 & 4( & 4(7 & 49 & 497 & M/ & M2 & M3 & M' & M$ & ME & MP

C5' Report" C!"tom#I#nD&

Ma#nta#n 8ank cha#n" 0or partner D#"play $cco!nt#n- Con0#-!rat#on & %PACarry O!t &!nct#on 1Internal2 Ma#nta#n $cco!nt#n- Con0#-!rat#on D#"play +endor 4#ne Item" +endor 4#ne Item" Chan-e +endor 4#ne Item" +endor 4#ne Item" D#"play GA4 $cco!nt 4#ne Item" GA4 $cco!nt 4#ne Item" Chan-e GA4 $cco!nt 4#ne Item" GA4 $cco!nt 4#ne Item" D#"play C!"tomer 4#ne Item" C!"tomer 4#ne Item" Chan-e C!"tomer 4#ne Item" C!"tomer 4#ne Item" Enter Sample Doc!ment Chan-e Sample Doc!ment D#"play Sample Doc!ment D#"play Sample Doc!ment Chan-e" D#"play D!nn#n- Proced!re ank" Ma#nta#n D!nn#n- Proced!re


& 7/ & 72 & P/ & R/ & R2 & R$ & RC & S/ & 3$ & 3P & D2 & D3 & D5 & +0 & +/ & +2 & +3 & +' & +( & +9 & + & </ & <2 & <3 & <'

$cco!nt#n- Doc!ment 7!m8er Ran-e" 7!m8er Ran-e Ma#ntenanceB &IKP*ORD Enter Payment ReC!e"t Po"t >#th Re0erence Doc!ment Po"t Doc!ment Re"et Cleared Item" Re"et Cleared Item" 1Payment Card"2 Enter $ccr!alADe0erral Doc. D#"play 3e=t Determ#n.Con0#-!rat#on Ma#nta#n 3e=t Determ#n.Con0#-!rat#on Chan-e Intercompany Doc!ment D#"play Intercompany Doc!ment Re:er"e Cro""-Company Code Doc!ment Po"t Parked Doc!ment Park Doc!ment Chan-e Parked Doc!ment D#"play Parked Doc!ment Chan-e Parked Doc!ment 1;eader2 Doc!ment Chan-e" o0 Parked Doc!ment" Parked Doc!ment L Po"t Parked Doc!ment Enter Po"t Po"t #ll o0 E=chan-e Pmnt ReC!e"t #ll o0 Pmt ReC!e"t #ll o0 E=chan-e D"a-e #ll 4#a8#l#ty



& <( & <9 & <, & <5 & <) & <$ & <D & <D2 & <E & <H & <R & <S & F0 & F/ & F2 & F3 & F' & F( & F5 & F$ & FG & FP &C/0 &C// &C50

C!"tomer CheckA #ll o0 E=chan-e +endor CheckA #ll o0 E=chan-e ank 0#le to 0#le "y"tem 10or & <D2 &#le to ank 10or 3ran"act#on & <D2

C &I Ma#nta#n 3a8le 30'(D3$ C &I Ma#nta#n 3a8le 30'9a Ret!rned #ll" o0 E=chan-e Paya8le

Parameter 3ran"act#on 0or & <D #llAE=ch.Pre"entatn - Internat#onal C &I Ma#nta#n 3a8le 30'(3 C &I Ma#nta#n 3a8le 30'(< C &I Ma#nta#n 3a8le 30'9" D#"playAEd#t Payment Propo"al Po"t Incom#n- Payment" Po"t O!t-o#n- Payment" Incom#n- Payment" &a"t Entry Payment >#th Pr#nto!t Pr#nt Check &or Payment Doc!ment D#"play Payment R!n D#"play Pmnt Pro-ram Con0#-!rat#on &a#led C!"tomer Payment" Ma#nta#n Pmnt Pro-ram Con0#-!rat#on &#nanc#al Statement" Compar#"on Data E=tract 0or &I 3ran"0er Doc!ment C50


&C52 &C$$ &CC/ &CC2 &CC3 &CC' &CCR &C;/ &C;2 &C;3 &C;' &C;( &C;9 &C;, &C;5 &C;) &C;$ &C; &C;D &C;E &C;& &C;G &C;I &C;% &C;7

Doc!ment C52 Check $rch#:#nPayment Card"B Settlement Payment Card"B Repeat Settlement Payment Card"B Delete 4o-" Payment Card"B D#"play 4o-" Payment Card E:al!at#on" D#"play Check In0ormat#on D#"play Payment Doc!ment Check" +o#d Check" Ren!m8er Check" Create Check In0ormat#on Chan-e Check In0ormat#onACa"h Check Repr#nt Check Re:er"e Check Payment +o#d I""!ed Check Check arch#:#nCheck retr#e:al Delete Payment R!n Check In0ormat#on Delete +o#ded Check" Delete Man!al Check" Delete ca"h#n-Ae=tract data Check 4ot" Check 3rac#n- In#t#al Men! Check Re-#"ter


&C;R &C;3 &C;D &C;+ &C;X &CI<CD

Onl#ne Ca"hed Check" Chan-e checkApayment allocat#on Create Re0erence 0or Check C &I Ma#nta#n 3a8le 3+OID Check E=tract - Creat#on < C!"tom#I#n- 0or CS

&CI<D00 Do>nload In0oO8Gect te=t &CI<D/0 Do>nload In0oO8Gect h#erarch#e" &C%R &CMM &CM7 &C+/ &C+2 &C+3 Internat#onal ca"hed check" C &I Preparat#on" 0or con"ol#dat#on &I In#t#al Con"ol#dat#on Men! Create $AR S!mmary Delete $AR S!mmary Early <arn#n- 4#"t !"#ne"" E=plorer $naly"er < $dm#n#"trator <ork8ench < H!ery O8Gect" < +ar#a8le"

&CK <K EX &CK <KRS$/

&CK <KRSFDE4E3E Delete &CK <KRSF+ &D-/ &D0/ &D02 Ma#nta#n

7!m8er ran-e ma#ntenanceB &++DKR$74 Create C!"tomer 1$cco!nt#n-2 Chan-e C!"tomer 1$cco!nt#n-2

&D02CORE Ma#nta#n c!"tomer &D03 &D0' &D0( D#"play C!"tomer 1$cco!nt#n-2 C!"tomer Chan-e" 1$cco!nt#n-2 lock C!"tomer 1$cco!nt#n-2


&D09 &D05 &D0) &D/0 &D/07

Mark C!"tomer 0or Delet#on 1$cctn-2 Con0#rm C!"tomer Ind#:#d!ally1$ctn-2 Con0#rm C!"tomer 4#"t 1$cco!nt#n-2 C!"tomer $cco!nt C!"tomer alance

alance D#"play al. D#"play >#th <orkl#"t

&D/07$ C!"tomer &D// &D/( &D/9 &D2' &D32 &D33 &D3, &DCD &D&D &DI0 &DI/ &DI2 &DI3 &DI' &DI( &DI9 &DI &DIC &DI%

C!"tomer $cco!nt $naly"#" 3ran"0er c!"tomer chan-e"B "end 3ran"0er c!"tomer chan-e"B rece#:e Cred#t 4#m#t Chan-e" Chan-e C!"tomer Cred#t Mana-ement D#"play C!"tomer Cred#t Mana-ement Cred#t Mana-ement Ma"" Chan-e 4oan" c!"tom#I#n- men! Ca"h Mana-ement Implementat#on 3ool E=ec!te Report Create Report Chan-e Report D#"play Report Create &orm Chan-e &orm D#"play &orm ack-ro!nd Proce""#nMa#nta#n C!rrency 3ran"lat#on 3ype Ma#nta#n %ey &#-!re"


&DIM &DIO &DIP &DIH &DIR &DI3 &DI+ &DIX &DI* &DIF &D%'3 &DM7 &DOO &D3$ &D33 &E $ &E C

Report Mon#tor 3ran"port Report" 3ran"port &orm" Import Report" 0rom Cl#ent 000 Import &orm" 0rom Cl#ent 000 3ran"lat#on 3ool - Dr#lldo>n Report Ma#nta#n Glo8al +ar#a8le Reor-an#Ie Dr#lldo>n Report" Reor-an#Ie Report Data Reor-an#Ie &orm" Cred#t Mana-ement - Ma"ter Data 4#"t

orro>erM" note" order o:er:#e> 3emSeAREGD3 Data $dm#n#"trat#on 3rea"!ry Data Med#!m $dm#n#"trat#on Po"tproce"" Electron#c ank Statmt

Generate M!lt#ca"h 0ormat

&E MSG D#"play Internet Me""a-e" &E O$S ReC!e"t $cco!nt Statement :#a O&X &E O&X O&X &!nct#on" &E P Po"t Electron#c ank Statement

&E S3S Search Str#n- Search S#m!lat#on &ESR &ED &EDI Import#n- o0 POR &#le 1S>#tIerland2 $dG!"t +I EPP a0ter EDRO con:er"#on Real E"tate Implementat#on G!#de


&&L3 &&L' &&L( &&L9 &&L, &&L$ &&L &&LC &&LD &&L4 &&LS &&LX &&-/ &&-2 &&-3 &&-' &&-( &&-9 &&-, &&-5 &&-) &&./ &&.3 &&.' &&.(

Send plann#n- data to central "y"tem Retr#e:e plann#n- data Retr#e:e tran"m#""#on re"!lt" Check "ett#n-" Check all e=ternal "y"tem" Ma#nta#n 3R-CM "!8"y"tem" Con:ert Plann#n- Gro!p Con:ert plann#n- le:el Con:ert 8!"#ne"" area" D#"play tran"m#""#on #n0ormat#on D#"play tran"m#""#on #n0ormat#on Con0#-!re the central 3R-CM "y"tem O!t"tand#n- Check" O!t"tand#n#ll" o0 E=chan-e

Ca"h Mana-ement S!mmary Record" CM& Data In $cco!nt#n- Doc!ment" CM& Record" 0r.Mater#al" Mana-ement CM& Record" 0rom Sale" &oreca"t Item Eo!rnal Payment $d:#ce Eo!rnal Eo!rnal Standard GA4 $cco!nt Intere"t Scale GA4 $cco!nt Ca"hed Check" +endor Ca"hed Check" Import Electron#c ank Statement


&&.9 &&., &&.5 &&.) &&.D &&A/ &&A2 &&A3 &&A' &&A( &&A9 &&A, &&A5 &&A) &&93 &&9( &&9, &&95 &&9$ &&9 &&,0 &&,/ &&,2 &&,3 &&,'

D#"play Electron#c

ank Statement

Payment $d:#ce Compar#"on Pr#nt Payment Order" Po"t Payment Order" Generate payt reC. 0rom ad:#ce" Compare ank 3erm"

Compare :al!e date $rch#:e ad:#ce" 0rom 8ank "tatement" Import electron#c check depo"#t l#"t Po"t electron#c check depo"#t l#"t Depo"#tAloan m-mt analy"#"Apo"t#nDepo"#tAloan mana-ement #nt accr!al" Import ank Statement #nto Ca"h M-mt ank Statement

Compare $d:#ce" >#th

Create Plann#n- Memo Record 4#"t o0 Ca"h Mana-ement Memo Record" Man!al ank Statement

Man!al Check Depo"#t 3ran"act#on Ed#t Ca"h M-mt Po" Payment $d:#ce" Ed#t l#C!#d#ty 0oreca"t planned #tem Ca"h M-mt Po"#t.A4#C!#d#ty &oreca"t Ca"h Po"#t#on 4#C!#d#ty 0oreca"t Ca"h Concentrat#on D"e Pro-ram to $cce"" Ca"h Concntn


&&,$ &&, &&B/ && ' && (

Ca"h Po"#t#on 4#C!#d#ty 0oreca"t Ma#nta#n e=chan-e rate" Import electron#c check depo"#t l#"t Po"t electron#c check depo"#t l#"t

&&4KO4D D#"play 3ran"m#""#on In0ormat#on &&SKO4D D#"play 3ran"m#""#on In0ormat#on &&34 &&</ &&<R 3elephone l#"t <#re $!thor#Iat#on Po"t Payment ReC!e"t" 0rom $d:#ce Create Payment ReC!e"t" 0rom $d:#ce

&&<RKREHDES3S &&K/ &&K3 &&K' &&K( &&K9

Standard GA4 $cco!nt Intere"t Scale GA4 $cco!nt Ca"hed Check" +endor Ca"hed Check" Import Electron#c D#"play Electron#c ank Statement ank Statement

SAP FI Transaction Code List 2 &G)) &GI0 &GI/ &GI2 &GI3 &GI' &GI( &GI9 &le=#8le GA4B Report Select#on E=ec!te Report Create Report Chan-e Report D#"play Report Create &orm Chan-e &orm D#"play &orm


&GI &GIC &GI% &GIM &GIO &GIP &GIH &GIR &GI3 &GI+ &GIX &GI* &GIF &GM0 &GRP &GR< &I0/ &I02 &I03 &I0' &I09 &I0, &I/2

ack-ro!nd Proce""#nMa#nta#n C!rrency 3ran"lat#on 3ype Ma#nta#n %ey &#-!re" Report Mon#tor 3ran"port Report" 3ran"port &orm" Import Report" 0rom Cl#ent 000 Import &orm" 0rom Cl#ent 000 3ran"lat#on 3ool - Dr#lldo>n Report. Ma#nta#n Glo8al +ar#a8le Reor-an#Ie Dr#lldo>n Report" Reor-an#Ie Report Data Reor-an#Ie &orm" Spec#al P!rpo"e 4ed-er Men! Report Pa#nter Report <r#ter Men! Create Chan-e D#"play D#"play Mark ank ank ank ank Chan-e"

ank 0or Delet#on

Chan-e C!rrent 7!m8er Ran-e 7!m8er Chan-e ;o!"e ank"A ank $cco!nt" ank"A ank $cco!nt"

&I/2CORE &I/3

Chan-e ;o!"e

D#"play ;o!"e

ank"A ank $cco!nt"


&I &I C &I D &I & &I ;S &I ;D &I 4/ &I 42 &I 43 &I PS &I PD &I 3S &I 3D &I;C

ank cha#n determ#nat#on Scenar#o" 0or ank Cha#n Determ#ne.

$llocat#on cl#ent Ma#ntenance tran"act#on 3E

D#"play 8ank cha#n" 0or ho!"e 8ank" Ma#nta#n 8ank cha#n" 0or ho!"e 8ank" Control Or#-#n Ind#cator $""#-n Or#-#n Gro!p o0 ;o!"e ank $cco!nt"

D#"play 8ank ch#an" 0or partner" Ma#nta#n 8ank cha#n" 0or partner D#". 8ank cha#n" 0or acct carry o:er Ma#n. ank cha#n" 0or acctCarry o:er

Create In ho!"e Ca"h Center

&I4$D&K<&KCDS3 Store OrderB <ork0lo> C!"tom#I#n&I4E Cro""-Cl#ent &#le 7ame"APath"

&I4I7+K<&KCDS3 Store In:entoryB <ork0lo> C!"tom#I#n&I7$ &I7& &I7P ranch to &#nanc#al $cco!nt#nIn0o Sy"tem E:ent" In0o Sy"tem Proce""e" Contact Partner Re"pon"#8#l#t#e" Sett#n-" 0or 3ra:el Plann#n3ree Ma#ntenance C!rrent Sett#n-"


&I3PKSE33I7GSK3REE &I3+&E4D &E$/ 3ree

In0lat#on $dG!"tment o0 GA4 $cco!nt"


&E$2 &E$3 &E$' &E$( &E$9 &EEE &%0/ &%02

Re"et 3ran"act#on Data GA4 $cc.In0l. alance SheetAP64 >#th In0lat#on In0l. $dG!"tment o0 Open Item" 1&C2 In0l. $dG. o0 Open Rece#:a8le" 14C2 In0l. $dG. o0 Open Paya8le" 14C2 E=erc#"e S!8"cr#pt#on R#-ht Create +endor 1$cco!nt#n-2 Chan-e +endor 1$cco!nt#n-2 Ma#nta#n :endor

&%02CORE &%03 &%0' &%0( &%09 &%05 &%0) &%/0 &%/07

D#"play +endor 1$cco!nt#n-2 +endor Chan-e" 1$cco!nt#n-2 lock +endor 1$cco!nt#n-2 Mark +endor 0or Delet#on 1$cctn-2 Con0#rm +endor Ind#:#d!ally 1$cctn-2 Con0#rm +endor 4#"t 1$cco!nt#n-2 +endor $cco!nt +endor alance

alance D#"play alance D#"play

&%/07$ +endor &%/( &%/9 &%I0 &%I/ &%I2 &%I3 &%I'

3ran"0er :endor chan-e"B rece#:e 3ran"0er :endor chan-e"B rece#:e E=ec!te Report Create Report Chan-e Report D#"play Report Create &orm


&%I( &%I9 &%I &%IC &%I% &%IM &%IO &%IP &%IH &%IR &%I3 &%I+ &%IX &%I* &%IF &%M7 &%M3 &4 / &4 2 &4 P &4C+ &MJ0 &MJ/ &MJ2 &MJ3

Chan-e &orm D#"play &orm ack-ro!nd Proce""#nMa#nta#n C!rrency 3ran"lat#on 3ype Ma#nta#n %ey &#-!re" Report Mon#tor 3ran"port Report" 3ran"port &orm" Import Report" 0rom Cl#ent 000 Import &orm" 0rom Cl#ent 000 3ran"lat#on 3ool - Dr#lldo>n Report. Ma#nta#n Glo8al +ar#a8le Reor-an#Ie Dr#lldo>n Report" Reor-an#Ie Report Data Reor-an#Ie &orm"

&I $cct $""#-nment Model Mana-ement Po"t proce""#n- 4ock8o= Data Import 4ock8o= &#le Po"t 4ock8o= Data CreateAEd#t Doc!ment 3emplate <& D#"play &M Ma#n Role De0#n#t#on Ma#nta#n &M Ma#n Role De0#n#t#on D#"play &M $mo!nt Gro!p" Ma#nta#n &M $mo!nt Gro!p"


&MJ' &MJ( &MJ9 &MJ, &MJ5 &MJ) &MJ$ &MJ &M03 &M2/ &M22 &M2( &M29 &M2, &M25 &M2) &M2D &M2E &M2& &M2G &M2; &M2I &M2S &M23 &M2D

D#"play &M Ma#nta#n &M

!d-et 4#ne Gro!p" !d-et 4#ne Gro!p"

D#"play &M Doc!ment Cla""e" Ma#nta#n &M Doc!ment Cla""e" D#"play &M $ct#:#ty Cate-or#e" Ma#nta#n &M $ct#:#ty Cate-or#e" D#"play Doc.Cla""[email protected]. $""-mt Ma#nta#n Doc.Cla"[email protected].$""-mt D#"play &M Doc!ment Chan-e Or#-#nal D#"play Or#-#nal !d-et !d-et

Chan-e S!pplement D#"play S!pplement Chan-e Ret!rn 3ran"0er !d-et

D#"play Ret!rn D#"play &!nd" Center ;#erarchy Chan-e D#"play !d-et Doc!ment !d-et Doc!ment

&!nd" Center ;#erarchy Ma#nta#n &!nd" Center ;#erarchy Create &!nd" Center D#"play &!nd" Center Chan-e Relea"e" Chan-e &!nd" Center


&M2+ &M3D &M3G &M3; &M3I &M37 &M3S &M3D &M'5

D#"play Relea"e" D#"play Comm#tment Item ;#erarchy Comm#tment Item ;#erarchy Ma#nta#n Comm#tment Item ;#erarchy Create Comm#tment Item Comm#tment Item" 0or GA4 $cco!nt" D#"play Comm#tment Item Chan-e Comm#tment Item Chan-e &#nanc#al !d-etB In#t#al Scn

&M'5K/ PS-CMB Create Plann#n- 4ayo!t &M'5K2 PS-CMB Chan-e Plann#n- 4ayo!t &M'5K3 PS-CMB D#"play Plann#n- 4ayo!t &M') &M'G &M(I &M(S &M(D D#"play &#nanc#al !d-etB In#t.Scrn

!d-et Str!ct!re Element ;#erarchy Create &!nd D#"play &!nd Chan-e &!nd Delete 0!nd pre"elect#on D#"play 0!nd pre"elect#on Pre"elect#on &!nd

&M(KDE4 &M(KDISP &M(KSE4 &M9I &M9S &M9D &M,/ &M,2

Create $ppl#cat#on o0 &!nd" D#"play $ppl#cat#on o0 &!nd" Chan-e $ppl#cat#on o0 &!nd" Ma#nta#n Co:er Pool" $""#-n &M $cct $""t to Co:er Pool


&M,5 &M,) &M,$ &M,I &M,P &M,S &M,D &M) &M)C &M)D &M)E &M)& &M)G &M); &M)I &M)E &M)% &M)4 &M)M &M)7 &M)P &M)H &M)< &M$/ &M$2

Charact.Gro!p" 0or Co:er Pool" Gro!p#n- Char" 0or Co:er Pool D#"play Co:er El#-#8#l#ty R!le" Create $ttr#8!te" 0or &M $cct $""t Ma#nta#n Co:er El#-#8#l#ty R!le" D#"play Co:er El#-#8#l#ty R!le" Ma#nta#n Co:er El#-#8#l#ty R!le" Copy !d-et +er"#on

Plan Data 3ran"0er 0rom CO 4ock Dnlock Delete !d-et +er"#on !d-et +er"#on !d-et +er"#on

Roll Dp S!pplement Roll !p Or#-#nal Roll Dp Ret!rn Roll Dp Relea"e" Chan-e D#"play Delete !d-et Str!ct!re !d-et Str!ct!re !d-et Str!ct!re !d-et O8Gect !d-et D#"tr8td +al!e" !d-et


Recon"tr!ct 3otal Dp

!d-et !d-et

$dG!"t &!nd" Mana-ement Match#n-B 3otal" and

alance" 1C M2

Match#n-B C M 4#ne Item" and 3otal"


&M$3 &M$' &M$$ &M$ &M$C &M$D &M$E &M$& &M 0 &M / &M I

Match#n-B &I 4#ne Item" 1C M2 Match#n-B &I ank 4#ne Item" 1C M2

Match#n-B 4#ne Item" and 3otal" 1&M2 Match#n-B &I &M 4#ne Item" 4e:el#n-B &M Comm#tment 4#ne Item" 4e:el#n-B &I-&M 3otal" Record" D#"play Chan-e Doc!ment" 4e:el 4#ne Item" and 3otal" Item" CO Doc!ment 3ran"0er D#"play Sec!r#ty Pr#ce"-Collect. D"e Re:en!e" to Increa"e E=pend. d-t &I&M &I&M !d-et Data E=port !d-et Data Import

&M DD00( &M DD009 &M + &MC2 &MC &MCC &MCD &MCG &MC7 &MCR &MC3 &MD/ &MD2 &MDM

$ct#:ate $:a#la8#l#ty Control C!"tom#I#n- #n Day-to-Day !"#ne""

Rea""#-nmentB Doc!ment Select#on Rea""#-nmentB &M-CO $""#-nment Rea""#-nmentB Delete <ork 4#"t Rea""#-nmentB O:erall $""#-nment Rea""#-nmentB S!pplement.$cct $""-t Rea""#-nmentB D#"play <ork 4#"t Rea""#-nmentB 3ran"0er Chan-e Carry 0or>ard R!le" D#"play Carry 0or>ard R!le" Mon#tor Clo"#n- Operat#on"


&MDS &MD3 &ME/ &ME2 &ME3 &ME' &ME( &ME9 &ME, &ME5 &ME) &ME &ME; &ME% &ME4 &MEM &ME7 &MEO &MEP &MEH &MER

Copy Carry 0or>ard R!le" D#"play Carry 0or>ard R!le" Import &orm" 0rom Cl#ent 000 Import Report" 0rom Cl#ent 000 3ran"port &orm" 3ran"port Report" Reor-an#Ie &orm" Reor-an#Ie Dr#lldo>n Report" Reor-an#Ie Report Data Ma#nta#n atch +ar#ant"

3ran"lat#on 3ool - Dr#lldo>n Str!ct!re Report ack-rnd Proce""#n-

S$P-EISB ;#erarchy Ma#ntenance &MC$B Create Dr#lldo>n Report &MC$B Chan-e Dr#lldo>n Report &MC$B D#"play Dr#lldo>n Report &MC$B Create &orm &MC$B Chan-e &orm &MC$B D#"play &orm &MC$B R!n Dr#lldo>n Report &MC$B Dr#lldo>n 3ool 3e"t Mon#tor

&MEDRO/ Create E!ro &M $rea &MEDRO2 Re0re"h E!ro Ma"ter Data &MEDRO3 D#"play E!ro &M $rea" &MEDRO' Deact#:ate E!ro &M $rea"


&ME+ &M&0 &M&/ &MG/ &MG2 &MG3 &MG' &MG( &M;C &M;G &M;GG &M;;

Ma#nta#n Glo8al +ar#a8le Payment Select#on Re:en!e 3ran"0er &MB Create Comm#tment Item Gro!p &MB Chan-e Comm#tment Item Gro!p &MB D#"play Comm#tment Item Gro!p &MB Delete Comm#tment Item Gro!p Generate Check S O8Gect" 0r.Cmmt Item Grp

!d-et Str!ct!re Element" #n ;R !d-et Str!c Element" #n ;R S Element" 0. Se:eral &!nd"

Generate Generate

Ma"ter Data Check

&M;IS3 $pport#on Doc!ment #n &M &M;+ &MI$ &MI &MIC &MI4 &MIP &MIS &MID &ME/ !d-et Memo 3e=t" D#"play R!le" 0or Re:".Incr. !d-et Increa"e !d-et 8y Re:en!e" !d-et Incr.Data !d-et

Generate $dd#t#onal

Delete R!le" 0or Re:" Incr.

Ma#nta#n R!le" 0or Re:".Incr. !d-et D#"play R!le" 0or Re:".Incr. !d-et Ma#nta#n R!le" 0or Re:".Incr. !d-et &#"cal *ear Clo"eB Select Comm#tment

&ME/K3R SettlementB Select Comm#tment &ME2 &#"cal *ear Clo"eB Carr.&>d Commt"

&ME2K3R SettlementB 3ran"0er Comm#tment


&ME3 &ME$

Re:er"e Comm#tment" Carry 0or>ard !d-et &#"cal *ear Clo"eB Prepare !d-et SettlementB Prepare !d-et *ear-End Clo"#n-



&ME K3R &MEC &MECK3R &MED &M4D &M4& &M70 &M7/ &M72 &M73 &M7' &M7( &M75

!d-et SettlementB Determ#ne !d-et &#"cal-*ear Clo"eB Carry &>d !d-et SettlementB 3ran"0er !d-et

Re:er"e &#"cal *ear Clo"eB 4ed-er Delet#on Cla""#0y Mo:ement 3ype"

S!8"eC!ent Po"t#n- o0 &I Doc!ment" S!8"eC!ent Po"t#n- o0 MM Doc!ment" S!8"eC!ent Po"t#n- o0 #ll#n- Doc"

3ran"0er P!rcha"e ReC. Doc!ment" 3ran"0er P!rcha"e Order Doc!ment" 3ran"0er &!nd" Re"er:at#on Doc!ment" S#m!lat#on 4#"t" De8#t Po"#t#on S#m!lat#on 4#"t" De8#t Po"#t#on

&M75KO4D &M7)

Po"ted De8#t Po"#t#on 4#"t Po"ted De8#t Po"#t#on 4#"t

&M7)KO4D &M7$ &M7P &M7R &M7S &M7D

D#"play C $ R!le" Ma#nta#n C $ R!le" $""#-n S7- DS34 to C $ D#"play C $ R!le" Ma#nta#n C $ R!le"


&MP0 &MP/ &MP2 &MR0 &MR/ &MR2 &MR3 &MR' &MR($ &MR9$ &MR$ &MR

Ma#nta#n &#nanc#al D#"play &#nanc#al Delete &#nanc#al

!d-et !d-et !d-et +er"#on

Recon"tr!ct Parked Doc!ment" $ct!alAComm#tment Report $ct!alAComm#tment per Company Code PlanA$ct!alAComm#tment Report PlanAComm#tment Report >.;#erarchy /2 Per#od &oreca"tB $ct!al and Plan 3hree Per#od D#"playB PlanA$ct!al $cce"" Report 3ree $cce"" Report 3ree $rch#:e Earmarked &!nd" Earmarked &!nd"B E!ro Preproce""#nEarmarked &!nd"B E!ro Po"t proce""#nClo"e Earmarked &!nd"


&MRP/5 Clear S!8"eC!ent Po"t#n-" &MSS &MSD &MD0 &MD/ &MD2 &MD3 &MD' &MD( D#"play Stat!" $""#-nment Chan-e $""#-ned Stat!" D#"play &!nd" Re"er:at#on Doc.3ype" Ma#nta#n &!nd" Re"er:at#on Doc.3ype" D#"play &!nd" Re"er:tn &ld +ar#ant" Ma#nta#n &!nd" Re":tn &#eld +ar#ant" D#"play &!nd" Re"er:at#on &ld Gro!p" Ma#nta#n &!nd" Re"er:atn &ld Gro!p"


&MD9 &MD, &MD5 &MD) &MD$ &MD &MDC &MDD &MDE &MD& &MDG &MD; &MDI &MDE &MD% &MD4 &MDM &MD7 &MD+ &M+/ &M+2 &M+3 &M+' &M+( &M+9

D#"play &!nd" Re"er:tn &#eld Selctn Ma#nta#n &!nd" Re":tn &#eld Select#on D#"play 3emplate 3ype 0or &d" Re":tn Ma#nta#n 3emplate 3ype 0or &d" Re":n D#"play &d" Re".3emplate 3ype &#eld" Ma#nta#n &d" Re".3emplate 3ype &#eld" D#"play &!nd" Re". Re0erence 3ype Ma#nta#n &!nd" Re".Re0erence 3ype D#"play &!nd" Re".Re0.3ype &#eld" Ma#nta#n &d" R":tn Re0.3ype &#eld" D#"play Rea"on" 0or Dec#"#on Ma#nta#n Rea"on" 0or Dec#"#on" D#"play Gro!p" 0or <ork0lo> &#eld" Ma#nta#n Gro!p" 0or <ork0lo> &#eld" D#"play &#eld" #n Gro!p" 0or <& Ma#nta#n &#eld" #n Gro!p" 0or <& D#"play &#eld Select --@+ar#antAGro!p D#"play &#eld Seln--@+ar#antAGro!p &!nd" Re":tn &#eld Stat!" +ar.$""t Create &oreca"t o0 Re:en!e Chan-e &oreca"t o0 Re:en!e D#"play &oreca"t o0 Re:en!e $ppro:e &oreca"t o0 Re:en!e Chan-e &M $cct $""t #n &c"t o0 Re:. Red!ce &oreca"t o0 Re:en!e Man!ally


&M+I &M+O &M+S &M+3 &M+D &M</ &M<2 &M<3 &M<' &M<( &M<$ &M<$F &M< &M<C &M<D &M<E &MX/ &MX2 &MX3 &MX' &MX( &MX9 &M*/ &M*2 &M*3

Create S!mmar#Iat#on Item &!nd alance Carry 0or>ard

D#"play S!mmar#Iat#on Item Carry &or>ard &!nd alance

Chan-e S!mmar#Iat#on Item Create &!nd" Chan-e &!nd" D#"play &!nd" $ppro:e &!nd" lock#nlock#nlock#nlock#nlk-

Chan-e &M $cct $""t #n &!nd" Create &!nd" 3ran"0er Payment 3ran"0er Chan-e &!nd" 3ran"0er D#"play &!nd" 3ran"0er $ppro:e &!nd" 3ran"0er

Chan-e &M $cct $""t #n &!nd" 3r"0r Create &!nd" Re"er:at#on Chan-e &!nd" Re"er:at#on D#"play &!nd" Re"er:at#on $ppro:e &!nd" Re"er:at#on Chan-e &M $cct $""t #n &!nd" Re":n &!nd" Re"er:at#onB Man!al Red!ct#on Create &!nd" Comm#tment Chan-e &!nd" Comm#tment D#"play &!nd" Pre comm#tment


&M*' &M*( &M*9 &MF/ &MF2 &MF3 &MF' &MF( &MF9

$ppro:e &!nd" Pre comm#tment Chan-e &M $cct $""t #n &!nd" Prcmmt Red!ce &!nd" Pre comm#tment man!ally Create &!nd" Comm#tment Chan-e &!nd" Comm#tment D#"play &!nd" Comm#tment $ppro:e &!nd" Comm#tment Chan-e &M $cct $""t #n &!nd" Commt Red!ce &!nd" Comm#tment Man!ally alance

&MF +3 Carry &or>ard &MFF

Re:al!e &!nd" Comm#tment" Delete <ork l#"t Delete" &I Doc!ment" 3ran"0erred 0rom Delete" all &M Data 10a"t2 Delete" Cmmt" 3ran"0erred 0rom &M


&MKEDROKM Parameter ma#ntenance 0or e!ro con:. &MKRC09 &MKRC0, &MKRC05 &MKRC// &MKS/23 &MKS20/ &MKSD0, &7-/ &7-' Reconc#le &I Paymt"--@ &M 3otal" Item" Reconc#le &I Paymt"--@ &M 4#ne Item" Reconc#le &M Paymt" --@ &M 4#ne Item" Select Old Payment" GRAIRB Po"t OI" to &M $-a#n Po"t Payment" on $cco!nt to &I&M D#"play <ork l#"t

7o. ran-eB &++DKR$74 14oan n!m8er2 7!m8er ran-e ma#ntenanceB &++DKP77R


&7-( &7-9 &70) &7// &7/2 &7/3 &7/( &7/9 &7/, &7/5 &7/) &7/$ &7/+ &720 &72/ &722 &723 &72' &72$ &72+ &730 &73/ &732 &733 &73'

7!m8er ran-e ma#ntenanceB &++DKS7 7R 7!m8er ran-e ma#ntenanceB &++DKRP7R Create orro>erM" 7ote Order

Chan-e 8orro>erM" note order D#"play 8orro>erM" note order Delete 8orro>erM" note order Create 8orro>erM" note contract Chan-e 8orro>erM" note contract D#"play 8orro>erM" note contract Payo00 8orro>erM" note contract Re:er"e 8orro>erM" note contract Create other loan contract Create other loan contract Create 8orro>erM" note o00er Chan-e 8orro>erM" note o00er D#"play 8orro>erM" note o00er Delete 8orro>erM" note o00er $ct#:ate 8orro>erM" note o00er Chan-e other loan appl#cat#on Chan-e other loan contract Create pol#cy #ntere"ted party Chan-e pol#cy #ntere"ted party D#"play pol#cy #ntere"ted party Delete pol#cy #ntere"ted party Pol#cy #ntere"ted party #n appl#c.


&73( &73, &73$ &73+ &7'0 &7'/ &7'2 &7'3 &7'' &7'( &7'$ &7'+ &7($ &7(+ &79/ &792 &793 &7,0 &7,2 &750 &75/ &752 &753 &75' &75(

Pol#cy #ntere"ted party #n contract 4oan Re:er"al Cha#n D#"play other loan appl#cat#on D#"play other loan contract Create other loan #ntere"ted party Chan-e other loan #ntere"ted party D#"play other loan #ntere"ted party Delete other loan #ntere"ted party Other loan #ntere"t. Party #n appl#c. Other loan #ntere"ted prty #n cntrct Delete other loan appl#cat#on Delete other loan contract Other loan appl#cat#on #n contract Payo00 other loan contract Create collateral :al!e Chan-e collateral :al!e D#"play collateral :al!e 4#"t 2( 4#"t (' Enter man!al de8#t po"#t#on Chan-e man!al de8#t po"#t#on D#"play man!al de8#t po"#t#on Create >a#:er Chan-e >a#:er D#"play >a#:er


&759 &75, &755 &75$ &75 &75C &75D &7$0 &7$/ &7$2 &7$3 &7$' &7$( &7$9 &7$, &7$5 &7$) &7$$ &7$ &7$C &7$D &7$E &7$G &7$; &7$I

Enter de8#t po"#t#on deprec#at#on Chan-e de8#t po"#t#on deprec#at#on D#"play de8#t po"#t#on deprec#at#on Man!al EntryB Dn"ched. Repayment Man!al EntryB Other !". Operat#on"

Man!al EntryB Char-e" Po"t Planned Record" Pol#cy appl#cat#on #n contract Create mort-a-e appl#cat#on Chan-e mort-a-e appl#cat#on D#"play mort-a-e appl#cat#on Complete mort-a-e appl#cat#on Mort-a-e appl#cat#on #n contract Create pol#cy appl#cat#on Chan-e pol#cy appl#cat#on D#"play pol#cy appl#cat#on Delete pol#cy appl#cat#on React#:ate deleted mort-a-e appl#c. React#:ate deleted mort-. React#:ate deleted mort-a-e contract React#:ate deleted pol#cy appl#cat. React#:ate deleted pol#cy contract React#:ate deleted other loan appl#c React#:ate del. other loan React#:ate deleted other loan cntrct


&7$% &7$4 &7$M &7$S4 &7 / &7 2 &7 3 &7 5 &7 ) &7 D &7 G &7 D &7CD &7C</ &7C<2 &7DD &7E7

Select 0#le character React#:ate deleted 74 contract

React#:ate deleted pol#cy contract 4oan"B $cco!nt $naly"#" 3ran"0er to a 4oan 3ran"0er 0rom a 4oan Doc!ment Re:er"al - 4oan" $+ In0ormat#on $+ tran"0er 4oan"-$!tomat#c 8al. "heet tran"0er G!arantee char-e" l#"t D$R<I7- 4oan" acco!nt#n- men! 3ran"0er C!"tom#I#n- 0or D!nn#nMa#nta#n Standard Role 3ran"act#on Relea"eB $dG!"t <ork0lo> Con:ert D!nn#n- Data #n D!nn. ;#"tory Create 4oan Create General 4oan Create Mort-a-e 4oan Create Pol#cy 4oan Create orro>erM" 7ote 4oan

&7E7$4G &7E7;*P &7E7PO4 &7E7SSD &7&/ &7&2 &7&3 &7&'

Rollo:erB Create 0#le Rollo:erB Chan-e 0#le Rollo:erB D#"play 0#le Rollo:erB &#ll 0#le


&7&) &7&O &7&P &7&H &7&R &7&3 &7&D &7G2 &7G3 &7I/ &7I2 &7I3 &7I' &7I( &7I9 &7I$ &7I &7IC &7ID &7IE &7I; &7IE &7I% &7I4 &7I7

Rollo:erB E:al!at#on" ISISB Create 0#le ISISB Chan-e 0#le ISISB D#"play 0#le ISISB &#ll 0#le Rollo:erB &#le e:al!at#on Rollo:erB Dpdate 0#le 3otal 4oan Comm#tment 3otal Comm#tment Create mort-a-e appl#cat#on Chan-e mort-a-e appl#cat#on D#"play mort-a-e appl#cat#on Delete mort-a-e appl#cat#on Mort-a-e appl#cat#on to o00er Mort-a-e appl#cat#on #n contract Create #ntere"ted party Chan-e #ntere"ted party D#"play #ntere"ted party Delete #ntere"ted party React#:ate #ntere"ted party Dec#"#on-mak#nCreate cred#t "tand#nChan-e cred#t "tand#nD#"play cred#t "tand#nCreate collateral :al!e


&7IO &7IP &7%0 &7%/ &7%O &74/ &742 &743 &74' &74( &749 &7M/ &7M/S &7M2 &7M3 &7M' &7M( &7M9 &7M, &7M$ &7MD &7ME &7MEC &7M; &7MI

Chan-e collateral :al!e D#"play collateral :al!e M!lt#m#ll#on 4oan D#"play 1G $/'2 4oan" to Mana-er" 1G $/(2 Cond.type" - Cond.-ro!p" allocat#on Rollo:erB Create Ma#n &#le Rollo:erB Chan-e Ma#n &#le Rollo:erB D#"pl. Ma#n &#le Str!ct!re 7e> 8!"#ne"" 7e> 8!"#ne"" 7e> 8!"#ne"" $!tomat#c Po"t#n$!tomat#c Po"t#n- - S#n-le alance "heet tran"0er 4oan" re:er"al mod!le Dnd#"clo"ed a""#-nment $!tomat#c de8#t po"#t#on "#m!lat#on Po"t d!nn#n- char-e"A#nt.on arrear" 4oan re:er"al cha#n Partner dataB Sett#n-" men! S!8men! General 4oan" 4oan" mana-ement men! 4oan" Mana-ement Men! 4oan" mana-ement men! 4oan" #n0ormat#on "y"tem


&7MO &7MP &7MS &77' &77( &779 &77, &775 &77) &7O/ &7O2 &7O3 &7O( &7O9 &7O, &7O5 &7O) &7P0 &7P' &7P( &7P9 &7P, &7P5 &7P) &7H2

4oan" Men! Pol#cy 4oan" Rollo:er 4oan" Men! orro>erM" 7ote"

D#"play -eneral 0#le Ed#t -eneral 0#le D#"play -eneral ma#n 0#le Ed#t -eneral ma#n 0#le D#"play -eneral ma#n 0#le Ed#t -eneral o:erall 0#le Create O8Gect Chan-e O8Gect D#"play O8Gect Create collateral Chan-e collateral D#"play collateral Create O8Gect" 0rom &#le Create Collateral 0rom &#le Ed#t rollo:er man!ally Rollo:erB D#"play 0#le Rollo:erB Ed#t &#le Rollo:erB D#"play ma#n 0#le Rollo:erB Ed#t ma#n 0#le Rollo:erB D#"play o:erall 0#le Rollo:erB Ed#t o:erall 0#le 7e> !"#ne"" Stat#"t#c"


&7H3 &7H' &7H( &7H9 &7H, &7H5 &7H) &7H& &7HG &7R0 &7R9 &7R, &7R5 &7R) &7R$ &7R &7RC &7RD &7RE &7RI &7RS &7S/ &7S' &7S9 &7S,

Po"t proce""#n- IP reGect#on C!"tomer Inc. Payment Po"t proce""#n3ran"act. 3ype - $cct determ#nat#on. Compare &lo> 3ypeA$cco!nt Determ#ne. Generate 0lo> type $!tomat#c Clear#n- 0or O:erpayment" Int. adG!"tment r!n" S>#"" #ntere"t adG!"tment r!n" S>#"" "pec#al #ntere"t r!n" 4oan"B Po"t#n- Eo!rnal In"!r.prt0ol#o trend" - 7E< 3otal" and alance 4#"t

$cco!nt "tatement Plann#n- l#"t Other accr!al"Ade0erral" Memo record !pdate $ccr!al"Ade0erral" re"et D#"play #ncom#n- payment" Re:er"e #ncom#n- payment" Port0ol#o $naly"#" D#"co!ntAPrem#!m Re:er"al $ccr!alADe0erral Collateral n!m8er ran-e C!"t. l#"t parameter" 0or loan order In"tallat#on parameter l#"t" 4oan Port0ol#o 3rend C!"tom#I#n-


&7S$ &7S &7S4 &730 &73/ &732 &7D &7+0 &7+/ &7+2 &7+3 &7+' &7+( &7+9 &7+, &7+5 &7+) &7+$

&ore#-n c!rrency :al!at#on Ma"ter data "!mmary alance reconc#l#at#on l#"t 4oan corre"pondence 1S>#tIerland2 $!tom. deadl#ne mon#tor#nCopy te=t mod!le" to cl#ent 3rea"!ry tran"0er Payo00 pol#cy contract Create mort-a-e contract Chan-e mort-a-e contract D#"play mort-a-e contract Delete mort-a-e contract Payo00 mort-a-e contract Create pol#cy contract Chan-e pol#cy contract D#"play pol#cy contract Delete pol#cy contract Create pa#d o00 contract"

&7+COMPRESSIO7 4oan"B Doc!ment Data S!mmar#Iat#on &7+D &7+I &7+M &7+R &7+S &7+< D#"8!r"e Contract 4oan"B General O:er:#e> Chan-e Contract React#:ate Contract D#"play Contract <a#:e Contract



<& 4oan" Relea"eB 4#"t o0 <ork Item" Relea"e <ork0lo>B Synchron#Iat#on

&7<&KREP &7<O &7<S &7X/ &7X2 &7X3 &7X9 &7X, &7X5 &7XD &7XG &7XD &7*/ &7*2 &7*3 &7*9 &7*, &7*5 &7F0 &7F/ &7F$ &7K/ &7K2

4oan"B &a"t Proce""#n;o!"#n- "tat#"t#c" Rollo:erB Create 3a8le Rollo:erB Chan-e 3a8le Rollo:erB D#"play 3a8le Rollo:erB Delete 3a8le Rollo:erB Deact#:ate 3a8le Rollo:erB Pr#nt 3a8le 3R-ED3B Doc!mentat#on 4#"t o0 !". Partner" 3ran"0erred

4#"t o0 Imported 4oan" 7e> 7e> 7e> 7e> 7e> 7e> !"#ne""B Create 3a8le !"#ne""B Chan-e 3a8le !"#ne""B D#"play 3a8le !"#ne""B Delete 3a8le !"#ne""B Deact#:ate 3a8le !"#ne""B Pr#nt 3a8le

ReGect#on" report Po"tproce""#n- payment tran"act#on" $cco!nt Determ#nat#on C!"tom#I#n3a8le ma#nt. tran"0erred loan" 3a8le ma#ntenance tran"0. partner Dpdate Pro-ram 0or &#eld Select#on



Tcodes for Configuring Assets Accounting S. o / 2 3 ' ( 9 , 5 ) /0 // /2 /3 /' /( /9 /, /5 /) 20 2/ 22 23 $O2/ & 7/ O$*R O$*O TC!"# EC05 &3XP O C4 O$O PA$TIC%LA$S


O$O$ $S05 $O)0 O$*F


DEPRECI$3IO7 %E*S DE&I7E $&$MD $&$MS $&$MP $&$M$ $S0/ $S// $SE ME3;OD $4$7CE ME3;ODS




2' 2( 29 2, 25 2)

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