Sciarrino - Unit Lesson 5

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Unit: Why do we need government?

Lesson 5: What makes a government republican?

Essential Questions Standards of Learning (be sure to include integrated standards here too)
What is government? What are the basic purposes of government? What differentiates a republican form of government from other forms of government? VA Social Studies SOL 3.10: The student will recognize the importance of government in the community, Virginia, and the United States of America by a) explaining the purpose of rules and laws; b) explaining that the basic purposes of government are to make laws, carry out laws, and decide if laws have been broken; c) explaining that government protects the rights and property of individuals. VA Social Studies SOL 3.11: The student will explain the importance of the basic principles that form the foundation of a republican form of government by a) describing the individual rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; and equality under the law

Theater Grade K-4 Theater Standard 2: Students assume roles that exhibit concentration and contribute to the action of classroom dramatizations based on personal experience and heritage, imagination, literature, and history


Students will be able to provide examples of and create a representation of the qualities that define our nations republican form of government, and they will be able to distinguish our government from other types of government. Students will implement their knowledge of government by designing their own form of government. Teacher Materials: Types of Government PowerPoint


Student Materials: Social Studies notebook Poster paper and markers Pencil and Paper

Procedures (introduction, instructional strategies, summary/close)

Introduction (5 minutes): This week, weve been talking all about how our government works and why its structured the way it is. What is separation of powers? Think-pair-share. Who can tell me what rights Thomas Jefferson wrote about in the Declaration of Independence? Student volunteer shares. Lets review the branches of government together (Sing the branches of government song

as a class twice through, displaying lyrics on the board). So weve started talking about how the United States has a republican form of government, where the government is of the people, by the people, and for the people. Today well go into what that means in more detail by comparing republican forms of government with other types of governments.

Instructional Strategies (20 minutes): Tell students that the United States has a republican form of government, which can also be referred to as a democracy. Who can remember how we defined a republican form of government? Students can check in their social studies notebooks before answering. What were some examples of elected officials? What are examples of things we are allowed to know as the public? Go through the Types of Government PowerPoint, explaining different types of government that either currently exist or have existed in the past. Lead class discussion on similarities and differences between these types of government. Divide students into 3 groups to represent the 3 types of government we are discussing. Each group will create a poster to represent the major characteristics of their type of government. They will then create a tableau to demonstrate what this type of government would look like for citizens living in that type of government or what this type of government means to them. (Tableaus were introduced and modeled in a previous lesson). Have 3 student volunteers come up and model a tableauuse branches of government as an example. Each group will share their poster and tableau, explaining why they decided to represent their form of government the way they did. Bring the class back together to discuss the United Statess republican democracy. The United States government is of the people, by the people, for the people. What does this mean? Where does our government get its power? How do we ensure that the government is representing our needs? Exit ticket: Explain what the United Statess republican form of government means to you. What do you think are the most important rights we have as citizens that our government must help protect?

Summary (5 minutes): Have a few student volunteers share what a republican form of government means to them. Then, ask each student to share the most important rights the government protects for all citizens. Remind students that our government is structured so that it does not become too powerful, but this is to make sure the people always have a say in their governments actions. Our government is special because its power comes from all citizens who are treated equally. The government has very important jobs to do with creating, enforcing, and evaluating laws, and also making sure that people have rights they deserve. Encourage students to use their social studies notebooks as a study guide before the final assessment on purposes of government.

Extension: Unit Project Students will have 20 minutes to finalize the details of their government. Then they will write a

Constitution for their countrys government. Constitutions must include: Branches of government and jobs for each level Levels of government and responsibilities of each level Citizens rights (top 3) Laws citizens must obey (at least 5)

Formative Assessment

Exit tickets: Check that students understand what a republican form of government means and were able to list a right that they have. Teacher will also take anecdotal notes during class discussion time.


ESOL: ELL students will work with students with good oral language during think-pair-share and during partner activities. Additionally, PowerPoint includes pictures as well as words to help students with meaning. Multiple Intelligences Addressed: Visual-Spatial (drawing and writing what Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness means to me) Interpersonal (class discussion) Intrapersonal (individual exit ticket) Bodily-Kinesthetic (tableau)

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