Green Hospital Checklist

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BUILDING A GREEN HOSPITAL CHECKLIST 1. Choose an Environmenta ! "rien# !

Site o Avoi# $arm an#% &et an#s% $ oo# ' ains% environmenta ! sensitive an#s% an# ha(ar#o)s s)*stan+e sites. o o Reha*i itate va+ant areas as ne+essar!. Share e,istin- ''ortation in$rastr)+t)re.

o 0inimi(e heat is an# 1therma -ra#ient #i$$eren+es *et&een #eve o'e# an# )n#eve o'e# areas2. o Ta.e a#vanta-e o$ e,istin- transit% &ater% an# ener-! in$rastr)+t)re in the +omm)nit!. o Preserve o+a ha*itat% -reen $ie #s% an# nat)ra reso)r+es. 3. Desi-n $or S)staina*i it! an# E$$i+ien+! B)i #ino Prioriti(e 'ar.s% -reen&a!s% an# *i.e&a!s thro)-ho)t the ne& hos'ita area. P an s)$$i+ient sha#e. o o Investi-ate in+entives avai a* e $rom the U.S. De'artment o$ Ener-!. Consi#er 1re2)se o$ e,istin- *)i #in-s% in+ )#in- str)+t)re% she % et+.

o I#enti$! o''ort)nities to in+or'orate re+!+ e# materia s into the *)i #in-% s)+h as *eams an# 'osts% $ oorin-% 'ane in-% *ri+.s% #oors% $rames% +a*inetr!% $)rnit)re% trim% et+. o Provi#e s)ita* e means o$ se+)rin- *i+!+ es &ith +onvenient +han-e/sho&er $a+i ities $or those &ho +!+ e to &or.. o Desi-n $or #)ra*i it!4 i$e +!+ e +ostin-/va )e en-ineerin- strate-! $or $inishes an# s!stems to re#)+e &aste. o 0a,imi(e #a! i-htin- an# vie& o''ort)nities 1*)i #in- orientation% e,terior/interior sha#in- #evi+es% hi-h4'er$orman+e - a(in-% 'hoto4inte-rate# i-ht sensors% sha o& $ oor ' ates% in+rease# *)i #in- 'erimeter% et+.2. o Desi-nate an area $or re+!+ a* e +o e+tion an# stora-e that is a''ro'riate an# +onvenient &ith +onsi#eration -iven to )sin- +ar#*oar# *a ers% a )min)m +an +r)shers% re+!+ in- +h)tes% an# other &aste mana-ement te+hno o-ies to enhan+e re+!+ in- 'ro-ram. o o Consi#er the insta ation o$ an on4site +om'ost vesse . Desi-n $or a#a'ta*i it! o$ *)i #in- #esi-n as )ser nee#s +han-e.

o Esta* ish a 'ro5e+t -oa $or o+a ! so)r+e# materia s an# i#enti$! materia s an# materia s)'' iers that +an he ' a+hieve this -oa 6 this re#)+es environmenta im'a+t #)e to trans'ortation an# s)''orts the o+a e+onom!. o Provi#e +a'a+it! $or in#oor air 7)a it! monitorin- to s)stain on-4term o++)'ant

hea th an# +om$ort 1+ar*on #io,i#e sensors inte-rate# into *)i #in- a)tomation s!stem2. 8. Ener-! o Orient *)i #in- to ta.e a#vanta-e o$ so ar ener-! $or heatin- an# #a! i-htin-% an# to en+o)ra-e nat)ra venti ation an# 'assive +oo in-. o o o o o Consi#er heat re+over! s!stems &here a''ro'riate. Use +om')ter4sim) ation mo#e to assist in ma,imi(in- ener-! 'er$orman+e. Insta me+hani+a venti ation e7)i'ment. Insta hi-h4e$$i+ien+! heatin- an# +oo in- e7)i'ment. Insta a i-htin- +ontro s!stem.

o Insta hi-h4e$$i+ien+! i-hts% a'' ian+es% an# $i,t)res &ith motion/o++)'an+! sensors &here a''ro'riate. o Consi#er heatin-/+oo in- an# ener-! $rom rene&a* e so)r+es 1e.-.% so ar% &in#% *iomass% -eotherma % *io4-as% et+.2. o o 0inimi(e i-ht 'o )tion *! 'ro'er an# 5)#i+io)s i )mination. Desi-n the *)i #in- &ith e7)i'ment to meas)re &ater an# ener-! 'er$orman+e.

o Consi#er tas. i-htin- 9o'enin- &in#o&9 te+hno o-!% an# )n#er$ oor H:AC s!stems &ith in#ivi#)a #i$$)sers. o E,+ee# minim)m ins) ation re7)irements $or &a s% +ei in-s% et+.% as 'res+ri*e# *! the U.S. De'artment o$ Ener-!. o Insta an# maintain a tem'erat)re/h)mi#it! monitorin- s!stem to a)tomati+a ! a#5)st to *)i #in- +on#itions an# in. s!stem to *)i #in- a)tomation s!stem. o 'ossi* e. Consi#er the )se o$ Ener-! Star an# Environmenta Choi+e 'ro#)+ts &herever

o De' o! a monitorin- an# s!stem $or a ener-! in')ts &ith s+he#) e# revie&s to ens)re e$$i+ien+ies are *ein- met. ;. <ater o the site. Eva )ate sa$e strate-ies to re+!+ e &aste&ater/-ra! &ater $or other ')r'oses on

o Limit #isr)'tion o$ storm &ater $ o&s *! minimi(in- r)no$$% in+rease on4site in$i tration% an# re#)+e +ontainments thro)-h +onstr)+te# &et an#s% *ios&a es% et+. o site. Consi#er +o e+tin- storm &ater r)no$$ $or other ')r'oses 1irri-ation2 on the

o Consi#er )se o$ reverse osmosis $ee# &ater to $ee# steam *oi ers in 'o&er ' ant to re#)+e +hemi+a s re7)ire#% 'ro#)+e + eaner steam% in+rease +!+ es% an# re#)+e *oi er

* o&#o&n to the environment. o Lan#s+a'e &ith #ro)-ht4resistant native ' ants an# 'erennia -ro)n# +overs. Sit)ate *)i #in- to ta.e a#vanta-e o$ e,istin- ve-etation. o Use o&4$ o& ta's% no(( es% an# toi ets. =. Eva )ation o Ens)re that *)i #in- e ements are insta e# an# +a i*rate# 'ro'er ! to meet the 'ro5e+t>s environmenta hea th -oa s in a##ition to me+hani+a % e e+tri+a % an# ' )m*ins!stem re7)irements. o Per$orm a t&o4&ee. *)i #in- $ )sho)t or test +ontaminant eve s in *)i #in*e$ore o++)'an+!. ?. Chemi+a /In#oor Air @)a it! o Avoi# o(one4#e' etin- +hemi+a s in me+hani+a e7)i'ment an# ins) ation 1(ero to eran+e $or C"C4*ase# re$ri-erant2. o Avoi# materia s that &i o$$-ass 'o )tants% s)+h as so vent4*ase# $inishes an# a#hesives% +ar'etin-% an# 'arti+ e*oar#s that re ease $orma #eh!#e. o A)#it e,istin- *)i #in- s!stems )sin- re$ri-erant an# $ire s)''ression +hemi+a s an# remove HC"Cs an# ha ons. o S'e+i$! re$ri-eration/$ire4s)''ression s!stems that )se no HC"Cs or ha ons. o S'e+i$! materia s $ree $rom to,i+ +hemi+a s an# that #o not re ease to,i+ *!'ro#)+ts thro)-ho)t their i$e +!+ e% an# avoi# those to,ins that are +ar+ino-eni+% 'ersistent% or *ioa++)m) ative. Ke! materia s to avoi# in+ )#e mer+)r! 1s&it+hine7)i'ment2% arseni+ 1'ress)re4treate# &oo#2% )rea $orma #eh!#e 1en-ineere# &oo#2% P:C 1$ oors% &a +overin-s% $)rnit)re% roo$ mem*ranes% ' )m*in- 'i'e% e e+tri+a &ire2% an# as*estos. o P a+e air a&a! $rom vehi+ es an# other s)+h so)r+es o$ 'o )tion to 'revent in#oor air +ontamination. o A#o't an in#oor air 7)a it! mana-ement ' an to 'rote+t the H:AC s!stem #)rin- +onstr)+tion% +ontro 'o )tant so)r+es% an# interr)'t 'ath&a!s $or +ontamination.

A. <aste o En+o)ra-e environmenta ! res'onsi* e $orest mana-ement *! )sin- &oo#4 *ase# materia s +erti$ie# in a++or#an+e &ith the "orest Ste&ar#shi' Co)n+i Prin+i' es an# Criteria. o In+or'orate materia s that are #esi-ne# $or #isassem* ! an# re+!+ e/re)se at the

en# o$ $)n+tiona i$e. o Ens)re a#e7)ate s'a+e $or stora-e o$ ha(ar#o)s &aste 1e.-.% *iome#i+a % +hemi+a % ra#ioa+tive% et+.2. B. Use Green B)i #in- 0ateria s an# Pro#)+ts o 0inimi(e the )se o$ +ar'ets an# other s)+h materia s that have the 'otentia to a*sor* an# re ease in#oor 'o )tants. o o Use hi-h4re$ e+tant roo$in-. Use hi-h4'er$orman+e &in#o&s 1#o)* e4- a(e#% ar-on% et+.2.

o Use ra'i# ! rene&a* e *)i #in- materia s% s)+h as *am*oo $ oorin-% &oo +ar'et% stra&*oar#% ino e)m% 'o' ar OSB% s)n$ o&er see# *oar#% &heat-rass +a*inetr!% hem' $a*ri+s% et+. o Use #)ra* e 'ro#)+ts an# materia s that re7)ire o& maintenan+e. C. Thin. Green D)rin- Constr)+tion o Esta* ish an#$i #iversion ' an 1or site an# *)i #in- e ements 1 an# + earin#e*ris% +ar#*oar#% meta s% *ri+.% +on+rete% ' asti+% + ean &oo#% - ass -!'s)m &a *oar#% +ar'et ins) ation2 an# tra+. e$$orts to +om' ! &ith re+!+ in-/#iversion ' an. o o Prote+t trees an# to'soi #)rin- site &or.. Centra i(e +)ttin- o'erations to re#)+e 5o* site &aste an# sim' i$! sortin-.

o 0inimi(e +onstr)+tion 'a+.a-in- materia or ret)rn s)+h &aste to s)'' iers $or re)se/re+!+ in-. o E#)+ate an# see. $ee#*a+. $rom +re&s% in+ )#in- s)*+ontra+tors% a*o)t the environmenta vision an# the im'ortan+e o$ -reen #esi-n an# +onstr)+tion 'ra+ti+es. 1D. Kee' Greenino *ene$its. Esta* ish a &aste se'aration an# re+!+ in- 'ro-ram% an# e#)+ate sta$$ as to the

o E#)+ate an# en-a-e sta$$ in a #e'artments in +)rrent environmenta initiatives an# a*o)t o''ort)nities to -et invo ve#. o Esta* ish a 9Green Team9 o$ sta$$ $rom a #e'artments to monitor 'ro-ress to&ar# environmenta -oa s. o Dra$t a meas)rements an# veri$i+ation ' an to +om'are 're#i+te# savin-s 1&ater% e e+tri+it!2 &ith those a+t)a ! a+hieve# on+e *)i t. o Create a sta$$ environmenta +oor#inator 'osition. o Phase o)t the )se o$ +hemi+a 'esti+i#es on -reens'a+e in $avor o$ or-ani+ horti+) t)ra a''roa+hes.

o A#o't -reen 'ro+)rement 'roto+o s to s+reen a 'ro#)+ts $or environmenta *ene$its an# a ternatives. o o Deve o' an environmenta mana-ement s!stem. En-a-e in a 9-reen 'o&er9 +ontra+t &ith a o+a )ti it!.

o I#enti$! o+a re+!+ ers/*)!ers o$ - ass% ' asti+% or-ani+ &aste% o$$i+e 'a'er% +ar#*oar#% et+. o I#enti$! an# s)''ort &aste ha) ers/re+!+ ers &ho share a -reen 'hi oso'h!. o Initiate a 'o i+! o$ ')r+hasin- on ! $air ! tra#e# +o$$ee an# +ho+o ate 'ro#)+ts in +a$eterias/ven#in- ma+hines. o Deve o' a &e ness initiative to im'rove the 7)a it! o$ the em' o!ee>s &or. i$e.

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