Dick E-Mail - Student
Dick E-Mail - Student
Dick E-Mail - Student
Electronic Mail
One of the most frequently used applications on the Internet today is e-mail. When you sign up for internet access through your IS ! employer"school you are assigned a user name that identifies you as the indi#idual at that organi$ation %ho holds the email account. &our school e-mail address is' annie.dick(ds)n.edu.on.ca &our personal e-mail address is' anniemdick(hotmail.com Select one of the a)o#e and fill in the )lanks )elo%' &our user name is annie.dick ( separates the user name from the host name to allo% for multiple address at the same host. &our hosts name is ds)n.edu.on.ca
Advantages of using e-mail are: -&ou can contact people easily -*ight %hen it is sent the person can recei#e it and check it right a%ay -It is +ust like mailing a letter )ut it is faster and more efficient and sa#es paper -&ou can get information such as sales at a store instead of sending flyers -&ou can ans%er an email %hene#er you %ant unlike a call %hich you ha#e to get right a%ay - Access your mail any%here as long as you ha#e access to internet Concerns regarding the use of email: -&ou can recei#e a )unch of +unk mail and"or #iruses that you ha#e to spend lots of time deleting
-If the person doesn,t ha#e email then you ha#e to take the time to send them a letter or call them %hich %ould take a lot more time then easily sending an email -May)e the email program or %e)site that you use stops %orking so then you %ill not )e a)le to send or recei#e emails e#en if it is important - &ou ha#e to ha#e access to the internet to send an email - &ou don,t kno% if the person you sent the email to got the message
When %e con#erse! %e e-pect other people to o)ser#e certain rules of )eha#ior. .he same is true for e-mail! the most popular form of online communication. /ere are a fe% pointers to help you communicate more effecti#ely. In the space provided, explain why each etiquette tip should be followed. . Clearly summari!e your message in the sub"ect line. If you didn,t put a su)+ect then someone %ould not kno% %hat it is so then may)e they %on,t open it )ecause they do not kno% %hat it %ill )e a)out. .hey could +ust delete it and think since there isn,t a su)+ect it must not )e important )ut it could )e #ery important. #. $o not use the CC %Carbon Copy& function to copy your message to everyone.
.hese days e#eryone recei#es too much e-mail. 0nnecessary messages are annoying. If only a fe% people need to recei#e your message! only direct it to them.
'. (se the )CC %)lind Carbon Copy& 1ust as it is not polite to gi#e out a person,s telephone num)er %ithout his or her kno%ledge! it,s not polite to )roadcast e#eryone,s e-mail address. 2or instance! %hen you send a message to 34 people and use the .o or 55 fields to address the message! all 34 people see each other,s address. 6y using )cc! each recipient see only t%o7theirs and yours. *. +eep your message short and focused. 2e% people like to read huge long messages and get tired of it and %on,t take the time to read it all. 8eep it short and quick if you %ant the %hole message to )e read. ,. Avoid using all CA-I.A/ /0..012333 9ormally %hen you are typing it is common sense that if you use capital letters if you are mad so if you use capital letters and you are not mad then they can get the %rong idea. It makes it more difficult to read. 4. $on5t write anything you wouldn5t say in public. If the message %as meant for only one person to see and you email it to them they could easily copy and paste and send it to many different people that %ere
not supposed to see it. It %ill )e out there fore#er. If you don,t %ant to potentially share a message! call cause then they don,t ha#e that hard copy of the message.
6. (se emoticons7smiley5s to ensure that your message is properly understood. Since you are not talking in person someone could easily misread %hat you are trying to say. When %e are talking %e ha#e different speaking tones. 2or e-ample if you %ere mad you %ould ha#e a certain #oice that %ould )e different than if you %ere happy. &ou can,t e-press yourself that %ay in te-t. So if you are happy add some smiley faces or if you are )eing sarcastic add %inky faces ect. 8. Avoid sending e-mail to large numbers of people unless you have a legitimate reason to do it. Email sent to many recipients may )e considered spam. 9. Avoid nasty e-mail. Sending and recei#ing nasty emails is ne#er good )ecause the email %ill al%ays )e linked )ack to you cause your email address %ill )e there. :. Include your name at the bottom of the message.
The message contains your email address in the header, but the recipients may not know that the senders address is yours, especially if its different from your real name.