Course Term Project: (20 Marks) Due Date

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Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University

College of Computer and Information Sciences Information Systems Department


Web Services IS 303

Course Term Project

(20 Marks) Due Date: 12/12/2013
Part #1 Creating presentation on selected topic :
You are asked to provide a presentation on one of the following topics , or propose your own subject (must be approved by the instructor). The groups will be formed by 5 students as a maximum . SUGGESTED TOPICS: Amazon web service and the cloud WS- REST vs. SOAP Semantic Web application and the new challenges Choreography and Orchestration Composite web services Grid computing for wed shops WS- Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) Social network and the web services WSS, Web Services Security Web 2.0 in business The web services and Mashup Stack of WS-standards Semantic Web architecture

PRESENTATION GUIDELINES: Plan to give a 10 to 15 minute over-head presentation, with time for questions and discussion. Presentations should be self contained, and should be clear and precise. Briefly introduce the topic including any background information, describe the investigation, the analyze and design methodology, development, or experimentation that was conducted, and provide any demonstrations developed as part of the project, or describe the results of the investigation or experimentation.

Part #2 Building the Service Provider:

In this part, students are required to build any web service by using Java SOAP package. The web service will provide any selected operations and return the result back: Notes: -

The web service should avoid any errors input with warning message. Create the web service in a package called: imu.webservice.studentName

Part #3 Building the Service Requester:

In this part, students are required to build a client Java application to request and consume the web service described above. The application should display a window prompting the user to select search method, and finally submit the query. The web service will respond to the request and send the details back. The application will display the result in the same window. The interface design of the application is up to the student.

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