Ibps Specialist Officer Cwe Ibps Specialist Officer Cwe
Ibps Specialist Officer Cwe Ibps Specialist Officer Cwe
Ibps Specialist Officer Cwe Ibps Specialist Officer Cwe
Directions (1-5) : In each of the following questions two/three statements are given followed by two Conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from c o m m o n l y k n o w n facts. Read both the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically and definitely follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. 1. Statements All beans are pulses. All pulses are crops. No crop is seed. Conclusions: I. All crops are pulses. II. All beans are crops. (1) Only Conclusion II follows (2) Neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows (3) Either Conclusion I or Conclusion II follows (4) Only Conclusion I follows (5) B o t h C o n c l u s i o n I and Conclusion II follow 2. Statements No fruit is vegetable All potatoes are vegetables. Some fruits are apples. Conclusions: I. Some apples are potatoes II. Some potatoes being fruits is a possibility. ( l ) B o t h C o n c l u s i o n I and Conclusion II follow (2) Only Conclusion II follows (3) Either Conclusion I or Conclusion II follows (4) Only Conclusion I follows (5) Neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows
chased by the customer on the assurance. The market is appealing to supermarkets and retail outlet owners are setting up their business in other areas where there are less Kirana stores. 7. Which of the following can be a good argument in favour of shopping from Kirana stores instead of supermarkets ? (1) People prefer supermarkets because they offer a larger range of products, i.e, products other than FMCG and they can buy everything under one roof. (2) People end-up buying other irrelevant things along with those on their shopping lists in Supermarkets and then they have to stand in long queues at the billing counters. (3) M o s t K i r a n a s t o r e s are closed atleast one day in a week whereas supermarkets are open 365 days a year. (4) Kirana stores do not accept debit and credit cards. (5) Very few Kirana stores sell products at a bargained price. 8. Which of the following can be i n f e r r e d from the g i v e n information? (An inference is something that is not directly stated but can inferred from the given information). (1) Most supermarkets and retail outlet owners choose to set up businesses in areas that have very few Kirana stores. (2) People tend to trust retail outlets and supermarkets when it comes to buying high value products as opposed to buying them from local shops. (3) If there are two or more Kirana stores in a typical residential area the competition among them is very high.
(4) Kirana stores owners are vying to acquire franchisee of supermarkets as the local shops have lost their charm and business. (5) Kirana stores do not sell the products which consumers have on their regular shopping lists, so they have to depend on supermarkets. Directions (9-11) : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below : Among five persons - P, Q, R, S and T each has different height. Only two persons are shorter than S. T is shorter than S but taller than R. The one who is the second talle s t a m o n g t h e m i s o f 158 centimetre. 9. W h i c h of the following statements is definitely true w i t h respect to the given information ? (1) R is definitely 150 cm (2) N o n e of the given statements is true (3) T is shorter than S (4) Q is shorter than S (5) P i s possibly 153 cm 10. W h i c h of the f o l l o w i n g is possibly the height of Q ? (1) 148 cm (3) 152 cm (5) 158 cm 11. How many persons are shorter than Q ? (l)Two (3) Four (4) Cannot be determined (5) One Directions ( 1 2 - 1 3 ) : Read the following statements carefully and answer the questions given below : Mobile technology has played great role in growth and development of society. Earlier cellphone was used as a medium of conversation only. Now mobile phones also support a wide variety of other serv i c e s , such as, t e x t i n g , e m a i l , internet access etc. T h e price of mobile phones is also decreasing (2) Three (2) 156 cm (4) 150 cm
and people are being encouraged to buy a mobile phone set at a cheaper rate. T h e mobile technology and smartphones have the capabilities of handling v i d e o calls, sharing large files. Mobile technology had made it more efficient to conduct business. V i d e o calls and taking photographs have become possible as mobile phone has in built camera. Therefore, there is no need to carry around a camera everywhere you go. 12. Which of the following cannot be inferred from the g i v e n information ? (An inference is something that is not directly stated but can be inferred from the given information). (1) One can share photos and videos via mobile phones provided that the other person has a similar device. (2) M a n y features are being added to m o b i l e p h o n e s now-a-days (3) The other features of mobile phones are not as useful as the built in camera (4) Mobile phones can be used for p u r p o s e s other than making calls (5) Technological advances are taking place in fields other than cellphones as well 13. Which of the following can be c o n c l u d e d from the g i v e n information ? (1) Buying a phone with a camera is more convenient than buying two different devices (2) Mobile phones that are basic last longer than the ones with added features (3) Not many people are interested in clicking pictures with mobile phones (4) It is possible to share picture with someone having a similar camera (5) No one will buy cameras now onwards
Directions (14 - 15) : Study the following information to answer the given questions : ' T R A V E L ' is related to ' U D KUSB' and 'CORNER' is related to MDQDPS'. 14. 'SURVEY' is related to . (l)UDXSTV (2) UXDTSV (3) TVSUDX (4) UDXTVS (5) UDXVTS 15. GROUPS' is related to . (1) TORHSP (2) TOHRSP (3) TORPHS (4) ROTHSP (5) ROTPHS Directions (16-20) : Study the following information to answer the given questions : In a certain code '8 2 9' means 'how art thou,' '9 5 8' means 'thou art good' and '1 5 8 7 3' means 'thy good and thou bad'. 16. What may be the possible code for 'thy' ? ( 1 ) 1 or 7 (2)7 (3) 3 (4) 5 (5) 1 or 7 or 3 17. What is the code for 'thou' ? (1)9 (2)8 (3) 2 (4) 5 (5) None of these 18. What is the code for 'how' ? (1)5 (2)8 (3) 2 (4) 9 (5) None of these 19. Which of the following m a y possibly be the code for 'thou no good' ? (1)5 0 8 (2)780 (3) 5 0 7 (4) 7 8 0 (5) None of these 20. What is the code for 'how good thou art' ? (1)7 5 8 9 (2)82 9 5 (3) 7 1 8 3 (4) 8 7 9 5 (5) Cannot be determined 21. Effect : T h e t e m p l e at the religious site wears a deserted look with the n u m b e r of devotees trickling down. Which of the following can be a possible canse of the above effect?
( 1 ) A structural engineer had visited the temple a month back and had declared the structure unsafe. (2) The temple is facing a drastic depletion of its funds w h i c h had a c c u m u l a t e d over the years due to offerings made by devotees. (3) The local corporation dec i d e d to d o n a t e a h u g e a m o u n t of m o n e y to the temple for its renovation. (4) The village housing the religious site has qualified priests to perform religious ceremonies. (5) A famous actor recently visited the temple and paid his respects to the deity. 22. Statements : The Income Tax authorities carried out raids at three different business houses in the city last week. Which of the following can be a possible effect of the above statement ? ( l ) T h e three business houses are regular defaulters in p a y m e n t of their i n c o m e tax. (2) The Income Tax department had received a tip off about the illegal activities going on in the three business houses. (3) The Government decided to look into the matter and has appointed an inquiry committee. (4) Other business houses took immediate action to clear off all their income tax dues in order to avoid a raid on their establishments. (5) The authorities intend to conduct raids in several other business houses in the vicinity. 23. Effect : As a step to regulate private hospitals, the state health department is framing rules to ensure all such hospitals are registered with it. Which of the following can be a possible cause of the above statement ?
(1) The department realised the private hospitals charge much less for treatment as compared to government hospitals. (2) Government run hospitals do not maintain the same standards as private hospitals. (3) T h e d e p a r t m e n t realised that several hospitals were rejecting cases stating lack of infrastructure. (4) Apart from the number of doctors, nurses and beds, the kind of procedure a hospital can carry out based on its infrastructure will also be registered and detailed, (5) Private hospitals nor registering with the department shall be forced to do so and will have to pay hefty penalties. 24. Statement : The constable has been recommended for a suitable reward by his superior tn recognition of his sincere duty and busting of several gangs of criminals actively involved in the loot and incidents of pickpocketing. Which of the following can be a possible assumption of the above statement ? (1) The superior is certain that the recommendation would be denied. (2) The number of criminals apprehended by this particular constable was exceptionally high. (3) The constable desires to be m o n e t a r i l y compensated for his efforts. (4) The superior wants to set an example for his other juniors by recommending the reward. (5) Rewards recognising the sincerity and accomplishm e n t s of policemen are given. 25. Statement : The college has finally received accreditation and has gained the status of a deemed university.
Which of the following can be a possible effect of the above statement ? (l)The principal of the college will now have to be a retired government official. (2) Number of students seeking admission to this college in the n e x t a c a d e m i c y e a r would drop significantly. (3) The college will charge lesser fees from all its students despite not getting a grant from the government. (4) The college will reduce the number of courses that it runs by a significant margin. (5) The reputation of the college amcngst the student population in general has improved. Directions (26-27) : In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. These statements are followed by two conclusions. Mark answer If (1) Only c o n c l u s i o n I follows. (2) Only conclusion II follows. (3) Either conclusion I or II follows. (4) Neither conclusion I nor II follows. (5) Both conclusions I and II follow.
: 16 today 32 waiting 21 are 11 people 46 bus 66 long Step I : 16 today 32 waiting 2 1 1 1 people 46 bus 66 long are Step II : 16 today 32 waiting 21 people 46 bus 66 long 11 are Step III : 16 today 32 waiting 21 people 46 66 long bus 11 are Step I V : t o d a y 3 2 w a i t i n g 2 1 people 46 66 long 16 bus 11 are S t e p V : today 32 waiting people 46 66 21 long 16 bus 11 are Step VI : today 32 waiting 46 66 people 21 long 16 bus 11 are Step V I I : today waiting 46 66 32 people 21 long 16 bus 11 are Step VIII : waiting 46 66 today 32 people 21 long 16 bus 11 are Step IX : waiting 66 46 today 32 people 21 long 16 bus 11 are Step X : 66 waiting 46 today 32 p e o p l e 21 long 16 bus 11 are Step X is the last Step of the arrangement of the above input as the intended arrangement is obtained. N o w , answer the questions based on the following input : Input : 23 you 13 wake 81 me 43 before 72 go 34 up 28. Which of these words / n u m bers would be fourth (from left side) in Step IV for the input ? (1) me (2) 43 (3)81 (4) wake (5) None of these 29. The following stands for which step of the rearrangement ? you wake 81 43 72 34 up me 23 go 13 before (1) Step IX (2) Step IV (3) Step VI (4) Step V (5) None of these 30. Which of the following would be Step II for the above input ? (1) 23 you wake 81 me 43 72 34 up go 13 before (2) 23 you 13 wake 81 me 43 72 go 34 up before
(3) 23 you wake 81 me 43 72 go 34 up before 13 (4) 23 you wake 81 me 43 72 . go 34 up 13 before (5) None of these Directions (31 - 35) : Below'is given a passage followed by several possible inferences which can be drawn from the facts stated in the passage. You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity. Mark answer (1) If the inference is "definitely true" i.e. it properly follows from the statement of facts given. Mark answer (2) If the inference is "probably true" though not "definitely true" in the light of the facts given. Mark answer (3) If the data is inadequate i.e. from the facts given, you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false. Mark answer (4) If the inference is "probably false" though not "definitely false" in the light of the facts given. Mark answer (5) If the inference is "definitely false" i.e. it cannot possibly be drawn from the facts given or it contradicts the given facts. (Note : Each of the five questions has only one distinct answer i.e. no two questions can have the same answer. If you get the same answer for more than one question, consider both again and decide which one of the two would more definitely be that answer and in the same way review the others also.) Cardiovascular disease is so prevalent that virtually all businesses are likely to have employees who suffer from, or may develop, this condition. Research shows that between 50-80 per cent of all people who suffer a heart attack are able to return to work. However, this may not be possible if they have previously been involved in heavy physical work. In such cases, it may be possible to move the employee to lighter duties, with appropriate retraining where necessary. Similarly, high-pressure, stressful work,
Directions (28 - 30) : Study the following information to answer the given questions : A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. (All numbers in these questions are two digit numbers)
even where it does not involve physical activity, should also be avoided. H u m a n R e s o u r c e m a n a g e r s should be aware of the implications of j o b roles for employees with a cardiac condition. 31. Employees who suffer from cardiovascular disease are mostly unable to return to work. 32. Employees suffering from Cardiovascular diseases are unable to handle stressful situations. 33. Employees above the age of 50 are found to suffer from cardiovascular disease. 34. Physical and stressful work definitely leads to a heart attack. 35. Heart disease can affect employees in any type of business. Directions (36 - 40) : Study the following information to answer the given questions : J, P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are four married couples sitting in a circle facing the centre, The profession of the males within the group are lecturer, lawyer, doctor and scientist. Among the males, only R (the lawyer) and V (the scientist) are sitting together. Each man is seated besides his wife. U, the wife of the lecturer is seated second to the right of V. T is seated between U and V. P is the wife of the doctor. Q is not the doctor. S is a male. 36. Which of the following is P's position with respect to S ? (1) Second to the right (2) Second to the left (3) Immediate right (4) Immediate left (5) Third to the left 37. Which of the following is J's position with respect to T ? (1) Third to the left (2) Fourth to the right (3) Third to the right (4) Opposite T (5) Second to the right 38. Which of the following is not true regarding the couples ? ( l ) P i s the wife of S (2) T is the wife of Q
(3) R is the husband of J (4) J and S are seated adjacent to each other (5) All are true 39. The wives of which two husbands are immediate neighbours ? (1)UT (2)SR (3)VQ (4)RV (5) None of these 40. Four of the following are alike in a certain way based on their seating position in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group? (l)RSJ (2)TRV (3) UTV (4) SQP (5) UPQ Directions (41 - 44) : Study the following information to answer the given questions : Seven friends, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z are sitting in a straight line facing north. W sits fifth to the right of T. W does not sit at any of extreme ends. T w o people sit between Z and X. Y sits third to the left of U. Y sits exactly in the middle. Z is not an immediate neighbour of Y. 41. What is Z's position with respect to W ? (1) Second to the left (2) Third to the right (3) Fourth to the left (4) Third to the left (5) Fourth to the right 42. W h o is second to the right of T? (1)Y (2)0C (3) U (4) V (5) None of these 43. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way besed on their seating positions in the a b o v e l i n e a n d so f o r m a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group ? (1) U W (2) XV (3) Z T (4) YV (5) W X 44. If all the seven friends are made to sit alphabetically from right to left, positions of how many will remain unchanged ?
(1) None (2) One (3) T w o (4) Three (5) Four Directions (45 - 5 7 ) : Read the given statements carefully and answer the questions which follow. 45. A f t e r the g o v e r n m e n t announced a compensatory policy for farmers in return for the acquisition of their land, the farmers demanded a written proof of the policy. Which of the following could possibly be a Cause for demanding the written proof ? (1) The farmers were unable to c o n t e s t the i n a d e q u a t e c o m p e n s a t i o n for t h e i r land in earlier such policies. (2) The compensation promised in the policy was grossly inadequate. (3) The farmers were unwilling t6 surrender their lands to the government. (4) The farmers demand a certain-percentage of share out of the revenue generated by the g o v e r n m e n t off their lands. (5) The only option to enforce the government officials to frame a compensatory policy for the farmers was to demand a proof. 46. The number of cases concerning a non-contagious chemical poisoning is on the rise among local villagers. Which of the following could possibly be a Cause of the statement given above ? (1) The government has ordered an immediate enquiry into the matter. (2) Unless timely treatment is provided to the patients, the poisoning can prove to be fatal. (3) Many factories surrounding the village do not dispose off their wastes appropriately. (4) T h e only hospital in the area is not equipped to treat chemical poisoning related ailments.
(5) A study done a couple of years ago had reported that a large number of farmers had stopped using chemical fertilizers owing to their ill-effects on health. 47. Small g r o c e r y shop o w n e r s have gone on a day's strike in order to protest against the entry of a foreign retail store chain in the city. Which of the following statements can be an Effect of the statement given above ? ( l ) T h e small grocery shop owners perceive the big retall giants as sharks, trying to dominate the avail able market space. (2) Foreign investment in retail has shown a tremendous growth in India since a couple of years. (3) T h e r e h a v e been several countries in which retail chain giants have totally wiped out small scale grocery shops. (4) The government agreed to take all political steps required to safeguard the interests of small scale retailers. (5) A recent survey indicated that a large number of people prefer to buy their daily g r o c e r y i t e m s f r o m the nearby grocery stores rather than big retail chain stores. Directions (48- 5 0 ) : Read the following statements carefully and answer the questions which follow. 48. T h e m i n i s t r y of sports has been advised by a committee to take the highest award in the field of sports back from two players who were allegedly-involved in match fixing. Which of the following statements would weaken the arg u m e n t put forward by the committee to the sports ministry ? (1) A good conduct in the past a n d a l a c k of e v i d e n c e against the players make the case against them very weak.
(2) The ministry of sports has never declined the recommendations made by the committee earlier. (3) Taking the award back from the players would set a good example to other players for avoiding such actions in the future. (4) There have been past cases where the award had to be taken back from the players owing to some misconduct later on. (5) The committee is constituted of some of the most respected and esteemed members from the fields of sports and politics. 49. Many organizations have been resorting to recruitment based upon performance at graduate/post-graduate level exams rather than conducting exams for the same purpose. Which of the following statements would strengthen the argument given in the above statement ? ( 1 ) A recent study shows no link of past performance with the performance in recruitment exams. (2) The graduate/post-graduate exams are considered to be severely deficient in training in j o b related environment. (3) Organisations which had undertaken recruitment on the basis of graduate/post graduate exams report a significant drop in the quality of the recruited employees. (4) Such policies would add to unemployment among students having below average performance in graduation or post-graduation. (5) Such policies could save time, money and resources of the organisation which are wasted in the conduct of r e c r u i t m e n t examinations.
50. According to a recent governm e n t d i r e c t i v e , all b a n k branches in rural areas should be computerized. Which of the following statements would weaken the government's argument ? (1) Computerisation of bank branches in urban areas has helped in making their performance more efficient and fast. (2) Lack of skilled and qualified m a n p o w e r has been suitably substituted by computers in banks. (3) N o n - c o m p u t e r i s e d b a n k branches in the rural areas have been proved to be as efficient as their computerized counterparts. (4) The government has introduced a special test for computer knowledge in all r e c r u i t m e n t e x a m s for banks. (5) Unemployment in the rural areas could be controlled by training more and more professionals in computers.
51. A 320 metre long train crosses a pole in 50 seconds. What is the speed of train ? ( 1 ) 4 . 6 m / s e c (2) 7.2 m / s e c (3) 5.4 m / s e c (4) 6.4 m / s e c (5) Cannot be determined In a school some sweats were to be distributed among 420 children on the occasion of Teacher's day. But 140 children remained absent on that particular day and hence each child got one sweat extra. How many sweats each child would have got originally ? (1) Cannot be determined (2) 2 (3) 5 (4) 4 (5) 1 Directions (53-57) : In the f o l l o w i n g q u e s t i o n s information about number of candidates interviewed by five commercial firms on different working days has been provided. You are required to read the table carefully and answer the questions given below :
Number of candidates interviewed by five firms on different working days Firms Working Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 53. A 17 21 23 24 10 17 B 18 19 22 14 10 26 C 23 14 23 12 16 20 D 25 28 12 23 15 20 E 18 25 18 18 22 24
In how many ways the letters of the word VISITING can be rearranged ? (1)6720 (2)5720 (3) 720 (4) 7620 (5) None of these Directions (59-64) : In the following pie-chart per cent of students enrolled in different cultural a c t i v i t i e s of a s c h o o l has b e e n shown. You are required to study the pie-chart carefully and answer the questions given below : Number of students = 1800
64. What is the respective ratio be'-' tween the number of students who opted for dancing and karate to those w h o opted for painting ? (1)2 : 3 (3) 3 : 1 (2) 1 : 3 (4) 3 : 2
(5) None of these D i r e c t i o n s ( 6 5 - 6 9 ) : What value should cqme in place of the questions mark (?) in the following questions ?
W h a t is the respective ratio between the number of candidates interviewed by firm D on Friday and Saturday together and that of candidates inter viwed by firm B on the same days? (1)35:38 (3) 43 : 44 (2)39:40 (4) 45 : 46
(5) 35 : 36 The number of candidates int e r v i e w e d by firm C on Wednesday is what per cent of total n u m b e r of candidates interviewed by all the firms on the same day ? (1)24 (3) 38 (2)23 (4) 29
(5) None of these In which firm the number of c a n d i d a t e s i n t e r v i e w e d dec r e a s e d c o n s i s t e n t l y from Monday to Saturday ? (1)B (3) D (2) None (4) C
(5) A What is the number of candidates interviewed by all the firms on Monday ? (1) 101 (2) 102 (3) 114 (4) 98 (5)96 By what per cent the number of candidates interviewed by firm E on Tuesday increased with respect to that of interviewed on the preceding day ? (1)45 (2)26 (3)61 (4)56,,,^ (5)39
What is the number of students who opted for dancing ? (1)648 (2)684 (3) 864 (4) 664 (5) None of these W h a t is the respective ratio between the number of students who opted for painting and that who opted for Karate? (1)3:7 (2)5:16 (3) 1 6 : 5 (4) 5 : 7 (5) None of these By what per cent is the number of candidates who opted for music more than those w h o opted for sports ? (1)30 (2)55 (3) 45 (4) 60 (5) None of these How many students have opted for cricket and painting together ? (1)702 (2)602 (3) 660 (4) 645 (5) None of these By what per cent is the number of students who opted for cricket and dancing together more than those who opted for painting and music together? (1) 14.5 (2) 12.5 (3)16.5 (4)21.5 (5) None of these
Directions (70-74) : In the following table, the number of employees working in five companies and the corresponding ratio of male and female employees have been given. You are required to study the table carefully and'answer the questions : Company L M N O P Company L M N O P Male 12 15 4 13 7 Number of Employees 400 600 800 1000 1200 Female 8 5 1 12 5
70. What is the respective ratio between the number of females in company P and number of females in company L ? (1)8:25 (2)25:8 (3)3:16 (4)16:3 (5) None of these 71. The number of female employees working in company O is what per cent of total employees working in that company ? (1)24 (2)12 (3) 48 (4) 13 (5) None of these What is the average number of employees in all companies together ? (1)800 (3) 760 (2)775 (4) 600
From a well-shuffled pack of 52 playing cards, one card is drawn at random. What is the probability that the card drawn will be a black king ? 1
(5) None of these 73. The number of female employees in company M is (1)450 (2)150 (3) 250 (4) 350 (5) None of these 74. The total number of male employees working in companies N and P together is (1) 1240 (3) 1340 (2) 1360 (4) 1260
Directions (80-84) : In the following table the number of units manufactured and sold by five companies- P, Q, R, S and T has been given. Study the given data carefully and answer the questions. Company Number of Number of units units manufactured manufactured (In thousand) (In thousand) P 35 20 Q 45 30 R 35 25 S 40 35 T 50 40 80. What is the average number (in thousand) of units manufactured by all the companies together ? (1)41 (3) 43 81. (2)40 (4) 44
A horse is tethered to a peg with a 14 metre long rope at the corner of a 40 metre long and 24 metre wide rectangular grass-field. What area of the field will the horse graze ? (l)154m (2) 308 m
2 2
(3) 240 m (4) 480 m (5) None of these Farah w a s married 8 years 2 ago. Today her age is 1 times to that at the time of marriage. At present her daughter's age 1 is tn of her age. What was o her daughter's age 3 years ago? (l)6years (2)7years (3) 3 years (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these Manish bought 25 kg of rice at Rs. 32 per kg and 15 kg of rice at Rs. 36 per kg. What profit did he get when he mixed the two varieties together and sold it at Rs. 40.20 per kg ? (1)25% (2)40%
(5) None of these Directions ( 7 5 - 7 9 ) : W h a t approximate value should come in the following questions at the questions places. (You are not required to calculate the exact value) 75. (13.001) = ? (1)1900 (2)2200 (3) 2000 (4) 1800 (5) 2100 76. 55.003x54.998 + 5 . 0 0 1 = ? (1)3500 (2)3630
(5)46 What is the respective ratio between the number of units sold by company S and that sold by company Q ? (1)7:6 (2)1:2 (3) 1 : 3 (4) 3 : 1 88. (5) None of these Which company sold highest percentage of units as compared to manufactured by it ?
(3) 2540 ' (4) 3030 (5) 2750 77. 50.001% of99.99 + 49.999 = ? (1)1 (2)0.1 (3)0.01 (4)0.02 (5) None of these 78. 999.0001 + 899.999 - 349.88 =? (1) 1549 (3) 1449 (2) 1560 (4) 1460
(3)P (4)T (5)S What is the average number of units (in thousand) sold by all the companies together ? (1)25.7 (2)30 (3)27.7 (4)28.8 (5) None of these What is the respective ratio between the units manufactured by company P and company S ? (1)7:8 (3) 3 : 5 (2)8:7 (4) 5 : 3
(3) 30% (4) 20% (5) None of these Directions (89-93) : In each of the following questions two equations are given. Solve these equations and give answer : (1) if x ;> y. i.e., x is greater than or equal to y (2) if x > y, i.e., x is greater than y (3) if x< y, i.e., x i s less than or equal to y (4) if x < y, i.e., xless than y (5) x = y or no relation can be established between x and y
Directions (101-110) : Each question below has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 101. A plethora of cultural talent the spectators busy at a talent hunt programme where students from various colleges get together to their mettle in various contests. (1) tried, show (2) kept, prove (3) caught, puzzle (4) held, learn (5) helped, mention 102. The of Chinese plastic thread should be banned as it thousands of birds every year during the kite flying season. (1) sale, cripples (2) sell, kills (3) sale, disturbs (4) sell, disables (5) sale, saves 103. Harish with me some basic techniques that one can at home without even owning a drumset. (1) made, shred (2) imparted, try (3) learned, balance (4) fits, rechearses (5) shared, practise 104. In the present case, the facts clearly that the required reasonable degree of care and caution was not by hospital in the treatment of the patient. (1) reflect, compressed (2) fix, advancement (3) show, proceeded (4) observe, considered (5) indicate, taken 105. Students from the Middle East and the African countries have been contributors to the pool of foreign students in the university.
Directions (94-98) : What will come at the place of question mark (?) in the following number series ? 94. 3 1731 ? 3243 3459 3523 (1)2371 (3) 3731 95. (2)2731 (4) 3127
(5) None of these 10 18 34 ? 130 258 (1)32 (3) 66 96. (2)60 (4) 68
(5) None of these 4 10 33 136 ? 4116 (1)822 (3) 685 (5)548 97. 4000 800 ? 80 40 8 (1)140 (3) 400 (5)200 98. 3 4 16 75 364 ? (1)783 (3) 1293 99. (2)828 (4) 1945 (2)100 (4) 160 (2)534 (4) 745
(5) None of these The area of circle is seven times the numerical value of its circumference. What is the circumference of the circle ? ( 1 ) 6 1 6 units (3) 88 units (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these (2) 132 units
(1) traditionally, major (2) conservatively, crucial (3) suprisingly, most (4) intutively, salient (5) annually, lucid 106. The minister about various being provided by officials for the pilgrims including direction wise colour coded passenger enclosures. (1) ceased, functions (2) enquired, facilities (3) relied, opportunities (4) shy, evidence (5) asked, deity 107. It is to drive in the evening and night when the of accidents looms large due to non-functional streetlights. (1) juvenile, planning (2) easy, risk (3) instinctive, fame (4) difficult, threat (5) natural, feature 108. An overcast sky made Sunday less than for city residents, who going by weather experts have more in . (1) difficult, fate (2) perfect, store (3) holiday, sky (4) dream, sharing (5) steady, frame 109. Many teachers the lack of professional freedom as the for leaving the job. (1) cited, reason (2) explained, force (3) claimed, understanding (4) argued, culprit (5) believe, ground 110. Skeptics would not that the earth actually moves, let alone that it around the sun. (1) permit, orbits (2) accept, revolves (3) experience, circles (4) assume, went (5) challenge, spins Directions (111 - 1 2 5 ) : Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sen-
tence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is "No Error" the answer is '5'. (Ignore errors of punctuation if any.) H I . T h e couple's work in (1) / upgrading rural technicians (2) / has set a benchmarking ( 3 ) / for future generations. ( 4 ) / No Error (5) 112. It has taking almost ( 1 ) / a year for India ( 2 ) / to let its pessimism ( 3 ) / translate into fewer jobs. ( 4 ) / No Error (5) 113. The city needs an airport ( 1 ) / that can efficiently manage ( 2 ) / a constantly flow of ( 3 ) / passengers and flights. ( 4 ) / No Error (5) 114. This group of ( 1 ) / rural achievers is very ( 2 ) / different than the ( 3 ) / ones in the past. ( 4 ) / No Error (5) 1 1 5 . T h e g o v e r n m e n t h a s announced ( 1 ) / plans to creating ( 2 ) / one million new ( 3 ) / training places. ( 4 ) / No Error (5) 116. The argument assumes that ( 1 ) / early detection of the disease (2) / will lead to an immediate drop in ( 3 ) / the mortality rating from this disease. ( 4 ) / No Error (5) 117. The two most important numbers ( 1 ) / which the mandarins of an ( 2 ) / economy have to watch ( 3 ) / are inflation and unemployment. ( 4 ) / No Error (5) 118. Witnessed the young soldier's ability ( 1 ) / to repeatedly hit bull's eye at ( 2 ) / arms training, instructors pushed him ( 3 ) / to participate in the Army marksmanship competition. ( 4 ) / No Error (5) 119. It is all well known that ( 1 ) / women are generally in favour of ( 2 ) / light topics like jokes and expressions ( 3 ) / that causing laughter all around. ( 4 ) / No Error (5) 120. The evening breeze ( 1 ) / won't c a r r y i n g the poetry ( 2 ) / o f peace beyond ( 3 ) / the school building. ( 4 ) / No Error (5) 121. We are bring in the idea that ( 1 ) / European rehabilitation focussed ( 2 ) / on a multi-disciplinary approach ( 3 ) / towards chronic pain. ( 4 ) / No Error (5)
122. If parents are able to ( 1 ) / get their children into schools ( 2 ) / that are far away, the ( 3 ) / next challenge is transportation. ( 4 ) / No Error (5) 123. The perception of others ( 1 ) / particularly family members ( 2 ) / changed w h e n h e ( 3 ) / qualified on a government j o b . ( 4 ) / No Error (5) 124. Every house should ( 1 ) / have the device as it ( 2 ) / protects people from a ( 3 ) / common household disaster. ( 4 ) / N o Error (5) 125. Automated baggage handling systems are (1) / ensuring that on the time passengers ( 2 ) / are out of the plane their ( 3 ) / bagg a g e is already w a i t i n g for them. ( 4 ) / No Error (5) Directions (126 - 140) : Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. Indeed the western recession is really the beginning of good news for India! But to understand that we will have to move away for a while from the topic of western recession to the Japanese recession! For years the Japanese style of management has been admired. However, over the last decade or so, one key question has sprung up 'if Japanese management style is as wonderful as described then why has Japan been in a recession for more than a decade ?' The answer to this question is very simple. Culture plays a very important part in shaping up economies. What succeeds in one culture fails in another. Japanese are basically non materialistic. And however rich they become, unlike others, they cannot just keep throwing and buying endlessly. And once they have everything they need; there is a saturation point. It was only when companies like Toyota realized that they cannot keep selling cars endlessly to their home market that they went really aggressive in the western markets -and the rest is history. Japanese companies grew bigger by catering to the world markets w h e n their h o m e m a r k e t s shrunk.
And the markets have to shrink finally after attaining a level of affluence! A n d that's great for the world because earth needs sustainable development. It does not need monstrous consumers w h o keep consuming at the cost of the envir o n m e n t and the e a r t h . T h e r e should be limits to growth so that consumers are not converted into material dustbins for the profit of a handful of corporations. Owing to the materialistic culture elsewhere, it was possible to keep selling newer products to the consumers despite having existing ones which served equally well. They were lured through advertising and marketing techniques of 'dustbinisation' of the customer; and then finally, once they became ready customers, they were given loans and credits to help them buy more and more. When all the creditworthy people were given loans to a logical limit, they ceased to be a part of the market. Even this would have been understandable if it could work as an eye opener. Instead of taking the 'Right Step' as Toyota did, they preferred to take a 'shortcut'. Now banks went to the non creditworthy people and gave them loans. The people expectedly defaulted and the entire system collapsed. Now like Toyota western companies will learn to find new markets. They will now lean towards India because of its common man! The billion plus population in the next 25 years will become, a consuming middle-class. Finally, the world's attention will shift to the developing world. Finally, there will be a real surge in income of these people and in the next fifty odd years, one can really hope to see an equal world in terms of material plenty, with poverty being almost nonexistent! And this will happen not by selling more cars to Americans and Europeans. It will happen by creating m a r k e t s in India, C h i n a , Latin America and Africa, by giving their people purchasing power and by making products for them.
The recession has made us realize that it is not because of worse management techniques, but because of limits to growth. And they will realize that it is great for planet earth. After all, how many cars and houses must the rich own before calling it enough ? It's time for them to look at others as w e l l . M a n y years back, to increase his own profits, Henry Ford had started paying his workers more, so that they could buy his cars. In similar fashion, now the developed world will pay the developing world people so that they can buy their cars and washing machines. The recession will kick-start the process of making the entire world more prosperous, and lay the foundation of limits to growth in the west and the foundation of real globalization in the world - of the globalization of prosperity. And one of its first beneficiaries will be India. 126. What does the author mean by the "Right Step" in the passage ? (1) Giving loans to creditworthy people only (2) Considering market growth along w i t h e n v i r o n m e n t protection. (3) Restricting people to buy only such products which are needed by them. (4) To start looking at newer avenues and markets. (5) None of these 127. Although admired since years, why did the scepticism over the J a p a n e s e m a n a g e m e n t style start since the last decade? (1) Japanese companies have been moving out of their home markets since the last decade. (2)Japanese banks have provided loans indiscriminately to the creditworthy as well as non creditworthy people. (3) Because Japanese markets have been going through a period of continuous recession since the last decade.
(4) The unlimited growth of the Japanese markets has come at the cost of the western market. (5) None of these 128. Why does the author foresee the markets being created in the developing countries instead of America and Europe ? (1) All developing countries have materialistic culture. (2) Developed countries are willing to make an effort to achieve globalization. (3) American and European markets have had a large number of credit defaulters. (4) Recession has not hit the markets of developing countries yet. (5) None of these 129. According to the author, what is the main cause of Japanese recession ? (1) Only a handful of corporations earned profits and not the people in general. (2) Non creditworthy people defaulted w h i c h led to a collapse of the entire system. (3) Consumers were sold newer products which were similar in quality to the existing ones. (4) Japanese do not purchase endlessly and thus when products had been sold to every customer, the markets slowed down. (5) None of these 130. How does the author foresee the future globalization as an analogy to Henry Ford's example ? (A) Car companies would start selling cars in developing countries as well. (B) By paying the developing world the developed world w o u l d i n c r e a s e its o w n profit, in turn bringing affluence to developing world as well. (C) To earn profit, the companies in developing countries would move to foreign land.
(1) Only A (2) Only B (3) Only C (4) Only A and C (5) None of these 131. A c c o r d i n g to the passage, which of the following was N O T an effect of providing loans and credits to the customers ? (A) The non creditworthy people defaulted. (B) People bought new products which were not needed. (C) Poverty became non-existent. (1) Only A (2) Only B (3) Only A and B (4) Only B and C (5) Only C 132. Why is recession the beginning of good news for India in the author's view ? (A) India can provide an attractive market to the western companies. (B) India has remained largely unaffected by recession owing to its huge population. (C) Indians keep purchasing products despite owning equally good products. (l)OnlyC (2) Only B (3) Only A (4) Only B and C (5) None of these 133. What does the author mean by 'Dustbinisation' of the customer ? (1) Convincing the customer to buy products he does not need. (2) Denying the non creditworthy people of any loans. (3) Denying more loans to people who have already taken loans to a logical limit. (4) Moving from old customers at the home market to foreign markets. (5) None of these 134. W h y according to the author is the current recession great for 'Planet Earth' ?
(A) It will make people nonmaterialistic like the Japanese. (B) T h e u n l i m i t e d m a r k e t growth which caused hazards to the e n v i r o n m e n t would be checked to a certain extent.
(C) Banks will n o w p r o v i d e loans only to the creditworthy people. (D) Developing countries will also be benefited by shifted markets. (1) Only A (2) Only B and D (3) Only A and B (4) Only B (5) None of these Directions (135-137) :Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage. 135. CATERING (1) Considering (2) Lending (3) Supplying (4) Working (5) Indulging 136. KEY (1) Foundation (3) Requisite (5) Important 137. AGGRESSIVE (1) Violent (2) Determined (3) Demanding (4) Offensive (5) Brutish D i r e c t i o n s ( 1 3 8 - 140) : Choose the word/phrase which is most opposite in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage. , 138. PROSPEROUS (1) Distressed (2) Helpless (3) Worse (4) Worthless (5) Underprivileged 139. CONSUMING (1) Destroying (2) Exhausting (3) Greedy (4) Curtailing (5) Spending (2) Solution (4) Difficult
140. SURGE (1) Decrease (2) Deteriorating (3) Weakening (4) Atrophy (5) Crumble Directions (141- 150) : In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which best fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. Twenty years (141) now, nearly 60% of the world's population will live in urban areas. The impact of urbanization might not all be positive on India as urban expansion is happening at a much (142) rate than infrastructure expansion. Sustainability issues need to be (143) so that economic development is not at the (144) of public health. Some urban services that ought to be in (145) in a city like water, electricity, transport etc. need special consideration. TERI has put together a detailed report that (146) sustainability in the provision of basic urban services in Indian cities. (147) public transport is a maj o r reason for the proliferation of private vehicles on the road. Respiratory illness in children living in urban areas is on the (148) with more cases of Asthma being (149) because of pollution. The future of cities of Indian dreams depends on (150) we can build better cities today. 141 .(1) till (3) from (5) on 142 .(1) faster (3) changed (5) quick 143. (1) speculated (2) believed (3) imagined (4) considered (5) understand 144. (1) payment (2) rate (3) costs (4) charge (5) expense (2) since (4) after (2) slower (4) speed
145. (1) abundance (2) large (3) functional (4) vicinity (5) location 146 (1) bring (2) emphasizes (3) speculates (4) postulates (5) requests 147. (1) Good (2) Competent (3) Absence (4) Inadequate (5) Sufficient 148 (1) multiplication (2) expansion (3) rise (4) inflation (5) grow 149 (1) produced (2) develop (3) composed (4) resulted (5) reported 150. (1) if (2) whether (3) unless (4) provided (5) weather