Questionaire: Section 1 (Personal Particulars)
Questionaire: Section 1 (Personal Particulars)
Questionaire: Section 1 (Personal Particulars)
INTRODUCTION The following questionnaire is designed to investigate and gather information on the time (a surve#% er!e tion on "a anese !ars qualit# among $ala#sian users% &lease ta'e some ro)imatel# *+,-+ minutes. to !om lete this /our res onses All will rovide will 0e im ortant treated
information to im rove our lo!al automo0ile industr# develo ment% information !onfidential% /our !oo eration is highl# a re!iated%
-% Age (#ear.
3elow -+ a0ove -5
-% ;ow mu!h the ri!e to 0u# #our owns !ar7 R$5+' 0elow R$5+' to R$ <+' R$=+' to R$>+'
4% ;ow man# 'ilometres have #ou ever tried a long distan!e driving using #our own !ar7 5+'m 0elow 5+'m ? =+'m =+'m ? *++'m *++'m a0ove
-% ;ow man# litres did #ou s end for -+'m distan!e 7 RON @5 * to 5 litres 5 to *+ litres *+ litres to *5 litres -+ litres and a0ove RON @= * to 5 litres 5 to *+ litres *+ litres to *5 litres -+ litres and a0ove
Section ! (Co
-% &lease indi!ate #our views with ea!h res e!tive statement 0# !ir!ling (O. #our res onse% *% &oor -% Average 4% 2ood A% E)!ellent
*% &erforman!e -% Buel Effi!ien!# 4% $aintainan!e !ost A% Quietness 5% Comfort <% Relia0ilit# =% Design >% Environmental friendl#
*% In #our o inionC what 'ind of im rovement that #ou thin' is needed for #our !ar7 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::