Plants Catalog

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Mumbai Port Trust Central Kitchen Terrace Farm


Botanical name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Common Name: China Rose, Chinese Hibiscus ,Rosemallow Family: Malvaceae (mallow family) Native to Unknown

Propagated by cuttings. 1/3rd of woody stems should be pruned in spring.

Krishna kamal

Botanical Name: Passiflora edulis, Passiflora vitifolia (red Center) Common Name: Passion flower, Perfumed passion flower, Kaurav Pandav Family : Passifloraceae (passion flower family) Native to Central, South America

Propagated by cuttings.


Botanical name: Cestrum nocturnum Common Name: Night blooming jasmine Family: Solanaceae (potato family) Native to India Perfume distinctly powerful at night - influenced its common name in all languages Propagated by cuttings and seeds.


Botanical name: Plumeria rubra acutifolia Common Name : Frangipani , Plumeria, Temple Tree Family: Apocynaceae (oleander family) Native to Pacific Islands, Caribbean, South America and Mexico. Propagated by cuttings to be dried and potted. Water once in 15 days until roots develop. In winter after the leaves fall off, the plant should not be watered but kept dry.


Botanical name: Tabernaemontana divaricata Common Name: Crape Jasmine, Moon beam, Carnation of India Family: Apocynaceae (Oleander family) Native to India Propagated by cuttings


Botanical name : Nyctanthes arbortristis Common Name : Har Singar, Coral Jasmine, Tree of Sorrow, Queen of the night Family : Oleaceae (Jasmine family) Native to India Propagated by cuttings


Botanical name: Murraya paniculata Common Name: Orange Jasmine Family: Rutaceae (citrus family) Native to India

Perennial tree. Grows best in lime soils. Flowers have an aromatic orange-like fragrance. The flowers are followed by small oval red fruits with one or two seeds. The shrub is usually propagated from seeds.

Bleeding heart vine

Botanical name: Clerodendrum thomsoniae Common Name: Bleeding Glory Bower, Bag Flower Family: Verbenaceae (verbena family) Native to West Africa Propagated by cuttings and seeds. To have a great bloom, cut the plant intermittently after blooming.

Queens wreath

Botanical Name : Petria volubilis Common name : Sandpaper Vine, Purple Wreath, Blue Bird Family : Verbenaceae Native to Mexico through Central America Propagated by stem cuttings


( Photo not from the terrace )

Botanical Name : Jasminum sambac var. Common name : Arabian jasmine Maid of Orleans Family : Oleaceae (Jasmine family) Native to India. Flowers are used in making perfumes and as a flavoring in tea. Flowers are fragrant with wonderful scent. It is the National Flower of the Philippines, known as Sampaguita. Propagated by cuttings


Botanical Name : Jasminum fluminense Common name : River Jasmine Family : Oleacea (Jasmine family) Native to South Asia Propagated by stem cutting .

Madhavi Lata

( Photo of flower not from terrace)

Botanical Name : Hiptage benghalensis Common Name: Helicopter Flower Family: Malpighiaceae (Barbados cherry family) Native to Phillipines Attractive fragrant flowers. Lots of sunlight needed for profuse blooming Propagated by seeds or cuttings.

Golden Shrimp

Botanical name: Pachystachys lutea Common Name: Golden candles, lollipop plant Family: Acanthaceae (ruellia family) Native to American Tropics Propagated by cuttings


Boatanical name: Alamanda Cathartica Common Name: Golden Trumpet Family: Apocynaceae Native to Brazil Propagated by cuttings


Botanical Name : Lantana camara var.aculeata Common Name : Common Lantana Family : Verbenaceae (Verbena family) Native to South America Propagated by cuttings/seeds Flower colour ranges from white, yellow, red, orange to red, pink.

Shower of gold climber

Botanical Name : Tristellateia australasiae Common Name : Shower of gold climber Family : Malpighiaceae Native to Malaysia, Australia Propagated by seeds


Botanical name : Michelia champaca Common Name : Golden Champa Family : Magnoliaceae (magnolia family) Native to Indonesia, India Propagated by seed Used to make Americas most expensive JOY perfume.


Botanical name: Calliandra schultzei 'Rose Cascade Common name: Pink powder puff Family: Mimosaceae (Touch-me-not Family) Native to South America Propagated by seeds/cuttings Calliandra means "beautiful stamens.


Botanical name: Jatropha integerrima Common Name: Peregrina pink Family: Euphorbiaceae (castor family) Native to Central America Propagated by at least 8 month old stem cuttings produces seeds containing up to 40% oil, are toxic. oil can be used in a standard diesel engine, while the processed residue can also be used to power electricity.

Pseuderanthemum Laxiflorum

Botanical name : Eranthemum laxiflorum Common Name : Amethyst Stars, Dazzler, Shooting Stars, Purple Glory Family: Acanthaceae Native to Fiji Propagated by stem cuttings.


Botanical Name : Bauhinia variegata Common Name : Kanchan, Kachnar, Orchid tree Family : Caesalpiniaceae Native to India Propagated by seeds

Skyblue clustervine

Botanical name : Jacquemontia pentanthos Common Name : Skyblue clustervine Family: Convolvulaceae (Morning glory family) Native to tropical America Propagated by seeds

Blue porterweed

Botanical name: Stachytarpheta indica. Common Name: Blue porterweed Family: Verbenaceae Native to Tropical America Propagated by seeds and cuttings

Nila chitrak

Botanical name: Plumbago auriculata Common Name: Cape Leadwort, Plumbago, Family: Plumbaginaceae (plumbago or leadwort family) Propagated by seeds, cuttings, suckers


Botanical Name : Coleus Blumei Family: Labiatae Native to Africa to Asia Propagated by cuttings

, Coleus x hybridus

Common Name : Coleus, Flame Nettle

coleuses are close relatives of peppermint, spearmint,


Botanical name: Mussaenda erythophylla Common Name: Red Flag bush Family: Rubiaceae (coffee family) Native to Asia Propagated by cuttings. Shrub related to coffee trees


Botanical name: Bougainvillea Glabra Common Name: Bougainvillea, Paper flower Family: Nyctaginaceae (Bougainvillea family) Native to Brazil. Propagated by cuttings


Botanical name: Ixora coccinea Common Name: Jungle flame, flame of woods Family: Rubiaceae (coffee family) Native to Asia. Propagated by semi-ripe cuttings in summer, suckers from lateral root Its name probably derives from the name Iswara", meaning god.


Botanical Name: Caladium Common Name: Elephant ear, Angel wings Family : Araceae Native to South America. Propagated by tubers. All parts of plant are poisonous and should not be ingested.


Botanical Name: Catharanthus roseus Common Name: Periwinkle, Vinca Family: Apocynaceae (oleander family) Native to Europe Propagated by root and stem cuttings. Adaptable to wide conditions.

Garden Balsam

Botanical Name: Impatiens balsamina Common Name: Garden Balsam Family: Balsaminaceae( Balsam family) Native to South East Asia Propagation by seeds Sometimes called Touch - me-not as seeds explode from ripe pods when touched.


Botanical Name: Heliconia psittacorum x spathocircinata Common Name: Heliconia Golden Torch Family : Heliconiaceae (heliconia family) Native to Tropical America. Propagated by rhizomes

Sita Ashok

Botanical name : Saraca indica/Jonesia asoka Common Name : Sorrowless tree Family : Caesalpiniaceae (Gulmohar family) Native to India Propagated by stems January and February in full bloom.

A variety of Gulab

Botanical Name : Rosa Common Name : Chinese Rose Family : Rosaceae Native to Propagated by cuttings

Cockscomb crested

Botanical Name: Celosia argentea var.cristata Common Name: Cockscomb Family : Amaranthaceae (Amaranth family) Native to Asia, Africa Propagated by seeds Resemble roosters comb

Botanical Name : Barringtonia asiatica Common Name : Indian Oak Tree, Fish poison tree, The itch tree Family : Barringtoniaceae Native to Indian coastal Regions. Propagated by cuttings The fruits are stupefying. Fish usually get inebriated silly by biting into this fruit. Presence of caterpillars found on plants is a cause for itches


Botanical name: Lawsonia inermis Common Name :Henna Family: lythraceae Native to North Africa and Asia Propagated by Associated with marriage Among the most fragrant flowers on earth.

Dwarf Umbrella Tree

Botanical Name : Schefflera arboricola Common Name : Dwarf Umbrella Tree, moondrop Family : Araliaceae Native to Taiwan, Hainan Propagated by stem cuttings

Large flower Thunbergia

Botanical Name : Thunbergia grandiflora Common Name : Large flower thunbergia Family : Acanthaceae Native to Estern Bengal Propagated by cutting


Botanical Name : Platycladus orientallis Common Name : Chinese Arborvitae, Biota Family : Cupressaceae Native to North western China Propagated by seeds


Botanical Name : Asparagus racemosus Common Name : Asparagus Family : Liliaceae Native to Brazil Propagated by seeds , vegetative cuttings


Botanical Name : Polyalthia Longifolia Common Name : Asopalav, false Ashok Family : Annonaceae Native to India Propagated by seed or grafting Alleviates noise pollution


Botanical Name : Polyscias guilfoylei Common Name : Panax Family : Araliaceae Native to Not known Propagated by cuttings


Botanical Name : Acalypha Common Name : Copperleaves Family : Euphorbeaceae Native to United States Propagated by cuttings

Song of India

Botanical Name : Dracaena reflexa Common Name : Song of India Family : Ruscaceae Native to Madagaskar Propagated by herbaceous stem cuttings

Butterfly Palm

Botanical Name : Chrysalidocarpus lutescens Common Name : Butterfly Palm, Areca Palm Family : Arecaceae Native to Madagaskar Propagated by seeds, root offsets

Buddha bamboo

Botanical Name : Bambusa vulgaris Wamin Common Name : Giant buddhas belly, Buddha bamboo Family : Poaceae Native to Southern China Propagated by shoots

Bamboo grass

Common Name : Bamboo grass Family : Poaceae Native to not known Propagated by offshoots

Golden bamboo

Botanical Name : Phyllostachys aurea Common Name : Golden bamboo Family : Poaceae Native to South east China Propagated by underground rhizomes


Botanical Name : Cissus quandrangularis Common Name : Winged Treebine Family : Vitaceae Native to India and Africa Propagated by cuttings Tonic and analgesic, specific bone fracture healing properties


Botanical name: Adhatoda vasica Common name: Adulsa Family: Acanthaceae (ruellia family) Native to Asia Propagated by shoot and segments.


Botanical name: Aloe vera, aloe indica Common Name :Indian Aloe vera, Ghritkumari Family: Asphodelaceae (Aloe family) Native to South Africa Propagated by seeds, removing offsets


Botanical name : Vitex negundo Common Name: Five leafed chaste tree Family: Verbenaceae Native to Southern Europe through Asia Propagated by woody stem cuttings


Botanical Name : Piper Longum Common Name : Long Papper, Pipli Family : Piperaceae Native to South Asia Propagated by

Sagar Gota

Botanical name : Caeslpinia bonducella Common Name: Grey Nickarbean, Sea Pearl Family: Caesalipiniaceae Native to India Propagated by seed

Amba haldi

Botanical Name : Cucuma amada Mango Ginger Common Name : Mango ginger Family : Zingiberaceae Native to Asia, Australia Propagated by rhizome


Botanical Name : Plectranthus amboinicus Common Name : Bishops weed Family : Apiaceae, Native to South India Propagated by cuttings


Botanical Name : pandanus amaryllifolius Common Name : pandan Family : Pandanaceae Native to West Indonesia, Malaysia Propagated by offshoots.


Botanical Name : Mentha Arvensis. Common Name: Mint Family: Lamiaceae Native of America Propagated by rhizomes


Botanical Name: Mentha piperita Common Name: Peppermint Family: Lamiaceae (Mint family) Native to North America Propagated by rhizomes


Botanical Name : Ocimum tenuiflorum Common Name : Holy Basil Family : Lamiaceae Native to India Propagated by seeds


Botanical Name : Ocimum basilicum Common Name : Sabja Family : lamiaceae Native to Iran or India Propagated by seeds

Beetlenut leaves

Botanical name: Piper betle Common Name: Paan Family : Piperaceae Native to India Propagated by cuttings, seeds


Botanical name : Apium graveolens Common Name: Celery Family : Apiaceae( Carrot family) Native to Europe Propagated by seeds

All spices

Botanical Name : Pimenta dioica Common Name : All spices, Jamaica pepper Family : Myrtaceae Native to West indies Propagated by seeds

Gavati chai

Botanical Name: Cymbopogon citratus Common Name : Lemon grass Family : Poaceae( Grass family) Native to India Propagated by division of clumps


Botanical Name : Zingiber officinale Common Name : Ginger Family : Zingiberaceae Native to Southeast Asia Propagated by rhizome


Botanical name : Brassica juncea Common Name : Mustard Family : Brassicaceae( mustard family) Native of Asia Propagated by seeds


Botanical name: Cinnamomum tamala Common Name: Bayleaf Family: Lauraceae( Laurel family) Native to South East Asia Propagated by seeds


Botanical name: Murraya koenigii Common Name: Curry leaves Family : Rutaceae( Citrus family) Native to India Propagated by root stem cuttings


Botanical Name: Solanum melongena Common Name: Brinjal Family: Solanaceae (potato family) Native to southern India and Shri Lanka Propagated by seeds


Botanical name: Solanum lycopersicum Common Name: Tomato Family: Soanaceae Native to Central, South America Propagated by seeds

Simla mirchi

Botanical Name : Capsicum annum Common Name : Chilly pepper, bell peppers Family : Solanaceae ( potato family) Native of Central America Propagated by seeds.


Botanical Name : Brassica oleracea var. botrytis Common Name : Cauliflower, gobhi Family : Brassicaceae (cabbage family) Native to European region Propagated by seed

Pan kobi

Botanical Name : Brassica oleracea Common Name : Cabbage Family : Brassicaceae Native of Southern and Western Europe Propagated by seed


Botanical Name : Abelmoschus esculantus Common Name : Lady Finger, Okra Family : Malvaceae Native to Africa Propagated by seeds


Botanical Name : Cucumis sativus Common Name: Cucumber Family : Cucurbitacea ( Pumpkin family) Native of South Asia Propagated by seed.


Botanical Name : Coccinia grandis Common Name : Ivy Gourd Family: cucurbitacea ( Pumpkin family) Native of Africa, India Propagated by cuttings


Botanical Name : Momordica charantia Common Name : Bittergourd Family : Cucurbitaceae Native to Tropics. ( Unknown) Propagated by seeds


Botanical Name : Legenaria siceraria Common Name : Bottle gourd Family : Cucurbitaceae Native to Africa, India Propagated by seeds


Botanical Name :Trigonella foenum graecum Common Name : Fenugreek Family : Fabaceae Native to India , Meditteranean region Propagated by seeds


Botanical Name : Spinacia oleracea Common Name : Spinach Family : Amaranthaceae Native to south western Asia Propagated by seeds


Botanical Name : Colocasia esculenta Common Name : Elephant ear Family : Araceae Native to Western Australia Propagated by rhizome


Botanical Name: Zea mays Common Name: Maize Family: Poaceae( grass family) domesticated in America Propagated by seed


Botanical Name : Vigna radiata Common Name : Moong bean Family : Fabaceae Native to eastern Asia Propagated by seeds


Botanical Name : Vigna sinesis Common Name : Cow pea Family : Fabaceae Native to Asia, Africa Propagated by seed


Botanical Name : Gossypium arboreum Common Name : Cotton Family : Malvaceae Native to northwest India and Pakistan Was being used by the Harappan civilisation of The Indus Valley. Propagated by seeds.


Botanical Name : Citrus sinensis Common Name : Sweet Orange Family : Rutaceae ( citrus family) Native of Southeast Asia Propagated by seeds, grafting


Botanical Name : Garcinia indica Common Name : Kokum Family: Clusiaceae Native to India Propagated by seeds


Botanical Name: Magnifera indica Common Name: Mango Family : Anacardiaceae (cashew family) Native to India Propagated by seed, grafting

Safed Jaam

Botanical Name : Syzygium malaccense Common Name : Rose Apple Family : Rosaceae Native to East Indies and Malaya Propagated by seeds


Botanical Name : Manilkara zapota Common Name : Sapota Family : Sapotaceae(Mahua family) Native to Mexico Propagated by grafting


Botanical Name : Anacardium occidentale Common Name : Cashew Family : Anacardiaceae(cashew family) Native to north- eastern Brazil Propagated by seed


Botanical Name : Tamarindus indica Common Name : Tamarind Family : Fabaceae Native to Tropical Africa Propagated by seed


Botanical Name : Punica granatum Common Name : Pomogranate Family : Punicaceae (pomogranate family) Native to Middle East Propagated by grafting, seeds


Botanical Name: Musa paradisiaca Common Name : Banana Family: Musaceae(banana family) Native to India Each banana plant bears fruit only once. Propagated through shoots from rhizome.


Botanical Name: Ananas comosus Common Name: Pineapple Family: Bromeliaceae (pineapple family) Native to Parauguay Propagated by crowns, suckers

Red Malaysian Guava

Botanical Name: Psidium guajava Common Name : Red Malaysian Guava Family: Mytaceae( Bottlebrush family) Native of Southern Mexico, Central America Propagated by seeds


Botanical Name: Annona Squamosa Common Name: Custard Apple, sugar apple Family: Annonaceae Native of Tropical America Propagated by seeds, grafting


Botanical Name : Avrrhoea carambola Common Name : Star fruit Family : Oxalidaceae Native of Shri Lanka Propagated by seeds and cuttings

Botanical Name: Litchi chinensis Common name: Lychee Family: Sapindaceae Native of Southern China Propagated by seed, cutting and grafts.


Botanical Name: Psidium guajava L. Common Name: Guava Family: Myrtaceae (Bottlebrush family) Native to : Mexico, Central America Propagated by grafting, by budding, by stem cutting (succulent green stems), or by root cuttings


Botanical Name : Saccharum officinarum Common Name: Sugarcane Family : Graminae Native to India Propagated by stem cuttings, division


Botanical name :Malpighia glabra Common Name: Barbados Cherry Family: Malpighiaceae Native to Trinidad, South America Propagated by seeds


Botanical Name: Cocos nucifera Common Name : Coconut Family : Palmae (Palm family) Native to India Propagated by seed

Botanical name : Areca catechu Common Name : Betle Palm Family: Palmae (Palm family) Native to India

Produces betel nut, supari a seed crop Propagated by seed.


Botanical name: Citrus limon Common Name: Lemon Family: Rutaceae Native of India, China Propagated by seeds


Botanical name: Emblica Officinalis Common Name: Indian goose berry Family : Euphorbiaceae Native to tropical South-Eastern Asia Propagated by seeds


Botanical Name: Aegle marmelos Common Name: Stone apple, holy fruit tree, siriphal Family: Rutaceae Native of India Propagated by seeds Fruit, leaves, root have lots of medicinal properties

This information is compiled from the internet by Mrs. Preeti Patil, Catering officer , Mumbai Port Trust. Acknowledgements for help with ID : Anand Pendharkar ( Sprouts) Tejal Vishweshwar ( Rays of hope) Members of indiantreepix Sabrina Modak

First edition January 2009

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