Memo For Rubric

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To: From: Date: Re:

G. Stewart C. Gay 11/20/2013 GA DOE 2013 Library Media Program Evaluation Rubric Results

After completing the GA DOE 2013 Library Media Program Evaluation Rubric, Mrs. Blocker and I have selected a few areas to target to make improvements to. They are as follows: Category 3 Facilities, Access, and Resources 8) We ranked our media center as proficient in this area. Flexible s cheduling allows teachers, classes, and students access to the media center at all times throughout the day. In order to be exemplary, the rubric suggests that some evening hours may need to be scheduled for instructional needs of students and families. We are proposing that once a month the media center could remain open for an extended amount of time to allow students that do not have internet access or computers at home an opportunity to work on assignments that may require these resources. Category 1 Student Achievement and Instruction 1) We ranked our media center as basic in this area. The media specialist provides orientation to the students at the beginning of the year and is available to assist students in the library with finding information. In order to be proficient, collaboration between the media specialist and the teachers will need to take place. This is something that Mrs. Blocker is actively engaged in right now. The previous media specialist did nothing to promote collaboration between the two entities, which has created apprehension for teachers to try it. But with perseverance and patience, I am confident that this component will be in place, the next time the media center is evaluated. Category 2 Staffing 7b) We ranked our media center as basic in this area. We have exactly one full-time media specialist on our campus, which meets minimum requirements. In order for us to move to proficient, we would need to employ a part-time media paraprofessional. There were other areas that could stand for some improvements as well, but we wanted to select only a few, so that all efforts could be focused on obtainable goals. On a positive note, of the 20 indicators on the rubric, our media center received 5 exemplary ratings!

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