Chiller Failure Symptoms
Chiller Failure Symptoms
Chiller Failure Symptoms
Chiller failure symptoms: Expansion valves on medium temp: 1. Low Refrigerant Charge: A system that is low on refrigerant will have ice or frost on the TX valve.( Check the any leak of refrigerant ) Listen for a hissing noise coming from the valve body.
2. Debris: After determining that the system is not low on refrigerant, I look for debris in the valve.( check for any unwanted material restrict the flow in expansion value). Check the filter-drier & if it is not ok filter-drier must be replaced.
Moisture in refrigerant: At low temperature the moisture is converted as a ice & this ice will restrict or eventually stop the refrigerant flow.
SOLUTIONS: Simply warm up the valve, the refrigerant flow then returns to normal.