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pene ee | | fovgst tanec Republic of the Philippines, OFFIGE’OF THE PRESIDENT COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION CHED MEMORANDUM ORDER (CMO) = No. 56 Series of 2007 SUBJECT: POLICIES AND STANDARDS FOR THE LADDERIZED BACHELOR OF TECHNICAL TEACHER EDUCATION In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 7722, otherwise known as the ‘Higher Education Act of 1994,” by virtue of the 306" Commission en bane Resolution No: 790-2007 dated November 12, 2007 and for the purpose of rationalizing the undergraduate teacher education in the. country to keep pace with the demands of global competitiveness, the following rules and guidelines are hereby adopted and promulgated by the Commission, thus: ARTICLE! “ INTRODUCTION Section 1. Quality pre-service teacher education is a key factor in quality Philippine . education. In the Philippines, the pre-service preparation of teachers is a very important function and responsibility that has been assigned to higher education institutions. All efforts to improve the quality of education in the Philippines are dependent on the service of teachers who are properly prepared to undertake the various important roles and functions of teachers. As such, it is of-utmost importance that the highest standards’ are set in defining the objectives, components, and processes of the pre-service teacher education curriculum. Section 2. MISSION STATEMENT The main concem of the Ladderized Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education Program is the preparation of teachers in technical-vocational education and training (TVET) and higher education institutions who are equipped not only with strong théoretical understanding of teaching and technology, but also with practical exposure in industry. ' Specifically, it is expected to produce teachers who can assume the following major roles: 2.1. effective synthesizer of organized knowledge to allow analytical and critical thinking; 2.2 efficient promoter and facilitator of teaming to enable the leamers to develop to the fullest their potential for a continuing pursuit of self- education; 2.3. committed humanist whose clear understanding and appreciation of human ideals and values inspire teamers to reach greater heights of fuman aspirations;ye ~ Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. | 2.4 model teacher imbued with proper work attitude and values as practiced in industry; and | I 2.5. nationally certified trainer in his field of specialization. | ARTICLE Il AurHoriry To|OPERATE. All Schools, Colleges and Universities intending to offer the Ladderized Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education (BTTE) must first secure proper authority from the Commission| in accordance with existing rules and regulations. The government — supported institutions i.e. (state universities and colleges (SUCs), local colleges and universities) are encouraged to adhere to the provisions of these policies and standards. ARTICLE Ill PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS Degree Name ' The degree program herein shall be called the Ladderized Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education (BTTE). Program Description and General Objective 5.4. The technical teacher education curriculum shall impart a body of knowledge, skills, attitudes/ values and experiences that will provide prospective teachers with the necessary competencies essential for effective teaching. 5.2. The specified body of knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and experiences shall include the following: 5.2.1 A general education component, consistent with the CHED issuance, consisting|of the humanities, languages, natural and behavioral sciences and computer proficiency, mathematics, logic and ethics aimed af developing a broadly educated, creative, cultured, morally-upright and productive person. fi 5.2.2 Aprofessional studies component to include: Philosophy and aims of technology education, curriculum development, teaching and leaming processes; The systematic study of teaching and learning principles and theories with immediate appropriate observation and laboratory experiences to provide students with first-hand knowledge in the appreciation and interpretation of these theories to’ classroom and industry practices and strategies; and5.23 5.24 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.2.23 A direct substantial participation in teaching to provide clinical experience over a period of time under the supervision of qualified personnel from the teacher education as boa Philippine Trainers Qualification Framework (PTTQF). A specialization component that will equip the teacher with in- depth knowledge of the context and specified skills in the major field including industrylexposure. An instructional technology component that will equip the teacher with competencies on the use of technology in teaching and in training. : 5.3. Duly authorized institutions jhave the option to implement any and/or both of the two models. Model A i This is offered to high school graduates who could meet the admission requiremerits set by the College. The program of study for the General and Professional Education subjects is based on CHED Memorandum! No. 30, series of 2004. The technology major subjects, on the other hand are based on competency standards indicated in the Training Regulations of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). The interfacing scheme between CHED and TESDA provides the students the opportunity to exit after one, two or three years with specific job opportunities and/or allows them to pursue their studies up to the four year BTTE program giving full credit to all the subjects taken in the previous years. If a student opts to work after one year of study, he could exit from the Ladderized program with a certificate of achievement. He is also qualified to take the assessmentifor National Certificate (NC) administered by TESDA. Students who opt to pursue their studies can proceed to the four-year BTTE program provided they could meet the admission requireménts. After finishing the BTTE Program, they shall be issued theif Diploma which qualifies them to take the Licensure Examination for Teachers. (Refer to “Annex A” for the Ladderized BTTE Progtam) Model B This is offered to thé graduates of the Two-Year Trade Technical Curriculum and the Three-year Diploma of Technology Program in different areas of specialization and who have at least one-year industry experience [aside from the industry immersion/on-the-job training (OJT) which is part of the academic requirement of the Technical Program leading to a four-year Baccalaureate Degree (Ladderized Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education) and who intend to become prospective teachers in their respective areas of specialization. | | 3= ¥ ‘ ARTICLE IV COMPETENCY STANDARDS Section 6. Graduates of the Ladderized BTTE program are teachers who: 6.1 Have fully developed the competencies required of the Philippine Trainers Qualification Framework (PTTQF); 6.2 have the basic and higher level literacy, communication, numeracy, critical thinking, learning skills needed for higher leaning; 6.3 have a deep and principled understanding of the learning processes and the role of the teacher in facilitating these processes in their students; 6.4 have a deep and principled understanding of how educational processes relate to larger historical, social, cultural, and political processes; 6.5 have a meaningful and comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter they will teach; 6.6 can apply a wide range of teaching process skills (including curriculum development, lesson planning, materials development, educational assessment, and teaching approaches); 67 have direct experience in the fieldiclassroomMvorkshop (€.g., classroom observations, teaching assistance, practice teaching); 6.8 can demonstrate and practice the professional and ethical requirements of the teaching professions; 6.9 cari facilitate learning of diverse types of learners, in diverse types of learning environments, using a wide range of teaching knowledge and skills; 6.10 can reflect on the relationships among the teaching process skills, the learning processing in the students, the nature of the content/subject matter, and the broader social forces encumbering the school and educational processes in order to constantly improve their teaching knowledge, skills and practices; and 6.11.can be creative and innovative in thinking of alternative teaching approaches, take informed risks in trying out these innovative approaches, and evaluate the effectiveness of such approaches in improving student leaning; and are willing and capable to continue learning in order to better fulfil their mission as teachers.Article V CuRRICULUM Section 7. Curriculum Description ‘The Ladderized Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education has the total of 168 units. The Program is comprised of the General Education components, Professional Education subjects, Major subjects and Industry Immersion. Section 8. Curriculum Outline The following minimum academic units are required for graduation for the Ladderized BTTE: SUMMARY OF THE LADDERIZED BACHELOR OF TECHNICAL TEACHER EDUCATION CURRICULUM 1. General Education Courses .................... 1 .60 units, English 9 English 1 Study and Thinking Skills in English English 2 Speech and Oral Communication English 3. Technical Writing in the Discipline ooo 1.2 | Filipino Language : 9 Filipino 1. Sining ng Pakikipagtalastasan Filipino 2 Pagbasa at Pagsulat sa Iba't ibang Disiplina Filipino 3 Retorika ww 1.3 | Literatura /Literature 3 Panitikan ng Filipinas/The Literatures of the Philippines | 3 1.4 | Natural Sciences 9 Biological Science Earth Science Elective (Chemistry or Physics) 1.5 | Mathematics 6 Ooo Math 1. Fundamentals of Mathematics including College Algebra Math 2. Trigonometry Ow 1.6 | Social Sciences 9 Soc Sci 1 General Psychology Including Population Education Soc Sci2 Basic Economies with TAR, Entrepreneurship and Work Ethics Soc Sci 3 Politics and Governance with Philippine Constitution eo4 Information and Communication Technology ICT 1 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Humanities Philosophy (Logic) Fundamentals of Drawing wow Mandated Subjects Philippine History Life and Works of Rizal oo 2. Professional Courses .............. . §1 units 24 ‘Theory and Concepts Adolescent Psychology Facilitating Leaming Social Dimensions of Education The Teaching Profession including Code of Ethics Curriculum Development (Project Planning and Development) 15 OOo 22 Methods and Strategies of Teaching Technology Principles of Teaching Strategies of Teaching Educational Technology 1 Educational Technology 2 Assessment of Student Leaming 1 Assessment of Student Leaming 2 Career Guidance and Counseling 21 VEHBVOoe 23 Field Study 1-6 Practice Teaching 12 Oo 24 ‘Special Research TopiciProject TOTAL 51 3. Areas of Specialization Any of the following areas of specializations may be selected: 34 Automotive Technology 57 units 32 Electronics Technology 57 units 3.3 Electrical Technology 57 units.3.4 | Food and Service Management 57 units: 3.5 | Drafing Technology 87 units 36 | Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning Technology | 57 units 3.7 _| Mechanical Technology 87 units 3.8 | Welding and Fabrication Technology 57 units 3 | Civil Technology 87 units 3.10 | Garments, Fashion and Design 87 units Other additional areas of specialization may be offered by HEIs provided that they follow the prescribed General and Professional Education requirements under this CMO subject to the approval of the Office of Programs and Standards. 3. National Service Training Program (NSTP) (6) units 4, Physical Education (P. E.) (8) units ‘Summary of Units General Education . ». 60 units Professional Subjects 54 units Major Subjects .. .. 87 units Physical Education Courses . (8) units National Service Training Program (NSTP) (6) units Total No. of Units... 02.62. .eeee eee eee eee eee 168 units 5. One year exposure to Dual Training System (DTS)"* or Industry Immersion* * Depends upon the field of study “Dual Training System refers to an instructional delivery system of technical and vocational education and training that combines in-plant and in-school training based on a training plan collaboratively designed and implemented by an accredited dual system educational institutionfraining center and accredited dual system agricultural, industrial and business establishments.y 10.1 10.2 10.3 ARTICLE VI COURSE SPECIFICATIONS Section 9. Description of Courses (See Annex C) ARTICLE VII GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Section 10. Program Administration The primary responsibility for the preparation of technical teachers within a college or university shall be exercised by a clearly defined and organized administrative and instructional unit such as a college, institute, school, department or division of education. Dean Dean shall be employed and assigned full-time to provide leadership and direction to the education unit/division/departmenticollege of the school and who shall have the following qualifications: Qualifications of a Dean and Department Chair. 10.2.1 Holder of a master’s degree or preferably DTE or Ph D. in any of the areas of specialization in the program. 10.2.2 With at least three (3) years of very satisfactory teaching experience in a technology/teacher education institution 10.2.3 With at least three (3) years of very satisfactory supervisory experience A full-time Dean is one whose services are available for at least 30 hours a week and who carries a regular teaching load which in no case should exceed 9 units. Responsibilities of a Dean and Department Chair. The Dean shall have the following functions and responsibilities: 10.3.1 Assists in the formulation of institutional policies; 10.3.2 Exercises educational leadership among the faculty by: initiating and instituting faculty and staff development programs; % 40,3.2.2 recommending the appointment, promotion or separation of faculty and non-teaching personnel in his college; and preparing and recommending the 8teaching load of the faculty members, and directing and assigning them to advise students in their program of studies. 10.3.3 Coordinates and facilitates student personnel services and practicum experiences; 10.3.4 Plans a program of curriculum development with the assistance of qualified faculty members; 10.3.5 Institutes a definite program of supervision and of other administrative support services aimed at upgrading the quality of instruction; 10.3.6 Assists in the budget preparation and financial management of the College; 10.3.7 Initiates programs in research and extension services through networking, linkages, consortia, etc. Section 11. Faculty Members of the faculty should have academic preparation and experience appropriate to teaching technology courses. 11.1 Qualifications of Technology Instructors/Professors 14.1.1, Must be compliant with the training regulations of TESDA. 11.1.2 Must have at least accumulated 560 hours of Industry/job experience. 11.2 Qualifications of General and Professional Education Instructors/Professors 11.2.1. Must be a holder of an appropriate master's degree to teach his major field of specialization. 11.2.2 Have at least one (1) year of very satisfactory teaching experience in any technical-vocational or technological institution. 11.3 Load/Employment Status 14.3.1 Salary rates of faculty members should be commensurate with their rank, academic preparation, experience in instruction and research, and at least comparable with those of other faculty members who teach other baccalaureate courses. 11.3.2 At least 60% of the technical teacher education courses shall be taught by full-time instructors in the institution.Section 12. Section 13. 11.3.3 The regular teaching load of the technical teacher education faculty shall not exceed twenty-four (24) units for one preparation, twenty-one (21) units for two preparations; and eighteen (18) units for 3 or more preparations. 11.3.4 regular faculty member who is assigned as a Student Teacher Supervisor/Practicum Coordinator shall plan, supervise, and evaluate student teaching experience and provide advice and counseling. 11.4 Faculty Rank Education faculty shall be assigned academic ranks in accordance with their educational preparation, industrial experience, teaching experience, continuing professional growth and other criteria, which the individual institutions may require. Instructional Standards Technical Teacher Education institutions shall maintain high standards of instruction, utilizing a variety of appropriate emerging instructional technology procedures, which contribute to the effectiveness of the teacher education students’ preparation. A system of supervision shall be instituted and implemented for the purpose of evaluating teacher competence. The Technical Teacher Education institution may adopt textbooks which are of fairly recent edition reflecting the current trends in teaching and learning methods and content, which do not violate the laws of the Philippines and preferably written by Filipino authors. The institution shail provide for a systematic and continuing plan of evaluation of student progress through a marking system that is consistent and consonant to the objectives set by the institution. Institutional policies shall be made known to the technical teacher education students to serve as their guide in preparing for the courses. The grade or rating of a student in each course shall be fair and just and shall reflect proficiency in the subject based on reasonable rules and standards of the school. Library 13.1 The library shall be adequate to support the instruction, research, and services pertinent to each teaching field, Administrative procedures and equipment shall conform to accepted modern practices, including cataloging methods, arrangements of books and periodicals, and adequate hours of accessibility. The library shall be administered, on a full-time basis, by a professionally trained and licensed librarian supported by an adequate staff. Library resources shall be adequate in quality following minimum library requirements. 10= + b, 13.2 The following are the minimum requirements for the library: 13.2.1 There should be adequate reading space for the student ©" population. 13.2.2 The reading room should be able to accommodate at one seating a minimum of 15 to 20 percent of the student enrolment. 13.2.3 The library should be able to provide non-print materials such 1 as CD-ROM, internet access, etc. 13.2.4 The library collection should have at least five (5) titles per subject. At least twenty percent (20%) of the total collection of books should be published within the last four years. The library should also cary up-to-date books, journals and periodicals that are published locally and intemationally, including two (2) foreign publications. 13.2.5 A multimedia instructional center shall be maintained either as a separate unit or as a part of the library. It shall serve as a faboratory for the production of materials and educational media for instruction to include maps, charts, pictures, films, slides, tapes, curriculum materials, courses of study, computer-aided instructional materials, etc. A professionally trained personnel, + having experience in both areas of instruction and educational media shall administer the center. 13.3. The open shelf system should be encouraged. Section 14. Laboratories and Facilities 14.1 A practicum laboratory in technology education shall be maintained within or outside the campus through appropriate linkages, networking ‘or consortium. 14.2 Specialized laboratories shall be maintained for the major fields 14.3 The technology facilities and requirements shall be based on the training regulations set by TESDA. ‘Section 15. Admission and Retention Requirements 15.1 Every student has the right to enroll in any school, college or university upon meeting its specific requirements and reasonable regulations. The ‘student is expected to complete the course without prejudice to the right to transfer except in disciplinary cases and/or academic delinquency. 15.2 As a general rule, no applicant shall be enrolled in any approved course unless proper credentials as prescribed are submitted to the institution during the enrollment period. 15.3 All Technical Teacher Education institutions must have a system of selective admission and retention of students to insure that those who enter the teaching profession possess a reasonably high level of scholastic achievement and the appropriate aptitudes, interests, and personality traits. There shall be well-defined criteria for admission into the. programs for technical teacher education: 15.4 Student applicants into the Ladderized BTTE program must be a high school graduate for Model A and a full-fledge Technician for Model B. 15.4.1 Admission requirements for Model A The high school candidate must have at least a grade point average of 85 percent as reflected in his Form 138. The candidate should be physically and psychologically fit. 15.4.2 Admission requirements for Model B The technician candidate shall have obtained, in his technical subjects, an average of at least 85 percent or its equivalent. The technician candidate must be at least third class certified technician (NC1) in his field of specialization. Under the principle of recognition of prior learning, the technician candidate who has obtained a National Certificate (NC) in his field of specialization shall have his competencies credited in the regular program. The technician candidate must have satisfied the minimum general education requirements. In case, the technician candidate lacks units in general education, bridging subjects should be taken by the candidate to fulfil the general education requirements. The candidates should be physically and psychologically fit. 15.5 There shall be no discrimination in’ the selection for admission of technical teacher education students to the institution on the basis of sex, religion, race, age or socio-economic status. 15.6 Enrollment size shall take into account the faculty resources and facilities of the school. 15.7 Institutions shall apply specific criteria for admission/retention of candidates to determine specific fields of specialization/concentration and promotion to the next curriculum year.Section 16. Section 17. Section 18. Section 19. Research and Productive Scholarship 16.1 Technical Teacher preparation courses shall develop in the faculty and the students an attitude of inquiry and willingness to test theory against the evidence of existing classroom practices. 16.2 The strength of a technical teacher education institution shall be based on the quality and quantity of research work undertaken or currently being undertaken by teacher education faculty members and on the kind of institutional administrative and financial support given to such undertakings 16.3 Scholarly works and reports of research activities shall be established and disseminated within and outside of the institution to encourage exchange of ideas, research findings, and development in technical teacher education. 16.4 Faculty members actively engaged in relevant and significant research work in technical teacher education shall be afforded special privileges and benefits such as reduced teaching load and/or its equivalent. ARTICLE Vill PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION Residence and Unit Requirements 17.1 No degree shall be conferred on a student under Model B unless he/she has taken the whole curriculum year (one year and one summer) of the course in the school, which is to confer the degree. Likewise, for Model A, the degree shall be conferred only on a student who has taken at least the last curriculum year of the course in the school, which is to confer the degree. The institution, however, may set its own minimum residence requirement 17.2 No student shall be permitted to take any subject without passing the prerequisite subjects. Voluntary Accreditation While the foregoing are the minimum rules and standards, technical teacher education institutions are enjoined to undertake continuing improvement through voluntary accreditation with any of the accrediting bodies recognized by the Commission on Higher Education. Graduate Education Master and doctoral courses in technical teacher education shall be governed by the Policies and Standards for Graduate Education as embodied in CHED Order # 36, series of 1998 and CMO 9, series of 2003, and succeeding issuances on graduate education.Section 20. Section 21. Section 22. Section 22. ARTICLE IX TRANSITORY, REPEALING AND EFFECTIVITY PROVISION Transitory Provision HEls that have been granted permit or recognition for Bachetor of Technical Teacher Education (BTTE) program are required to fully comply with all the requirements in this CMO within a non-extendable period of three (3) years after the date of its effectivity. State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and Local Colleges and Universities (LCUs) shall also comply with the requirements herein set forth. Sanctions For violation of this Order, the Commission may impose such administrative sanction as il may deem appropriate pursuant to the pertinent provisions of Republic Act No. 7722, in relation to Section 69 of BP 232 otherwise known as the Higher Education Act of 1982, and Section 24 and 101 of the Manual of Regulations for Private Schools (MPRS), and other related laws. Separability and Repealing Clause Any provision of this Order, which may thereafter be held invalid, shall not affect the remaining provisions. All CHED issuances or part thereof inconsistent with provision in this CMO shall be deemed modified or repealed. Effectivity Clause This CMO shall take effect after its publication in the Official Gazette or Newpaper of General Circulation. Pasig City, Philippines. __ November 20, 2007. FOR THE COMMISSION ROMULO L. NERI Chairman@ opty Suysout JOJeWASS JUEISISS LOHONU}SUC 7 Cee equ Jeluied uotonasu Ko qwuiog wa Kon qulod Wx qwiog we ‘ABojoUYseL HAD Ut JOleW NOILVONGS YAHOVSL IWOINHOSL JO YOTSHOVSE G3aZivadavT oven, Rn mn mam me mee eee eee eeeTOL, SoWANDy BUNSEL-HOS < LL Tel ‘Buynesg jo siewawepung : LLL mesa] . sued Buyaeip jeoruyoa; yasdepu] pue sGummesp yeaiuyoa} Guyasdieqy Seer eee uN} 9] UN] = ToyeonpS woneyndog GupnIDU ABojoyaksd [84H | 111 PS 205} a a e ‘ou8795 [ROBO | 144 9S 7EN} ‘BUON | 800N e © e1qably aBayOD Bulpnpouy soyewoujew 40 SJeWOWePUN.S = LL) UFE vueseseieSednned 6u Bus : ¥ Buu. pue Apmis 404 ysUGUA = LEE ‘owes em BUNS ‘uuunjoonsod BunDera «| ‘Syiom Bawse ESU “SpoMuToy Buddas «| ‘SUBTOTUIGS SypOATITIO} GU ‘Syomuo4 BUITERSUT wusuodwoo syoMuio) HEI ‘ayes pue wjjeay jeuowednaoo comer 5 ‘SOMO ESTES qwawdnbs pur soo) vieiwiew .| “SuoRNASU ue suoqesyads ‘sanpaooid an19sa0 -| Sleuayew voqonaysuco 272% soup Buping ino-oyeig/oredeaa | THOM BUPTTES ‘S@0r1 Buiping no-Bunyeis | ‘ep09| Suipiing feuonen Suauowiordu | ee Saoneed i 2 : : ‘Kayes pue yyeaH feuovedno99 LLL 19 Uuyeoy revonednoco Buoiseld | _ Kejes pue weet euonednane Addy aoe | mer | i seen e bette ate 06 e z t Tauedies worou ert 19) ‘2p09 Guiping jeucnen would ‘p09 Buipying (EUONEN ZLL 19] yun: anus, asino9. eS ‘sosinop uoneanp3 40451H anysouiog yeuty ‘389A S113: J3;SaWOS UND: Uuoneonpg soysea4 (eoquy9e) Jo 40j949eG PEzHEPPET ‘ABojouuse| S3IONALAdINOD LIAL GNV S3SUNOD NOLLVONGS YAHOIH 40 3OVSYALNI SHL NO XIBLV aby xouuy,Jano] sejnonsed auy Uo ejeoyRaD JEUONEN Bu pans! eq ||e4S Bus/ay "ISe} ou) Sessed eys/ey y! pue VOSAL Aq Pale\sIUIPE quowissesse ey) exe) Kew o}4 "Ua2) sa|oUD}edwoo 84) BuN|eDIpUl JUSWIBAAIYDY Jo aJeOYILAN e YIM APMIS Jo Je@k BuO Jaye ye ABW TUAPNIS Y : SION 943 6 EOL “BUON cS ‘@UON @ Te sammy WYN : LZ) 3d] “OUON oS “SUON € a ‘ABojouype | voeowunuwod} ue vonewuoyu wan |e [uN ee Sung WOM PUB “AVL WIM SoIMOUODS 2ISeE “SUON +S ae e € oua!S YET * 1Z) OS JEN Tae | Fs | een |e |e Aowoucsus 121 wen socom eee] uoweaunuuice enon ueedoues| WN | FS | SON | fF | E voneatununuog re10 = ¥21 U5 BuKkauns Aejuewaje Buoyed] Gukonns Arewuswiaie woped| i ' 7 7 Bukenng Aeuowe!3 “ez LO} ‘Suone|naje> pue suoHesnsueU unOHeG| ‘Syiom Aiuosoul 9864 unopea| syeuajeu Aiuosew aredaiq| ‘SuOROANSUI JO TenUeLI ue uonenyioods ‘sounpacaid ensasqo| ‘Auuoseyy yBnoy -22t 19] 3 ‘sievarew Auosew Buyedsig 7 WwaurDsrojuj [oars BUITeISU onus e1npow Aouayodwon jo syun leyernbo.ou ‘ani 28in0g sojouajaduog LAAL ‘sasinog uoneanpy 46u6IH seqs0uleg puedes ‘4094 J8i\4 : 40)80WN0G / |0A07 180A ‘AGojouyse 1 sofew voneonp3 soysea,, eo]U4991 Jo 20}e4Ieg Paz|JOpPET ‘ONL WesBOId S3IONSLAdWOD LIAL GNV S3SHNOS NOLLVONGA YSHOIH JO 3OVIYSLNI SH NO XIALVNSa 0) BUTE Teoepne fos om | e1e2u00 entoaep Buutedou)_ Avoseule}.0400 enpe}e0 eden ue neg eo-ed | yes pueu puesta seo 21d yen aus Russe =i {eyrouco anesooep Busi] __fwoseu/ 1010400 onteioep Ay wwewinte pie soa) ue SaDeLTS| Ins Auuoseul / 218.0409 Jest ‘Aavosew / 910,009 6uLseisela oe deere suonenojeo pue suopemnsuew wuoHed ‘sy SHG ALY Tiuosey SUNS we ‘TonDNEG pur suoneoyioeds ‘seunpeooud envesao| s[evejeul pub sjo0} Kuosew Beda Tonereieur BurquIn|d BUUBIEG| uBisap 6uqunid wed] waisrs| ans 1m rea pue ou ne woth Adds 12 wwoye%s| Suqund Kiois nus Gumresui] Suquanid Arors-mw pue xoxdwoo wHoHed Bunsay 9291 Bard oNBuOD ‘soueualuleW pue stedas Bulquinid wioyed pue wedas Suiquinyd Buruo}og} TaTqUISTe| ui 1 Surquunyd yun ay6urs ws Suqunrd yur ej6us Buyjeysuy]__UNEUETRH! 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Aq paseIsiU-upe jueUISseSsE ‘aun eye) few 244 “Ueye) SelouaTeduloo 243 SuReDIpUI JueUenaIyoy Jo ayeoUTIED e YUM APMIS Jo SiBOA BasIA JOYE JO ABW JWAPMISY °3LON aot Zuorssouu| Aysnpuy : Z wi] 28M Aouayeduio jo SUN, Joysinbososd aed ‘nis eeinog, suy 987 sepousjeduiod 13AL ‘s9sino9 uoneanp3 JoYBIH Jeqsoulag pucdag ‘182, pul : 49}S0W9S / }9N071 160A ABojouy>o4 so}UOND01 sofew 1 wresBoug uoneanpa Joyseay jeoluljoa4 Jo Jojeyoes PeZuepPeT ONE OLS AR RY EUR NOUN LORDS HSN Nr - -oe ee Bir “IAL u yoieasas Bunevepun SAL uiyaseasas axeuepun | 122° ypoleig yaseosoy feeds : ety onP3| uorssas yoeqpaay BuoNpUcd ,| ‘uojssas yoeqpaa; pnpuog | Abe OPA 9.01 » ABMS pial : LEY ONS WoIssas| Guyjasunoo 128129 Buyonpuod ,| yuoussasse] fousjoduieo Buyonpued | uuoissas Buyasunoo s99169 yonpuod | pue soueping J8aie9 : oLpanp3l quawissasee Aauajadwos onpuod ,| ‘ore oma 7 Bue ‘001 uawssasse ubisaq . sj001 uawssesse ubsseq ,| Speiiaitiiusesers-
e9 PazUAPPET :eALL WeABOLg “| ‘S3IONSL3AINOD L3AL ONY S3SHNOD NOILWONGA YSHOIH 40 3OV4YALNI SHLNO intl, c y ae ee ee eee eee eee eee. ; fet eee “ANNEX B” AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY . Course Course Title Units Code oe ze AT iL ‘OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES 1 AT 112 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE SERVICING, 4 REPAIR, AND MAINTENANCE ot ATS PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND GAS/OIESEL ENGINE TUNE-UP 3 AT 121 ‘AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SERVICING, 5 REPAIRING AND MAINTENANCE. AT iz POWER TRAIN AND UNDER CHASSIS SERVICING, 4 REPAIRING AND MAINTENANCE ATIB ‘AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE SHOP MANAGEMENT i AT 211 BASIC AUTOMOTIVE AIR-CONDITIONING SERVICING, 2 REPAIRING AND MAINTENANCE RY 242 MOTOR CYCLE AND SMALL ENGINE SERVICING, 2 REPAIRING AND MAINTENANCE }AT 213 _ | AUTOMOTIVE BODY REPAIR AI STRATE PREPARATION [4 AT 221 ENGINE OVERHAULING AND REBUILDING a 5 ‘AT 222 © | METALLIC AND SOLID COLOR PAINTING 3 APPLICATIONS AND TECHNIQUES. [AT 223 BASIC DRIVING z Tim 1 INDUSTRY IMMERSION 1 5. AT 311 BASIC POWER CONVERSION SYSTEM SERVICING, 3 bs REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE AT 3i2 BASIC ELECTRONIC ENGINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OPERATION 3 AND SERVICING Tim2 INDUSTRY IMMERSION 2 10 “TOTAL [57 GARMENTS, FASHION AND DESIGN i Course Course Title ~ Units Code o_o GFD 111 ‘OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY 7 PRACTICES > GFD 142 PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT 2 GFD 113 FABRIC AND GARMENT DESIGNING TECHNIQUES. 3 GFD 121 BASIC SEWING PROCESSES 3 GFD 122 INDUSTRIAL SEWING MACHINE OPERATION, REPAIR AND 3 MAINTENANCE GOI PATTERN DRAFTING AND DESIGNING 5 GFD 212 GRAMENTS’ DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. 5 GED 221 PATTERN GRADING AND MARKER MAKING 5“ANNEX B” [GeO 222 ‘MEN'S GARMENTS CONSTRUCTION 5 [GFD 311 ‘ADVANCE GARMENTS DESIGNING AND CONSTRUCTION 5 GFD 312 MASS PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES AND PRACTICES 5. Timi INDUSTRY IMMERSION 1 5 tim 2 INDUSTRY IMMERSION 2 10 TOTAL 57 DRAFTING TECHNOLOGY Course Course Title Units Code Dri ‘OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES 1 DT 112 DRAFTING FUNDAMENTALS AND THEORY OF 3 DESIGN oT iat BASIC AUTO-CAD (2-D APPLICATIONS) 4 DT 122 MACHINE DRAFTING USING AUTO-CAD 4 DT2i1 ‘AUTO-CAD 2-D AND 3-D APPLICATIONS 5 DT 212 ‘ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING AND DESIGN. 5 for 221 BUILDING TECHNOLOGY AND UTILITIES 5 DT 222 CAD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 5 | OT 311 * | CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES AND SCALE MODELING 5 OT 312 GRAPHICS/COMMERCIAL ARTS WITH COMPUTER APPLICATION. 5 tm 1 INDUSTRY IMMERSION 1 5 tim 2 INDUSTRY IMMERSION 2 10 TOTAL 57 WELDING AND FABRICATION TECHNOLOGY Course Course Title Units |__Code WFT.111 | OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES _ 1 WET 112 | METAL TESTING AND HEAT TREATMENT PROCESSES 3 WET 113 BASIC SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDING (SMAW) PROCESS 3 WET 121. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING, CUTTING AND BRAZING 3 WFT 122 | ADVANCED SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDING (SMAW) PROCESS. 4 WET 211 | GAS METAL ARC WELDING (GMAW) PROCESS 4 WET 21, PATTERN DEVELOPMENT 3 WET 213 FLUX-CORED ARC WELDING (FCAW) PROCESS. 3 WFT 221 | GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING PROCESS. 4 WET 222 PIPE FITTINGS. 3 WET 311 | WELDING INSPECTION AND TESTING 5 WET 312 | FABRICATION PROCESSES AND TECHNIQUES. 3 | WET 313 | ADVANCED GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING PROCESS 3 IM 1 INDUSTRIAL IMMERSION 1. 5 TM 2 INDUSTRIAL IMMERSION 2 10 TOTAL 57 Phew mete rem sea“ANNEX B” MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY ‘Course Course Title Units Code __ at MTaii1 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES 1 MT-112 BASIC MACHINE TOOLS 3 MT 121 LATHE AND MILLING MACHINE OPERATIONS 3 | MT 122 METROLOGY _ 2 MT 123 HEAT TREATMENT 2 MT 124, ‘MILLING MACHINE OPERATIONS 3 MT 211 GRINDING MACHINES OPERATIONS 3 wT 212 "AUTO: CAD MECHANICAL 3 MT 213 TOOL AND DIE MAKING 2 M7214 ADVANCED BENCH WORK 3 MT 221 BLUEPRINT READING 3 MT 222 ‘CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 3 MT 223, ‘APPLIED MECHANICAL MATHEMATICS 2 MT 311 ELECTRICALLY DISCHARGE MACHINING (EDM), 4 MT 312 JIGS AND FIXTURE, TOOL AND DIE DESIGNING 2 MT 313 ‘CAD-CAM : 3 TIM 1 INDUSTRIAL IMMERSION 1 5. IIM2 INDUSTRIAL IMMERSION 2 10 _ TOTAL 57 CIVIL TECHNOLOGY Course Course Title Units Code 7 [Crit OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES aT 112 NATIONAL BUILDING CODE IMPLEMENTATION 2 CT 113 ROUGH CARPENTRY 3 [eri2i REBAR WORK 3 CT 122 ROUGH MASONRY 3 7123 ELEMENTARY SURVEYING 3 cr2i1 PLUMBING 3 cr232 ‘STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 2 cr 213 FINISHING MASONRY. 3 cr2i4 FINISHING CARPENTRY 3 CT 221 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING 3 222 ‘CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES 2 723 ‘ANALYSIS OF BUILDING STRUCTURE 2 7224 ‘CONSTRUCTION PAINTING 3 CT 311 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT. 3 [CT 312 *" [SOIL AND CONSTRUCTION. MATERIALS TESTING 3 tim 1 INDUSTRY IMMERSION 1 5 [tim 2 INDUSTRY IMMERSION 2 # 10 TOTAL : 57~ “ANNEX B” FOOD AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT Course | Course Title Units Code FSM 111 ‘OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES 1 FSM 112 FOOD SELECTION AND PREPARATION 4 FSM 121 ‘MEAL MANAGEMENT 4 FSM 122, BASIC BAKING 5 FSM 211 ‘ADVANCE BAKING 5 FSM 212 FODD PROCESSING, PACKAGING AND LABELLING 5 FSM 221. INTERNATIONAL CUISINE 5 | FSM 222 QUANTITY COOKERY 5 FSM 311 CAFETERIA AND CATERING MANAGEMENT 4 FSM312 BARTENDING AND BAR SERVICE MANAGEMENT 4 Tim 1. INDUSTRY IMMERSION 5 m2 INDUSTRY IMMERSION. 10 TOTAL 57, HEATING VENTILATING, AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION TECHNOLOGY Course Course Title- Units Code * HVACR 111 | OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES 1 HVACR 112 | INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL DEVICES — 2 HVACR 113” | DOMESTIC REFRIGERATION AND AIR-CONDITIONING 4 (DOMRAC) ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS HVACR 121 | DOMESTIC REFRIGERATION AND AIR-CONDITIONING (DOMRAC) 5 SYSTEMS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE HVACR 122 | SOLDERING, WELDING AND JOINING OPERATIONS 4 HVACR 211 | COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT (CRE) 5 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE ea HVACR 212. [ PACKAGE AIR CONDITIONING UNIT (PACU) INSTALLATION AND 4 MAINTENANCE HVACR 221 | MOBILE REFRIGERATION AND AIR-CONDITIONING 4 HVACR 222 | REFRIGERATION PLANT DESIGNING 2 HVACR 223° | AIR HANDLING UNITS INSTALLATION, SERVICE AND 3 MAINTENANCE HVACR 311 | HEAT PUMP OPERATION 4 HVACR 312 | ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT SERVICE AND REPAIR 4 ML INDUSTRIAL IMMERSION 1 5 iM 2 INDUSTRIAL IMMERSION 2 10 TOTAL 57“ANNEX B” ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY Course Course Title Units Code Ee See eee ET itt OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES i ET 112 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY I 3 ET 113, ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS DEVICES 3 er i2t ELECTRICAL WIRING SYSTEM AND DESIGN 4 eT 122 ‘SIGNAL AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM 3 7123, DIRECT CURRENT MACHINES 3 ET 2iL ALTERNATING CURRENT MACHINES 4 er 212 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS CIRCUITS AND DEVICES, 3 ET 213 INDUSTRIAL MOTOR CONTROLLER . 3 e221 PNEUMATIC AND HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 3 ET 222 LOGIC CIRCUIT CONTROLLER 3 ET 311 PLC SYSTEM AND PROGRAMMING 3 ET 312 INOUSTRIAL PROCESS CONTROLLER 3 ET 313, AUTOMATION CONTROL SYSTEM 3 TIM 1 INDUSTRIAL IMMERSION 1 5 1M 2 INDUSTRIAL IMMERSION 2 10 TOTAL 57 ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY ‘Course Course Title Units Code ET 11 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES 1 ET 112 BASIC ELECTRONICS 3 ET 113 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS. 3 Er i2t POWER ELECTRONICS. 3 EF 122 ELECTRONICALLY-CONTROLLED DOMESTIC HOUSEHOLD 4 APPLIANCES REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE ET 2i1 ‘AUDIO SYSTEM REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 3 EF 212 ‘CELLULAR PHONE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE Ss E221 VIDEO SYSTEM REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 5. ET 222 INSTRUMENTATION AND PROCESS CONTROL, 5 ET3i1 INSTRUMENTATION TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE 3 ET 312 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AND CONTROL ELECTRONICS 5 IM 1 INDUSTRIAL IMMERSION 1. 5 M2 INDUSTRIAL IMMERSION 2 10 TOTAL 57Description of Courses AND THINKING SKILLS IN ENGLISH This course covers the development of communicative competence in English with emphasis on effective reading, writing and listening skills, It is designed to develop language leaming strategies, effective communication techniques, and academic study skills. Lessons and activities involve development of oral and written communication skills in different social contexts, reading skills enhancement and effective use of reference and resources. ‘The course 1s to provide students with effective language and thinking skills and language-leaming strategies necessary for academic studies, HAND ORALCOMMUNICATION This course gives the sudents an understanding of the basic principles of speech and voice production and proficiency in their use; speech skills common to all forms of oral communication; the selection and evaluation of materials for specch, and organizational thought, voice, action, and speakerslistener relations. Emphasis is given on the » development of oral communication skills for effective presentation and debate, both Jormal and informal. Filiping Filipino 1 - SINING NG PAKIKIPAGTALASTASAN Pag-aaralan ang Filipino bilang isang wikang dinamiko na gagamitin sa komunikasyong pasalita at pasulal." Lilinangin ang apat na makrong kasanayan sa pakikinig, paysasalita, pagbasa at paysulal sa pamamagitan ng iba’t ibang texto at kontexio Hilipino 2 - PAGBASA AT PAGSULAT SA IBA’T IBANG DISIPLINA Ang kursorig ilo ay magbibigay-pokus sa pagbasa at paysulat bilang kasangkapan Sa pagkatulo. Ituturo sa kursong ito ang mga estratchiya sa pagbasa ng iba’t ibang genre ng mga textong nakasulat, Lilinangin din ang mga kasanayan sa pag-unawa lalo na ang kritikal ma pag-unawa, gayundin ang kasanayan sa pagsulat ng iba't ibang sulating akademik, Magiging balayang paksa ang ukol sa humanidades al agham panlipunan, at agham at teknolohiya,“Annex @ RETORIKA Sumasaklaw ang kurso st malikhaing pagsulat kaugnay ng apat na paraan ng pagpapahayag: deskriptibo, naratibo, ekspositort at argumentatibo, na may pokus sa mga estilo ng wika. Lilinang ang kursong ito sa mga Kasanayan sa pasalita at pasulat na pagpapahayay ng estudyante bilang isang indibidwal, bahagi ng elnikong grupo, ‘mamamayan ng isang bansa, at bahagi ng isang global na komunidad. Literatura / Literatur ANG PANITIKAN NG FILIPINAS / aaral sa iba’t ibang anyo ng literatura sa pamamagitan ny paybasa sa ilang tekstong pampanitikan na hango sa iba’t ibang rehyon ng Filipinas at iba't ibang panahon ng kasaysayan ng bayan. ‘THE LITERATURES OF THE PHILIPPI Study of literary forms or genres as exemplified by selected literary texts from various regions of the Philippines written at different periods in Philippine literary history? Ye Mathematies Math J - FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICS i ‘ an integrative course, It is meant to synthesize and reinforce the concepts, processes and skills learned in secondary school. The course is guided by the following priciples: * the need to emphasize on conceptual understanding more than procedural understanding but not sacrificing fundamental quantitative skills; ‘+ the need to use contexts that capture real-world problems and maximize the use of modeling and visualizing techniques and using appropriate technology to solve these problems; + the need to engage leamers in reflective thinking and provide them Opportunities to “think outside the box,” This course further intends to develop and strengthen the following general skills: problem formulating and solving, justifying and reasoning, evaluating and extending, and analytical skills. The use of graphing calculators and computer algebra systems is highly encouraged.“Annex @ This course offers to the student an opportunity (o lean when and how mathematics ean be used in many different real-life situations. Consequently, this course will help students expand their content knowledge in mathematics. ‘The following principles underlie this course: mathematics is useful mathematics is realistic and relevant + mathematics is inter © mathematics is needed by all This course aims to integrate mathematics theories to reality, thereby increasing the level of mathematical literacy of Filipinos, ‘The approach is to contextualize the concepts identified below. Problem solving is a central feature of this course. The use of graphing calculdtors and computer algebra systems is highly encouraged So Soc Sci'1 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY INCLUDING POPULATION DUCATION This is an introductory course to the study of psychology as a science of human behavior. Discussions of different theories, principles, and concepts aim to give the students basic knowledge of human behavior and focus on the fundamental questions of how and why we think, feel and behave the way we do; how we get along with one anothtsand why we become the unique individuals that we are. 1 Also discussed are the development and characteristics of Filipino’ culture, the personal and social values of Filipinos, the historical influence on cultural variations, the structure of Filipino culiure viewed in terms of adaptability to change, and an understanding of different cultures in today’s world with emphasis on population, sociat change and rural development. Soc Sci 2~ BASIC ECONOMICS WITH TA ‘This course is an introduction (0 Economics, the basic concepts of microeconomics, money and banking, economic growth and development and international economics. Also discussed are the basic concepts of taxation and land reform,“Annex Soc Sci 3~ POLITICS AND GOVER! CONSTITUTION 1 PHILIPPINE This is a study of the basic concepts of political science (i.e. power, state government, ideology, nation, political forces), the*types of political systems and the processes of political development. The principles and concepts of political sciences especially as they apply to the Philippines, the historical dovelopment of political institutions from pre-Spanish times to the present with special emphasis on the new constitution Information and ICT 1 - INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS TECHN This course focuses on the understanding of concepls, the acquisition of basic skills and attitudes related to the various Information and Communications Technologies The course covers concepts and skills aimed at providing students with basic literacy on current ICTs including the Intemet and other telecommunications and network-based technologies and their ulilization for research, communication, publishing, productivity, teaching, and leaming The course is delivered through a combination of lecture and laboratory activities. ICT 2~ COMPUTER LITERACY, The course presents an application of computer hardware, software, and information systems as applied to the practice of the profession, This serves as. an introduction to computers as data processing tool, Students are given basic training in word processing, spreadsheet and Intemet among others, ‘This course is a spécially outlined study of the basic principles of philosophy and its branches covering psychology, ethics and theodicy. It also covers an introduction to formal logic to develop the students’ skills in forming clear and systematic thought, conducting inquiries and carrying out abstract logical and critical thinking,“Annex @ Mandated Subjects PHILIPPINE HISTORY ‘This course provides a general survey of the history of the Filipino people from the pre-colonial times to the present. It analyzes the causes and impact of colonization and traces the stream and growth of Filipino nationalism and cultural heritage LIFE AND WORKS OF RIZAL course deals with an analysis, eval ion and interpretation of Rizal's life, his birth and parentage, education and travels. The student is initiated to a reflective study of Rizal's thoughts, ideas as revealed in his novels, poems and essays. It also includes discussion on the validity, applicability and usefulness of Rizal's ideas to contemporary Philippine society¥ COUR: Edue 311 Educ 313 Educ 314 Adolesc ce Psychology This course deals with the pattem of development of individuals during the adolescence period with emphasis on the biological, cognitive, social and personality traits changes. It also includes the application of the different theories in the students” workplace specifically in their areas of specialization Credit Units 3 No. of lecture hours 7 3 No. of hours persemester—:* Sa Social Dimensions of Education ‘This course introduces the social science theories and research as they relate to education. IM focuses on the understanding and analysis of various topies such as the four pillars of education, intercaltural communication and cultural changes, social institutions gender and development, sloabalization and education in the new social milieu Credit Units 3 No, of lecture hours 3 No. of hours per semester s4 Facilitating Learning This course aims to provide the would-be teachers with intensive discussion of the various theories of leaming and their implications and application to the teaching-leaming situations, Credit Units : 3 No. of lecture hours : 3 No. of hours per semester 34 Pi inciples of Teaching This course deals with the fundamental principles and theories of teaching-leaming and their applications to classroom7 Educ 315 Educ 316 Educ 317 teaching, Special focus is given to how these theories and principles are applied to the adolescent and adult fearners in the would-be teacher areas of specialization. : Credit Units 3 No. of lecture hours : 3 . No, of hours per semester 54 Educational Technology 1 This course focuses on the roles and functions of educational technology in the teaching-learning process. It exposes the students to the planning and development of print media materials and low-cost audio-visual instructional materials. It also includes the technological aesthetic, pedagogical, and ethical issues of interactive multimedia. Credit Units 3 No. of lecture hours EES No. of hours per semester 5 Assessment of Student Learning 1 This course deals with tiie development and utilization of assessment tools 10 improve the teaching-lcaning process especially in technical vocational courses. Its emphasis is on the use of testing for measuring thinking and manipulative skills. It allows the students to go through the standard steps in test construction for quality competency as Credit Units 3 No. of lecture hours 3 No. of hours per semester 54 ‘eld Study 1103 ‘This course consists of three parts. Field Study | provides * the would-be teachers the opportunity to verify the behavior of the learners in the actual learning environment; Ficld Study 2, requires them to apply the teaching theories and principles in the learning environment; and Field Study 3 gives them the experience of preparing teaching aids for classroom use. Credit Units 3 No. of lecture hours 3 ‘No. of hours per semester: 34Aduc411: The Teaching Profession Including Code of Ethies “This course provides the Students insights on the nature and importance of teaching, the relaled laws governing the teaching profession, the multifarious tasks, activities, and responsibilities expected of a teacher, the personal and professional qualities if future technician teachers, the code of ethics of professional teacher. \ 7 Credit Units 3 : No. of lecture hours 3 ‘ : No. of hours per semester: 34 ' i} Educ 412: Strategies of Teaching f ‘This course deals with the various approaches, methods and techniques of teaching with emphasis on competency-based waining, it also provides the students the opportunity to prepare lesson plans, plan training sessions, maintains teaching resources and facilities. Credit Units 3 No. of lecture hours 3 No. of hours per semester 54 vy Educdi3e = Educational Technology 2 ‘This course deals with the development of the necessary skills of the would-be teachers in creating effective multi-media caching materials and documents, "Credit Units _ 3 No. of lecture hours + 3 No. of hours per semester 34 Edue 414: Curriculum Development Including Project Planning and Development : is course deals with the basic principles, approaches, and ‘procedures in developing a curriculum. It focuses on the now instructional innovations in the competency-based education in preparing, and developing easy to use self-paced individualized course of study. Credit Units No. of lecture hours No. of hours per semester yee7 Educ 415 Educ 416 Educ 417° Educ 418 © No. of hours per semester Assessment of Student Learni ‘This course focuses on the development and utilization of alternative forms of assessment in measuring authentic learning of vocational competencies, Emphasis is given on how to assess process-oriented and product-oriented learning targets as well as affective learning, The students will experience developing assessment instruments like rubrics, for performance-based and portfolio assessment Credit Units No. of lecture hours No. of hours per semester \ | Career Guidance and Counsel i is ‘This course deals with the nature, principles and techniques of career guidance, and counseling and their applications in the, educational setting, Credit Units No. of lecture hours No. of hours per semester icld Study 4 106 “This course consists of three parts. Field Study 4 provides the students the opportunity to identify and utilize various teaching techniques in teaching their area of specialization. They are required to observe classes, made lesson plans, and teach students to a group of learners. Field Study 5 allows the students to have hands on experiences n signing an assessment (ool and evaluate its results based on the principles of testing, Ficld study 3 enables the students to utilize aliernative assessment tools in actual classroom setting, Credit Units » 3 No. of lecture hours 3 5 Special Research Project ‘This course deals with” the principles and phases of developing a special research project in the students’ ficld of specialization Credit Units No. of lecture hours: No. of hours per semester geeEduc42t 0: Stud at Teaching This course gives the would-be teaches the opportunity to engage in actual teaching situations under the guidance of cooperating teachers in their respective areas of specialization. Credit Units 2+ 6 No. of lecture hours 27 No. of hours per semester: 486ATI Ye AT U2 AT U3. 7 “Annex 6” Course Description of Technology Majors AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES ‘This course deals with the safety standards and procedures in the workshop as set by the industry and the school. It includes topics’ such as personal safety, safely precautions and practices, hazards anticipation, accident prevention, and first aid administration, It also develops and enhances the knowledge, skills, and attitude of students to safely perform their tasks. No. of credit units, 1 No. of lecture hours per week I No. of laboratory hours per weck : none No. of raining hours per semester. 18 NC Level Leading to NC Level 1 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE SERVICING, REPAIR, AND MAINTENANCE | ‘This course is designed to develop students’, knowledge, skills, and attitude in servicing, repairing, and ‘maintainin internal combustion engines, It deals with the fundamentals of gasoline and diese! engine operation, engine mechanical parts, and engine auxiliary systoms, It also includes types, applications, and care of automotive hand tools, measuring tools, electrical test meters, clectrical/ pneumatic! hydraulic equipment, and other miscellaneous tools. Practical activities are integrated into each topic to complement the theoretical part of the course No. of credit units 4 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 6 No. of training hours per semester: 144 NC Level Leading to NC Level IL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND GAS/DIESEL ENGINE TUNE-UP This course deals with the principles and practices involved in automotive preventive maintenance and enj tune-up in accordance with the standards set by the industry. It covers the topics such as types of scheduled servicing, routine vehicle checks, inspections and adjustments,ATI21 AT 122 a AT 123 “Annex @” No. of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week ~ 2 ‘No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester; 90 NC Level Leading to NC Level 1 AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL S' REPAIR, AND MAINTENANCE "EM SERVICING, This course deals with the operating principle, service, repair, and maintenance of automotive electrical systems such as the starting, charging, ignition, preheating, lighting, signal, hazard, information’ gauge circuit, horn, wiper, and. washer circuits system. It also includes automotive electrical circuit wiring connection and troubleshooting, No. of éredit units 5 No. of lecture hours per week 3 No. of laboratory hours per week | 6 No. of training hours per semester: 162. NC Level Leading to NC Level | POWER TRAIN AND UNDER CHASSIS SERVICING, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE This course will help students to efficiently and i effectively service, repair, and maintain power train and under ‘ chassis systems and related components. It will equip students with information and skills necessary 10 perform the various tasks in power train, brake, steering, and suspension systems. No. of credit units 4 No, of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week : 6 No. of training hours per semester: 144 NC Level Leading to NC Level 1 & II AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE SHOP MANAGEMENT This course deals with the knowledge and skills in managing automotive service shop. It covers topics such as workplace communication skills, working in a team environment, leading a team, planning and organizing work No. of credit units 1 No, of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week : none No. of training hours per semesyer: 18 NC Level Leading to NC Level 11“Annex @” “AY 211 : AUTOMOTIVE AL SE CONDITIONING SYSTEM VICING, REPAIR, AND MAINTENANCE, This course deals with the service, repair, and maintenance of automotive air-conditioning system. It covers topics such as automotive air-conditioning components and its operating principle, It will also focus on the recovery and charging of refrigerant, 7 No. of-credit units 2 No. of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week | 3 No. of training hours per semester; 72 AT 212 i MOTOR CYCLE AND SMALL ENGINE SERVICING, 7 REPAIR, AND MAINTENANCE This course deals with the service, repair, and maintenance of motorcycle and small engine. It covers the topics such as motorcycle and small engine preventive | maintenance, — overhauling procedure, tune-up and troubleshooting, No, of credit units 2 No. of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week ; 3 No. of training hours per semester: 72 NC Level Leading to NC Level 1 AUTOMOTIVE BODY REPAIR AND SUBSTRATE PREPARATION AT U3 This course covers the study and application of techniques and procedures to repair collision damage to the body panels and frameworks. It includes dent removals, cuttifiy, welding, body repair special tools, doilies, body surface treatment, sanding, cleaning, application of body filler and + epoxy prime coating, No. of credit units 4 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week | 6 No. of training hours per semester: 144 NC Level : Leading to NC Level IL AT 221 ; ENGINE OVERHAULING AND REBUILDING It deals with the analysis of gas and diesel engine to determine its condition prior to overhauling using test procedures such as compression testing, oil pressure testing, noise recognition, fuel consumption, and smoke color analysis. Ialso includes proper steps in cleaning, disassembling, testing, and reassembling to determine whether the engine parts are still, 3“Annex” serviceable or need replacement, It will also focus on the use of different measuring tools and engine reconditioning equipment such as boring machine, honing machine and valve face grinder. No, of credit units 5 No, of lecture hours per week 3 No. of laboratory hours per weck 6 No. of training hours per semester: 162 NC Level Leading to NC Level II : METALLIC AND SOLID COLOR PAINTING APPLICATIONS AND TECHNIQUES. This course deals with the use of spray painting equipment such as spray guns, paint mixers and color blenders. It also includes spray techniques, sanding and masking techniques, color blending, solid and metallic applicators 10 damaged surfaces, clear gloss applications and polishing, No. of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week : 3 No. of training hours per semester; 90 NC Level : Leading to NC Level 1 & IL AT 223 7 BASIC DRIVING The information and skills required in their course heips the students to become proficient and defensive driver. It will also assist students to observe traffic rules and regulation, driving calculation techniques, and road safety. No, of credit units 2 No. of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week | 3 No. of training hours per semester: 72 ace 5 NC Level Leading to NC Level I & IL * Lm 1 H INDUSTRY IMMERSION 1 + ‘This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills of automotive service technician in accordance with industry standards. It covers specialized competencies such as performing basic technological concepts and processes, performing occupational health safety practices, performing proper use of auto hand tools, equipment and power machines, servicing internal combustion engine, servicing body electrical system, servicing under chassis components, performing automotive body substrate preparation, managing automotive service shop servicing, ropairing, and maintaining automotive engine electrical system, air-conditioning system, power train and under chassis unit, 4“Annex motor cycle and small engine, and performing body repair, preventive maintenance, engine tune-up, engine rebuilding, metallic and solid color painting for damaged surfaces, and driving properly. It also includes working safety habits, housekeeping and industry. No, of credit units 5 No. of training hiours per semester: 280 AT3IL : BASIC POWER CONVERSION SYSTEM SERVICING, REPAIR, AND MAINTENANCE 1 deals with the knowledge and skills in servicing, repairing, and maintaining the automotive power conversion systems such as the automatic transmission, fluid clutches, torque converter, and other power converting mechanisms. It includes diagnosing, analyzing, and troubleshooting power conversion system proble No, of credit units eH No, of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 7 No. of training hours per semester: 90 AT 312 : BASIC ELECTRONIC ENGINE MANAGEMENT. SYSTEM OPERATION AND SERVICING It deals with the knowledge and skills in. servicing, repairing, and maintaining electronic engine management. This includes analysis, diagnosis and testing of sensors, engine control units, actuators, and other control devices ‘such as switches and relays. It also includes work safety and orderliness, No, of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week | 3 + No. of training hours per semester: 90 Tim? : INDUSTRY IMMERSION 2 ‘This course is designed to ‘enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills of automotive service technician in accordance with industry standards. It covers specialized competencies such as overhauling gas and diesel engine, servicing, repairing, and maintaining power conversion system, electronic engine management, and suspension system, electiical and electronic units. It also includes working safety habits, housekeeping and industry. No. of credit units : 10 No. of training hours per semester 560Grp tu GED U2 GED 113 “Annex €” ‘Course Description of Technology Majors GARMENTS, FASHION AND DESIGN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES This course deals with the safety standards and procedures in the workshop as set by the industry and the school. It includes topics such as personal safety, safety precautions and practices, hazards anticipation, accident prevention, and administering first aid. It also develops and enhances the knowledge, skills and attitudes of students to perform this task. No. of credit units 1 No. of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week : _ none No. of training hours per semester: 18 NC Level Leading to NC Level 1 PERSONALITY DEVELOPM ‘This course is designed to enhance the knowledue and skills of students on how to develop a desirable and pleasing personality, specifically good posture, proper hygiene, good grooming and social graces. - No. of credit units 2 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week : none No. of training hours per semester: 36 NC Level : Leading to NC Level 1 FABRIC AND GARMENT DESIGNING TECHNIQUES. This course deals with human proportions and figure construction; dress designing through line drawing and fall application of colors and textile design; computation of fabric, materials and accessories consumption for different garment designs. It also includes fabric printing which focuses on the various methods by which designs are printed on the fabric; silk screen priming which entails paper and film stenciling and fabric stamping and designing techniques, ‘No. of eredit, units 13 No. of iecture hours per weck 2 No. of laboratory hours per week : 3 No. of training hours per semester: 90 NC Level Leadirig to NC Level 1 6 ‘“GFDYAL GED 122 GFD 21 “Annex BASIC SEWING PROCESSES This course provides students with the knowledge on the + selection and use of different garment trimmings, accessories and fasteners and how these are sewn into the garment. It also includes how to make simple sewing processes about hand stitches and hhandworked buttonholes. No. of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester: 90 NC Level Leading to NC Level 1 INDUSTRIAL SEWING MACHINE OPERATION, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE, This course deals with the knowledge of indus equipment used in garment manufacturing: their care and maintenance, parts and functions, preparation for operation, stitch adjustments, cleaning and lubrication, trouble shooting and repair It also focuses on the sewing fundamentals, techniques and practices. Projects include, garment construction processes such as seams, darts, tucks, pleats, gathers, facings, hems, pockets, plackets, collars and sleeves, No. of credit units 5 No. of lecture hours per week ': 3 No. of laboratory hours per weck : 6 No. oftraining hours per semester: 162 NC Level Leading to NC Level IL PATTERN DRAFTING AND DESIGNING ‘This course deals with taking accurate body measurements, drafling block patterns, manipulation of darts, and making patterns for necklines, collars, sleeves and skirts, and interpreting garment designs into final patterns. No. of credit units 5 No, of lecture hours per week 3 No. of laboratory hours per wéek No. of training hours per semester: 162 NC Level NC Level tl °“GED 212 GED 221 GD 222 GED 31t “Annex @ GARMENTS DESIGNING AND CON: RUCTION ‘This course deals with the basic know-how in assembling basic garment designs, The students arc expected to come up with simple projects like blouse with and without collar, basi¢ skirt, and one-piece dress. No. of credit units 5 : No. of lecture hours per week 3 | No.of laboratory hours per week: 6 1 No. of training hours per semester: 162 7 NC Level NC Level II PATTERN GRADING AND MARKER MAKING ‘This course deals with the construction of industrial paticrn using standard — body measurements, interpreting designs and their applications in the production patterns with applicable notations, and the processes involved in making manual markers. No. of credit units 5 No. of lecture hours per week 3 No. of laboratory hours per week ; 6 No. of training hours per semester: 162 NC Level NC Level Il MEN’S GARMENTS CONSTRUCTION This course deals with different patterns and construction details in men's *garments construction. Projects include assembling pajama suit, athletic pants, standard short pants, long pants and standard men’s shirt. No. of credit units No. of lecture hours per week No. of laboratory hours per week : 6 g hours per semester: 162 NC Level Ii ADVANCE GARMENTS DESIGNING AND CONSTRUCTION ‘This course deals with the principles and techniques in handling delicate, sheer and fine fabrics appropriate for special occasion clothes. The competencies learned from previous courses are also applied here so as to come up with more stylish couture designs,“Annex a No. of credit units : 5 No. of lecture hours per week 3 No. of laboratory hours per week: 6 No. of training hours per semester: 162 NC Level NC Level 111 GED312__: MASS PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES AND PRACTICES ‘This course deals with practices involved in performing mass prodtiction operations, the quality assurance measures performed in a garment industry setting, and the incoming ~~ fabric inspection down to the final inspection of the finished garment prior to delivery. * It also focuses on the optimization of the physical resources relative to the creation of goods — and ' services, Included in the lessons are computations of worker's salary, explanation of workers” benefits and privileges, making work» studies, shop layout and preparation of organizational charts, the proper way of dealing with customers and the principles involved on how to keep a client No, of credit units 5 No. of lecture hours per week 4 No. of laboratory hours per weck : 3 No. of training hours per semester: 136 NC Level NC Level 1V Um 4 : INDUSTRY IMMERSION 1 This training program aims to develop the knowledge and skills of students and equip them with desirable work habits and attitudes while exposing them to the actual industry operations like: fabric and operational defects, fabric inspection procedures based on company standards, different industrial * garment finishes, cutting opefations using straight knife and band knife machines, sewing using different machine attachments, and special machines. The students will perform these jobs/operations while being supervised by the company personnel and the school coordinator. No. of Credit Units 5 oe No. of Training Hours Per Semester; 280 NC Level NC Level 1 & Ilim 2 INDUSTRY IMMERSION 2 This training program aims to enhance the basic competencies of students learned during their initial industry immersion. ‘The first part deals with industry operations focusing on manual pattern grading; production of standard patterns; making manual markers, time and motion study, and performing more complicated sewing procedures such as pockets, plackets or collar operations. ‘The latter part of the training exposes the students to high fashion wear, With the guidance of their couturier-mentor, they are expected to sketch garment designs; select fabrics, materials and accessories for their designs; compute its consumption; perform fabric draping and sewing procedures for high fashion wear, and follow correct ethics in meeting potential high fashion clients. Though exposure to industry operations and couture wear are different in nature. the competencies they will gain front these will guide them towards selecting morejapplicable avenues for their talents and skills ~ either by puttiig up their own fashion shop or becoming multi-skilled indusiry workers, No. of Credit Units 10 No. of Training Hours Per Semester; 560 NC Level NC Level Ill & 1V“Annex @ Course Description of Technol DRAFTING TECHNOLOGY print OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SA TY PRACTICES This course deals with the safety standards and : procedures in the workshop as sei by the industry and the {school It includes topics such as personal safety, safely industry precautions and practices, hazard anticipation, accident preventions, and first aid administration. It also develops and enhances the knowledye, skills and altitudes of students to safety perform their tasks. No, of Credit Units : 1 No. of Lecture Hours Per Weck 1 No. of Laboratory Hours Per Week None No. of Training Hours Per Semester 18 pT 112 i: DRA! DESIG} FUNDAM: ‘ALS AND THEORY OF I ‘The course deals with the identification and application ue of the basic principles, theories and drafting fundamentals in i the preparation of working drawings. It also focuses on i orthographic “projection, dimensioning, sectioning, scaling, } notes and specifications using two methods such as frechand and .mechanical drawing in the preparation of working I drawings and blueprints with complete details, No. of Credit Units 3 No. of Lecture Hours Per Week: 2 No. of Laboratory Hours Per Weck 6 , No, of Training Hours Per Semester ; 90 Dri2t * BASIC AUTO-CAD (2-D APPLICATIONS) This course develops the students’ competency to operate the computer using the Au(o-CAD in drafting. The basics of Auto-CAD command in beginning 10 draw, view modification, creating simple geometrical entities, drawing aids and editing and altering are the main focus of study. It ny emphasizes the mastery of the Auto-CAD commands, + No. of Credit Units 4 No. of Lecture Hours Per Week 2 No. of Laboratory Hours Per Weck 6 x No. of Training Hours Per Semester 144‘Annex @” DT 122 : MACHINE DRAFTING USING AUTO-CAD . This course deals with the preparation of working drawing of machine paris that includes its sections, special views. tolerance, complete notes and specifications and assembly drawings drawn in Aulo-CAD. It focuses on two- dimensional drawing presentations No, of Credit Units 4 No, of Lecture Hours Per Week 2 No. of Laboratory Hours Per Week 6 1 No. of Training Hours Per Semester 44 DT 21 A AUTO-CAD 2-D AND 3-D APPLICATIONS ‘The course deals with the preparation of two- dimensions (2-D) and threc-dimensional (3-D) drawing of machine parts, blocks and surfaces, preparing layers, moving and duplicating objects, dimensioning and labeling, creating inserting and editing blocks 4nd W-blocks into drawing using Auto-CAD. These are important in 2-D drawing with emphasis - on modifying and changing prop command, The use of 3-D surface commands like exirude, edge, surf, rule surf, and rev surf ate also emphasized No, of Credit Units 5 No. of Lecture Hours Per Week 3 No. of Laboratory Hours Per Week 6 No. of Training Hours Per Semester 162 YS + DY212 + ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING AND DESIGN * The course deals with designing residential, commercial and educational structures following the principles and theories _ of architectural design chromatic energy of architectural, plan * composition, visual acuity and perception, conceptualization » techniques and functional grouping and zoning, No. of Credit Units 5 No, of Lecture Hours Per Week | 3 No. of Laboratory Hours Per Week : 6 No. of Training Hours Per Semester 162 DY 221 : BUILDING TECHNOLOGY AND UTILITIES ‘This course deals with designing structures of residential building integrating and applying architectural 4 theories regarding space articulation, geometry, response to context, enclose and system, economics and human factors are 12DT 222 “Annex considered to integrate costing, architectural safety and soci cultural variables, No. of Credit Units 7 5 No. of Lecture Hours Per Week 3 No. of Laboratory Hours Per Week 6 No. of Training Hours Per Semester: 1 CAD ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN ‘This course deals with the preparation of a complete plan of two storey residential house using Architectural Software program, Interiors are designed and drawn in perspective, No. of Credit Units 3s No. of Lecture Hours Per Week 3 No. of Laboratory Hours Per Weck 6 No. of Training Hours Per Semester 1 INDUSTRY IMMERSION 1 ‘The course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a general drafisman in accordance with the dustry and company standards, It concerns competencies such as performing occupational health and safety practices, fundamental theories, design and operations, operate computer using Auto-CAD in preparing mechanical drawing in 2- Dimension and 3-Dimension applications and designing residential, commercial and educational structures. No. of Credit Units 5 No. of Laboratory Hours Per Weck 45 No. of Training Hours Per Semester 280 © CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES AND SCALE, MODELING “This course deals with the preparation of bill of materials of a residential house. It includes estimates of concrete, masonry, metal reinforcement, wood and lumber, roofing materials, tile works, painting and hardware, stair case and auxiliaries, scaled model is given emphasis in the course. No, of Credit Units : 5 No. of Lecture Hours Per Week 3 No. of Laboratory Hours Per Weck 6 No. of T 1 jing Hours Per Semester : 02 13DY 312 1M 2 “Annex @” GRAPHICS/COMMERCIAL ARTS WITH COMPUTER APPLICATION ‘The course deals with the application of arts and design in graphics and commercial arts using a computer with the latest and available professional software. Likewise, photographic silkscreen printing, streamer _painting/sign painting and stage decoration are included in the course. No. of Credit Units 5 No. of Lecture Hours Per Week 3 No. of Laboratory Hours Per Week 6 No. of Training Hours Per Semester 162 INDUSTRY IMMERSION 2 ‘This course is designed to apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes of an architectural and mechanical CAD operator, illustrators, estimator and scale modeler in accordance with the industry and company standards. No. of Credit Units 10 No. of Laboratory Hours Per Week 35 No. of Training Hours Per Semester 560 14WE 111 WPT 112 WPT 113 WET 121 \> “Annex Course Description of Technology Majors WELDING AND FABRICATION TECHNOLOGY 7 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES This course deals with the safety standards and procedures in the workshop as set by the industry, It includes topics such as personal safety, safety precautions and practices, hazards anticipation, accident prevention, and first aid administration, It also develops and enhances the knowledge, skills and attitudes of students to safety perform their tasks. No. of credit units 1 No. of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week None No. of training hours per semester 18 METAL TESTING AND HEAT TREATMENT ROCESSES ‘This course deals with metallurgical concepts and practices that influence mechanical and physical properties of metals and steels as well as the description and procedure of heat treatment process applied to welded structure. No. of credit units aes: No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week 3 No. of training hours per semester 90 BASIC SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDING (SMAW) PROCESS This course deals with the concepts and principles of shielded metal arc welding. It also includes the local and international welding standards under AWS DILI and ASME IX as well as hands on training in welding plates in IF, 2F, 3F, 4F, 1G, 2G, 3G positions No. of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week i No. of laboratory hours per week 6 No. of training hours per semester 126 OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING, CUTTING AND BRAZING This course provides a comprehensive presentation of the fundamentals of fusion welding using the combustion of : IsWPT 122 24 Wer 212 “Annex © oxy-acetylene gases. It covers welding in all positions, in thin carbon steel sheets and pipes, manual and automatic cutting and brazing of non-ferrous metals. No. of credit ui aici No. of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week: 6 V No. of training hours per semester Ss 26 ADVANCED SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDING (SMAW) PROCE: This course deals is focused on advanced principles and echniques in welding groove joints in plates and pipes, plate welding in 3G and 4G positions and pipe welding in 2G, 5G andl 6G positions using AWS D1.1 Code, ASME Code and API 1104 standards. It also. emphasizes "the development of knowledge, skills and attitude in the fabrication of pressure vessel which form part of manufacturing process. No. of credit units 4 No. of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week 9 No. of training hours per semester 144 GAS METAL ARC WELDING (GMAW) PROCESS. This topic provides a student with a thorough understanding of the principles, methods and techniques in gas metal arc welding process, It covers simple maintenance and trouble shooting of equipment and hands on practices using acceptable procedures codes and standard. Also, it teaches production welding in thin and thick carbon steels plates and pipes as well as welding aluminum plates in all positions. No. of credit units : 4 No. of lecture hours per week : 1 No. of laboratory hours per week 9 No. of training hours per semester: 126 PATTERN DEVELOPMENT This course deals with the development of pattern rnceded in basic piping fabrication, geometric construction in air ducting, surface preparation and layout as well as template making No. of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week 6 No. of training hours per semester n: “Annex @ FLUX-CORED ARC WELDING ‘AW) PROCESS This course deals with the concepts, methods and techniques. in Flux-Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) process. It provides the student with the necessary information and thorough hands-on practice for the development of skills and attitudes in FCAW welding of carbon steel plates and pipes. No, of credit units 3 } No. of lecture hours per week I | No. of laboratory hours per week 6 No. of training hours per semester: 126 NC. Level 1&0 . GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING (GTAW) PROCESS ‘This course deals with the principles, methods and techniques in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW or TIG) welding process. It also covers the development of knowledye, skills and attitude in welding carbon steel plates, Plates and pipes in all positions in accordance to the welding procedure specification No. of credit units 4 No. of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week 9 No. of training hours per semester 144 PIPE PING ‘The subject is designetl to develop the knowledge, skills and attitude of students in industrial piping fabrication and installation with particular emphasis on the piping system of process plants, refinery and various transportation piping. It includes blueprint reading, » piping calculations, template development for special pipe fittings and actual fabrication. No. of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week; 6 No. of training hours per semester u INDUSTRY IMME SION 1 Give the students the opportunity to observe and practice jobs in the industry which are related to their areas of specialization, No, of credit units . 3 No. of training hours per semester 280” WET 311 vw WET 312 WET 313 “Annex @" WELDING INSPECTION AND TESTING ‘This subject deals with the concepts and principles of testing the quality of welds. If includes the process of destructive and non-destructive methods of inspecting welds, It also provides the student with a thorough understanding, and practices of the procedure in each testing methodology. No. of credit units 5 No, of lecture hours per week 3 No. of labdratory hours per weck 6 No. of training hours per semester 162 : i FABRICATION PROCESSES AND TECHNIQUES This course deals with the concepts, procedure and techniques in construction or fabrication of different structures like towers, bridges, building frames and pressure vessels, It includes the actual fabrication of small water tanks, window grills, stecl gates, windows, stecl trusser and other welded structure or pipelines. It also include the process of laying out, cutting, drilling, bending, twisting, heat treaiment, welding and finishing, No. of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week : 1 No. of laboratory hours per week 6 No. of training hours per semester 126 ADVANCED GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING (GTAW) PROCESS ‘This course is the advanced level of Gas Tungsten Are Welding (GIAW) process. It is designed to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes of students in welding, ‘The welding pipe, aluminum, stainless plates, other non-ferrous metals and alloys in all welding positions, small bore pipe, aluminum and stainless plates as well as other non-ferrous metals in ail positions. All practices and hands-on training will be based on internationally accepted welding codes and standards, No. of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week 6 No. of taining hours per semester 126“Annex © ~ 11M 2 : INDUSTRY IMMERSION 2, Give the students the opportunity to observe and practice jobs in the industry which are related to their areas of specialization. No. of credit units - 10 No. of training hours per semester 560Mr tL MT 112 aes MY 121 MT 122 “Annex @ ¢ Description of Technology Majors MECHANICAL TECIINOLOGY (MT) OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES This course deals with the safety standards and procedures in the workshop as set by the industry. It includes Lopies such as personal safety, safety precautions and practices, hazards anticipation, accident prevention, and first aid Administration. It also develops and enhances the knowledge, skills and attitudes of students to safely perform their tasks. No. of credit units 1 No. of lecture hours per week l No, of laboratory hours per weck None. No. of training hours per semester: 18 NC Level Leading to NC Level 1 BASIC MACHINE TOOLS This course deals with the basic operations of various machine tools used in machinery and different set-ups machine accessories, holding devices, and attachments. | | No! of credit units 3 | No. of lecture hours per week 2 : No, of laboratory hours per week = 3 No. of training hours per semester 9 NC Level Leading to NC Level I LATHE MACHINE OPERATIONS ‘This course deals with the different types of lathe, their accessories, attachment and work holding devices, cutting tool ign and their application, cutting speeds and feeds. It involves cutting paper using different methods of tapes turning, eccentric turning and other complicated turning operations, No. of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester: 9 NC Level Leading to NC Level Il METROLOGY This course is concerned with the methods of measurements based on agreed international standards and units, metrology which requires the use of apparatus and 7 Fi 20MT 123 MT 124 MT 211 “Annex @ equipment and necessary adjustinents to obtain the degree of required accuracy, and the various techniques in industrial set ups and inspections. No, of credit units 3 No, of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week —: 3 No. of training hours per semester > 7 NC Level Leading to NC Level HEAT TREAMENT * The course deals with the principles and processes in basic heat treatment, it also includes the properties of metal, production of metals and materials testing, No. of credit units j 2 No. of lecture hours per weck 1 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester: 72 NC Level Leading to NC Level L MILLING MACHINE OPERATIONS This course covers the knowledge and skills required to sot-up and ‘mill work piece to drawing specifications necessary for performing milling operation such as: drilling, boring, reaming, milling’ block, slots and key ways, indexing splines, serrations, géars and cams. | q 1 No: oferedit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No, of laboratory hours per week: 3 No, of training hours per semester 9 NC Level Leading to NC Level 11 GRINDING MACHINE OPERATIONS, The course deals with the various types, grades, structure, standard shapes and applications of common wheels as well as the various types, construction principles and operations of different grinding machines, No. of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week 3 No. of training hours per semester: 9 NC Level Leading to NC Level II 21“MT 212 MT 213 MT 214 MT 221 “Annex @ AUTO: CAD MECHANICAL AND BLUEPRI READING ‘This course covers tite skills requirement in drawing mechanical parts using Auto-CAD as well as the details on the requirement for drawing 2-D and 3-D parts, No. of credit units : 3 No. of lecture hours per week » 4 No. of laboratory hours per week: 6 No. of training hours per semester 180 NC Level : Leading to NC Level IL TOOL AND DIE MAKING This course deals with the basic heat treatment principles and processes as well as the properties and production metals and materials testing No. of credit units 2 No. of lecture hours per week, 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 9 No. of training hours per semester; 198 NC Level + Leading to NC Level I ADVANCE BENCHWORK The course deals with the principles of advanced benchwork techniques using precision tools and measurements applied in ‘industry. It also includes the use of reaming, broaching, and lapping, tools and dies. No, of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week | 3 : No. of training hours per semester: 90 ‘ NC Level Leading to NC Level I BLUEPRINT READING ‘The course covers the knowledge and skills required in performing preventive and corrective maintenance such as inspection and repair of hand tools, cleaning and lubrication of machine parts and changing pulleys and belts. No. of credit units 23 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester; 90 NC Level Leading to NC Level I 22MT 222 MT 223 uM1 ae * MTSIL “Annex & CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ‘The course provides the students the principles of advanced bench work techniques using precision tools and measurements applied in industry. It covers the use of reaming, broaching, lapping and tap and dies. No. of credit units z 3 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week — : 3 No. of training hours per semester; 90 NC Level Leading to NC Level IL APPLIED MECHANICAL MATHEMATICS The course covers the knowledge required to calculate mathematical problems involved in the workshop the conversion of units, fraction, and decimal, ratio and proportion, basic algebraic operations, geometry, trigonometry and calculations on gears, cams, pulleys, threads and material strength, No. of credit units 2 No. of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester 126 NC Level : Leading to NC Level 11 DUSTRY IMMERSION t This provides the students the opportunity to observe and practice jobs in the industry which are related (o their arcas of specialization particularly under NC | No. of credit units 5 No. of training hours per semester: 280 ELECTRICALLY DISCHARGED MACHINING (EDM) This course deals with the principles of electric discharge machining as a non-traditional machining process of removing metal by controlled electrical arcing. The process is valued for its ability to produce compiex shapes in metal of any * hardness through an electric discharge machine. No. of credit units 22 No. of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester; 72 hrs, NC Level Leading to NC Level II 23MT 312 : MT 313 : 1M 2 “Annex 6 JIGS AND FIXTURE, TOOL AND DIE DESIGNING Moder manufacturing processes require the proper tool guiding aids and devices for the purpose of attaining maximum production, greater ease and economy, so it is a must that the student's ability to design and plan a tool is developed to a higher degree. This subject deals with the concepts of designing Jigs, fixtures, tool and die for repetitive work or mass production methods. No. of credit units 2 No. of lecture hours per week, 1 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester: 72 his. NC Level Leading to NC Level 11 CAD-CAM . This course is a study of planning, programming, selecting tooling determining speed and feeds, setting up, operating and testing of CNC programs on CNC machines. Also, the student will be introduced (0 computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing, No. of-credit units 5 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 9 No. of training hours per semester: 72 his. ‘NC Level Leading to NC Level II INDUSTRY IMMERSION ’2 This provides the students the opportunity to observe and practice jobs in the industry which are related to their areas of specialization. No. of credit units 10 No. of training hours per semester: $60‘Annex @ Course Description of Technology Majors CIVIL TECHNOLOGY (CT) crun OCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY This course deals with the safety standards and procedures in the workshop as set by the industry and the school. It includes the desired knowledge, skills and attitudes toward safety in the workplace in sosting, cleaning and dispensing materials, tools and equipment, identifying and minimizing hazards, responding to and recording accidents and following basic security eZ No, of credit units 1 No. of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week: None No. of training hours per semester 18, NC Level Leading to NC Level 1 cru 1 NATIONAL BUILDING CODE IMPLEMENTATION This course deals with the study and application of various provisions as mandated in the National Building Code of the Philippines. No. of credit units 2 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week None No. of training hours per semester = 36 cr 3 : ROUGH CARPENTRY 7 ‘This course deals with the study of stake-out building lines, fabricating formworks, installing, formwork components, stripping formwork components and installing house framing works, No. of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester: 90 NC Level Leading to NC Level I CY 123 : ELEMENFARY SURVEYING ~ The course deals with the study of the principles, tools and field practices in Elementary surveying. 25crit cra cra “Annex @& No. of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 2 : No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 : No. of training hours per semester: 90 REBAR WORKS ‘This course deals with the interpretation of rebar placement drawings, performing mathematical operation, utilizing rebar materials, using common rebar tools and cquipment, fabricating rebar components, assombling rebar and installing reinforcement bars. No. of eredit units a No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week | 3 No. of training hours per semester; 90 NC Lev Leading to NC Level IL ROUGH MASONRY This course deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes in basic masonry and concrete works, It includes study of masonry tools and materials used in mixing, pouring and paving concrete as well as laying blocks for perimeter fence, walls and partitions, No. of credit units i: 3 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week 3 No. of training hours per semester = 90 NC Level Leading to NC Level 1 PLUMBING ‘This course deals with the study of the materials, tools and processes in designing, fabrication and installation of plumbing pipes, fittings, and fixture No. of credit units aoe No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester: 90 NC Level : Leading to NC Level I & II STRENGTH OF MATERIALS This course deals with the study of fundamental theori and practices in structural analysis such as mechanics, centroid of an area & bar forces of building construction "sence peat . 26cra Cr2id cr22 CT 222 “Annex @ No. of credit units 2 ‘No. of lecture hours per week 1 ‘No. of laboratory hours per week | 3 No. of training hours per semester: 72 VINISHING MASONRY ‘The course deals with the study of advanced theories and practices in masonry works, such as plastering, tile laying and other concrete surface finishing as well as repairs and maintenance of masonry surface. No. of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 2° No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester: 90 NC Level Leading to NC Level II FINISHING CARPE! RY ‘The course is categorized as finish carpentry that deals with the principles, processes, techniques and trends in completing the interior and exterior part of a building, It involves cutting and installation of panels, cladding, built in cabinets, furniture, stairs, doors, windows, jambs frames and architraves. No. of credit units . 3 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester: 90 NC Level Leading to NC Level Il CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING ‘This course deals with the study of advanced theories and practices in construction surveying, such as leveling, topographic survey, area computation, partition of fand, No. of credit units as: No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester: 90 CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATES This course deals with the study of principles, tools and field practices in elementary and higher surveying 27“Annex @ No. of credit units 2 No. of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 7 No. of training hours per semester 2 ANALYSIS OF BUILDING STRUCTURE This course deals with the application of theories and principles on the strength of materials. It also includes introduction to theory of structural design. No, of credit units 2 No. of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week; 3 No. of training hours per semester: 72 i CONSTRUCTION PAINTING This course deals with the study of knowledge skills and attitude in surface and material preparation and application of paint No, of credit units 3 No, of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester’: 90 NC Level Leading to NC Level I CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT. This course deals with the principles and practices involved in project management Program Evaluation and Review ‘Technique (PERT)Critical Path Method (CPM), construction biddings, construction flow and legal aspects in construction, No, of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week * 2 No, of laboratory hours per weék 3 No. of training hours per semester: 90 SOIL AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING This course covers the study of tools, materials and concepts in testing soil and other construction materials which affect the design, construction and maintenance of buildings and other structures. Bers Wea“Annex 6” No, of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per seshester : 90 Hint INDUSTRY IMMERSION | ‘This training program aims (o upgrade the knowledge and skills of the students by giving them the opportunity to undergo industrial training which would give them actual hands ‘on experience of the real world of construction works. No. of credit units cine ~ No. of training hours per semester: 280 Mm 2 : INDUSTRY IMMERSION 2 This training program aims to enhance the knowledge; skills of the students to provide a managerial and supervisory activity in construction industry. . No. of credit units 210 No. of training hours per semester > 560 29FSM 111 FSMi2t00 + Course Description of T FOOD AND “Annex @ nology Maj VICE MANAGEMENT (FSM UPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES This course deals with the safety standards and procedures in the workshop as set by the industry and the school. It includes topics such as personal safety, safety precautions and practices, hazards anticipation, accident prevention, and first aid administration. 1t also develops and enhances the knowledge, skills and attitude of students to safely perform their tasks. No. of credit units 1 No. of lecture hours per week 1 No, of laboratory hours per week: None No. of training hours per semester: 18 NC Level * Leading to NC Level 1 FOOD SELECTION AND PREPARATION | . i + This course deals with an understanding and application of -the significam concepts and principles related to food composition, major classes, structure, market forms, selection and preparation, It also includes proper selection, use and care of different kitchen tools and equipment as well as food safety, sanitation, conservation and work simplification in meal preparation No. of credit units 4 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 6 No. of training hours per semester: 144 NC Level Leading to NC Level 1 MEAL MANAGEME! This course deals with the principles of food service organization and management as well as personnel structure and functions in an establishment, aspects of supervision and their application in management. No. of credit units , 4 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 6 No. of training hours per semester 144 NC Level : Leading to NV Level 11 301 eee FSM 122 i i I i i I FSM 211 " i i i FSM ai2 : ' : I i t i FSM 221 Hi i F I i i + i: L “Annex @" BASIC BAKING This course deals with the knowledge and skills in the preparation of cookies, pies, pastries and quick breads. It also includes the proper use of tools and equipment and accuracy in measuring, No. of credit units s No. of lecture hours per week 3 No, of laboratory hours per week: 6 No. of training hours per semester: 162 NC Level Leading to NC Level I ADVANCE BAKING This course deals with the knowledge and skills in baking yeast breads, cakes and cake decorating No. of credit units 5 No. of lecture hours per week 3 No, of laboratory hours per week: 6 No. of training hours per semester: 162 NC Level Leading to NC Level 11 FOOD PROCESSING, PACKAGING AND LABELLING ‘The course deals with the principles, methods and techniques of processing and preserving foods for future consumption. It also provides general information on the i importance, classification, and functions of food packages and labels. No, of credit units 5 No. of tecture hours per week 3 No. of laboratory hours per week: 6 No. of training hours per semester 162 NC Level : Leading to NC Level 11 INTERNATIONAL CUISINE This course deals with the various cuisine around the world with emphasis on Asian, Mediterranean, American and European cuisine. No. of credit units 5 No, of lecture hours por week 3 No, of laboratory hours per week: 6 No. of training hours per semester 162 NC Level Leading to NC Level II 31” RSM 222 ESM 311 #SM 312 “Annex @” QUANTITY COOKERY ‘This course deals with the preparation of food from family size to large quantity and the principles involved in institutional menu planning. Discussion on recipes, starting with its construction, conversion, standardization and portion control as well as the aspects of sanitation and work simplification are also included No. of credit units 5 No. of lecture hours per week 3 No. of laboratory hours per week 6 No. of training hours per semester: 162 NC Level Leading to NC Level Jt INDUSTRY IMMERSION 1 ‘This course provides the opportunity to experience actual food and service management relevant to the competencies in NV Level 1, No, of credit units 5 No. of training hours per semester; 2800 NC Level : Leading to NC Level IL CAFETERIA AND CATERING MANAGEMENT ‘This course deals with the knowledge and skills in all aspects of cafeteria and catering management such as table set up on various styles of meal service, banquet set up using various types of table napkin folding, table skirting, waiter staffing and the duties and responsibilities of various banquet personnel, It also includes the basic phraseologies for dining personnel No! of credit units 4 No. of lecture hours per week 22 No. of'laboratory hours per week: 6 No. of training hours per semester: 144 NC Level Leading to NC Level 11 BARTENDING AND BAR SERVICE MANAGEMENT This course involves the principles and their application bar service and bartending in such as setting up and closing the bar, procedure in bar and beverage service, wine evaluation, preparation and mixing drinks, No. of credit units 4 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 6 No. of training hours per semester: 144 NC Level Leading to NC Level 11 7 32~ Hm 2, \ “Annex @ INDUSTRY IMMERSION 2 “This training program provides the students opportunity to develop the competencies specified under the NC Level IL No. of credit units HI 10 No. of training hours per semester > 560 NC Level Leading to NC Level 11 33“Annex @ Course Description of Technology Ms HEATING, VENTILATING, AIR CONDITIONING, AND REFRIGERATION TECHNOLOGY HVACR ML = OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES This course deals with the principles and procedures needed for work safety at the jobsite. This includes the proper use and care of special Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), in compliance with the existing*Philippine Electrical Code (PEC), the standards set by the Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS), and the Code of Practice for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. No, of credit units 7 1 No. of lecture hours per week’ 1 No. of laboratory hours per week; None No. of training hours per semester: 18 NC Level Leading to NC Level 1 HVAGR 112 INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL DEVICES This course deals with the familiarization and use of various types of electrical and electronic controls employed in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) systems, such as thermiostatic control, overload protector, and relay, and measuring and testing instruments, such as Volt-Ohm- Milliampere (VOM) tester,’ clamp-on ampere meter, pressure gauge, thermometer, and sliig psychrometer. This also includes the basic principles of control systems, both opened- and closed-loop type. No. of credit units 2 + No, of lecture hours per week 1 2 No. of laboratory hours per weck <3 iT: No. of training hours per semester 2 HVACR 113 + DOMESTIC REFRIGERATION AND AIR 7 CONDITIONING (DOMRAC) ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS This course deals with reading and interpreting wiring symbols and circuits of various brands of home freezers, refrigerators, and air conditioning units No. of credit units 4 : No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 6 No. of training hours per semester 144 ‘NC Level Leading to NC Level 1 34IVACR 121: HVACR 122 : HVACR 211 : “Annex @ DOMESTIC REFRIGERATION AND. AIRCONDITIONING (DOMRAC) SYSTEMS SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE This course deals with the study of the basic principles of refrigeration, such as pressure, volume and temperature; sensible and latent heat; phase changes; components of vapor- compression reffigeration system; and refrigeration cycle. Special topics on refrigerant recovery and recycling have been added, in line with current trade practices, as oullined by the ‘National CFC Phase-out Plan (NCPP) of the government, and the Montreal Protocol Agreement No. of credit units 5 No. of lecture hours per week 3 No. of laboratory hours per weck —: 6 No. of training hours per semester > 162 NC Level Leading to NC Level 1 SOLDERING, WELDING, AND JOINING OPERATIONS, This course deals with lopics that have been carefully prepared to give reffigeration and air conditioning service personnel the necessary knowledge of tubes and pipes, and joining, processes. Topics include types of tubing and pipes commonly used in RAC units, methods of joining metals; lubes; flare fittings, and supplies and materials for soldering, silver brazing, and electric are welding operations. No. of credit units 4 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 6 No. of training hours per semester: 144 NC Level f Leading to NC Level 1 COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT (CRE) INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE ‘This course deals with the installation and maintenance of Commercial Refrigeration Equipment (CRE) systems, focusing on their electrical and mechanical components. Emphasis is placed on the wiring circuits of grocery reach-in cabinets, vending machines, open display cases, island freezers, and the like, An added feature of this course is the National CFC Phase-oul Plan of the government, in line with the Montreal Protocol AgreementHVACR 222 : “Annex @ NO. of credit units 5 No. of lecture hours per week 3 No. of laboratory hours per week: 6 No. of training hours per semester: 162 . NC Level Leading to NC Level II PACKAGED AIR CONDITIONING UNIT (PACU) INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE, This course deals with the installation and maintenance of Packaged Air Conditioning Units (PACU), in accordance with the manufacturers’ specifications. The sclection of proper materials, tools, and equipment to be used in installing and maintaining these units has"been given special attention, An added feature of this course is the National CFC Phase-out Plan of the government, in line with the Montreal Protocol Agreement, No. of credit units 4 No. of lecture hours per week 12 No. of laboratory hours per week: 6 No. of training hours per sembster > 144 NC Level Leading to NC Level II MOBILE REFRIGERATION AND AER CONDITIONING This course deals with the principles of automobile air conditioning: description, theory, principles of operation, diagrioses, servicing, repair, and maintenance. Also included are the functions of the components that make up a system; the various automatic controls used, which are of the temperature, ressure, and vacuum types; cooling capacity, electrical cuits; and bus and truck air conditioning No, of credit units 4 No, of lecture hours per week :2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 6 No, of training hours per semester; 144 NC Level : Leading to NC Level IL REFRIGERATION PLANT DESIGNING This course deals with the proper selection and matching of equipment for residential and commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning. This also covers topics on heat transfer and their application to the determination of heat loads to be carried by the refrigeration and air-conditioning systems. This includes activities on the calculation of heat loads for refrigeration applications, both for above and below 0°C/32°F, and air-conditioning loads. 36~~ ETHEL er 2 ETS ET 121 “Annex 6" Course Description of ‘Technology Majors ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES * te deals with the safety standards and procedures followed in the school shop and in industries as sct by the industry standard organization. It is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed for safety in the work place. No. of credit units 1 No. of lecture hours per week 1 No. of laboratory hours per week: None- No, of training hours per semester: 18 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY ‘This course aims to familiarize students with the basic knowledge and skills in proper handling of tools, instruments and equipment. ‘This focuses on residential wiring, installation that deals with lamp control, familiarization of electrical materials, wiring methods, wiring plan, and other theoretical and practical aspects that are in conformity with the Philippine Electrical Code (PEC). No. of credit units 3 No, of lecture liours per week * 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester: 90 NC Level Leading to NC Level IL ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS DEVICES It deals with the clectronic system specifically on the passive component checking, non-linear component checking and simple electronic circuit analysis, construction, and repair. No. of credit units 23 No, of Iecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester: 90 NC Level Leading to NC Level IL ELECTRICAL WIRING SYSTEM AND DESIGN It deals with the different wiring methods in accordance with the PEC provision, It includes planning, costing and estimating and actual wiring installation of light and auxiliary system of commercial, residential and institutional buildings illumination design 39122 ~ ET 123 ET20 er22 “Annex @ No. of credit units 4 No. of lecture hours per week 3 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester; 108 NC Level Leading to NC Level Ii SIGNAL AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM 1 deals with the installation of signal and communication equipment, layout of signal and alarm wiring circuits such ag bell, buzzer, intercom, fine alarm and the like No. of credit units So 1 No, of lecture hours per week 2 : No, of laboratory hours per week: 3 : No. of training hours per semester: 90 NC Level Leading to NC Level Il DIRECT CURRENT MACHINES This course deals with the principles, operation, and design of DC motor and generator. Ut includes troubleshooting, repair, and rewinding of the DC machines. No. of credit units 23 No, of tecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week = 3 No. of training hours per semester; 90 ALTERNATING CURRENT MACHINES. This course deals with principles operation, and des of AC motor and generator? Ht includes troubleshooting, repairing, and rewinding of the AC machines. No. of credit units 4 No. of lecture hours per week, : 3 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester: 108 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS AND DEVICES The course deals with the solid state devices specifically on voltage and current amplifiers, circuit, isolators, electromechanical relays and solid state switches. No. of credit units 3 No, of lecture hours per week 2 No, of laboratory hours per week > 3 No. of training hours per semester; 90 NC Level Leading to NC Level IL . 40“Annex @” EV 213 INDUSTRIAL MOTOR CONTROLLER It deals with the designing, installing and troubleshooting of industrial controls. Aiso includes manual and semi automatic motor controller. No. of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No, of training hours per semester» 90 £9221 : PNEUMATIC AND HYDRAULIC SYSTEM ~~ This course deals with the installation, checking and repairing of electro-pneumatic and hydraulic components system. | i No. of credit units 3 i No, of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week = 3 No. of training hours per semester: 90 ET 222 : LOGIC CIRCUIT CONTROLLER It deals on digital technology of the modern equipment, specifically on logic analysis through number system, logic designing, digital system, analysis and construction, No. of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week 3 9 No. of training hours per semesier = 90 dim : INDUSTRY IMMERSION 1 : ‘This provides the students the opportunity to observe and practice jobs in the industry which are related to their areas of specialization, 7 No. of credit units 5 No, of training hours per semester: 280 NC Level : Leading to NC Level I EPs PLC SYSTEM AND PROGRAMMING ‘This course deals with designing of programmable logic : controller system. It includes installation of discreet input and output, analog input and output and programming,E34, 1M 2 2 ft “Annex © No. of credit units 3 No, of lecture hours per week 2 No, of laboratory hours per weck — : 3 9 No, of training hours per semester: 90 INDUSTRIAL PROCESS CONTROLLER It deals with the application of the different control configuration and measurement techniques in various industries. : No. of credit units 3 No, of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training htours per semester: 90 AUTOMATION CONTROL SYSTEM. This course deals with theories and operation of differem control elements used in control valves; actuator converter and various modes of control, No. of credit units 3 No, of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 ' No. of training hours per semester: 9 INDUSTRY IMMERSION 2 Give the students the opportunity to observe and practice jobs in the industry which are related to their areas of specialization. No. of credit units 10 No, of training hours per semester; $60 NC Level Leading to NC Level IL 42ETC 111 ETC 113 “Annex @ Course Description of Fechnology Majors ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICES ‘This course deals with the safety standards and procedures in the workshop as set by the industry. It includes topics such as personal safety, safety precautions and practices, hazards, anticipation, accident prevention, and first aid administration. It also develops and enhances the knowledge, skills, and attitude of students to safely perform their tasks. No. of credit units EE No. of lecture hours per week i No, of laboratory hours per week: None No, of training hours per semester: 18 NC Level Leading to NC Level 1 BASIC ELECTRONICS This course deals with the basic clectrival laws and theorems, operations and testing of various electronic components directed lowards the construction and repair of electronic circuits and the operation utilization and testing of instruments, No, of credit units 3 | No, of lecture hours per week 2 i No. of laboratory hours per week 3 4 No. of training hours per semester: 9 NC Level : Leading to NC Level II DIGITAL ELECTRONICS ‘This course deals with the theories and principles of ‘operation, practical applications, solving, and simplifying of digital electronics. Students will be introduced on the basic formula’s involved in performing digital circuit assembly, such as digital number systems, Boolean algebra and equations, Karnaugh mapping and perform logic gates circuit applications which is the building block of digital system. No, of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week = 3 No. of training hours per semester: 90 NC Level Leading to NC Level II 43ETCW : eTC2u “Annex @ POWER ELECTRONICS his course covers the*analysis of various circuits for power regulation and conversion, amplification, and switching as applied to industry. It also deals with the conversion of variables to other phenomena and the means of indicting and registering these variables. It also includes the fundamentals of control system, transfer characteristics of process, controllers and servo system and automation, No, of credit units 3 No, of lecture hours per week 2 No, of laboratory hours per week: 3 No, of training hours per semester: 90 NC Level Leading to NC Level Il ELECT RONICALLY-CONTROLLED DOMESTIC HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES REPAIR AND. MAINTENANCE This involves the study of the different electronically- controlled domestic: household appliances such as the following: washing machine and driers, pressure cooker, oven toaster, walfle maker, blender, coffee maker, microwave oven, electronic clock, flat iron and presses, rechargeable light, electronic controlled light, home security equipment. It also. includes the manufacturers’ procedure in preparing appliances for servicing, systematic procedure in diagnosing faults based on industry standards, repairing of appliances based on service manual supplied by the manufacturer and reassembling and testing repaired appliances according to industry standards i No. of credit units 4 1 No, of lecture hours per week 23 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 . No. of training hours per semester: 108 NC Level Leading to NC Level I AUDIO SYSTEM REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE This course deals with the principles of electronic communications, fundamental electronics circuits directed towards the understanding and servicing of electronic communication equipment. . No. of credit units 5 ‘No. of lecture hours per week aoe No. of laboratory hours per week: 6 No. of training hours per semester: 162 NC Level Leading to NC Level II 44ETC 221 ETC 222 “Annex & CELL PHONE SERVICE AND REPAIR, ‘The course deals with the principles of wired and wireless communication system. It also deals with the proper operation, maintenance and installation of cellular phone, No. of credit units 5 No, of lecture hours per week 3 No. of laboratory hours per webk 6 No. of training hours per semester: 162 NC Level : Leading to NC Level IL VIDEO SYSTEM REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE The course deals with the service and repair procedure of various television and monitors, diagnosing actual faults, estimating cost, part testing, replacing reassembling, and testing of repaired television and monitors. It also deals with the Ahcories and principles of operations and practical applications involving VCR, CD player and DVD player. No. of éredit units 5 No. of lecture hours per week 3 No, of laboratory hours per week: 6 No. of training hours per semester: 162 NC Level : Leading to NC Level Il INSTRUMENTATION AND PROCESS CONTROL ‘The course deals with an understanding and application of various instruments in process control system. It includes reading, interpreting drawing, Process, _ Instrumentation Diagrams (PID's) and Instrument Loop Diagrams (ILD’s) variety of sensors, and construction and operation of various types of transmitters and transducers used in process control system. Practice “in maintenance, calibration and troubleshooting of pneumatic, electronic, microprocessor and digital control system components, fault diagnosis techniques, noise reduction techniques are emphasized. No, of credit units 5 No. of lecture hours per week 3 No. of laboratory hours per week: 6 No. of training hours per semester: 162 NC Level Leading to NC Level I 45uM1 EVC3u EITC 312 4M 2 “Annex INDUSTRY IMMERSION 1 ‘This provides the students the opportunity to observe and practice jobs in the industry which are related to their areas of specialization covering the NC I competencies. No. of eredit units aS No. of trainihy hours per semester: 280 | NC Level Leading to NG Level IL INSTRUMENTATION TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE, ‘The course provides instruction and practice in mainte electronic, roprocessor and digital control system components, fault diagnosis techniques, noise | reduction techniques, and distributed control system (DLC), troubleshooting of loops and components. No. of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 2 No. of laboratory hours per week: 3 No. of training hours per semester: 9 NC Level + Leading to NC Level II INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION AND CONTROL ELECTRONICS The course deals with the theories and principles of operations and practical applications involving VCR, CD player and DVD player. Students will be introduced on the basic knowledge required in VCR, CD and DVD operations and repair, No. of credit units 3 No. of lecture hours per week 3 No. of laboratory hours per week : 6 No. of training hours per semesier_ : 162 NC Level Leading to NC Level II INDUSTRY IMMERSION 2 This gives the students the opportunity to observe and practice jobs in the industry which are related to their areas of specialization particularly the competencies under NC Il. No. of éredit units, 210 No. of training hours per semester: 560 ce, calibration and troubleshooting of pneumatic, ,
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