The Greatest Book Ever Written: Authorized King James Bible

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The Greatest Book Ever Written

Many will agree that the Bible is the greatest book ever written. They will not all agree on which translation is the greatest. After reading the following I believe their opinion will change. The Bible tells us to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good. [ I Thessalonians 5:21 ] The Bible also tells us to study. [ II Timothy 2:15 ] There is a unique relationship between the first verse and the last verse in the Bible. This relationship also has reference to a very powerful verse in the Bible. These relationships can only be found in the


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The following miraculous phenomenon was discovered some years ago by Periander A. splana! a "hristian from "amarines #orte! Philippines. $t may be! perhaps! %od&s way of confounding the wise and prudent!' who suggest that the Trinity of ( )ohn *+, does not belong in the Bible. #ro" the following we can draw no other conclusions than that the $oly Bible% even in one of its "any for"s% reveals the glory of &od. There are no books in the world! let alone other nglish Bible versions! or do-it-yourself translations from %reek and .ebrew le/icons 0done by bible schools students1! that will e/hibit this+ ' !ohn ()* + &enesis')' , -evelation ..).' $n the beginning %od created the heaven and the earth.' Gen. 1:1 [KJV] The grace of our 2ord )esus "hrist be with you all. Amen.' Rev. 22:21 [KJV]

3or there are three that bear record in heaven! the 3ather! the 4ord! and the .oly %host5 and these
three are one.' I John 5:7 [KJV]

"ount the number of letters in the first verse 6 77 "ount the number of letters in the last verse 6 77 "ount the number of letters in ( )ohn *+, 6 // ' !ohn ()* + &en.')',-ev. ..).' // + 00 , 00 "ount the number of vowels in the first verse 6 (, "ount the number of vowels in the last verse 6 (, "ount the number of vowels in ( )ohn *+, 6 10 ' !ohn ()* + &en.')',-ev. ..).' 10 + '* , '* "ount the number of consonants in the first verse 6 8, "ount the number of consonants in the last verse 6 8, "ount the number of consonants in ( )ohn *+, 6 (0 ' !ohn ()* + &en.')',-ev. ..).' (0 + .* , .* "ount the number of words in the first verse 6 "ount the number of words in the last verse 6 "ount the number of words in ( )ohn *+, 6 ' !ohn ()* + &en.')',-ev. ..).' .. + '2 , '. (9 (8 .. 3esus///.co"

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