Islamic Studies MCQs

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Islamic Studies MCQs

Islamic Studies sample questions 1. Khateeb-ul-Ambia was the title of __________ ? A. Prophet Dawood (A.S) B. Prophet Nooh (A.S) C. Prophet Yaqoob (A.S) D. Prophet Shoaib (A.S) 2. he Battle of ab!" was fo!#ht i$ __________ A.%? A. & B. ' C. ( D. 1)

*. Namaz-e-Khasoof is offered at the ti+e of __________ ? A. ,!$ar e-lipse B. Solar e-lipse C. earthq!a"e D. hea./ rai$ 0. Battle of __________ was fo!#ht betwee$ Ali (1.A) a$d 2!awi/a (1.A). A. B!3a"ha B. Siffi$ C. 4ira3 D. 5as"ar 6. Prophet 2!ha++ad (PB7%) had _________ da!#hters? A. 1 B. 2 C. * D. 0 8. he Zabur was re.ealed to __________ ? A. Prophet Dawood (A.S) B. Prophet 2oosa (A.S) C. Prophet 9ssa (A.S) D. Prophet :brahee+ (A.S)

&. __________ ta"es o!t so!ls of life beari$# -reat!res. A. ;ibrael (A.S) B. 2i"ael (A.S) C. :srafeel (A.S) D. :3raeel (A.S) '. Cave Hira is i$ the _________ +o!$tai$. A. As<Safa B. Sil C. 7h!d D. A$<Noor (. 2!ha++ad (PB7%) is -alled with the $a+e =Ah+ed= i$ _________ . A. S!rah Ya<See$ B. S!rah A+bia C. S!rah 4ath D. S!rah 2!ha++ad 1). Makkah was -o$q!ested i$ _________ . A. & A.% B. ' A.% C. ( A.% D. 1) A.%

ANSWERS 1. D 2. C *. A 0. B 6. D 8. A &. D '. D (. C 1). B

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