Color Matching Game.
Color Matching Game.
Color Matching Game.
Print off all pages of this document. I prefer to print on cardstoc . Laminate the pages for durabilit!. "ut out the cards. #se these cards as a matching game. La! do$n all the cards on the table face%do$n. &a'e !our child turn o'er t$o cards ( seeingif the! match the 2005 Arabic Learning Materials, 2005 Arabic Learning Materials, 2005 Arabic Learning Materials, color $ith the color name. If the! ha'e a match, set it aside. If the! do not, turn o'er the t$o cards and ha'e !our child another set of t$o cards to see if the! ha'e a match )and so on*. +he! $in $hen the! ma e all the matches. ,or !ounger children, simpl! print off the color s-uares )t$ice* onl! and not the color names. &a'e them match the colors and $hen the! do ( tell them the color names for reinforcement. .ou can also ha'e more than one pla!er pla! this game. /hen all matches are made, ha'e the children count their cards )in Arabic*. /hoe'er has the most cards $ins0
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Arabic Learning Materials, 2005
Arabic Learning Materials, 2005
Arabic Learning Materials, 2005
Arabic Learning Materials, 2005
Arabic Learning Materials, 2005
Arabic Learning Materials, 2005
Arabic Learning Materials, 2005
Arabic Learning Materials, 2005
Arabic Learning Materials, 2005
Arabic Learning Materials, 2005 Arabic Learning Materials, 2005 Arabic Learning Materials, 2005