Report On James Porter
Report On James Porter
Report On James Porter
report done by Patrick De Bourg. Also, in Patrick De Bourgs report, there were multiple occurrences of opinionated sentences, redundancies and personal feelings in his report. Specifically, in the first line of Patrick de Bourgs report; James Porter was born in 1950 and is 37 years of age. This sentence is clearly insufficient and redundant with information regarding his age which could have easily be deduced from his birth year. On the other hand, Peter Boyce included the month along with the year of birth, giving just the right amount of information. Patrick de Bourg also states that James Porter was only known for his interest in cricket which is clearly an understatement of his achievements. However, Peter Boyce goes on to say that Mr. Porter was the captain of the cricket team and obtained several outstanding achievements. This understatement by Patrick de Bourg highlights the personal opinions which I mentioned earlier. Other occurrences of personal opinions by Patrick de Bourg include his comment on Mr. Porters achievements in the G.C.E. examinations. Here, he states that he attained the minimal number of passes yet there is no set number of passes to determine whether your achievements were minimal or maximal. Also, Patrick de Bourgs statement on Mr. Porters behaviour as a child gives the impression that he had no good values. Patrick de Bourg also makes no comment on Mr. Porters achievements in the police force and states that he joined the police force to manage his fathers business. This information was very inaccurate and illogical. He also states that he sunk into insignificance after gaining employment at Dales Publishing Company. On the other hand, Peter Boyce included the dates in which he achieved certain things and gave more logical and accurate statements about why he had to manage his fathers business. He also referred to his achievements in an unbiased manner excluding any personal opinions even if he had any.