Surah Maun

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Asalaam alaikum warahmatulah wabarakatuh

Surah al Ma'un
$$als" kn"wn as surah al-Deen.

(small kindnesses) [107]

Miracle Dream Tafseer !"uman Ali #han

%elati"nshi& "f this Surah [Ma'un] with the 're(i"us Surah ()ura*sh)+

The &re(i"us surah )ura*sh c"ncludes "n a demand "n )ura*sh, the* sh"uld ensla(e themsel(es full* and w"rshi& the Master "f this h"use (the #a'bah)$ Allah tells them what the* sh"uld be d"in- (ensla(in- themsel(es t" .im$)

/n this surah Ma'un0 Allah tells us what the* are d"in- &resentl* with"ut 1maan (2elief)$ A c"ntrast between what the* sh"uld be d"in-0 and what the* are d"in- instead$

/ntr"ducti"n+ 2* ma3"rit* c"unt0 this is a Makki surah (re(ealed in Makkah)$ Alth"u-h s"me sa* it is Madani (re(ealed in Medina)$ 4e will discuss the "&ini"ns later insha' Allah (5"d willin-)$ This surah is a sharp, intelligent, uncompromising, unapologetic, *"u can e(en ar-ue c"ntr"(ersial de&icti"n "f s"cial c"rru&ti"n in that s"ciet*$ Allah's Messen-er is n"t in s"cial "r &"litical &"wer in Makkah0 and f"r him t" critici6e and &"int direct fin-ers at the leaders wh" ha(e &"wer t" harm re7uires full trust in Allah$ 1 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

:ne t*&e "f &e"&le wh" face in3ustice in s"ciet* are the ;ateem ("r&hans)$ The* ha(e n" tribe "r clan t" su&&"rt them0 s" the* are all al"ne and weak$ 'e"&le can abuse0 beat u& "n him9her0 hit them and if n" "ne is there t" su&&"rt them0 n"thin- will ha&&en a-ainst the "&&ress"r$

/n the &re(i"us surah )ura*sh, Allah menti"ns .is fa("urs "n )ura*sh0 and due to His fa ours upon them - they should ensla e themsel es and submit to their Merciful Master$ (&"siti(e reinf"rcement)$ ."we(er0 the* did n"t bec"me Muslim s" Allah critici6ed them (ne-ati(e reinf"rcement) in this surah f"r their e(il acts$ .e c"mments "n the realit* "f their beha(i"ur with"ut /slam$

This surah l""ks like it is discussin- < distinct -r"u&s0 because the surah seems di(ided int" tw" &arts+ Aa*aat+ ('art 1+ [a*ahs', !-"]) ('art <+ [a*ahs, #-$])$ 2ut in realit* we will learn that it is referrin- t" 1 -r"u& "nl*$ And we will rec"ncile the c"nfusi"n as t" wh* &e"&le "ri-inall* think it is referrin- t" < -r"u&s$

The first half "f the surah is clearl* tal%ing about a disbelie er. The sec"nd half "f the surah is talkin- ab"ut someone &ho is praying, although being cheap in that. S"me "&ini"ns are that the <nd half "f the surah is re(ealed in Madinah ab"ut the h*&"crites because there were n" h*&"crites in Makkah$ Alth"u-h that it is a le-itimate "&ini"n0 we will take the "&ini"n that the entire surah is a descri&ti"n "f the )ura*sh as we will see insha' Allah (5"d willin-)$

A few surahs a-", (s" what will after this0 make them lie a-ainst /n surah at Teen =>+70 Allah menti"ned ;"u (: Muhammad) after this reli-i"n?) /t seems that e(en the m"st &"werful "f ar-uments are n"t en"u-h$ S" Allah sa*s at the be-innin- "f this surah, < 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

ha(e ;"u (: Muhammad) seen the "ne wh" lies a-ainst the reli-i"n? [Ma'un 107+1]

/n b"th aa*aat Allah is s&eakin- t" .is Messen-er$ 4hat kind "f l"w state has this &ers"n reached that the* still lie a-ainst this reli-i"n?

(then 4e re3ected him t" the l"west "f the l"w) surah at Teen =>+>$

This surah will e@&lain the characteristics this &ers"n had0 s" Allah re3ected him and l"wered him t" the l"west "f le(els$ Surah at Teen was talkin- ab"ut /nsan (the &e"&le9humans)$ 2ut this surah c"mes ri-ht after Surah )ura*sh0 s" it is directl* ab"ut the &"l*theists "f )ura*sh$ This is further su&&"rted b* the statement aRa'ayTa (did ;"u see? [: Muhammad] and Allah's Messen-er saw the )ura*sh in these acts "f l*ina-ainst the reli-i"n0 and re&ulsin- the "r&han0 and n"t ur-in- the feedin- "f the &""r etc$ S" it -"es fr"m -eneral criticism in surah at Teen "f humanit*0 t" s&ecific criti7ue "f the disbelie(inleaders "f )ura*sh in this surah$

A*ah 1+

Ara'ayta alladhee yukadhdhibu bid-deen .a(e *"u seen the "ne wh" lies against the %ec"m&ense?

a'a(ayt - did you See) A 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

Allah uses this t" h"n"r .is Messen-er and his m"ralit*0 in c"m&aris"n t" the disbelie(ers wh" ha(e st""&ed t" such a l"w le(el$ S" this is used t" sh"w the stren-th "f .is Messen-er0 and t" sh"w the c"rru&ti"n "f th"se wh" "&&"se his wa*$ (/$e$ /t is like a teacher sa*s t" the best student0 Bha(e *"u seen wh* all them &e"&le ha(e failed?B the teacher is h"n"rin- the best student b* talkin- t" him "nl*0 and humiliatin- th"se wh" &ur&"sell* failed$)

Differences in Csea-e "f, a lam ta'a [Did *"u n"t see?]0 and a'a(ayt [Did *"u see?] a lam ta'a - did you not See) *llah says this &hen His Messenger is o er&helmed and he is e@tremel* saddened that the leaders ha(e &"wer and media a-ainst the messa-e0 whereas he d"es n"t ha(e such &"wer$ S" Allah reminds him, Did *"u n"t See [alam ta%a] h"w *"ur D"rd dealt (ka*fa fa'ala %abbuka) with, 'Aad0 Tham""d0 Eir'awn0 as hab al Eeel the c"m&ani"ns "f the 1le&hant etc$) S" this +a lam ta'a+ is used &hen *llah(s Messenger &as in distress.

2ut, a%a'a*ta .a(e *"u seen is used when Allah is em&"werin- .is Messen-er in c"nfidence$

al Mutawali ash Sha'rawi+ Allah c"ntinu"usl* asks and re&eats 7uesti"ns in the )ur'an t" -et the hearer in("l(ed0 3ust like a teacher will c"ntinu"usl* ask 7uesti"ns e(en th"u-h he kn"ws that the students kn"w the answers$ Fust s" the students sta* awake0 and the less"ns tau-ht are em&hasised$ Allah is teachin-$ ('alam ma al )ur'an .e tau-ht the )ur'an surah %ahman >>+<)

ash Shawkani+ e(er*"ne with an intellect ('a7l) is bein- asked$ a%a'a*t+ "Have you seen?" G 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

S" we need t" think, have I seen anyone who lies against the religion?

aladhee "the one who.."

There are tw" "&ini"ns "n wh" this a*ah is ab"ut+ 1 mukhtas9khas some specific/particular ,nemy ('aas bin wa'il0 akhnas bin shurai70 s"me said Abu Dahab because he is wealth* and will be discussed in the ne@t surah Dahab 111)$ Allah ma* be Tar-ettin- them "ne at a time since the* were enemies "f the messa-e "f /slam$

< 'aam -eneral to anyone &ho fits that description. The &ers"n wh" has a -uilt* c"nscience0 will think it is referrin- t" him, ha(e *"u seen the "ne wh" lies a-ainst the reli-i"n? 4h" re&ulses the "r&han? 4h" d"esn't enc"ura-e the feedin- "f the &""r? An*"ne wh" fits that descri&ti"n will actuall* think it is referrin- t" him$ 2ecause "f the -uilt* c"nscience$

Allah makes them start thinkin- t""$ S" a fricti"n is bein- caused in s"ciet* where indi(iduals wh" fit that descri&ti"n think the* are bein- humiliated b* this )ur'an$ %emember that the )ur'an is n"t re(ealed and bein- recited in a Dars (less"n)0 rather Allah's Messen-er w"uld recite this )ur'an in the &resence "f the &e"&le0 and each a*ah c"uld cause "ffence t" the leaders "f that s"ciet* wh" w"uld harm the belie(ers as a result$ 2ut this was the realit* "f s"ciet*0 and Allah critici6ed th"se wh" did e(il t" sh"w their c"rru&t and flawed ideas$

4hat is the difference between+

> 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

aladhee yakfuru bid-deen the "ne wh" re.ects the reli-i"n$ "utri-ht denial and re3ecti"n$

aladhee yukazibu bid-deen the "ne wh" lies against the reli-i"n$ The "ne wh" is d"in- tak6eeb9*uka6ibu the* are l*in- a-ainst the reli-i"n0 sa*in- it is a lie$

mu%a/ib he kn"ws that s"methin- is true but he is re3ectin- it and sa*in- it is a lie$ (he is l*in- a-ainst the reli-i"n whilst kn"win- the reli-i"n is true)$ .e kills his c"nscience0 ch"kes it0 and re3ects it$

Allah is tellin- us that it is the e-" and arr"-ance and criminal addicti"ns "f sins which are makin- *"u lie a-ainst the reli-i"n0 e(en th"u-h *"u full* kn"w it is the truth$ S" *"u lie a-ainst it t" f""l "thers0 s" that *"u can feel satisfied and 3ustified in the sins that *"u are c"ntinu"usl* d"in-$ S" Allah is tellin- us the &sc*he9mindset "f this &ers"n$ *uka6ibu ('resent tense) he lies a-ainst (the reli-i"n)$ 2* usin- the &resent tense0 Allah is sh"win- us that this &ers"n &ersists in l*in- a-ainst the reli-i"n$ .e hears m"re aa*aat the* make sense t" him but he c"ntinues t" lie a-ainst them s" he can c"ntinue his "wn sinful wa*s$

Deen Han be in < f"rms+ 5eneral term and S&ecific term$ Technical term (al istilah) when a w"rd is used -enerall* and used f"r a &articular science$ i$e$ F"urnal means Diar*$ 2ut if *"u are an 1dit"r "r a 'ublishin- business *"u are thinkin- ab"ut a s&ecific &rint editi"n f"r *"ur ma-a6ine$ The e@act same w"rd F"urnal in the acc"untin- industr* will ha(e a t"tall* different meanin-0 and will I 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

refer t" the Acc"untants b""k with Hredit and Debit balances$ S" the same w"rd can ha(e a -eneral meanin- and a technical meanin-$ Same wa* the w"rd Site has different meanin-s in different c"nte@ts$

/slam came and -a(e -eneral w"rds s&ecific meanin-s$ /$e$ Salah "ri-inall* referred t" &ra*er9in("cati"n9du'a$ 2ut this w"rd -"t a m"re s&ecific meanin- "f 'ra*er which we &ra* > times a da*$ ad Deen 5enerall* it has a meanin-$ 2ut after /slam0 it refers t" the religion "f /slam itself$ .a(e *"u seen the "ne wh" lies a-ainst the reli-i"n "f /slam? ('r"&heth""d0 Tawheed0 the hereafter etc) :thers said this refers t" the 5eneral meanin- "f Deen$

Deen: Daana9*adeenu literall* to gi e a loan. Hiba t" -i(e a -ift (with"ut e@&ectin- a -ift back)$ Dayn *"u -i(e and *"u e@&ect it back$ (And it is s" dis-ustin- t" the arabs that *"u take back a -ift that it is like takin- back *"ur "wn ("mit$) S" a Dayn is a 0oan.

2ut when it refers t" Da*n it is a loan &hich the other person is e1pected to gi e bac% at a certain date/time.

Arabic sa*in-, 'kama tudeena ta daanu' the same wa* *"u -i(e0 *"u will be &a*ed back$

s" Deena can refer t" 2aybac%. S" Deen refers to 2aybac%. 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

ash Shawkani+ Deen refers to 2aybac% and being *ccounted for.

Have you seen the one who lies against the Deen !ayba"k #on $udgment Day%?

The &e"&le wh" ha(e weak belief that a 'a*back will "ccur then it will be eas* f"r them t" en-a-e in criminal beha(i"ur0 e(en if *"u are reli-i"us0 e(en if *"u &ra*$ (as will be menti"ned in tafseer "f A*ah G0>0I "f this surah$) The first thin- that st"&s criminals is the fear "f c"nse7uence$ /f *"u kn"w f"r certaint* that s"me"ne in auth"rit* is watchin- *"u0 and that the* will -i(e *"u &unishment as a &a*back f"r *"ur e(il *"u will st"& *"ur criminal acts "ut "f fear f"r *"ur "wnself$

There is a red traffic li-ht 4/T. a camera "n it$ ;"u will n"t dri(e &ast "ut "f l"sin- *"ur license "r &a*in- a fine$ S"metimes we e(en ha(e belief in the unseen we d"n't &ass a red traffic li-ht because there M/5.T be a &"lice "fficer there ar"und the c"rner$ (l"l)

# " aladheena yu'minoona bil ghayb - those who believe in the unseen (2a7arah <+A) !

S"methin- in his heart tells him that he will ha(e t" 'a*back f"r his e(ils$ 2ut he lies a-ainst it an* wa* ('so you're a&raid o& hell huh?') S"mewhere in the back "f their mind there is a thought that the afterlife might be real. 3ut the* i-n"re that th"u-ht and m"(e "n$ The* d"n't care$ And this is the attitude "f these &e"&le described in this surah, They Don(t 4are.

/n this s&eech &art "f the rhet"ric is that the* are in a missi"n (.adhf)$

4hat did the sch"lars sa* ab"ut this a*ah? .a(e *"u n"t seen the "ne wh" lies a-ainst the 'a*back? J 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

have you seen such people (literally)? .a(e *"u seen such people 5figurati ely6 [i$e$ h"w the* act etc$]?

/f *"u sa* '/ see' [%a'aa] it can mean '/ literall* see with m* e*es' [literall*]0 and it als" means '/ understand' (fi-urati(el*)$

ar %a6i ha(e *"u rec"-nised the "ne wh" lies a-ainst the final 'a*back ("n Fud-ment Da*)? Allah is establishin- that Denial "f the %essurecti"n is the essence "f all f"rms "f disbelief and "f rebelli"n$ This is because &e"&le d" n"t n"rmall* want t" chan-e themsel(es$ S" the* den* and rebel and lie a-ainst the reli-i"n (Deen) and the Da* "f 'a*back (Deen)$

& % $ !a*K [man] he desires t" c"ntinue c"mmittin- sins (i"lentl* (a-ainst Allah's sacred limits)$ [)i*amah 7>+>]

7hen reality is too hard - the human tries to deny it, and tries to find a &ay out. This is &hy these people do not submit to and accept the Deen. (the reli-i"n and the 'a*back "n Fud-ment Da*)$

Csuall* *"u are su&&"sed t" answer the 7uesti"n0 atleast in *"ur heart "r mind$ S" Allah is askin- .is Messen-er firstl*0 but als" the &e"&le "f intellect ('a7l)$ Have you seen the one who lies against the religion and &inal !ayba"k - even a&ter all the eviden"es "ame to him? 2ut this time0 Allah will answer f"r us, 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

*yah 8+

) ' (
'adhalika alladhee yadu'u al yateem That is he wh" repulses the orphan (harshl*)0

9a - then the si-n ("f their disbelief is) that the* are the "ne wh" &ushes the "r&han ar"und$

:ateem - someone &ho lost their parents in childhood. The* feel de&ressed0 h"&eless0 like there is n" -r"und t" stand "n$ These &e"&le are m"st in need "f &it* and c"urtes*$ 4hich dis-ustin- &ers"n w"uld re&ulse and "&&ress this inn"cent "r&han? 4hen *"u den* the Fud-ment Da* and the ne@t life0 *"u den* a realit* that Allah &laced in *"ur Eitrah (natural dis&"siti"n)$ /f *"u den* the realit* *"u lie a-ainst *"urself0 s" *"ur heart c"ntradicts and c"ntradicti"n in the self makes "ne at unease0 makin- the heart feel harden and cl"sed$ 4hen the heart -"es hard *"u l"se *"ur merc*$ And that is when *"u "&&ress the weak$

tasaww bil marhamah + , * ! ) ! [the belie(ers] en3"in9enc"ura-e u&"n each "ther e1treme mercy. (2alad =0+17)

10 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

Da/(a push s"me"ne far a&ay0 &ithout e1pecting that they &ill push you back$ 'ush s"me"ne afar$ t" intimidate s"me"ne b* 'kickin- them "ut' "f a -atherin-$ /$e$ B-et "ut "f hereKB L da/(a.

Allah is 1@tremel* sensiti(e ab"ut the :r&han,

! - Surah an !isa [the 4"men] we w"uld think be-ins discussin- w"men$ 2ut n"0 Allah first starts the surah talkin- ab"ut the "r&hans0 then w"men are menti"ned later$

) as f"r the "r&han0 d" n"t "&&ress him . 8 Allah tells .is Messen-er in surah Duha, / 0 - ) (Duha =A+=) .e menti"ned the "r&han bef"re the be--arK

) 2 n"K 2ut *"u d" n"t treat the "r&han0 with h"n"r and kindness and -ener"sit*$ " ! 1. ) (Ea3r J=+17)

# - S" this surah is harsher0 *"u d"n't h"n"r the "r&han but instead *"u &ush him far awa*?K

Dhali%a - that is the one (ba'eed distanced)$ This sh"ws Allah distancin- .imself fr"m this &ers"n wh" &ushes the "r&han awa*0 and it is als" a humiliatin- wa* "f menti"nin- s"me"ne, 'That one who pushes the orphan away!?'

Allah c"uld ha(e said, fa Hadha aladhee *adu'u al *ateem (then this is the "ne wh" &ushes the "r&han awa*$) 2ut .e said, fa Dhali%a aladhee *adu'u al *ateem #That one who (ushes the or(han away)?'%

2ut dhalika is m"re &"werful in Allah distancin- him fr"m .imself and de-radati"n and humiliati"n f"r such a character$ 11 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

! - Ea when the 9a (then) is used0 it is a cause and effect fr"m A*ah 1 t" A*ah <* Have you seen him who lies against the Deen #religion and !ayba"k Day?%.. 'a - he is that (erson who (ushes re(ulses the or(han &ar away.

8 - The "ne wh" lies a-ainst the reli-i"n and &a*back da*$ Then he &ushes the "r&han awa* too. This is a subtle difference t" &"int 10 but it implies that crimes against *llah &ill most li%ely bring crimes against the creation too. Hriminal beha(i"ur a-ainst Allah is m"st likel* t" brin- *"u t" criminal beha(i"ur a-ainst the &e"&le0 and (ice (ersa (if *"u d" criminal beha(i"ur a-ainst the &e"&le *"u are m"st likel* c"mmittin- crimes a-ainst Allah t"")$

ash Shawkani+ /f he lies a-ainst the Deen (and disbelie(es)0 it is eas* f"r him t" d" that "&&ressi"n a-ainst the "r&han$ The "ne wh" denies the ne@t life0 then it is e@&ected "f him that he will d" such imm"ral and h"rrible crimes a-ainst the creati"n$ This surah ch""ses t" hi-hli-ht "ne area ("f "&&ressin- and &ushin- awa* the "r&han because it is "ne "f th"se bi- sins)$ *llah is al&ays in support of the orphans &ho are &ea%. And we kn"w this because *llah(s Messenger Muhammad (sal Allah ala*hi wasalam) &as e en a :ateem 5orphan6. *nd *llah chose him, helped him, and supported him o er all man%ind.

:adu(u - push someone iolently &ith animosity and intimidation. 'ush the "r&han e en a&ay from his o&n rights (i$e$ :f wealth which his &arents mi-ht ha(e left behind)$ /ts n"t 3ust a stran-er0 e(en his "wn nei-hb"urs and relati(es0 and s"ciet* the people push him a&ay 1< 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

from &hat is his.

Da'a als" used in the )ur'an t" describe &e"&le wh" will be &ushed int" the hellfire$

yawma yuda 'una &ee naari +ahannam da 'a) (the da* the* will be &ushed int" the fire "f the t"rture chamber "f hell0 a f"rceful (i"lent &ush) [at T""r ><+1A]

6 / 4 5 3 !3 78 % ( !

: Allah &r"tect us fr"m bein- &ushed int" the fire0 ameen$

ash Shawkani+ the )ura*sh were &e"&le wh" did n"t -i(e inheritence t" w"men and children$ The* &ushed them awa* if the* asked f"r an* wealth$ Their reas"n was that men re7uire wealth f"r warfare0 whereas what d" w"men and children need m"ne* f"r? S" the* did n"t -i(e the ri-ht "f wealth t" w"men and children which reall* bel"n-ed t" them$ This is wh* *llah ga e people their rights by allo&ing inheritance for &omen and children. (with the male -ettin- twice as much as the female because he has an "bli-ati"n t" s&end his wealth "n the females and children "f the h"useh"ld0 whereas w"men d" n"t ha(e that dut* and can s&end their wealth "n whate(er -""d the* wish$)

That is he who repulses the orphan #harshly%,

An"ther )ira'ah (recitati"n st*le) "f the )ur'an states, fa dhalik aladhee yad(u al *ateem, he is the one who calls the -ateem .or(han/

.e calls the "r&han$ /$e$ .e calls him0 uses and abuses him0 then &ushes (*adu'u) him awa*$ 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m 1A Surah al Maun [107]

.e has turned him into a sla e or ser ant.

S" the "ne wh" he sh"uld reall* be h"n"rin- (see surah Ea3r J=+17) he has turned him int" a sla(e 9 ser(ant wh" d"es his ch"res f"r him$

ar %a6i+ he does not feed him, he only calls him to ma%e use of him or to ma%e fun of him.

This H"nnecti"n between Denial "f the !e@t life and 2ad 2eha(i"ur has been menti"ned man* times in the

)ur'an bef"re+ i$e$ : 1 9 ! Destructi"n f"r th"se wh" cheat9fraud in business$$$ [Mutaffifeen JA+1] .4 ) : 5 # 5# !" man -"es &ast all limits0 because he thinks himself self sufficient$ < 4 6 . ; $ ['Ala7 =I+I 7]

All these are direct bl"ws and "ffensi(e t" the )ura*sh's h"n"ur in s"ciet*$ The m"st &"werful "f these bl"ws is in the ne@t a*ah+

*yah ":

0a laa yahuddu 'alaa taAAami almiskeen and he d"es n"t enc"ura-e "n feedin- the &""r$

1G 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

The &re(i"us aa*aat was in re-ard t" their &ers"nal li(es$ 2ut this a*ah is directl* affectin- their &ublic re&utati"n that the*'(e t""k s" l"n- t" build u&$ These &e"&le wh" are bein- critici6ed are the leaders "f the )ura*sh (i$e$ Abu Dahab wh" is the treasurer) wh" ha(e the dut* and r"le "f feedin- and su&&"rtin- the weak (atleast at an "fficial le(el)$ ."we(er0 the* d" n"t fulfill this r"le$

0eaders should be at the forefront of feeding the poor0 ser(in- the &ublic0 and hel&in- the weak$ 2ut instead0 these leaders are &asting the money they are entrusted &ith t" the "ther rich men in s"ciet*0 whereas this m"ne* is &ublic m"ne*$ Thus sh"win- their c"rru&ti"n and lack "f res&"nsibilit* in their r"le as leader$ The* had the mentalit* that the* needed t" &r"tect the a-enda "f the rich instead "f &r"tectin- the weak$ 2ecause the rich su&&"rt their hi-h &"siti"n0 and kee& their su&&"rt in &lace$ /f the* hel&ed the &""r the* w"uld n"t -et such benefits$ S" the* didn't hel& the &""r0 neither en3"in &e"&le t" hel& them s" that the* w"uld kee& their &"wer and &"siti"n in s"ciet*$

4h* d"esn't he enc"ura-e &e"&le t" -i(e t" the &""r? ;f he encourages people to feed the poor - people &ill as% him &hy he doesn(t feed the orphan and poor himself) Allah is e@&"sin- this c"rru&t rich &ers"ns &s*che *"u d"n't want t" enc"ura-e &e"&le t" s&end "n the &""r0 "therwise *"u w"n't be able t" use this m"ne* in c"rru&ti"n and dealin-s with "ther rich &e"&le$ This is all o er the &orld. The leaders trample o er the rights of the &ea%. So they can %eep their po&er.

Hadda <= similar t" Hattha >= t" ma%e something rise and push it for&ard. i.e. a horse. /$e$ /f *"u sit "n a h"rse and sa* 'giddyu(' (c"me "n0 let's -"K) the h"rse rises and &ushes its s&eed 1> 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

f"rward$ This is .attha$

An*thin- else is Hadda i$e$ T" rise and push an agenda for&ard. .adda can als" mean t", ,ncourage people to mo e for&ard, on something good.

wa la yaHuddu 'ala ta'am al miskeen and he does not push and rise others to feed the poor.

/f he d"es n"t e(en feed the "r&han relati(e0 it's "b(i"us that he will n"t e(en enc"ura-e the feedin- "f the &""r$

Allah said he d"es n"t enc"ura-e "thers t" feed the Mis%een. mis%een - singular. masaakeen &lural$

'orget many (oor (eo(le, he doesn't even encourage the feeding of one poor person (miskeen)

An"ther reas"n f"r these sin-ulars (instead "f &lurals) is because it ma%es the criminal remember the particular poor orphan and poor person they treated badly.

Allah is tellin- them that .e kn"ws what s&ecific crime *"u did t"da* a-ainst that &""r "r&han0 and that &""r &ers"n)$ This makes the criminal -uilt* ab"ut the s&ecific crime he did latel* a-ainst s"me"ne s&ecific0instead "f -enerall* thinkin- ab"ut all "r&hans and &""r &e"&le)$ This has more of a guilty personal effect on the criminal.

1I 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

These &"liticians and leaders ha e the po&er and influence to yuhadd 5rise and speed people to feed the orphan and needy) but they do not out of their o&n stinginess and greed.

! 4 @ 8 < ! @ 26 A ) 2 @ . ) C " 0 (D (D 8 - B ! - A 3 1 , ! B ? ) S" fi-ht0 [: Muhammad]0 in the cause "f Allah , *"u are n"t held res&"nsible e@ce&t f"r *"urself$ And enc"ura-e9incite [Harridd] the belie(ers [t" 3"in *"u] that &erha&s Allah will restrain the [militar*] mi-ht "f th"se wh" disbelie(e$ And Allah is -reater in mi-ht and str"n-er in [e@em&lar*] &unishment$ [an !isa' G+JG]

harradda 1nc"ura-e$ This t*&e "f incitin- is caused to pre ent a harm from occurring$ /$e$ ;f you do not do this - you &ill face harm from others. Det's d" it "therwise there are ne-ati(e c"nse7uences$

.e d"esn't enc"ura-e himself0 his famil*0 "r friends "r s"ciet*0 all because "f his stin-iness0 and his utter denial "f thinkin- he will ha(e t" &a* s"ciet* back$ 'wh"se -"in- t" d" a lawsuit a-ainst me? / am the leader$' (such a &s*ch"l"-ical mindset$) .e d"esn't kn"w that the an-els are writin- his e(er* deed$ 2ut he has denied the Deen (Da* "f 'a*back)$

ta'am al mis%een (muddaa& and mudda& 'alay) f""d "f the needy. mas%ana wh" cann"t hel& themsel(es$ Sak kana the* are stuc%/still in a &lace and the* cann"t lea(e their &lace9situati"n ["f hardshi&]$ <nless you help them - they cannot come out of their hard situation$ The* can't hel& themsel(es0 *"u need t" hel& them$

17 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

ta(am al miskeen [food ("f) the "r&han] it sh"ws that the food belongs to him, it is his right. Allah did n"t sa* that the* did n"t -i(e f""d f"r him$ (ta'am !" al miskeen f""d #$% the "r&han)$ %ather .e said, ta(am al mis%een 5the food =9 the Mis%een6.

Allah is tellin- that, the food - whi"h the "orru(t leaders are kee(ing &or themselves - is really the &ood whi"h belongs to the or(han and the miskeen (oor, but you are not en"ouraging others to give -what is theirs - to them.

These &e"&le are c"rru&tl* c"nsumin- that charit* wealth themsel(es wealth which bel"n-s t" this &""r "r&han and &""r miskeen$ This illustrates the hard heartness "f his c"rru&t &"litician0 and sh"ws h"w chea& he is$ .e is n"t e(en enc"ura-in- "thers t" -i(e f""d t" the need* when this f""d actuall* is theirs t" be-in withK

Allah did n"t sa* /tt'aam (feedin-)$ .e said, Ta(am : - food. 9eeding 5itt'aam :6 6 - you are doing something for someone. This is n"t menti"ned in the a*ah$

2ut Ta'am is menti"ned in this a*ah, which im&lies that this person does not e en do a good fa our of feeding, rather - he doesn(t e en gi e the food &hich belongs to the poor - to them. .e's n"t e(en standin- u& f"r the ri-hts "f the "ne wh" has the ri-ht t" it$ !"w Allah has e@&lained this &ers"ns terrible and e(il situati"n and relati"nshi& with the &e"&le$ .e will n"w tell us .is relati"nshi& with Allah in his Salah (&ra*er) t" Allah$

1J 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

2assage 8:

A*ah G+

# " ! $
'a waylun li al musalleen Then as a c"nse7uence the w"rst f"rm "f destructi"n and curse (wa*l) f"r the "nes wh" &ra*$

mussali - one &ho prays.

(Destructi"n and curse on That Day f"r the liars [a-ainst the reli-i"n])$ [at T""r ><+11] EF ! 9 !

2ecause the curse and destructi"n in this a*ah is :! T.AT DA; (*awma idhin)$ 4hereas the curse menti"ned in this surah is Cltimate Destructi"n with"ut an* s&ecificness0 s" it is a destructi"n c"mins""n$

4hereas this curse in surah Ma'un is n"t sa*in- 'yawma idhin' ("n that Da*)$ %ather0 it has n" restricti"n s" it is a direct curse and destruction &hich is going to fall on those &ho pray... /mmediatel* ri-ht n"w they are in a state of destruction$$

A*ah G r"u-hl* translated in meanin-+ Then as a "onse1uen"e - the worst &orm o& destru"tion and "urse #wayl% u(on the ones who (ray... 1= 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

An*"ne wh" &ra*s is n"w alerted$ 1(en the w"rd salah used t" mean '&ra*er9in("cati"n' bef"re the )ur'an was re(ealed alerts the n"n Muslim arabs and Muslims$ Allah has "ursed those who (ray)? (what c"mes ne@t is -"in- t" be reall* im&"rtant n"w that it has -"t *"ur full attenti"n)$

Allah said, &usalleen (th"se wh" &ra*)$ .e c"uld ha(e said, wa*lun lil munafi7een (curse 9 destructi"n "n the h*&"crites$$ 4h" are la6* in their &ra*ers$) 2ut Allah said Musalleen (th"se wh" &ra*)$ S" e(er*"ne is terrified$ /t ma%es us read and reflect on the ayah again. S" we cann"t read the a*ah u&t" here in Salah and finish0 we will ha(e t" c"ntinue "nt" recite the rest$ 2ut it als" makes *"u think t" *"urself, Am I going to be des"ribed ne2t? 3e"ause I (ray. ;"u fear *"u are n"t "f the h*&"crites$

This is wh* s"me sch"lars th"u-ht this a*ah referred t" the h*&"crites$ : Allah0 &lease d" n"t make us "f the h*&"crites$

A*ah >+

# ) ( % & % '
Alladheena hum AAan salaatihim saahoown Th"se wh" in re-ard t" their &ra*ers are heedless$ <0 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

Allah c"uld ha(e c"nnected these < a*ah and made them as "ne with"ut menti"nin- &ra*er twice$ 2ut He mentioned prayer/salah t&ice for emphasis.

4hat c"nnects these aa*aat with the aa*aats "f 'assa-e 1?

ash Shawkani and ar %a6i+ hurtin- the creati"n0 and n"t -i(in- them their "wn ri-ht0 then it's "nl* natural that *"u will n"t -i(e the ri-hts "f the Hreat"r full*$ /f *"u ha(e bad beha(i"ur with the creati"n0 then it's "nl* natural *"ur heart will n"t be str"n- in w"rshi& and &ra*er t" Allah$

D"esn't Allah sa*, ! . * , 5/ G 6 surel* &ra*er &r"tects a-ainst shameful and e(il acts$ [al Ankabut <=+G>] D H 4 ) 3

S" if &ra*er &r"tects a-ainst e(il then wh* is this &ers"n d"in- this reall* harmful e(il t" "thers?

musalleen (n"un sh"win- l"n- term) those &ho al&ays pray aladheena yusalloon th"se wh" &ra* ((erb sh"win- tem&"rar* i$e$ S"metimes the* &ra*)$ ."we(er0 musalleen is used$

Allah sa*s these people &ho pray often and are committed to that 5musalleen6 - those who are heedless of their prayers - curse and destruction be on them.

a%a'a*ta aladhee sin-ular ha(e *"u seen the "ne$$ <1 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

Musalleen &lural th"se wh" &ra*$ These &e"&le w"uld &ra* in &ublic t"-ether t" sh"w "ff (as will be e@&lained in a*ah I)$

Allah has cursed man*, 9 ! G EI EI ( G = waylun li kuli huma4-4ati luma4a curse9destructi"n u&"n e(er* bac%biter and slanderer. [.uma6ah 10G+1] : 9 ! waylin lil muta&i&&een w"e t" e(er* fraud$ [Mutafiffeen JA+1] Allah cursed th"se wh" -" a-ainst the ri-hts "f humans$

S" what then ab"ut the ri-hts "f Allah? Allah said, 5 1. & = 9 ! 9 ! 8 J !0 9 ! 8 D 3 - ! ! ! / ! ) / ) @ ) ) / / ! (destructi"n t" those &ho &rite the boo% (i$e$ falseh""d) &ith their o&n hands and say this is from *llah in "rder t" e@chan-e it f"r a small &rice$ Hurse t" them f"r what their hands ha(e written and Hurse t" them f"r what the* earn$) [surah al 2a7arah <+7=]

These are bad crimes which Allah is cursin- destructi"n f"r$ And in the list "f these cursed criminals are also those &ho are heedless and sho& off in the prayer that .e is &uttin- them al"n- with th"se wh" d" such ma3"r crimes$

4hat is the descri&ti"n "f the 'ra*er menti"ned in these aa*aat?, 1 S"me sa* it was the prayer of the hypocrites wh" "nl* sh"wed "ff s" the* c"uld be seen b* the &e"&le &ra*in-$ << 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

< :ther sch"lars sa* it was the prayer of the >uraysh leaders?

2rief .ist"r*+ 'r"&het /braheem [Abraham] settles in this cit* Makkah and &ra*s t" Allah,

5 * ? = $ . 6 * , 4 32 * % 8 / 0 $ ; & 5 1 3 4 $ $ K ! ? ! % 6 ! + 7 = ' $ 8 6 4 ) " 89 C ' E ! F 3 # G % G.* ! 0 , I ? $ -6 M " ?) L E $= @ 4 ? $ - $ ' 4 ! = < :- $ >4 ) 8: $ ; 48 -* - $ D / JI ! ) $ / / 6 ! / ) 4 * 4 3 7 ! B , - ! . $ N * A O ! ) 3 H 0 B ?) G ? % $= 6! 3 6 ? = , 0 , ) 8 $ C $ 9 4 D

And [menti"n0 : Muhammad]0 when *braham said, +My 0ord, ma%e this city @Ma%%ahA secure and %eep me and my sons a&ay from &orshipping idols. M* D"rd0 indeed the* ha(e led astra* man* am"n- the &e"&le$ S" wh"e(er f"ll"ws me then he is "f me, and wh"e(er dis"be*s me indeed0 ;"u are [*et] E"r-i(in- and Merciful$ =ur 0ord, ; ha e settled some of my descendants in an unculti ated alley near :our sacred House, our 0ord, that they may establish prayer. So ma%e hearts among the people incline to&ard them and pro ide for them from the fruits that they might be grateful. :ur D"rd0 indeed ;"u kn"w what we c"nceal and what we declare0 and n"thin- is hidden fr"m Allah "n the earth "r in the hea(en$ 2raise to *llah , &ho has granted to me in old age ;shmael and ;saac. ;ndeed, my 0ord is the Hearer of supplication. My 0ord, ma%e me an establisher of prayer, and @manyA from my descendants. =ur 0ord, and accept my supplication. :ur D"rd0 f"r-i(e me and m* &arents and the belie(ers the Da* the acc"unt is established$B [Surah /brahim 1G+ A> G1]

/n surah Mar*am 1=+ >G >> Allah tells us /sma'il9/shmael c"mmanded his famil* t" &ra*$ ! 87 P 87 * O ? ! I ! ! 28! ! & 6 B 3 = . 3 * ) 3 & G G - . ! 6 & <A 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

And menti"n in the 2""k0 ;shmael$ /ndeed0 he was true t" his &r"mise0 and he was a messen-er and a &r"&het$ And he used to en.oin on his people prayer and /a%ah and &as to his 0ord pleasing.

That &ra*er was &assed "n fr"m -enerati"n t" -enerati"n$ The "ri-inal &ra*er which was -i(en t" *"u [: )ura*sh] thr"u-h *"ur father /brahim's &ra*er0 thr"u-h t" /sma'il which was "ri-inall* full "f sinceret* t" Allah0 it became altered &assed "n with inn"(ati"ns0 and became a thin- "f sh"win- "ff$

aladheena 'an salatihim saahoown th"se wh" are in re-ard t" their &ra*er Saah""wn (a*ah >)$

Saahoo&n sahw t" forget something out of neglectfulness because something - of a greater thought to you - &as on your mind.

i$e$ sa3dah sahw &r"strati"n "f &orget&ulness (because *"ur mind was thinkin- ab"ut s"methin- else)$

sahw als" includes+ /f *"u cau-ht the &ra*er0 well and -""d$ 2ut if *"u ne(er *"u think it d"esn't matter$ :r if *"u kee& *"ur &lans t" d" a certain thin- while n"t w"rr*in- if *"u miss the &ra*er in the &r"cess$ Meanin-+ :ou don(t mind if you miss the prayer B 3eing Ceglectful B Saahoo&n

The w"rst destructi"n (wa*l) if *"u ha(e such an attitude$

."w /m&"rtant is Salah9&ra*er t" Allah?

! - *llah introduces Himself to Moses,

<G 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

. * 26 & ? 56 2 @ G ! ? 3 J (Surel*0 n" d"ubt / am Allah there is n" -"d but Me0 s" ensla(e *"urself t" Me9w"rshi& me and establish the &ra*er f"r m* remembrance)$ [Taha <0+1G] T" %eall* remember Allah *"u ha(e t" establish &ra*er$

8 * ! . 6 ?) N ! , ! ? ?) J Sa*0 B/ndeed0 m* &ra*er0 m* rites "f sacrifice0 m* li(in- and m* d*in- are f"r Allah 0 D"rd "f the w"rlds$ [An'am I+1I<] Salah is menti"ned first0 life and death are menti"ned in the end$

" 6 P @ ! Allah will n"t waste *"ur 1man [2a7arah <+1GA]) eman L &ra*ers$ Q The muslims chan-ed their )iblah (directi"n "f &ra*er fr"m Ferusalem9ba*t al Ma7dis t" Makkah$ And the 3ews said t" the Muslims that *"ur &ra*ers will be wasted0 s" Allah said the ab"(e$ And .e referred t" the &ra*ers as 1man$ 1man rests in "ur hearts0 and s" d"es Salah$ These &e"&le ha(e salah0 but is n"t in their hearts$ S" n"t carin- f"r salah L eman is n"t str"n- in their hearts$

ash Shawkani+ ;"u pray some time and other times you don(t, *"u don(t fulfill the prereDuisites/conditions "f the Salah0 *"u pray li%e a bird pic%ing up pebbles "ff the -r"und (i$e$ 2ec%ing on the ground and -ettin- back u& 7uickl* fr"m sa3dah)0 *"u wait till the end "f the finish "f salah (i$e$ you &ant it to end Duic%)$

9alling into any of these ma%es you of the Saahoo&n. <> 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

This is the &ers"n it d"esn't b"ther him if he &ra*s "r n"t$ .e d"esn't make a fuss ab"ut if he d"es n"t &ra*$

! 4 3 . * 8 !J G B ) " 6 8 ) Meril*0 the &ra*er is en3"ined "n the belie(ers at fi@ed h"urs$ [!isa' G+10A] s" we as Muslims ha(e t" schedule "ur dail* acti(ities ar"und the Salah$

Sa'd bin Abi 4a7as, (%ec"rded in al 2a*ha7i) th"se wh" are heedless &ho are they) (a*ah >) hum aladheena yu akhir-roona salata 'ala wa1tiha they delay the prayer from it(s actual time. (i$e$ The* wait near the end "f the time "f &ra*er and 7uickl* read it then0 "r the* &erf"rm all the &ra*ers all at "nce [i$e$ 7adha]

*yah E+

H %
Alladheena hum yuraa'oon Th"se wh" (d" -""d deeds) "nl* t" be seen ("f men)0

The a*ah is &erfectl* c"rrect with"ut the w"rd .um (them) bein- menti"ned [because Allah sa*s 'aladheena' in the be-innin- "f the a*ah0 and .e als" said ;uraa'""n$] <I 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

S" wh* is it menti"ned? E"r strong emphasis " times on them. This is *llah(s anger at them. Aladheena Hum -uraa'oon.

"-ou want attention? I'll give you attention)" /t is e@treme an-er ass"ciated with a curse fr"m bef"re$ !"t are the* "nl* heedless0 but e en &hen they do pray 5reluctantly6, they sho& off so they are seen by the people.

The .um (them) als" em&hasises ikhtisas 5specificness6 that th"se wh" are careless in salah9&ra*er then their prayer &ill be abit more 'proper and correct' &hen others are &atching them. Ma*be abit m"re sl"wer0 m"re accurate in m"(ements etc$ The disease started in a*ah > the* did n"t care ab"ut their &ra*er0 the* were f"r-etful "f it0 and this is wh* Allah had cursed them and threatened them with a&&r"achin- destructi"n$

Ad(ice+ D"n't slee& late$ 'ra* "n time$

8 !/ ; 6 (surel* the )ur'an recited at Ea3r is witnessed)$ [/sra' 17+7J] D J %

: Allah0 &lease d" n"t make us "f the Saaheen (ne-lectful "f "ur &ra*ers)$ Ameen$

'an salatihim sahoon in regard to their &ra*ers the* are heedless$

Allah said 'an 3 (in re-ard t")0 .e did n"t sa*, fee ? salatihim sahoon (in their &ra*ers the* are heedless)$ This is a merc* fr"m Allah because we are all heedless s"metimes within "ur &ra*ers0 and if that was menti"ned we w"uld all be destr"*ed$ sahwah fis salah heedless in the &ra*er this w"uld be e@am&les like f"r-ettin- h"w much raka'ah *"u <7 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

&ra*ed0"r h"w much sa3dahs *"u &erf"rmed0 "r what *"ur wife made f"r dinner etc$

Salatihim (*C sah""n (which is critici/ed) is &hen you(re not sure if you should pray or not. :ou thin% you ha e other plans.

* / < @ - /G /& : ! E 3 8 H + + AG % ) ! 9 R 1 ' & *. F ' J A $ / Say +That &hich *llah has is better than any amusement or merchandiseF And Allah is the 2est "f &r"(iders$B [Fumu'a I<+11] And these are the < thin-s which mainl* distract us fr"m salah9&ra*er "ur 3"b0 "r "ur acti(ities f"r fun$

*uraa'""n ra(a to see a%a see %aa'a (mufa'ala) "f tw" &arties t" stru--le a-ainst the "ther$ They(re trying really hard to be seen &hile praying.

mu'a(aat B sho& off to sho& yourself as righteous and pious, but in c"ntrast t" what *"u reall* are (i$e$ *"u are reall*, unsincere0 sh"win- "ff etc$) Allah is e@&"sin- the )ura*sh and their r"les in their acts of &orship to gain respect by other tribes.

The )ura*sh wh" l""kaftered the #a'bah had t" sh"w "ff in &ra*in- the* had t" sh"w their s&iritual -uardianshi& "f the #a'bah s" they &ould sho& off in acts of &orship to sho& others &e are the true guardians of this House of &orship. This includes the hypocrites wh" &retend t" be &i"us0 and als" the m"cker* "f the prayer of the >uraysh.

26 @ G 6! 8 J * 6 ! 5 ! ! . . R R ! !H ! !3 0 6 2! C 4 J 4 J 3 = @ / <J 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

/ndeed0 the h*&"crites [think t"] decei(e Allah 0 but .e is decei(in- them$ And when the* stand t" &ra*0 the* stand la6il*0 sh"win- [themsel(es t"] the &e"&le and n"t rememberin- Allah e@ce&t a little0 [!isa' G+1G<]

Ad(ice "n h"w n"t t" Sh"w :ff+ Anecd"te+ Ad(ice t" Muslims f"r 'ra*er+ Do not leave the nawa&il o(tional (rayers out o& shame #o& showing o&&%. 3ut don't show o&& either. :ther sch"lars said, 2ray the 9ard 5obligatory prayers6 in the, and the Ca&afil 5optional6 at home$ 2ecause *"u are n"t sh"win- "ff at h"me *"u are bein- a -""d e@am&le t" *"ur famil*$ This is wh* Allah said, *l Musalleen e(er*"ne is scared and tries t" be sincere in their &ra*ers$

/bn Abbas said, Min"r 5hirk [in sh"win- "ff] which is less a&&arent than a black ant crawlin- "n a black st"ne in the darkness "f the ni-ht$

A*ah 7+

-$ !3
0ayamnaAAoona alma''oon And refuse Al Ma'un (small kindnesses)

<= 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

this a*ah is c"nnected t" a*ah A in c"nte@t$

This surah be-an with crimes against people0 then ab"ut crimes against *llah0 then again - crimes against people. 'e"&le tr* t" se&arate these thin-s0 alth"u-h the* are intertwined that's wh* Allah has &laced them t"-ether and inse&aratable$ you ha e to be good to the people and good to *llah. ;"u ha(e t" ha(e a balance "f a -""d relati"nshi& with Allah and the &e"&le$

and the* f"rbid al Ma'""n+ al Ma'""n+ s"me c"m&ani"ns "f Allah's Messen-er and man* sch"lars said it refers t" the "bli-at"r* charit* "f Nakat (<$>O "f *"ur wealth &er lunar *ear)$

ma(oon ma'an s"methin- small and insignificant. * loss of it &ould not harm you. a thin- which &e"&le share with each "ther like a buc%et, or a pen. Small things &hich you do not suffer from or lose if you &ere to gi e them. 6akat is s" little "f "ur inc"me it is ma'""n$ This is h"w the sahaba9c"m&ani"ns "f 'r"&het Muhammad (iewed it$

Ma(oon: That &hich you cannot possibly be cheap in it ;.e. 7ater.

the* are e@tremel* chea& the* f"rbid e(en ma'""n$ The* can't see a smile "n s"me"nes face$ The* think, why should i hel( you? i +ust don't want to hel( you. this is a harsh and hard heart$ S" e en if someone as%s you for something small, they say no! this is h"w s"me"ne can -" s" l"w$ A0 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

are *"u the leaders wh" Allah menti"ned in the &re(i"us surah .e wh" -a(e *"u f""d (at'amahum min 3""')$ Are you not going to give even a little when Allah gave you everything you have?

Einall* a Du'a9'ra*er t" Allah+

ar %a6i made a beautiful du'a at the end "f this surah's tafseer, illaahana ("ur 5"d wh" we "be* and ser(e)0 hadhihi surah fee dhikril munafi7een0 wa s""rat alatee ba'da ha fee sifati Muhammadin (sal Allah ala*hi wasalam) [and the surah after it which describes the beautiful characteristics "f Muhammad (saws) (kawthar)0 fanahnu wa in lam naslee fit taa'ati Muhammad (s" if we cann"t reach the le(el "f "bedience "f Muhammad (saws)0 wa ilaa as habihee (n"r his c"m&ani"ns)0 lam naslee fee al af'ali al 7abeeha ilaa ha ulaa ila al munafi7een$ (then d" n"t let us fall s" l"w as the acti"ns "f the h*&"crites i$e$ D" n"t let us dr"& s" l"w as t" their dis-ustin- le(el)$ fa'fu anna bi fadlik *a ar ham ar%ahimeen$ (s" &ard"n us b* *"ur Ea("ur "h Merciful "f th"se wh" sh"w Merc*)$ wa sal Allah 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala aalihi wa sahbihi wasalam$

:ne "f the c"re teachin-s in this Deen+ The < thin-s which will kee& *"ur heart s"ft+ ho& much you pray (ri-hts "f Allah) ho& much you gi e people. (ri-hts "f the &e"&le)$ Measure *"ur 1man (belief) with these measurements$ /f *"u are lackin- in an* "f these es&eciall* the &ra*er9salah make it a life &r"3ect$ /f "ur dealin-s with the "r&hans0 then that sh"uld be "ur &r"3ect$ Ma*be we ha(e "r&hans in the famil*0 "r c"usins0 relati(es wh" *"u mi-ht n"t e(en like but -i(e them if the* are in need t" &r"(e t" *"urself that *"u are trul* d"in- it f"r Allah's sake al"ne$ A1 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

: Allah0 make "ur &ra*ers &leasin- t" *"u0 and d" n"t make us "f the Sah""n (heedless in "ur &ra*ers)$ : Allah make us the best "f &e"&le t" humanit*0 and &erfect in -i(in- "ur ri-hts t" Allah$ Ameen "h Merciful "f th"se wh" sh"w Merc*$

A< 8 htt&+99literar*miracle$w"rd&ress$c"m Surah al Maun [107]

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