The Mother of God Hodigitria, Second Half of 13 Century
The Mother of God Hodigitria, Second Half of 13 Century
The Mother of God Hodigitria, Second Half of 13 Century
The Mother of God is depicted in a half-length frontal pose with the infant Christ on her left arm. She is dressed in a dark violet maphorion with an ocherous-gold hem and a light greenish-blue Greek cap on the head. Her chiton is green and hemmed with a golden stripe. Her face is strongly accented with a contrast of light sections and dark shades so that she looks monumental in all her sorrow and absorption. The incarnate is modeled by ust the basic tones of light and dark brown ocher without halftones. The hands of the Mother of God are painted in light tones of burnt and brown ocher! with greenisholive shades. Christ has an olive-green chiton and himation that is painted in burnt ocher and brown. He is blessing with his right hand while in the left one! usual in such presentations! is a scroll. His face is treated with a greenish tone in the shades! transparently put lighting of ocher and white! and red on the cheeks. His hands and bare feet are modeled with reddish ocher! greenish-olive and white tones. The background of the icon is covered with a coating of silver plates with floral ornamentation and relief presentations of the Great "easts and busts of various saints. The plates have been impressed with a matri# and the relief presentations are repeated many times. The aureoles of the Mother of God and Christ are both made of silver sheet metal in the techni$ue of coinage. The inscriptions% M&'(')* +&,-).! /&,-.) 0&*/(-) and ' -1'2'(*/3 are written on the coating in rectangular and circular fields. The background of the icon under the coating is golden as are the aureoles engraved with an ornament of spirals and dots. There is a red border on the edge of the icon and an ornament of golden lo4enges on a black stripe on the edge of the recess. The inscriptions under the coating are also red.