Earthing Calculation

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Earthing Calculation


1 Introduction

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1.1 Why do the calculation? 1.2 When to do the calculation? 1.3 When is the calculation unnecessary?

2 Calculation Methodology

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2.1 Prerequisites 2.2 Earthing Grid Conductor Sizing 2.3 Touch and Step Potential Calculations

2.3.1 Step 1: Soil Resistivity 2.3.2 Step 2: Surface Layer Materials 2.3.3 Step 3: Earthing Grid Resistance Simplified Method Schwarz Equations

2.3.4 Step 4: Maximum Grid Current Current Division Factor Decrement Factor

2.3.5 Step 5: Touch and Step Potential Criteria 2.3.6 Step 6: Ground Potential Rise (GPR) 2.3.7 Step 7: Earthing Grid Design Verification Mesh Voltage Calculation Geometric Spacing Factor Km Geometric Factor n Irregularity Factor Ki Effective Buried Length LM Step Voltage Calculation

3 Worked Example Geometric Spacing Factor Ks Effective Buried Length LS What Now?

o o o o o o o

3.1 Step 1: Soil Resistivity 3.2 Step 2: Surface Layer Materials 3.3 Step 3: Earthing Grid Resistance 3.4 Step 4: Maximum Grid Current 3.5 Step 5: Touch and Step Potential Criteria 3.6 Step 6: Ground Potential Rise (GPR) 3.7 Step 7: Earthing Grid Design Verification

3.7.1 Mesh Voltage Calculation 3.7.2 Step Voltage Calculation

4 Computer Based Tools 5 What next?

The earthing system in a plant / facility is very important for a few reasons, all of which are related to either the protection of people and equipment and/or the optimal operation of the electrical system. These include: Equipotential bonding of conductive objects (e.g. metallic equipment, buildings, piping etc) to the earthing system prevent the presence of dangerous voltages between objects (and earth). The earthing system provides a low resistance return path for earth faults within the plant, which protects both personnel and equipment For earth faults with return paths to offsite generation sources, a low resistance earthing grid relative to remote earth prevents dangerous ground potential rises (touch and step potentials) The earthing system provides a low resistance path (relative to remote earth) for voltage transients such as lightning and surges / overvoltages Equipotential bonding helps prevent electrostatic buildup and discharge, which can cause sparks with enough energy to ignite flammable atmospheres The earthing system provides a reference potential for electronic circuits and helps reduce electrical noise for electronic, instrumentation and communication systems This calculation is based primarily on the guidelines provided by IEEE Std 80 (2000), "Guide for safety in AC substation grounding". Lightning protection is excluded from the

scope of this calculation (refer to the specific lightning protection calculation for more details).

Why do the calculation?

The earthing calculation aids in the proper design of the earthing system. Using the results of this calculation, you can: Determine the minimum size of the earthing conductors required for the main earth grid Ensure that the earthing design is appropriate to prevent dangerous step and touch potentials (if this is necessary)

When to do the calculation?

This calculation should be performed when the earthing system is being designed. It could also be done after the preliminary design has been completed to confirm that the earthing system is adequate, or highlight the need for improvement / redesign. Ideally, soil resistivity test results from the site will be available for use in touch and step potential calculations (if necessary).

When is the calculation unnecessary?

The sizing of earthing conductors should always be performed, but touch and step potential calculations (per IEEE Std 80 for earth faults with a return path through remote earth) are not always necessary. For example, when all electricity is generated on-site and the HV/MV/LV earthing systems are interconnected, then there is no need to do a touch and step potential calculation. In such a case, all earth faults would return to the source via the earthing system (notwithstanding some small leakage through earth). However, where there are decoupled networks (e.g. long transmission lines to remote areas of the plant), then touch and step potential calculations should be performed for the remote area only.

Calculation Methodology
This calculation is based on IEEE Std 80 (2000), "Guide for safety in AC substation grounding". There are two main parts to this calculation: Earthing grid conductor sizing Touch and step potential calculations

IEEE Std 80 is quite descriptive, detailed and easy to follow, so only an overview will be presented here and IEEE Std 80 should be consulted for further details (although references will be given herein).

The following information is required / desirable before starting the calculation: A layout of the site Maximum earth fault current into the earthing grid Maximum fault clearing time Ambient (or soil) temperature at the site Soil resistivity measurements at the site (for touch and step only) Resistivity of any surface layers intended to be laid (for touch and step only)

Earthing Grid Conductor Sizing

Determining the minimum size of the earthing grid conductors is necessary to ensure that the earthing grid will be able to withstand the maximum earth fault current. Like a normal power cable under fault, the earthing grid conductors experience an adiabatic short circuit temperature rise. However unlike a fault on a normal cable, where the limiting temperature is that which would cause permanent damage to the cable's insulation, the temperature limit for earthing grid conductors is the melting point of the conductor. In other words, during the worst case earth fault, we don't want the earthing grid conductors to start melting! The minimum conductor size capable of withstanding the adiabatic temperature rise associated with an earth fault is given by re-arranging IEEE Std 80 Equation 37:


is the minimum cross-sectional area of the earthing grid

conductor (mm2) is the energy of the maximum earth fault (A2s) is the maximum allowable (fusing) temperature (C)

is the ambient temperature (C) is the thermal coefficient of resistivity (C - 1) is the resistivity of the earthing conductor (.cm)

is is the thermal capacity of the conductor per unit volume(Jcm - 3C - 1) The material constants Tm, r, r and TCAP for common conductor materials can be found in IEEE Std 80 Table 1. For example. commercial harddrawn copper has material constants: Tm = 1084 C r = 0.00381 C - 1 r = 1.78 .cm TCAP = 3.42 Jcm - 3C - 1. As described in IEEE Std 80 Section, there are alternative methods to formulate this equation, all of which can also be derived from first principles). There are also additional factors that should be considered (e.g. taking into account future growth in fault levels), as discussed in IEEE Std 80 Section 11.3.3.

Touch and Step Potential Calculations

When electricity is generated remotely and there are no return paths for earth faults other than the earth itself, then there is a risk that earth faults can cause dangerous voltage gradients in the earth around the site of the fault (called ground potential rises). This means that someone standing near the fault can receive a dangerous electrical shock due to: Touch voltages - there is a dangerous potential difference between the earth and a metallic object that a person is touching Step voltages - there is a dangerous voltage gradient between the feet of a person standing on earth The earthing grid can be used to dissipate fault currents to remote earth and reduce the voltage gradients in the earth. The touch and step potential calculations are performed in order to assess whether the earthing grid can dissipate the fault currents so that dangerous touch and step voltages cannot exist.

Step 1: Soil Resistivity

The resistivity properties of the soil where the earthing grid will be laid is an important factor in determining the earthing grid's resistance with respect to remote earth. Soils with lower resistivity lead to lower overall grid resistances and potentially smaller earthing grid configurations can be designed (i.e. that comply with safe step and touch potentials). It is good practice to perform soil resistivity tests on the site. There are a few standard methods for measuring soil resistivity (e.g. Wenner fourpin method). A good discussion on the interpretation of soil resistivity test measurements is found in IEEE Std 80 Section 13.4. Sometimes it isn't possible to conduct soil resistivity tests and an estimate must suffice. When estimating soil resistivity, it goes without saying that one should err on the side of caution and select a higher resistivity. IEEE Std 80 Table 8 gives some guidance on range of soil

resistivities based on the general characteristics of the soil (i.e. wet organic soil = 10 .m, moist soil = 100 .m, dry soil = 1,000 .m and bedrock = 10,000 .m).

Step 2: Surface Layer Materials

Applying a thin layer (0.08m 0.15m) of high resistivity material (such as gravel, blue metal, crushed rock, etc) over the surface of the ground is commonly used to help protect against dangerous touch and step voltages. This is because the surface layer material increases the contact resistance between the soil (i.e. earth) and the feet of a person standing on it, thereby lowering the current flowing through the person in the event of a fault. IEEE Std 80 Table 7 gives typical values for surface layer material resistivity in dry and wet conditions (e.g. 40mm crushed granite = 4,000 .m (dry) and 1,200 .m (wet)). The effective resistance of a person's feet (with respect to earth) when standing on a surface layer is not the same

as the surface layer resistance because the layer is not thick enough to have uniform resistivity in all directions. A surface layer derating factor needs to be applied in order to compute the effective foot resistance (with respect to earth) in the presence of a finite thickness of surface layer material. This derating factor can be approximated by an empirical formula as per IEEE Std 80 Equation 27:


is the surface

layer derating factor is the soil resistivity (.m) is the resistivity of the surface layer material (.m) is the thickness of the surface layer (m) This derating factor will be used later in Step 5 when calculating the maximum allowable touch and step voltages.

Step 3: Earthing Grid Resistance

A good earthing grid has low resistance (with respect to

remote earth) to minimise ground potential rise (GPR) and consequently avoid dangerous touch and step voltages. Calculating the earthing grid resistance usually goes hand in hand with earthing grid design - that is, you design the earthing grid to minimise grid resistance. The earthing grid resistance mainly depends on the area taken up by the earthing grid, the total length of buried earthing conductors and the number of earthing rods / electrodes. IEEE Std 80 offers two alternative options for calculating the earthing grid resistance (with respect to remote earth) - 1) the simplified method (Section 14.2) and

2) the Schwarz equations (Section 14.3), both of which are outlined briefly below. IEEE Std 80 also includes methods for reducing soil resistivity (in Section 14.5) and a treatment for concrete-encased earthing electrodes (in Section 14.6). Simplified Method IEEE Std 80 Equation 52 gives the simplified method as modified by Sverak to include the effect of earthing grid depth:



the earthing grid resistance with respect to remote earth () is the soil resistivitiy (.m) is the total length of buried conductors (m) is the total area occupied by the earthiing grid (m2)

Schwarz Equations The Schwarz equations are a series of equations that are more accurate in modelling the effect of earthing rods / electrodes. The equations are found in IEEE Std 80 Equations 53, 54, 55(footnote) a nd 56, as follows:

Where is the earthin g grid resista nce

with respec t to remote earth () is the earth resistance of the grid conductors ( ) is the earth resistance of the earthing electrodes () is the mutual earth resistance between the grid conductors and earthing electrodes () A n d th e gr id , ea rt hi n g el ec tr o d e a n d m ut u

al ea rt h re si st a nc es ar e:

W h e r e

i s t h e s

o i l r e s i s t i v i t y ( . m ) is the total length of buried grid conductors (m) is radius for conductors buried at depth metres, or simply metres and with cross-sectional

for grid conductors on the surface

is the total area covered by the grid conductors (m2) is the length of each earthing electrode (m) is number of earthing electrodes in area is the cross-sectional radius of an earthing electrode (m) and are constant coefficients depending on the geometry of the grid

(1) For depth (2) For depth (3) For depth

: : :

(1) For depth (2) For depth (3) For depth

: : :

is the duration of the fault (s) is the dc time offset constant (see below)

is the system frequency (Hz)

50kg person:

70kg person:

50kg person:

70kg person:

is the step voltage limit (V) is the surface layer derating factor (as calculated in Step 2) is the soil resistivity (.m) is the maximum fault clearing time (s)

is the maximum grid current found earlier in Step 4 (A) is the earthing grid resistance found earlier in Step 3 ()

is the maximum grid current found earlier in Step 4 (A) is the geometric spacing factor (see below) is the irregularity factor (see below) is the effective buried length of the grid (see below)

is the depth of buried grid conductors (m) is the cross-sectional diameter of a grid conductor (m) is a weighting factor for depth of burial = is a weighting factor for earth electrodes /rods on the corner mesh perimeter for grids with earth electrodes along the grid perimeter or corners for grids with no earth electrodes on the corners or on the

is a geometric factor (see below)

for square grids, or otherwise

for square and rectangular grids, or otherwise for square, rectangular and L-shaped grids, or


is the length of grid conductors on the perimeter (m) is the total area of the grid (m2) and are the maximum length of the grids in the x and y directions (m)

is the maximum distance between any two points on the grid (m)

is the total length of earthing electrodes / rods (m)

is the total length of earthing electrodes / rods (m) is the length of each earthing electrode / rod (m) and are the maximum length of the grids in the x and y directions (m)

is the maximum grid current found earlier in Step 4 (A) is the geometric spacing factor (see below) is the irregularity factor (as derived above in the mesh voltage calculation) is the effective buried length of the grid (see below)

is the depth of buried grid conductors (m) is a geometric factor (as derived above in the mesh voltage calculation)

is the total length of earthing electrodes / rods (m)

, and

Redesign the earthing grid to lower the grid resistance (e.g. more grid conductors, more earthing electrodes, increasing cross-sectional area of conductors, etc). Once this is done, re-compute the earthing grid resistance (seeStep 3) and re-do the touch and step potential calculations.

Limit the total earth fault current or create alternative earth fault return paths Consider soil treatments to lower the resistivity of the soil Greater use of high resistivity surface layer materials

Length of 90m and a width of 50m 6 parallel rows and 7 parallel columns Grid conductors will be 120 mm2 and buried at a depth of 600mm 22 earthing rods will be installed on the corners and perimeter of the grid Each earthing rod will be 3m long



is the number of parallel rows and columns respectively (e.g. 6 and 7)

rthing system is safe.

to calculate grid resistances, and mesh and step voltages, and also to create potential gradient

ware (such as PTW's GroundMat or ETAP's Ground Grid Design Assessment. Examples of standalone

g grid design is safe for the worst earth faults to remote earth. The earthing drawings can therefore be

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