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1 Quoted in History of Latin American Civilization : Sources aud lnterpretation : The Colonial Experience, vol. I.

edited by Lewis Hanke (Boston, 1973), p.3.


When peace shall have been established by the termination of the war.. .then .the war captain shall cause all weapons of war to be taken from the nation. Then shall the Great Peace be established and the nation shall observe all the rulrs of the Great Peace for all time to come. Whenever a foreign nation is conquered or has by their (sic) own free will except the Great Peace, their own system of internal government may continue
far as consistent but they must cease all strife with other nations

a Samuel, Eliot Morison, The Oxford History bf the American People (Boston: Samuel Eliot Morison, 1965) p. 3.



Eat, eat while there is bread, Drink, drink while there is water. A day comes when a blight shall wither the land When rain shall fall upon all things....when eyes shall be close in dead Father, son, and grandson hanging dead on the same tree. When rain shall fall upon things. And the people he scattered abroad in the forest.


1. Patronage of Guatemala 2. The cities in the Usumacinat valley of the Maxican state of Chiapas

There in grandeur reared his temple, Reared aloft its mighty ramparts. Reaching upwards toward the heavens, Wonderous stout and tall the walls were, High the skyward climbing stairway, With its steps so long and narrow That there scarce was room far stepping.

As Master workmen worked they, Fashioned they the sacred emoalds, Smelted they both gold and silver, Other trades and arts they mastered.... and in Q. etzalcoatl all these Arts and crafts had their beginning, He the master workman taught them All their trades and artifices



24 Atkinson, op. cit., p. 62. Ibid. pp. 63-64.



tMi;d~&~~ fl.ff. 1 4 6 9 a Herring, op. cit., pp. 72-79.

Havelock Ellis, The Soul of Spain (Boston, 1908), p. 42. Herring, op. cit., p. 76.









2521) nui



Davidson, Quoted in Dalridson. Ibid., pp.

op. crt, pp. U-36. Herring, op. cit., p. )?. op. cI,t., pp. uii-ss. xx-xxi.

43 GJ George

Eaton Simpson, The Relief System of Haitian Voodoo %U

Peoples and

Cultures of the Caribbean edited by Michael M. Horowitz. (New York,


Herring., op. cit., p. 114. E. Bradford Burns, Latin America : A Concise Interpretive History., (New Jersey,
pp. 21-22.


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