Java Programming: Course Code: BCA 502 Credit Units: 04 Course Objective

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Course Code: Course Objective:

The objective of the course is to give proficiency in developing applications and applets in Java, in-depth knowledge of object oriented concepts, developing GUI applications in Java, creation of packages, Event Handling, Layout Manager, SWING and String handling in Java

BCA 502

Credit Units: 04

Course Contents:
Module I: Introduction Concepts of OOP, Features of Java, How Java is different from C++, Data types, Control Statements, identifiers, arrays, operators. Variables, Applications and Applets Module II: Java Programming Classes and methods, Constructor, Types of constructor, method overloading Inheritance: Single Inheritance, Multilevel hierarchy, method overriding, Abstract classes, Interface, Final classes, Garbage Collection, String classess Module III: AWT and Event Handling Introduction to AWT, Layout Manager, Event handling Mechanism, Event Model, Event Classes, Sources of Events, Event Listener Interfaces AWT: Working with Windows, AWT Controls Html basic tags, Applet Classes, Graphics, Module IV: Exception Handling and Multithreading Exception handling, fundamentals exception types, uncaught exceptions, throws, throw, try and catch, final, built in exception, creating your own exception Multithreading fundaments, Creating, Implementing and Extending thread, thread priorities, synchronization suspending, resuming and stopping Threads Module V: Java Packages Package creation, Additional Packages, Input Output Exploring, Swing classes and controls, Advantages of Swing over AWT.

Examination Scheme:
Components Weightage (%) CT1 10 PR. 15 ATTD. 5 EE 70

Text & References:

Text: Naughton, Schidt The Complete Reference JAVA 2 TMH References: Balaguruswamy Programming in JAVA Comer Computer Networks & Internet Deitel & Deitel Java How to Program, 6/E Frouzan Data communications and Networking Gary Cornell Core Java The Sun Micro Systems Series

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