Funny Awards
Funny Awards
Funny Awards
The Beep Award for the person who swears the most. The Florence Nightingale Award for the most caring person. The Dapper Dan Award for the man who is well groomed. The Smile Award for the person who has an infectious smile. The Megaphone Award for the person who is the loudest. The Mouse Award for the person who is the quietest. The Iron Man/Woman Award for the person who is the fittest. The Dummy Spitter Award for the person who throws the most temper tantrums. The Foot in Mouth Award for the person who says the wrong thing at the wrong time. The Alcoholics Anonymous Award for the person who most likes to drink. Kool and the Gang Award for the person who works best in a group. The Puffer Award for the biggest smoker. The CDO Award for the person with the worst OCD. The Sexiest Male Award for the sexiest male. The Sexiest Female Award for the sexiest female.
The Winking Award for the person who is the biggest flirt. The Psychologist Award for the person who gives the best advice. The Wheres Wally Award for the person who is the hardest to find. The Deer in the Headlights Award for the person who gets the most confused. The Single File Award for the person who keeps everyone in line. The Carpe Diem Award for the person who makes the most of every day. The Child Friendly Award for the person who is really a child at heart. The Silly String Award for the person who pulls the most pranks. The Woops Award for the person who is the most accident prone. The Mucky Award for the person with the dirtiest mind.
The Bouncer Award. This can be given to the most muscular person in your company who is known to go to the gym and pumping iron. The Fashionista Award. This can be given to the person who is always trendy and fashionable and who is always showing up at work with a new outfit every other day. The Burning Rubber Award. This can be given to the person who is the fastest to dash out of the office when the clock strikes five. The Big Kahuna Award. This can be given to the person who is diligent in surfing the internet. The Rear End Award. Not every office may have the person who is willing to show off his/her rear end. So this award may go unclaimed. The Hound Dog Award. This can be given to the most loyal and faithful employee who doesnt question the people at the top. The Deer in the Headlights Award. This can be given to the most confused person in the office who is always dazed. The Drama King or The Drama Queen Award. This can be given to the male and female category of the most dramatic person in the office who can also be in the best acting award.
The Room Service Award. This can be given to the person who only would turn up at the office when its lunch break. The Loch Ness Award. This can be given to the person who is very difficult to be found when he/she is most needed. Its quite related to the next award. The Houdini Award. This can be given to the person who is able to escape stealthily when a problem arises and only appear when the problem has been solved. The Biggest Baby Award. This can be given to the person who needs the most comfort for every unhappy situation. The Ace in the Hole Award. This can be given to the person who is a big gambler, a risk taker with a poker face. The Bull Rider Award. This can be given to the person who is brave and can ride out a storm. The Smoothest Moves Award. This can be given to the person who is always cool, suave and knows the right moves. The Golden Turkey Award. This can be given to the person who is always giving bad ideas or ideas that turned out to be bad. The Bermuda Triangle Award. This can be given to the person whose office space is the place where things go missing or disappear without a trace. The CNN Mouthpiece Award. This can be given to the person who knows everything that goes on in the office; the office gossip. The Unofficial Reporter Award. This can be given to the person who reports office news to everybody and seems to have a grip on the latest policies that the administration would be amending.
The Top Dog Award. This can be given to the most hardworking person in the office who is always looking for business opportunities.
The Loch Ness Award: for the worker who is never seen in the office. The Spammie: for the person always forwarding around silly emails. The Jeff Gordon Award: for the employee always racing to get to the office. The Shaky Hands Award: for the largest consumer of coffee. The Ten Point Buck Award: for excellence in talking a big game. Hot Air Award: for being the most long winded; most talkative; most eloquent; best speeches; best use of PowerPoint. Big Mouth Bass Award: for being the biggest gossip; most talkative; swimming upstream; stinking up the joint; always angling for new business; hooking the biggest new client. Burning Rubber Award: for racing out of work the fastest; racing into work the fastest; speeding past the competition; fastest completion of projects; longest commute to work. Rear End Award: for always showing your backside; working your a** off (hardest worker); backing out of (tight spots, tough situations, deadlines, etc.) Hound Dog Award: for always barking up the wrong tree; always on the hunt for new (business, clients, sales, etc); sniffing out new opportunities; keeping their ears to the ground; for having their bark worse than their bite. Big Kahuna Award: for their excellence in surfing the Internet; bringing in a tidal wave of (sales, clients, new business, etc); riding out the waves; rising to the top.