Chap 5
Chap 5
Chap 5
Fall 2011
5.1 Jointly Distributed Random Variables 5.2 Expected Values, Covariance, and Correlation 5.3 Statistics and Their Distributions 5.4 The Distribution of the Sample Mean 5.5 The Distribution of a Linear Combination
The probability mass function (pmf) of a single discrete rv X species how much probability mass is placed on each possible X value. The joint pmf of two discrete rvs X and Y describes how much probability mass is placed on each possible pair of values (x , y ).
p (x , y ) = 1.
Let A be any set consisting of pairs of (x , y ) values (e.g., A = (x , y ) : x + y = 5 or (x , y ) : max(x , y ) 3). Then the probability P [(X , Y ) A] is obtained by summing the joint pmf over pairs in A: P [(X , Y ) A] =
(x ,y ) A
p (x , y )
0 0.2 0.05
The probability that the observed value of a continuous rv X lies in a one-dimensional set A (such as an interval) is obtained by integrating the pdf f (x ) over the set A. Similarly, the probability that the pair (X , Y ) of continuous rvs falls in a two-dimensional set A (such as a rectangle) is obtained by integrating a function called the joint density function.
f (x , y )dxdy
P [(X , Y ) A] = P (a X b , c Y d ) =
a c
f (x , y )dxdy
The marginal probability density functions of X and Y , denoted by fX (x ) and fY (y ), respectively, are given by
fX ( x ) =
(1) (2)
fY (y ) =
+ y 2) 0
if 0 x 1, 0 y 1 otherwise .
+ y 2) 0
if 0 x 1, 0 y 1 otherwise .
Two random variables X and Y are said to be independent if for every pair of x and y values p (x , y ) = pX (x )pY (y ) when X and Y are discrete or f (x , y ) = fX (x )fY (y ) when X and Y are continuous If (3) is not satised for all (x , y ), then X and Y are said to be dependent. (3)
Conditional Distributions
Let X and Y be two continuous rvs with joint pdf f (x , y ) and marginal X pdf fX (x ). Then for any X value x for which fX (x ) > 0, the conditional probability density function of Y given that X = x is fY |X (y |x ) = f (x , y ) fX (x ) <y <
Exercise (5.1) 13
You have two lightbulbs for a particular lamp. Let X = the lifetime of the rst bulb and Y = the lifetime of the second bulb (both in 1000s of hours). Suppose that X and Y are independent and that each has an exponential distribution with parameter = 1. 1 What is the joint pdf of X and Y ? 2 What is the probability that each bulb lasts at most 1000 hours (i.e. X 1 and Y 1)? 3 What is the probability that the total lifetime of the two bulbs is at most 2? [Hint: Draw a picture of the region A = {(x , y ) : x 0, y 0, x + y 2} before integrating.] 4 What is the probability that the total lifetime is between 1 and 2?
Expected Values
Let X and Y be jointly distributed rvs with pmf p (x , y ) or pdf f (x , y ) according to whether the variables are discrete or continuous. Then the expected value of a function h(X , Y ), denoted by E [h(X , Y )] or h(X ,Y ) , is given by E [h(X , Y )] =
x y h (x , y )p (x , y ) h(x , y )f (x , y )dxdy
If 1 lb of almonds cost the company $100, 1 lb of cashews costs $1.50, and 1 lb of peanuts costs $0.50, then the cost of the contents of a can is h(X , Y ) = (1)X + (1.5)Y + (0.5)(1 X Y ) = 0.5 + 0.5X + Y The expected total cost is E [h(X , Y )] =
h(x , y )f (x , y )dxdy
0 0
When two random variables X and Y are not independent, it is frequently of interest to assess how strongly they are related to one another.
The covariance between two rvs X and Y is Cov (X , Y ) = E [(X X )(Y Y )] x y (x X )(y Y )p (x , y ) = (x X )(y Y )f (x , y )dxdy
X , Y discrete X , Y cont.
Cov (X , Y ) = E (XY ) X Y
STAT355 () - Probability & Statistics
Since X X and Y Y are the deviations of the two variables from their respective mean values, the covariance is the expected product of deviations. Remarks:
Cov (X , X ) = E [(X X )2 ] = V (X ). If X and Y have a strong positive relationship to one another then Cov (X , Y ) should be quite positive. For a strong negative relationship, Cov (X , Y ) should be quite negative. If X and Y are not strongly related, Cov (X , Y ) is near 0.
STAT355 () - Probability & Statistics
The correlation coecient of X and Y , denoted by Corr (X , Y ), X ,Y , or just , is dened by Cov (X , Y ) X ,Y = X Y where X and sigmaY are the standard deviations of X and Y .
If a and c are either both positive or both negative, Corr (aX + b , cY + d ) = Corr (X , Y ) For any two rvs X and Y , 1 Corr (X , Y ) 1.
STAT355 () - Probability & Statistics
If X and Y are independent, then X ,Y = 0, but = 0 does not imply independence. = 1 or 1 i Y = aX + b for some numbers a and b with a = 0.
This proposition says that is a measure of the degree of linear relationship between X and Y , and only when the two variables are perfectly related in a linear manner will be as positive or negative as it can be. A less than 1 in absolute value indicates only that the relationship is not completely linear, but there may still be a very strong nonlinear relation.
STAT355 () - Probability & Statistics
Exercise (5.2) 27
Annie and Alvie have agreed to meet for lunch between noon (0:00pm) and 1:00pm. Denote Annies arrival time by X , Alvies by Y , and suppose X and Y are independent with pdfs fX ( x ) = fY (y ) = 3x 2 0 x 1 0 otherwise
2y 0 y 1 0 otherwise What are the expected amount of time that the one who arrives rst must wait for the other person? [Hint: h(X , Y ) = |X Y |]
Exercise (5.2) 35
Use the rules of expected value to show that Cov (aX + b , cY + d ) = ac Cov (X , Y ). Use part 1. along with the rules of variance and standard deviation to show that Corr (aX + b , cY + d ) = Corr (X , Y ) when a and c have the same sign. What happens if a and c have opposite sign.
Random Samples
A statistic is any quantity whose value can be calculated from sample data. A statistic is a random variable and will be denoted by an uppercase letter; a lowercase letter is used to represent the calculated or observed value of the statistic.
The rvs X1 , X2 , ..., Xn are said to form a (simple) random sample of size n if
1 2
The Xi s are independent rvs. Every Xi has the same probability distribution.
A random sample Xi , i = 1, ..., n is sometimes referred to as iid (independent and identically distributed).
STAT355 () - Probability & Statistics
Exercise (5.3) 39
It is known that 80% of all brand A zip drives work in a satisfactory manner throughout the warranty period (are successes). Suppose that n = 10 drives are randomly selected. Let X = the number of successes in the sample. The statistic X /n is the sample proportion (fraction) of successes. Obtain the sampling distribution of this statistic. [Hint: One possible value of X /n is 0.3. What is the probability of this value (what kind of random variable is X )?
= X
i =1
Let X1 , X2 , ..., Xn be a random sample from a distribution with mean value and standard deviation . Then ) = = 1 E (X X 2 /n and = /n ) = 2 2 V (X = X X In addition, with T0 = X1 + ... + Xn , E (T0 ) = n.
Let X1 , X2 , ..., Xn be a random sample from a distribution with mean has approximately a and variance 2 . Then if n is suciently large, X 2 = 2 /n and T also normal distribution with mean X and variance X 0 has approximately a normal distribution with mean T0 = n and variance 2 = n 2 . T 0 Remark: The larger the value of n, the better the approximation. Rule of Thumb: If n > 30, the Central Limit Theorem can be used.
CLT - Example
The CLT can be used to justify the normal approximation to the binomial distribution discussed earlier. We know that a binomial variable X is the number of successes in a binomial experiment consisting of n independent success/failure trials with p = P (S ) for any particular trial. Dene a new rv X1 by X1 = 1 0 if the rst trial results in a success if the rst trial results in a failure
and dene X2 , X3 , ..., Xn analogously for the other n1 trials. Each Xi indicates whether or not there is a success on the corresponding trial. Because the trials are independent and P (S ) is constant from trial to trial, the Xi s are iid (a random sample from a Bernoulli distribution).The CLT then implies that if n is suciently large, both the sum and the average of the Xi s have approximately normal distributions.
STAT355 () - Probability & Statistics
Exercise (5.4) 55
The number of parking tickets issued in a certain city on any given weekday has a Poisson distribution with parameter = 50. What is the approximate probability that 1 between 35 and 70 tickets are given out on a particular day? [Hint: When is large, a Poisson rv has approximately a normal distribution.] 2 The total number of tickets given out during a 5-day week is between 225 and 175?
Given a collection of n random variables X1 , ..., Xn and n numerical constants a1 , ..., an , the rv Y = a1 X1 + ... + an Xn is called a linear combination of the Xi s.
Whether or not the Xi s are independent, E (a1 X1 + ... + an Xn ) = a1 E (X1 ) + ... + an E (Xn ) = a1 1 + ... + an n
V (a1 X1 + ... + an Xn ) =
i =1 j =1
ai aj Cov (Xi , Xj )
Exercise (5.5) 73
Suppose the expected tensile strength of type-A steel is 105 ksi and the standard deviation of tensile strength is 8 ksi. For type-B steel, suppose the expected tensile strength and standard deviation of tensile strength are = the sample average tensile 100 ksi and 6 ksi, respectively. Let X = the strength of a random sample of 40 type-A specimens, and let Y sample average tensile strength of a random sample of 35 type-B specimens. ?, Of Y ? 1 What is the approximate distribution of X
2 3 4
Y ? Justify your answer. What is the approximate distribution of X Y 1) Calculate (approximately) P (1 X Y 10). If you actually observed X Y 10, Calculate P (X would you doubt that 1 2 = 5?