Motor Vehicles Act 1988
Motor Vehicles Act 1988
Motor Vehicles Act 1988
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8. Grant of learners licence. 9. Grant of driving licence. 10. Form and contents of licences to drive. 11. Additions to driving licence. 12. Licensing and regulation of schools or establishments for imparting instruction in driving of motor vehicles. 13. Extent of effectiveness of licences, to drive motor vehicles. 14. Currency of licences to drive motor vehicles. 15. Renewal of driving licences. 16. Revocation of driving licence on grounds of disease or disability. 17. Orders refusing or revoking driving licences and appeals therefrom. 18. Driving licences to drive motor vehicles, belonging to the Centra Government. 19. Power of licensing authority to disqualify from holding a driving licence or revoke such licence. 20. Power of Court to disqualify. 21. Suspension of driving licence in certain cases. 22. Suspension or cancellation of driving licence on conviction. 23. Effect of disqualification order. 24. Endorsement. 25. Transfer of endorsement and issue of driving licence free from endorsement. 26. Maintenance of State Registers of Driving Licences. 27. Power of Central Government to make rules. 28. Power of State Government to make rules. 29. Necessity for conductors licence. 30. Grant of conductors licence. 31. Disqualifications for the grant of conductors licence. 32. Revocation of a conductors licence on grounds of disease or disability. 33. Orders refusing etc., conductors licences and appeals therefrom. 34. Power of licensing authority to disqualify. 35. Power of Court to disqualify. 36. Certain provisions of Chapter II to apply to conductors licence. 37. Savings. 38. Power of State Government to make rules. 39. Necessity for registration. 40. Registration, where to be made. 41. Registration, how to be made. 42. Special provision for registration of motor vehicles of diplomatic officers, etc. 43. Temporary registration. 44. Production of vehicle at the time of registration. 45. Refusal of registration or renewal of the certificate of registration. 46. Effectiveness in India of registration. 47. Assignment of new registration mark on removal to another State. 48. No objection certificate. 49. Change of residence or place of business. 50. Transfer of ownership. 51. Special provisions regarding motor vehicle subject to hire purchase agreement, etc. 1[52. Alteration in motor vehicle. 53. Suspension of registration. 54. Cancellation of registration suspended under section 53. 55. Cancellation of registration. 56. Certificate of fitness of transport vehicles. 57. Appeals. 58. Special provisions in regard to transport vehicles. 59. Power to fix the age limit of motor vehicle. 60. Registration of vehicles belonging to the Central Government. 61. Application of Chapter to trailers. 62. Information regarding stolen and recovered motor vehicles to be furnished by the police to the State Transport Authority. 63. Maintenance of State Registers of Motor Vehicles. 64. Power of Central Government to make rules. 65. Power of State Government to make rules 66. Necessity for permits. 67. Power to State Government to control road transport. 68. Transport Authorities. 69. General provision as to applications for permits. 70. Application for stage carriage permit. 71. Procedure of Regional Transport Authority in considering application for stage carriage permit. 72. Grant of stage carriage permit. 72. Grant of stage carriage permit. 73. Application for contract carriage permit. 73. Application for contract carriage permit. 74. Grant of contract carriage permit. 75. Scheme for renting of motor cabs.
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76. Application for private service vehicle permit. 77. Application for goods carriage permit. 78. Consideration of application for goods carriage permit. 79. Grant of goods carriage permit. 80. Procedure in applying for and granting permits. 81. Duration and renewal of permits. 82. Transfer of permit. 83. Replacement of vehicles. 84. General conditions attaching to all permits. 85. General form of permits. 86. Cancellation and suspension of permits. 87. Temporary permits. 88. Validation of permits for use outside region in which granted. 89. Appeals. 90. Revision. 91. Restriction of hours of work of drivers. 92. Voidance of contracts restrictive of liability. 93. Agent or canvasser to obtain licence. 94. Bar on jurisdiction of Civil Courts. 95. Power of State Government to make rules as to stage carriages and contract carriages. 96. Power of State Government to make rules for the purposes of this Chapter. 97. Definition. 98. Chapter to override Chapter V and other laws. 99. Preparation and publication of proposal regarding road transport service of a State transport undertaking. 100. Objection to the proposal. 101. Operation of additional services by a State transport undertaking in certain circumstances. 102. Cancellation or modification of scheme. 103. Issue of permits to State transport undertakings. 104. Restriction on grant of permits in respect of a notified area or notified route. 105. Principles and method of determining compensation and payment thereof. 106. Disposal of article found in vehicles. 107. Power of State Government to make rules. 108. Certain powers of State Government exercisable by the Central Government. 109. General provision regarding construction and maintenance of vehicles. 110. Power of Central Government to make rules. 111. Power of State Government to make rules. 112. Limits of speed. 113. Limits of weight and limitations on use. 114. Power to have vehicle weighed. 115. Power to restrict the use of vehicles. 116. Power to erect traffic signs. 117. Parking places and halting stations. 118. Driving regulations. 119. Duty to obey traffic signs. 120. Vehicles with left hand control. 121. Signals and signalling devices. 122. Leaving vehicle in dangerous position. 123. Riding on running board, etc. 124. Prohibition against travelling without pass or ticket. 125. Obstruction of driver. 126. Stationary vehicles. 127. Removal of motor vehicles abandoned or left unattended on a public place. 128. Safety measures for drivers and pillion riders. 129. Wearing of protective headgear. 130. Duty to produce licence and certificate of registration. 131. Duty of the driver to take certain precautions at unguarded railway level crossings. 132. Duty of driver to stop in certain cases. 133. Duty of owner of motor vehicle to give information. 134. Duty of driver in case of accident and injury to a person. 135. Schemes to be framed for the investigation of accident cases and wayside amenities, etc. 136. Inspection of vehicle involved in accident. 137. Power of Central Government to make rules. 138. Power of State Government to make rules. 139. Power of Central Government to make rules. 140. Liability to pay compensation in certain cases on the principle of no fault. 141. Provisions as to other right to claim compensation for death or permanent disablement. 142. Permanent disablement. 143. Applicability of Chapter to certain claims under Act 8 of 1923. 144. Overriding effect. 145. Definitions.
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146. Necessity for insurance against third party risk. 147. Requirements of policies and limits of liability. 148. Validity of policies of insurance issued in reciprocating countries. 149. Duty of insurers to satisfy judgments and awards against persons insured in respect of third party risks. 151. Duty to give information as to insurance. 152. Settlement between insurers and insured persons. 153. Saving in respect of sections 150,151 and 152. 154. Insolvency of insured persons not to affect liability of insured or claims by third parties. 155. Effect of death on certain causes of action. 156. Effect of certificate of insurance. 157. Transfer of certificate of insurance. 158. Production of certain certificates, licence and permit in certain cases 159. Production of certificate of Insurance on application for authority to use vehicle. 160. Duty to furnish particulars of vehicle involved in accident. 161. Special provisions as to compensation in case of hit and run motor accident. 162. Refund in certain cases of compensation paid under section 161 (1). 163. Scheme for payment of compensation in case of hit and run motor accidents. 163A. Special provisions as to payment of compensation on structured formula basis. 1[163B. Option to file claim in certain cases 164. Power of Central Government to make rules. 165. Claims Tribunals. 166. Application for compensation. 167. Option regarding claims for compensation in certain cases. 168. Award of the Claims Tribunal. 169. Procedure and powers of Claims Tribunals. 170. Impleading insurer in certain cases. 171. Award of interest where any claim is allowed. 172. Award of compensatory costs in certain cases. 173. Appeals. 174. Recovery of money from insurer as arrear of land revenue. 175. Bar on jurisdiction of Civil Courts. 176. Power of State Government to make rules. 177. General provision for punishment of offences. 178. Penalty for travelling without pass or ticket and for dereliction of duty on the part of conductor and refusal to ply contract carriage, etc. 179. Disobedience of orders, obstruction and refusal of information. 180. Allowing unauthorised persons to drive vehicles. 181. Driving vehicles in contravention of section 3 or section 4. 182. Offences relating to licences. 1[182A. Punishment for offences relating to construction and maintenance of vehicles. 183. Driving at excessive speed, etc. 184. Driving dangerously. 185. Driving by a drunken person or by a person under the influence of drugs. 186. Driving when mentally or physically unfit to drive. 187. Punishment for offences relating to accident. 188. Punishment for abetment of certain offences. 189. Racing and trials of speed. 190. Using vehicle in unsafe condition. 191. Sale of vehicle in or alteration of vehicle to condition contravening this Act. 192. Using vehicle without registration. 192A. Using vehicle without permit. 193. Punishment of agents and canvassers without proper authority. 194. Driving vehicle exceeding permissible weight. 195. Imposition of minimum fine under certain circumstances. 196. Driving uninsured vehicle. 197. Taking vehicle without authority. 198. Unauthorised interference with vehicle. 199. Offences by companies. 200. Composition of certain offences. 201. Penalty for causing obstruction to free flow of traffic. 202. Power to arrest without warrant. 203. Breath tests. 204. Laboratory test. 205. Presumption of unfitness to drive. 206. Power of police officer to impound document. 207. Power to detain vehicles used without certificate of registration permit, etc. 208. Summary disposal of cases. 209. Restriction on conviction. 210. Courts to send intimation about conviction. 211. Power to levy fee.
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212. Publication, commencement and laying of rules and notifications. 213. Appointment of motor vehicles officers. 214. Effect of appeal and revision on orders passed by original authority. 215. Road Safety Councils and Committees. 216. Power to remove difficulties. 217. Repeal and savings. 217A. Renewal of permits, driving licences and registration granted under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939. SCH1. THE FIRST SCHEDULE SCH2. THE SECOND SCHEDULE
Chapter I Preliminary
1. Short title, extent and commencement.
(1) This Act may be called the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. (2) It extends to the whole of India. (3) It shall come into force on such date1 as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint; and different dates may be appointed for different States and any reference in this Act to the commencement of this Act shall, in relation to a State, be construed as a reference to the coming into force of this Act in that State. 1. Came into force on 1-7-1989. Vide S.O. 368 (E), dated 22nd May, 1989, published in the Gazette of India, Extra., Pt. II, Sec. 3 (ii), dated 22nd May, 1989.
2. Definitions.
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,(1) area, in relation to any provision of this Act, means such area as the State Government may, having regard to the requirements of that provision, specify by notification in the Official Gazette; (2) articulated vehicle means a motor vehicle to which a semi-trailer is attached; (3) axle weight means in relation to an axle of a vehicle the total weight transmitted by the several wheels attached to that axle to the surface on which the vehicle rests; (4) certificate of registration means the certificate issued by a competent authority to the effect that a motor vehicle has been duly registered in accordance with the provisions of Chapter IV; (5) conductor in relation to a stage carriage, means a person engaged in collecting fares from passengers, regulating their entrance into, or exit from, the stage carriage and performing such other functions as may be prescribed; (6) conductors licence means the licence issued by a competent authority under Chapter III authorising the person specified therein to act as a conductor; (7) contract carriage means a motor vehicle which carries a passenger or passengers for hire or reward and is engaged under a contract, whether expressed or implied, for the use of such vehicle as a whole for the carriage of passengers mentioned therein and entered into by a person with a holder of a permit in relation to such vehicle or any person authorised by him in this behalf on a fixed or an agreed rate or sum(a) on a time basis, whether or not with reference to any route or distance; or (b) from one point to another,and in either case, without stopping to pick up or set down passengers not included in the contract anywhere during the journey, and includes(i) a maxicab; and (ii) a motorcar notwithstanding the separate fares are charged for its passengers; (8) dealer includes a person who is engaged1
(b) in building bodies for attachment to chassis; or (c) in the repair of motor vehicles; or (d) in the business of hypothecation, leasing or hire-purchase of motor vehicle;
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(9) driver includes, in relation to a motor vehicle which is drawn by another motor vehicle, the person who acts as a steersman of the drawn vehicle; (10) driving licence means the licence issued by a competent authority under Chapter II authorising the person specified therein to drive, otherwise than as a learner, a motor vehicle or a motor vehicle of any specified class or description; (11) educational institution bus means an omnibus, which is owned by a college, school or other educational institution and used solely for the purpose of transporting students or staff of the educational institution in connection with any of its activities; (12) fares includes sums payable for a season ticket or in respect of the hire of a contract carriage; (13) goods includes livestock, and anything (other than equipment ordinarily used with the vehicle) carried by a vehicle except living persons, but does not include luggage or personal effects carried in a motor car or in a trailer attached to a motor car or the personal luggage of passengers travelling in the vehicle; (14) goods carriage means any motor vehicle constructed or adapted for use solely for the carriage of goods, or any motor vehicle not so constructed or adapted when used for the carriage of goods; (15) gross vehicle weight means in respect of any vehicle the total weight of the vehicle and load certified and registered by the registering authority as permissible for that vehicle; (16) heavy goods vehicle means any goods carriage the gross vehicle weight of which, or a tractor or a road-roller the unladen weight of either of which, exceeds 12,000 kilograms; (17) heavy passenger motor vehicle means any public service vehicle or private service vehicle or educational institution bus or omnibus the gross vehicle weight of any of which, or a motor car the unladen weight of which, exceeds 12,000 kilograms; (18) invalid carriage means a motor vehicle specially designed and constructed, and not merely adapted, for the use of a person suffering from some physical defect or disability, and used solely by or for such a person; (19) learners licence means the licence issued by a competent authority under Chapter II authorising the person specified therein to drive as a learner, a motor vehicle or a motor vehicle of any specified class or description; (20) licensing authority means an authority empowered to issue licences under Chapter II or, as the case may be, Chapter III; (21) light motor vehicle means a transport vehicle or omnibus the gross vehicle weight of either of which or a motor car or tractor or road-roller the unladen weight of any of which, does not exceed 2[7500] kilograms;
[(21A) "manufacturer" means a person who is engaged in the manufacture of motor vehicles;]
(22) maxicab means any motor vehicle constructed or adapted to carry more than six passengers, but not more than twelve passengers, excluding the driver, for hire or reward; (23) medium goods vehicle means any goods carriage other than a light motor vehicle or a heavy goods vehicle; (24) medium passenger motor vehicle means any public service vehicle or private service vehicle, or educational institution bus other than a motor cycle, invalid carriage, light motor vehicle or heavy passenger motor vehicle; (25) motorcab means any motor vehicle constructed or adapted to carry not more than six passengers excluding the driver for hire or reward; (26) motor car means any motor vehicle other than a transport vehicle, omnibus, road-roller, tractor, motor cycle or invalid carriage; (27) motor cycle means a two-wheeled motor vehicle, inclusive of any detachable side-car having an extra wheel, attached to the motor vehicle; (28) motor vehicle or vehicle means any mechanically propelled vehicle adapted for use upon roads whether the power of propulsion is transmitted thereto from an external or internal source and includes a chassis to which a body has not been attached and a trailer; but does not include a vehicle running upon fixed rails or a vehicle of a special type adapted for use only in a factory or in any other enclosed premises or a vehicle having less than four wheels fitted with engine capacity of not exceeding 4[twenty-five cubic centimetres]; (29) omnibus means any motor vehicle constructed or adapted to carry more than six persons excluding the driver; (30) owner means a person in whose name a motor vehicle stands registered, and where such person is a minor, the guardian of such minor, and in relation to a motor vehicle which is the subject of a hire-purchase, agreement, or an agreement of lease or an agreement of hypothecation, the person in possession of the vehicle under that agreement; (31) permit means a permit issued by a State or Regional Transport Authority or an authority prescribed in this behalf under this Act authorising the use of a motor vehicle as a transport vehicle; (32) prescribed means prescribed by rules made under this Act; (33) private service vehicle means a motor vehicle constructed or adapted to carry more than six persons excluding the driver and ordinarily
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used by or on behalf of the owner of such vehicle for the purpose of carrying persons for, or in connection with, his trade or business otherwise than for hire or reward but does not include a motor vehicle used for public purposes; (34) public place means a road, street, way or other place, whether a thoroughfare or not, to which the public have a right of access, and includes any place or stand at which passengers are picked up or set down by a stage carriage; (35) public service vehicle means any motor vehicle used or adapted to be used for the carriage of passengers for hire or reward, and includes a maxicab, a motorcab, contract carriage, and stage carriage; (36) registered axle weight means in respect of the axle of any vehicle, the axle weight certified and registered by the registering authority as permissible for that axle; (37) registering authority means an authority empowered to register motor vehicles under Chapter IV; (38) route means a line of travel which specifies the highway which may be traversed by a motor vehicle between one terminus and another;
[(39) "semi-trailer" means a vehicle not mechanically propelled (other than a trailer), which is intended to be connected to a motor vehicle and which is so constructed that a portion of it is super-imposed on, ; and a part of whose weight is borne by, that motor vehicle;] ; (40) stage carriage means a motor vehicle constructed or adapted to carry more than six passengers excluding the driver for hire or j reward at separate fares paid by or for individual passengers, either for the whole journey or for stages of the journey; (41) State Government in relation to a Union territory means the Administrator thereof appointed under article 239 of the Constitution; (42) State transport undertaking means any undertaking providing road transport service, where such undertaking is carried on by,(i) the Central Government or a State Government; (ii) any Road Transport Corporation established under section 3 of the Road Transport Corporations Act, 1950 (64 of 1950); (iii) any municipality or any corporation or company owned or controlled by the Central Government or one or more State Governments, or by the Central Government and one or more State Governments.
Explanation.-For the purposes of this clause, road transport service means a service of motor vehicles carrying passengers or goods or both by road for hire or reward; (43) tourist vehicle means a contract carriage, constructed or adapted and equipped and maintained in accordance with such specifications as may be prescribed in this behalf; (44) tractor means a motor vehicle which is not itself constructed to ; carry any load (other than equipment used for the purpose of propulsion); but excludes a road-roller; (45) traffic signs includes all signals, warning sign posts, direction posts, markings on the road or other devices for the information, guidance or direction of drivers of motor vehicles; (46) trailer means any vehicle, other than a semi-trailer and a side-car, drawn or intended to be drawn by a motor vehicle; (47) transport vehicle means a public service vehicle, a goods carriage, an educational institution bus or a private service vehicle; (48) unladen weight means the weight of a vehicle or trailer including all equipment ordinarily used with the vehicle or trailer when working, but excluding the weight of a driver or attendant; and where alternative parts or bodies are used the unladen weight of the vehicle means the weight of the vehicle with the heaviest such alternative part or body; (49) weight means the total weight transmitted for the time being by the wheels of a vehicle to the surface on which the vehicle rests. ; 1. Sub-clause (a) omitted by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 2 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 2. Subs, by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 2, for 6000 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 3. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 2 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 4. Subs, by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 2, for thirty-five cubic centimetres (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 5. Subs, by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 2, for clause (39) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 6. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 2 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). Comment / Related Citation: Constitution of India, Article 142 Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Sections 2(14) and 2(47) MACT Liability of insurer Driving licence Invalid driving license Goods vehicle Licence having been granted for a period of 20 years Presumption arises that it was meant for the purpose of
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vehicle other than transport vehicle Vehicle in question was goods vehicle Insurer held not liable In exercise of jurisdiction under Article 142 court directed insurer to deposit amount and recover from owner and driver. ORIENTAL INSURANCE CO. LTD. v/s ANGAD KOL & ORS. [(2009) 2 SCR 695 = JT 2009 (2) SC 587 = 2009 AIR(SCW) 2747 = 2009(3) SCALE 749 = AIR 2009 SC 2151 = (2009) 11 SCC 356 = (2009) 3 SCC(Cri) 1371] & Motor Vehicles Act , 1988, Sections 2(14), (47), 66 - Karnataka Motor V ehicles Taxation Act, 1957, Section 3 and 16 - Tax exemption Goods carriage Tractor trailer Transport vehicle - Whether the taxation authority under the Karnataka Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 1957 was right in taxing the tractor-trailer as a separate and distinct vehicle, different from a tractor and denying exemption sought by the appellant under section 16 of the said 1957 Act on the ground that the tractor-trailer was a distinct category of goods carriage requiring permit under section 66 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988? Held yes When a vehicle is so altered or prepared that it becomes apt for use for transporting goods, it can be stated that it is adapted for the carriage of goods Tractor-trailer falls under section 2(14) as a goods carriage and consequently, it falls under the definition of transport vehicle under section 2(47) of the M.V. Act, 1988. (Para, 24) M/S. NATWAR PARIKH AND CO. LTD. v/s STATE OF KARNATAKA AND OTHERS [AIR 2005 SC 3428 = (2005) 7 SCC 364 = JT 2005 (8) SC 39 = 2005 (Supp2) SCR 1100 = (2005) 7 Scale 91]
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[(1) No person shall be granted a learner's licence to drive a transport vehicle unless he has held a driving licence to drive a light motor vehicle for at least one year.] (2) No person under the age of eighteen years shall be granted a learners licence to drive a motor cycle without gear except with the consent in writing of the person having the care of the person desiring the learners licence. 1. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 5, for sub-section (1) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
[Provided that no such medical certificate is required for licence to drive a vehicle other than a transport vehicle.]
(4) If, from the application or from the medical certificate referred to in subsection (3), it appears that the applicant is suffering from any disease or disability which is likely to cause the driving by him of a motor vehicle of the class which he would be authorised by the learners licence applied for to drive to be a source of danger to the public or to the passengers, the licensing authority shall refuse to issue the learners licence: Provided that a learners licence limited to driving an invalid carriage may be issued to the applicant, if the licensing authority is satisfied that he is fit to drive such a carriage. (5) No learners licence shall be issued to any applicant unless he passes to the satisfaction of the licensing authority such test as may be prescribed by the Central Government. (6) When an application has been duly made to the appropriate licensing authority and the applicant has satisfied such authority of his physical fitness under sub-section (3) and has passed to the satisfaction of the licensing authority the test referred to in sub-section (5), the licensing authority shall, subject to the provisions of section 7, issue the applicant a learners licence unless the applicant is disqualified under section 4 for driving a motor vehicle or is for the time being disqualified for holding or obtaining a licence to drive a motor vehicle: Provided that a licensing authority may issue a learners licence to drive a motor cycle or a light motor vehicle notwithstanding that it is not the appropriate licensing authority, if such authority is satisfied that there is good reason for the applicants inability to apply to the appropriate licensing authority. (7) Where the Central Government is satisfied that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may, by rules made in this behalf, exempt generally, either absolutely or subject to such conditions as may be specified in the rules, any class of persons from the provisions of sub-section (3), or sub-section (5), or both. (8) Any learners licence for driving a motor cycle in force immediately before the commencement of this Act shall, after siTch commencement, be deemed to be effective for driving a motor cycle with or without gear. 1. Added by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 6 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
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[(3) If the applicant passes such test as may be prescribed by the Central Government, he shall be issued the driving licence:
Provided that no such test shall be necessary where the applicant produces proof to show that(a) (i) the applicant has previously held a driving licence to drive such class of vehicle and that the period between the date of expiry of that licence and the date of the application does not exceed five years, or (ii) the applicant holds or has previously held a driving licence to drive such class of vehicle issued under section 18, or (iii) the applicant holds a driving licence to drive such class of vehicle issued by a competent authority of any country outside India, subject to the condition that the applicant complies with the provisions of sub-section (3) of section 8, (b) the applicant is not suffering from any disability which is likely to cause the driving by him to be a source of danger to the public; and the licensing authority may, for that purpose, require the applicant to produce a medical certificate in the same form and in the same manner as is referred to in sub-section (3) of section 8: Provided further that where the application is for a driving licence to drive a motor vehicle (not being a transport vehicle), the licensing authority may exempt the applicant from the test of competence to drive a vehicle prescribed under this sub-section, if the applicant possesses a driving certificate issued by any institution recognised in this behalf by the State Government.] (4) Where the application is for a licence to drive a transport vehicle, no such authorisation shall be granted to any applicant unless he possesses such minimum educational qualification as may be prescribed by the Central Government and a driving certificate issued by a school or establishment referred to in section 12.
[(5) Where the applicant does not pass the test, he may be permitted to reappear for the test after a period of seven days:
Provided that where the applicant does not pass the test even after three appearances, he shall not be qualified to re-appear for such test before the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date of last such test.] (6) The test of competence to drive shall be carried out in a vehicle of the type to which the application refers: Provided that a person who passed a test in driving a motor cycle with gear shall be deemed also to have passed a test in driving a motor cycle without gear. (7) When any application has been duly made to the appropriate licensing authority and the applicant has satisfied such authority of his competence to drive, the licensing authority shall issue the applicant a driving licence unless the applicant is for the time being disqualified for holding or obtaining a driving licence: Provided that a licensing authority may issue a driving licence to drive a motor cycle or a light motor vehicle notwithstanding that it is not the appropriate licensing authority, if the licensing authority is satisfied that there is good and sufficient reason for the applicants inability to apply to the appropriate licensing authority: Provided further that the licensing authority shall not issue a new driving licence to the applicant, if he had previously held a driving licence, unless it is satisfied that there is good and sufficient reason for his inability to obtain a duplicate copy of his former licence. (8) If the licensing authority is satisfied, after giving the applicant an opportunity of being heard, that he(a) is a habitual criminal or a habitual drunkard; or (b) is a habitual addict to any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance within the meaning of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (61 of 1985); or (c) is a person whose licence to drive any motor vehicle has, at any time earlier, been revoked, it may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, make an order refusing to issue a driving licence to such person and any person aggrieved by an order made by a licensing authority under this sub-section may, within thirty days of the receipt of the order, appeal to the prescribed authority.
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(9) Any driving licence for driving a motor cycle in force immediately before the commencement of this Act shall, after such commencement, be deemed to be effective for driving a motor cycle with or without gear. 1. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 7, for sub-section (3) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 2. Subs by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 7, for sub-section (5) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
(i) road-roller; (j) motor vehicle of a specified description. 1. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 8, for clauses (e) to (h) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). Comment / Related Citation: Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Sections 3, 10 and 149 Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, Rule 51 MACT Liability of insurer Driving license Transport vehicle Autorikshaw/delivery van For transport vehicle driving license is effective for a period of three years Fact that license was granted for a period of 20 years, clearly shows that driver of vehicle, was not granted a valid driving license for driving a transport vehicle Insurer cannot be held liable. NEW INDIAN ASSURANCE CO. LTD. v/s ROSHANBEN RAHEMANSHA FAKIR & ANR [AIR 2008 SC 2266 = (2008) 8 SCC 253 = 2008 AIR(SCW) 4048 = (2008) 3 SCC(Cri) 476] & Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Sections 10(2) and 149 MACT Liability of insurer Scooterist who was not holding license for driving two wheeler and holding HMV license Insurer could not be held liable to pay the amount of compensation Considering the nature of case insurer shall satisfy the award and can recover the same from owner of vehicle with interest. ORIENTAL INSURANCE CO. LTD. v/s ZAHARULNISHA & ORS. [AIR 2008 SC 2218 = (2008) 12 SCC 385 = 2008 AIR(SCW) 3251 = (2009) 1 SCC(Cri) 431]
12. Licensing and regulation of schools or establishments for imparting instruction in driving of motor vehicles.
(1) The Central Government may make rules for the purpose of licensing and regulating, by the State Governments, schools or establishments (by whatever name called) for imparting instruction in driving of motor vehicles and matters connected therewith. (2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:-
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(a) licensing of such schools or establishments including grant, renewal and revocation of such licences; (b) supervision of such schools or establishments; (c) the form of application and the form of licence and the particulars to be contained therein; (d) fee to be paid with the application for such licences; (e) conditions subject to which such licences may be granted; (f) appeals against the orders of refusal to grant or renew such licences and appeals against the orders revoking such licences; (g) conditions subject to which a person may establish and maintain any such school or establishment for imparting instruction in driving of motor vehicles; (h) nature, syllabus and duration of course or courses for efficient instruction in driving any motor vehicle; (i) apparatus and equipments (including motor vehicles fitted with dual control) required for the purpose of imparting such instruction; (j) suitability of the premises at which such schools or establishments may be established or maintained and facilities to be provided therein; (k) qualifications, both educational and professional (including experience), which a person imparting instruction in driving a motor vehicle shall possess; (l) inspection of such schools and establishments (including the services rendered by them and the apparatus, equipments and motor vehicles maintained by them for imparting such instruction); (m) maintenance of records by such schools or establishments; (n) financial stability of such schools or establishments; (o) the driving certificates, if any, to be issued by such schools or establishments and the form in which such driving certificates shall be issued and the requirements to be complied with for the purposes of issuing such certificates; (p) such other matters as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section. (3) Where the Central Government is satisfied that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may, by rules made in this behalf, exempt generally, either absolutely or subject to such conditions as may be specified in the rules, any class of schools or establishments imparting instruction in driving of motor vehicles or matters connected therewith from the provisions of this section. (4) A school or establishment imparting instruction in driving of motor vehicles or matters connected therewith immediately before the commencement of this Act, whether under a licence or not, may continue to impart such instruction without a licence issued under this Act for a period of one month from such commencement, and if it has made an application for such licence under this Act within the said period of one month and such application is in the prescribed form, contains the prescribed particulars and is accompanied by the prescribed fee, till the disposal of such application by the licensing authority.
[Provided that in the case of licence to drive a transport vehicle carrying goods of dangerous or hazardous nature be effective for a period of one year and renewal thereof shall be subject to the condition that the driver undergoes one day refresher course of the prescribed syllabus; and] (b) in the case of any other licence,(i) if the person obtaining the licence, either originally or on renewal thereof, has not attained the age of 3[fifty years] on the date of issue or, as the case may be, renewal thereof,(A) be effective for a period of twenty years from the date of such issue or renewal; or (B) until the date on which such person attains the age of 3[fifty years], whichever is earlier;
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[(ii) if the person referred to in sub-clause (i), has attained the age of fifty years on the date of issue or as the case may be, renewal thereof, be effective, on payment of such fee as may be prescribed, for a period of five years from the date of such issue or renewal:] Provided that every driving licence shall, notwithstanding its expiry under this sub-section continue to be effective for a period of thirty days from such expiry. 1. The word and omitted by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 9 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 2. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 9 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 3. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994. sec. 9, for forty years (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 4. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994. sec. 9, (w.e.f 14-11-1994).
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2865 = (2009) 4 SCR 195 = 2009(3) SCALE 798 = AIR 2009 SC 2177 = (2009) 2
18. Driving licences to drive motor vehicles, belonging to the Centra Government.
(1) Such authority as may be prescribed by the Central Government may issue driving licence valid throughout India to persons who have completed their eighteenth year to drive motor vehicles which are the property or for the time being under the exclusive control of the Central Government and are used for Government purposes relating to the defence of the country and unconnected with any commercial enterprise. (2) A driving licence issued under this section shall specify the class or description of vehicle which the holder is entitled to drive and the period for which he is so entitled. (3) A driving licence issued under this section shall not entitle the holder to drive any motor vehicle except a motor vehicle referred to in sub-section (1).
19. Power of licensing authority to disqualify from holding a driving licence or revoke such licence.
(1) If a licensing authority is satisfied, after giving the holder of a driving licence an opportunity of being heard, that he(a) is a habitual criminal or habitual drunkard; or (b) is a habitual addict to any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance within the meaning of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (61 of 1985); or (c) is using or has used a motor vehicle in the commission of a cognizable offence; or (d) has by his previous conduct as driver of a motor vehicle shown that his driving is likely to be attended with danger to the public; or (e) has obtained any driving licence or a licence to drive a particular class or description of motor vehicle by fraud or misrepresentation; or (f) has committed any such act which is likely to cause nuisance or danger to the public, as may be prescribed by the Central Government, having regard to the objects of this Act; or (g) has failed to submit to, or has not passed, the tests referred to in the proviso to sub-section (3) of section 22; or (h) being a person under the age of eighteen years who has been granted a learner's licence or a driving licence with the consent in writing of the person having the care of the holder of the licence and has ceased to be in such care, it may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, make an order(i) disqualifying that person for a specified period for holding 0n obtaining any driving licence to drive all or any classes on descriptions of vehicles specified in the licence; or (ii) revoke any such licence. (2) Where an order under sub-section (1) is made, the holder of a driving licence shall forthwith surrender his driving licence to the licensing authority making the order, if the driving licence has not already been surrendered, and the licensing authority shall,(a) if the driving licence is a driving licence issued under this Act, keep it until the disqualification has expired or has been removed; or
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(b) if it is not a driving licence issued under this Act, endorse the disqualification upon it and send it to the licensing authority by which it was issued; or (c) in the case of revocation of any licence, endorse the revocation upon it and if it is not the authority which issued the same, intimate the fact of revocation to the authority which issued that licence: Provided that where the driving licence of a person authorises him to drive more than one class or description of motor vehicles and the order, made under sub-section (1), disqualifies him from driving any specified class or description or motor vehicles, the licensing authority shall endorse the disqualification upon the driving licence and return the same to the holder. (3) Any person aggrieved by an order made by a licensing authority under sub-section (1) may, within thirty days of the receipt of the order, appeal to the prescribed authority, and such appellate authority shall give notice to the licensing authority and hear either party if so required by that party and may pass such order as it thinks fit and an order passed by any such appellate authority shall be final.
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24. Endorsement.
(1) The Court or authority making an order of disqualification shall endorse or cause to be endorsed upon the driving licence if any, held by the person disqualified, particulars of the order of disqualification and of any conviction of an offence in respect of which an order of disqualification is made; and particulars of any cancellation or variation of an order of disqualification made under sub-section (3) of section 23 shall be similarly so endorsed. (2) A Court by which any person is convicted of an offence under this Act as may be prescribed by the Central Government, having regard to the objects of this Act, shall whether or not a disqualification order is made in respect of such conviction, endorse or cause to be endorsed particulars at such conviction on any driving licence held by the person convicted. (3) Any person accused of an offence prescribed under sub-section (2) shall when attending the Court bring with him his driving licence if it is in his possession. (4) Where any person is convicted of any offence under this Act and sentenced to imprisonment for a period exceeding three months, the Court awarding the sentence shall endorse the fact of such sentence upon the driving licence of the person concerned and the prosecuting authority shall intimate the fact of such endorsement to the authority by which the driving licence was granted or last renewed. (5) When the driving licence is endorsed or caused to be endorsed by any Court, such Court shall send the particulars of the endorsement to the licensing authority by which the driving licence was granted or last renewed. (6) Where on an appeal against any conviction or order of a Court, which has been endorsed on a driving licence, the appellate court varies or sets aside the conviction or order, the appellate court shall inform the licensing authority by which the driving licence was granted or last renewed and such authority shall amend or cause to be amended the endorsement.
25. Transfer of endorsement and issue of driving licence free from endorsement.
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(1) An endorsement on any driving licence shall be transferred to any new or duplicate driving licence obtained by the holder thereof until the holder becomes entitled under the provisions of this section to have a driving licence issued to him free from endorsement. (2) Where a driving licence is required to be endorsed and the driving licence is not in the possession of the Court or authority by which the endorsement is to be made, then(a) if the person in respect of whom the endorsement is to be made is at the time the holder of a driving licence, he shall produce the driving licence to the Court or authority within five days, or such longer time as the court or authority may fix; or (b) if, not being then the holder of a driving licence, he subsequently obtains a driving licence, he shall within five days after obtaining the driving licence produce it to the Court or authority, and if the driving licence is not produced within the time specified, it shall, on the expiration of such time, be of no effect until it is produced for the purpose ; of endorsement. (3) A person whose driving licence has been endorsed shall, if during a continuous period of three years after such endorsement no further endorsement has been made against him, be entitled on surrendering his driving licence and on payment of a fee of five rupees, to receive a new driving licence free from all endorsements: Provided that if the endorsement is only in respect of an offence contravening the speed limits referred to in section 112, such person shall be entitled to receive a new driving licence free from such endorsements on the expiration of one year of the date of the endorsement: Provided further that in reckoning the said period of three years and one year, respectively, and period during which the said person was disqualified for holding or obtaining a driving licence shall be excluded.
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(h) providing for the form and contents of the licences referred to in subsection (1) of section 10; (i) providing for the form and contents of the application referred to in sub-section (1) of section 11 and documents to be submitted with the application and the fee to be charged; (j) providing for the conditions subject to which section 9 shall apply to an application made under section 11; (k) providing for the form and contents of the application referred to in sub-section (1) of section 15 and the documents to accompany such application under sub-section (2) of section 15; (l) providing for the authority to grant licences under sub-section (I) o section 18; (m) specifying the fees payable under sub-section (2) of section 8, sub section (2) of section 9 and sub-sections (3) and (4) of section 15 for the grant of learners licences, and for the grant and renewal c driving licences and licences for the purpose of regulating the schools or establishments for imparting instructions in driving mote vehicles; (n) specifying the acts for the purposes of clause (f) of sub-section (1) of section 19; (o) specifying the offences under this Act for the purposes of sub-section (2) of section 24; (p) to provide for all or any of the matters referred to in sub-section (1) of section 26; (q) any other matter which is, or has to be, prescribed by the Central Government.
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licensing authority having jurisdiction in the area in which he ordinarily resides or carries on business for the issue to him of a conductors licence. (2) Every application under sub-section (1) shall be in such form and shall contain such information as may be prescribed. (3) Every application for a conductors licence shall be accompanied by a medical certificate in such form as may be prescribed, signed by a registered medical practitioner and shall also be accompanied by two clear copies of a recent photograph of the applicant. (4) A conductors licence issued under this Chapter shall be in such form and contain such particulars as may be prescribed and shall be effective throughout the State in which it is issued. (5) The fee for a conductors licence and for each renewal thereof shall be one-half of that for a driving licence.
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(2) The Court to which an appeal lies from any conviction of an offence under this Act may set aside or vary any order of disqualification made by the court below, and the court to which appeals ordinarily lie from such Court, may set aside or vary any order of disqualification made by that Court, notwithstanding that no appeal lies against the conviction in connection with which such order was made.
37. Savings.
If any licence to act as a conductor of a stage carriage (by whatever name called) has been issued in any State and is effective immediately before the commencement of this Act, it shall continue to be effective, notwithstanding such commencement, for the period for which it would have been effective, if this Act had not been passed, and every such licence shall be deemed to be a licence issued under this Chapter as if this Chapter has been in force on the date on which that licence was granted.
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(1) An application by or on behalf of the owner of a motor vehicle for registration shall be in such form and shall be accompanied by such documents, particulars and information and shall be made within such period as may be prescribed by the Central Government: Provided that where a motor vehicle is jointly owned by more persons than one, the application shall be made by one of them on behalf of all the owners and such applicant shall be deemed to be the owner of the motor vehicle for the purposes of this Act. (2) An application referred to in sub-section (1) shall be accompanied by such fee as may be prescribed by the Central Government. (3) The registering authority shall issue to the owner of a motor vehicle registered by it a certificate of registration in such form and containing such particulars and information and in such manner as may be prescribed by the Central Government. (4) In addition to the other particulars required to be included in the certificate of registration, it shall also specify the type of the motor vehicle, being a type as the Central Government may, having regard to the design construction and use of the motor vehicle, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify. (5) The registering authority shall enter the particulars of the certificate referred to in sub-section (3) in a register to be maintained in such form and manner as may be prescribed by the Central Government. (6) The registering authority shall assign to the vehicle, for display thereon, a distinguishing mark (in this Act referred to as the registration mark) consisting of one of the groups of such of those letters and followed by such letters and figures as are allotted to the State by the Central Government from time to time by notification in the Official Gazette, and displayed and shown on the motor vehicle in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed by the Central Government. (7) A certificate of registration issued under sub-section (3), whether before or after the commencement of this Act, in respect of a motor vehicle, other than a transport vehicle, shall, subject to the provisions contained in this Act, be valid only for a period of fifteen years from the date of issue of such certificate and shall be renewable. (8) An application by or on behalf of the owner of a motor vehicle, other than a transport vehicle, for the renewal of a certificate of registration shall be made within such period and in such form, containing such particulars and information as may be prescribed by the Central Government. (9) An application referred to in sub-section (8) shall be accompanied by such fee as may be prescribed by the Central Government. (10) Subject to the provisions of section 56, the registering authority may, on receipt of an application under sub-section (8), renew the certificate of registration for a period of five years and intimate the fact to the original registering authority, if it is not the original registering authority. (11) If the owner fails to make an application under sub-section (1), or, as the case may be, under sub-section (8) within the period prescribed, the registering authority may, having regard to the circumstances of the case, require the owner to pay, in lieu of any action that may be taken against him under section 177, such amount not exceeding one hundred rupees as may be prescribed under subsection (13): Provided that action under section 177 shall be taken against the owner where the owner fails to pay the said amount. (12) Where the owner has paid the amount under sub-section (11), no action shall be taken against him under section 177. (13) For the purposes of sub-section (11), the State Government may prescribe different amounts having regard to the period of delay on the part of the owner in making an application under sub-section (1) or sub-section (8). (14) An application for the issue of a duplicate certificate of registration shall be made to the 1[last registering authority] in such form, containing such particulars and information along with such fee as may be prescribed by the Central Government. 1. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 11, for original registering authority (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). STATE AMENDMENT Rajasthan: In its application to the State of Rajasthan, in section 41,(a) in sub-sections (7) and (8), the expression, other than a transport vehicle, shall be omitted; (b) after sub-section (7) so amended, insert the following proviso, namely:Provided that in the case of transport vehicles, State Government may require the transport vehicles to be re-registered in the manner prescribed, subject to the age limit, if any, prescribed under section 59 of the Act.; and (c) in sub-section (10), after the words for a period of five years and before the words and intimate, the expression on payment of all taxes, penalties and interest, if any, levied by the State Government shall be inserted. [Rajasthan Act 1 of 2002, sec. 2 (w.e.f. 13-3-2002).] Comment / Related Citation: Constitution of India, Article 226 Motor V ehicles Act, 1988, Section 2(28),41(6) - High Security Registration Plates Notice inviting tenders Policy decision First NIT issued in the month of July, 2003 fixing 6.8.2003 as the last date for submission of tender process The finalization of
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tender process could not take place because of interim order passed by the Apex Court Cases decided on 30.11.2004 In interregnum considerable number of indigenous manufactured obtained the requisite TAC from the approved institutions as per the provisions of the 1988 Act and thereby acquired capacity and ability to manufacturer HSRP Held that once a particular matter relating to condition in NIT has been finally decided by the High Court, the State Government, which was party to the litigation, ought to have proceeded accordingly In a case such as the present one, where the circumstances changed in some material respects, departure from the earlier policy cannot be held to be legally flawed, particularly when there is no challenge to the changed police reflected in second NIT on the ground of Wednesbury reasonableness or principle of legitimate expectation or arbitrariness or irrationality. SHIMNIT UTSCH INDIA PVT. LTD. & ANR. v/s WEST BENGAL TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. & ORS. [(2010) 6 SCC 303 = 2010 AIR(SCW) 3974 = 2010(5) SCALE 617 = (2010) 6 SCR 1110 = JT 2010 (5) SC 237] & Motor V ehicles Act, 1988, Section 41(6) Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, Rule 50 High Security Registration Plates Order 2001 -Motor Vehicles High Security Registration Plates State and Union Territories directed to take definite decision within a period of six months as to whether there is need for giving effect to the amended Rule 50 and the Scheme of High Security Registration Plates Order and the modalities to followed. MANINDERJIT SINGH BITTA v/s UNION OF INDIA & ORS. [(2008) 7 SCC 328]
42. Special provision for registration of motor vehicles of diplomatic officers, etc.
(1) Where an application for registration of a motor vehicle is made under sub-section (1) of section 41 by or on behalf of any diplomatic officer or consular officer, then, notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (3) or sub-section (6) of that section, the registering authority shall register the vehicle in such manner and in accordance with such procedure as may be provided by rules made in this behalf by the Central Government under sub- -section (3) and shall assign to the vehicle for display thereon a special registration mark in accordance with the provisions contained in those rules and shall issue a certificate (hereafter in this section referred to as the certificate of registration) that the vehicle has been registered under this section; and any vehicle so registered shall not, so long as it remains the property of any diplomatic officer or consular officer, require to be registered otherwise under this Act. (2) If any vehicle registered under this section ceases to be the property of any diplomatic officer or consular officer, the certificate of registration issued under this section shall also cease to be effective, and the provisions of sections 39 and 40 shall thereupon apply. (3) The Central Government may make rules for the registration of motor vehicles belonging to diplomatic officers and consular officers regarding the procedure to be followed by the registering authority for registering such vehicles, the form in which the certificates of registration of such vehicles are to be issued, the manner in which such certificates of registration are to be sent to the owners of the vehicles and the special registration marks to be assigned to such vehicles. (4) For the purposes of this section, diplomatic officer or consular officer means any person who is recognised as such by the Central Government and if any question arises as to whether a person is or is not such an officer, the decision of the Central Government thereon shall be final.
[(3) In a case where the motor vehicle is held under hire-purchase agreement, lease or hypothecation, the registering authority or other prescribed authority shall issue a temporary certificate of registration of such vehicle, which shall incorporate legibly and prominently the full name and address of the person with whom such agreement has been entered into by the owner.] 1. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 12, for with a body (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 2. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 12 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
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[(6) The owner of the vehicle shall also inform at the earliest, in writing, the registering authority about the theft of his vehicle together with the name of the police station where the theft report was lodged, and the registering authority shall take into account such report while disposing of any application for no objection certification, registration, transfer of ownership or issue of duplicate registration certificate]. 1. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 13 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
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(i) in the case of a vehicle registered within the same State, within fourteen days of the transfer, report the fact of transfer, in such form with such documents and in such manner, as may be prescribed by the Central Government to the registering authority within whose jurisdiction the transfer is to be effected and shall simultaneously send a copy of the said report to the transferee; and (ii) in the case of a vehicle registered outside the State, within forty-five days of the transfer, forward to the registering authority referred to in sub-clause (i)(A) the no objection certificate obtained under section 48; or (B) in a case where no such certificate has been obtained,(I) the receipt obtained under sub-section (2) of section 48; or (II) the postal acknowledgment received by the transferee if he has sent an application in this behalf by registered post acknowledgment due to the registering authority referred to in section 48, together with a declaration that he has not received any communication from such authority refusing to grant such certificate or requiring him to comply with any direction subject to which such certificate may be granted; (b) the transferee shall, within thirty days of the transfer, report the transfer to the registering authority within whose jurisdiction he has the residence or place of business where the vehicle is normally kept, as the case may be, and shall forward the certificate of registration to that registering authority together with the prescribed fee and a copy of the report received by him from the transferor in order that particulars of the transfer of ownership may be entered in the certificate of registration. (2) Where(a) the person in whose name a motor vehicle stands registered dies, or (b) a motor vehicle has been purchased or acquired at a public auction conducted by, or on behalf of, Government, the person succeeding to the possession of the vehicle or, as the case may be, who has purchased or acquired the motor vehicle, shall make an application for the purpose of transferring the ownership of the vehicle in his name, to the registering authority in whose jurisdiction he has the residence or place of business where the vehicle is normally kept, as the case may be, in such manner, accompanied with such fee, and within such period as may be prescribed by the Central Government. (3) If the transferor or the transferee fails to report to the registering authority the fact of transfer within the period specified in clause (a) or clause (b) of subsection (1), as the case may be, or if the person who is required to make an application under sub-section (2) (hereafter in this section referred to as the other person) fails to make such application within the period prescribed, the registering authority may, having regard to the circumstances of the case, require the transferor or the transferee, or the other person, as the case may be, to pay, in lieu of any action that may be taken against him under section 177 such amount not exceeding one hundred rupees as may be prescribed under subsection (5): Provided that action under section 177 shall be taken against the transferor or the transferee or the other person, as the case may be, where he fails to pay the said amount. (4) Where a person has paid the amount under sub-section (3), no action shall be taken against him under section 177. (5) For the purposes of sub-section (3), a State Government may prescribe different amounts having regard to the period of delay on the part of the transferor or the transferee in reporting the fact of transfer of ownership of the motor vehicle or of the other person in making the application under sub-section (2). (6) On receipt of a report under sub-section (1), or an application under subsection (2), the registering authority may cause the transfer of ownership to be entered in the certificate of registration. (7) A registering authority making any such entry shall communicate the transfer of ownership to the transferor and to the original registering authority, if it is not the original registering authority. Comment / Related Citation: Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 Section 168 and 50 MACT Transfer of vehicle Liability High Court held that the appellant alone was liable to pay the compensation because the name of the appellant continued in the records of RTO. Held: Where ownership of the vehicle stood transferred, person in actual possession of the vehicle as well as the person in whose name the vehicle stood in RTO records would be liable to the third party who was injured in the accident. However, the person in actual possession would also be liable. P.P. MOHAMMED v/s K. RAJAPPAN AND OTHERS [(2008) 17 SCC 624]
51. Special provisions regarding motor vehicle subject to hire purchase agreement, etc.
(1) Where an application for registration of a motor vehicle which is held under a hire-purchase, lease or hypothecation agreement (hereafter in this section referred to as the said agreement) is made, the registering authority shall make an entry in the certificate of registration regarding the existence of the said agreement.
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(2) Where the ownership of any motor vehicle registered under this Chapter is transferred and the transferee enters into the said agreement with any person, the 1[last registering authority] shall, on receipt of an application in such form as the Central Government may prescribe from the parties to the said agreement, make an entry as to the existence of the said agreement in the certificate of registration 2fand an intimation in this regard shall be sent to the original registering authority if the last registering authority is not the original registering authority]. (3) Any entry made under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), may be cancelled by the 1[last registering authority] on proof of the termination of the said agreement by the parties concerned on an application being made in such form as the Central Government may prescribe 2[and an intimation in this behalf shall be sent to the original registering authority if the last registering authority is not the original registering authority]. (4) No entry regarding the transfer of ownership of any motor vehicle which is held under the said agreement shall be made in the certificate of registration except with the written consent of the person whose name has been specified in the certificate of registration as the person with whom the registered owner has entered into the said agreement. (5) Where the person whose name has been specified in the certificate of registration as the person with whom the registered owner has entered into the said agreement, satisfies the registering authority that he has taken possession of the vehicle 3[from the registered owner] owing to the default of the registered owner under the provisions of the said agreement and that the registered owner refuses to deliver the certificate of registration or has absconded, such authority may, after giving the registered owner an opportunity to make such representation as he may wish to make (by sending to him a notice by registered post acknowledgment due at his address entered in the certificate of registration) and notwithstanding that the certificate of registration is not produced before it, cancel the certificate and issue a fresh certificate of registration in the name of the person with whom the registered owner has entered into the said agreement: Provided that a fresh certificate of registration shall not be issued in respect of a motor vehicle, unless such person pays the prescribed fee: Provided further that a fresh certificate of registration issued in respect of a motor vehicle, other than a transport vehicle, shall be valid only for the remaining period for which the certificate cancelled under this sub-section would have been in force. (6) The registered owner shall, before applying to the appropriate authority, for the renewal of a permit under section 81 or for the issue of duplicate certificate of registration under sub-section (14) of section 41, or for the assignment of a new registration mark 4[under section 47, or removal of the vehicle to another State, or at the time of conversion of the vehicle from one class to another, or for issue of no objection certificate under section 48, or for change of residence or place of business under section 49, or for the alteration of the vehicle under section 52, make an application] to the person with whom the registered owner has entered into the said agreement, (such person being hereafter in this section referred to as the financier) for the issue of a no objection certificate (hereafter in this section referred to as the certificate). Explanation.-For the purposes of this sub-section and sub-sections (8) and (9), appropriate authority in relation to any permit, means the authority which is authorised by this Act to renew such permit and, in relation to registration means the authority which is authorised by this Act to issue duplicate certificate of registration or to assign a new registration mark. (7) Within seven days of the receipt of an application under sub-section (6) the financier may issue, or refuse, for reasons which shall be recorded in writing communicate to the applicant, to issue, the certificate applied for, and where the financier fails to issue the certificate and also fails to communicate the reasons for refusal to issue the certificate to the applicant within the said period of seven days, the certificate applied for shall be deemed to have been issued by the financier. (8) The registered owner shall, while applying to the appropriate authority for the renewal of any permit under section 81, or for the issue of a duplicate certificate of registration under sub-section (14) of section 41, or while applying for assignment of a new registration mark under section 47, submit with such application the certificate, if any, obtained under sub-section (7) or, where no such certificate has been obtained, the communication received from the financier under that sub-section, or, as the case may be, a declaration that he has not received any communication from the financier within the period of seven days specified in that sub-section. (9) On receipt of an application for the renewal of any permit or for the issue of duplicate certificate of registration or for assignment of a new registration mark in respect of a vehicle which is held under the said agreement, the appropriate authority may, subject to the other provisions of this Act,(a) in a case where the financier has refused to issue the certificate applied for, after giving the applicant an opportunity of being heard, either(i) renew or refuse to renew the permit, or (ii) issue or refuse to issue the duplicate certificate of registration, or (iii) assign or refuse to assign a new registration mark; (b) in any other case,(i) renew the permit, or (ii) issue duplicate certificate of registration, or (iii) assign a new registration mark. (10) A registering authority making an entry in the certificate of registration regarding-
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(a) hire-purchase, lease or hypothecation agreement of a motor vehicle, or (b) the cancellation under sub-section (3) of an entry, or (c) recording transfer of ownership of motor vehicle, or (d) any alteration in a motor vehicle, or (e) suspension or cancellation of registration of a motor vehicle, or (f) change of address, shall communicate 5[by registered post acknowledgment due] to the financier that such entry has been made.
[(11) A registering authority registering the new vehicle, or issuing the duplicate certificate of registration or a no objection certificate or a temporary certificate of registration, or issuing or renewing, a fitness certificate or substituting entries relating to another motor vehicle in the permit, shall intimate the financier of such transaction. (12) The registering authority where it is not the original registering authority, when making entry under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), or cancelling the said entry under sub-section (3) or issuing the fresh certificate of registration under sub-section (5) shall communicate the same to the original registering authority.] 1. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 14, for original registering authority (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 2. Added by Act 54 of 1994. sec. 14 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 3. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 14 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 4. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 14, for under section 47, make an application (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 5. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 14 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 6. Sub., by Act 54 of 1994, sec 14, for sub-section (11) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
(1) No owner of a motor vehicle shall so alter the vehicle that the particulars contained in the certificate of registration are at variance with those originally specified by the manufacturer: Provided that where the owner of a motor vehicle makes modification of the engine, or any part thereof, of a vehicle for facilitating its operation by different type of fuel or source of energy including battery, compressed natural gas, solar power, liquid petroleum gas or any other fuel or source of energy, by fitment of a conversion kit, such modification shall be carried out subject to such conditions as may be prescribed: Provided further that the Central Government may prescribe specifications, conditions for approval, retrofitment and other related matters for such conversion kits: Provided also that the Central Government may grant exemption for alteration of vehicles in a manner other than specified above, for any specific purpose. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), a State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, authorise, subject to such conditions as may be specified in the notification, and permit any person owning not less than ten transport vehicles to alter any vehicle owned by him so as to replace the engine thereof with engine of the same make and type, without the approval of registering authority. (3) Where any alteration has been made in motor vehicle without the approval of registering authority or by reason of replacement of its engine without such approval under sub-section (2), the owner of the vehicle shall,, within fourteen days of the making of the alteration, report the alteration to the registering authority within whose jurisdiction he resides and shall forward the certificate of registration to that authority together with the prescribed fee in order that particulars of registration may be entered therein. (4) A registering authority other than the original registering authority making any such entry shall communicate the details of the entry to the original registering authority. (5) Subject to the provisions made under sub-sections (1), (2), (3) and (4), no person holding a vehicle under a hire-purchase agreement shall make any alteration to the vehicle except with the written consent of the registered owner. Explanation.-For the purposes of this section, "alteration" means a change in the structure of a vehicle which results in a change in its basic feature.]. 1. Subs. by Act 27 of 2000, sec. 2, for section 52 (w.e.f. 11-8-2000). Comment / Related Citation:
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Constitution of India, Article 226 Motor V ehicles Act, 1988, Sections 39 and 52 Mobile hoarding vans Registered as Goods carrying vehicle, or display vehicles After their modification and transformation necessitates grant of fresh certificates of Registration Authorities under Motor Vehicles Act to decide such issue and not the Court. SUPRI ADVERTISING & ENTERTAINMENT PVT. LTD. v/s DR. ANAHITA PANDOLE & ORS. [(2008) 10 SCC 246 = JT 2008 (10) SC 655 = 2008 AIR(SCW) 6168]
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writing to the owner of the vehicle, and the owner of the vehicle shall forthwith surrender to that authority the certificate of registration of the vehicle. (7) A registering authority making an order of cancellation under section 54 or under this section shall, if it is the original registering authority, cancel the certificate of registration and the entry relating to the vehicle in its records, and, if it is not the original registering authority, forward the certificate of registration to that authority, and that authority shall cancel the certificate of registration and the entry relating to the motor vehicle in its records. (8) The expression original registering authority in this section and in sections 41, 49, 50, 52, 53 and 54 means the registering authority in whose records the registration of the vehicle is recorded. (9) In this section certificate of registration includes a certificate of registration renewed under the provisions of this Act.
[Provided that no such cancellation shall be made by the prescribed authority unless such prescribed authority holds such technical qualification as may be prescribed or where the prescribed authority does not hold such technical qualification on the basis of the report of an officer having such qualifications.] (5) A certificate of fitness issued under this Act shall, while it remains effective be valid throughout India. 1. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 16 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
57. Appeals.
[(1) Any person aggrieved by an order of the registering I authority under section 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55 or 56 may, within thirty days of the date on which he has received notice of such order, appeal against the order to the prescribed authority.] (2) The appellate authority shall give notice of the appeal to the original authority and after giving an opportunity to the original authority and the appellant to be heard in the appeal pass such order as it thinks fit. 1. Subs, by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 17, for sub-section (1) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
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(d) if the vehicle is used or adapted to be used for the carriage of passengers solely or in addition to goods, the number of passengers for whom accommodation is provided, and the owner of the vehicle shall have the same particulars exhibited in the prescribed manner on the vehicle. (3) There shall not be entered in the certificate of registration of any such vehicle any gross vehicle weight or a registered axle weight of any of the axles different from that specified in the notification under sub-section (1) in relation to the make and model of such vehicle and to the number, nature and size of the tyres attached to its wheels: Provided that where it appears to the Central Government that heavier weights than those specified in the notification under sub-section (1) may be permitted in a particular locality for vehicles of a particular type, the Central Government may, by order in the Official Gazette direct that the provisions of this sub-section shall apply with such modifications as may be specified in the order.
(5) In order that the gross vehicle weight entered in the certificate of registration of a vehicle may be revised in accordance with the provisions of subsection (3), the registering authority may require the owner of transport vehicle in accordance with such procedure as may be prescribed to produce the certificate of registration within such time as may be specified by the registering authority. 1. Subs. by act 54 of 1994, sec. 18. for maximum safe laden weight (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 2. Sub-section (4) omitted by Act 27 of 2000, sec. 3 (w.e.f. 11-8-2000).
62. Information regarding stolen and recovered motor vehicles to be furnished by the police
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(n) the period for which the certificate of fitness granted or renewed under section 56 shall be effective; (o) the fees to be charged for the issue or renewal or alteration of certificates of registration, for making an entry regarding transfer of ownership on a certificate of registration, for making or cancelling an endorsement in respect of agreement of hire-purchase or lease or hypothecation on a certificate of registration, for certificates of fitness for registration marks, and for the examination or inspection of motor vehicles, and the refund of such fees, (p) any other matter which is to be, or may be, prescribed by the Central Government.
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(2) The holder of a goods carriage permit may use the vehicle, for the drawing of any trailer or semi-trailer not owned by him, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed:
[Provided that the holder of a permit of any articulated vehicle may use the prime-mover of that articulated vehicle for any other semi-trailor.]
(3) The provisions of sub-section (1) shall not apply(a) to any transport vehicle owned by the Central Government or a State Government and used for Government purposes unconnected with any commercial enterprise; (b) to any transport vehicle owned by a local authority or by a person acting under contract with a local authority and used solely for road cleaning, road watering or conservancy purposes; (c) to any transport vehicle used solely for police, fire brigade or ambulance purposes; (d) to any transport vehicle used solely for the conveyance of corpses and the mourners accompanying the corpses; (e) to any transport vehicle used for towing a disabled vehicle or for removing goods from a disabled vehicle to a place of safety; (f) to any transport vehicle used for any other public purpose as may be prescribed by the State Government in this behalf; (g) to any transport vehicle used by a person who manufactures or deals in motor vehicles or builds bodies for attachment to chassis, solely for such purposes and in accordance with such conditions as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify in this behalf;
(i) to any goods vehicle, the gross vehicle weight of which does not exceed 3,000 kilograms; (j) subject to such conditions as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify, to any transport vehicle purchased in one State and proceeding to a place, situated in that State or in any other State, without carrying any passenger or goods; (k) to any transport vehicle which has been temporarily registered under section 43 while proceeding empty to any place for the purpose of registration of the vehicle;
(m) to any transport vehicle which, owing to flood, earthquake or any other natural calamity, obstruction on road, or unforeseen circumstances, is required to be diverted through any other route, whether within or outside the State, with a view to enabling it to reach its destination; (n) to any transport vehicle used for such purposes as the Central or State Government may, by order, specify; (o) to any transport vehicle which is subject to a hire-purchase, lease or hypothecation agreement and which owing to the default of the owner has been taken possession of by or on behalf of the person with whom the owner has entered into such agreement, to enable such motor vehicle to reach its destination; or (p) to any transport vehicle while proceeding empty to any place for purpose of repair. (4) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (3), sub-section (1) shall, if the State Government by rule made under section 96 so prescribes, apply to any motor vehicle adapted to carry more than nine persons excluding the driver. 1. Added by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 20 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 2. Clause (h) omitted by Act 27 of 2000, sec. 4 (w.e.f. 11-8-2000). 3. Clause (l) subs, by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 20 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994) and omitted by Act 39 of 2001, sec. 2 (w.e.f. 27-9-2001). Comment / Related Citation: Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Section 66(3) MACT Compensation Owner-cum-driver remained ex parte Once it was established that the vehicle was comprehensively insured with the insurer to cover the passenger risk, the burden to prove that it was not liable in spite of such a policy, shifted to the insurer The claimants are neither expected to prove that the vehicle had a valid permit, nor prove that the owner of the vehicle did not commit breach of any of the terms of the policy It was for the insurer who denies its liability under the policy, to establish that in spite of the comprehensive insurance policy issued by it, it is not liable on account of the requirement of the policy not being fulfilled The High Court committed an error in expecting the claimants to prove that the vehicle possessed a valid permit - There was no justification for the High Court to interfere with the judgment and awards of the Tribunal in the absence of relevant evidence Impugned order of the High Court set aside and judgment and awards of the Tribunal restored. KAMALA MANGALAL VAYANI & ORS. v/s M/S UNITED INDIA INSURANCE CO. LTD. & ORS. [2010(3) SCALE 99 = 2010 AIR(SCW) 6604 = (2010) 12 SCC 488]
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(ii) regarding the prohibition or restriction, subject to such conditions as may be specified in the directions, of the conveying of long distance goods traffic generally, or of specified classes of goods by goods carriages; (iii) regarding any other matter which may appear to the State Government necessary or expedient for giving effect to any agreement entered into with the Central Government or any other State Government or the Government of any other country relating to the regulation of motor transport generally, and in particular to its coordination with other means of transport and the conveying of long distance goods traffic: Provided that no such notification in respect of the matter: referred to in clause (ii) or clause (iii) shall be issued unless a draft of the proposed directions is published in the Official Gazette specifying therein a date being not less than one month after such publication, on or after which the draft will be taken into consideration and any objection or suggestion which may be received has, in consultation with the State Transport Authority, been considered after giving the representatives of the interests affected an opportunity of being heard. (2) Any direction under sub-section (1) regarding the fixing of fares and freights for stage carriages, contract carriages and goods carriages may provide that such fares or freights shall be inclusive of the tax payable by the passengers or the consignors of the goods, as the case may be, to the operators of the stage carriages, contract carriages or goods carriages under any law for the time being in force relating to tax on passengers and goods. 1. Proviso ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 21 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994) and omitted by Act 39 of 2001 sec. 3 (w.e.f. 27-9-2001). Comment / Related Citation: Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 Section. 67(1) & (2) Circular issued under Section. 67(1) besides fixing rates of fares of stage carriages and contract carriages, prohibiting recovery of tax from passengers Validity Held, valid by virtue of S. 67(2) Non-mention of S. 67(2) in the circular, held, inconsequential Statute Law Statutory Power Exercise of, without reference to the correct source thereof Validity Administrative Law Ultra vires Defences to the plea of ultra vires JAI PRAKASH AND OTHERS v/s STATE OF U.P. AND OTHERS [(2004) 13 SCC 390]
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Provided further that the State Government may,(i) where it considers necessary or expedient so to do, constitute the State Transport Authority or a Regional Transport Authority for any region so as to consist of only one member who shall be an official with judicial experience or experience as an appellate or a revisional authority or as an adjudicating authority competent to pass any order or take any decision under any law; (ii) by rules made in this behalf, provide for the transaction of business of such authorities in the absence of the Chairman of any other member and specify the circumstances under which, and the manner in which, such business could be so transacted: Provided also that nothing in this sub-section shall be construed as debarring an official (other than an official connected directly with the management or operation of a transport undertaking) from being appointed or continuing as a member of any such authority merely by reason of the fact that the Government employing the official has, or acquires, any financial interest in a transport undertaking. (3) The State Transport Authority and every Regional Transport Authority shall give effect to any directions issued under section 67 and the State Transport Authority shall, subject to such directions and save as otherwise provided by or under this Act, exercise and discharge throughout the State the following power and functions, namely:(a) to coordinate and regulate the activities and policies of the Regional Transport Authorities, if any, of the State; (b) to perform the duties of a Regional Transport Authority where there is no such Authority and, if it thinks fit or if so required by a Regional Transport Authority, to perform those duties in respect of any route common to two or more regions; (c) to settle all disputes and decide all matters on which differences of opinion arise between Regional Transport Authorities; and
(d) to discharge such other functions as may be prescribed. (4) For the purpose of exercising and discharging the powers and functions specified in sub-section (3), a State Transport Authority may, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed, issue directions to any Regional Transport Authority, and the Regional Transport Authority shall, in the discharge of its functions under this Act, give effect to and be guided by such directions. (5) The State Transport Authority and any Regional Transport Authority, if authorised in this behalf by rules made under section 96, may delegate such of its powers and functions to such authority or person subject to such restrictions, limitations and conditions as may be prescribed by the said rules. 1. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 22 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). Comment / Related Citation: Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Section 68C Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Sections 100(3),(4), 103(2) and 105 Motor Vehicles Scheme of nationalization of routes with exclusive right of operation to the appellate corporation totally excluding all private operators from the said route proposed under Section 68C of 1939 Act Objections preferred by the private operators against the said proposal when Act 1988 repealing 1939 Act came into force Issue settled by the Apex Court that Scheme had not lapsed and the same was required to be finalized Route permits renewed during the pendency of disposal of objections of the private operator subject to decision of writ petition filed by appellant in the High Court The writ petition of the appellant allowed by the High Court and and it was held that private operator entitled to compensation in terms of the provisions of the 1988 Act Notification by State Government on 23.8.2008 allowing private operators to operate on the notified routes challenged by the U.P. Roadways Karamchari Union in which authorities restrained from issuing permits to private operators Writ petition filed by the private operators seeking direction to the Authority to allow them route permit allowed by the High Court Directions by the High Court liable to be set aside This will not prevent the said respondents from claiming compensation u/s 105 of the 1988 Act. U.P. STATE ROAD TRANSPORT CORP. v/s MOHD. GHILMAN SHARIF & OTHERS [(2009) 10 SCR 1149 = 2009(9) SCALE 685 = JT 2009 (9) SC 665 = (2009) 16 SCC 86] & Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Sections 166, 68 Negligence Contributory negligence Definition of negligence In common parlance `negligence is categorised as either composite or contributory. It is first necessary to find out what is a negligent act. Negligence is omission of duty caused either by an omission to do something which a reasonable man guided upon those considerations who ordinarily by reason of conduct of human affairs would do or obligated to or by doing something which a prudent or reasonable man would not do. Negligence does not always mean absolute carelessness, but want of such a degree of care as is required in particular circumstances. MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF GREATER BOMBAY v/s LAXMAN IYER AND ANOTHER [AIR 2003 SC 4182 = (2003) 8 SCC 731 = (2003) 9 Scale 2 = 2003 (Supp4) SCR 984 = JT 2003 (8) SC 108]
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Provided that if it is proposed to use the vehicle or vehicles in two or more regions lying within the same State, the application shall be made to the Regional Transport Authority of the region in which the major portion of the proposed route or area lies, and in case the portion of the proposed route or area in each of the regions is approximately equal, to the Regional Transport Authority of the region in which it is proposed to keep the vehicle or vehicles: Provided further that if it is proposed to use the vehicle or vehicles in two or more regions lying in different States, the application shall be made to the Regional Transport Authority of the region in which the applicant resides or ha his principal place of business. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), the Stat Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct that in the case c any vehicle or vehicles proposed to be used in two or more regions lying in different States, the application under that sub-section shall be made to the Stat Transport Authority of the region in which the applicant resides or has hi principal place of business.
71. Procedure of Regional Transport Authority in considering application for stage carriage permit.
(1) A Regional Transport Authority shall, while considering an application for a stage carriage permit, have regard to the objects of this Act.
(2) A Regional Transport Authority shall refuse to grant a stage carriage permit if it appears from any time-table furnished that the provisions of this Act relating to the speed at which vehicles may be driven are likely to be contravened: Provided that before such refusal an opportunity shall be given to the applicant to amend the time-table so as to conform to the said provisions. (3)(a) The State Government shall, if so directed by the Central Government having regard to the number of vehicles, road conditions and other relevant matters, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct a State Transport Authority and a Regional Transport Authority to limit the number of stage carriage; generally or of any specified type, as may be fixed and specified in the notification, operating on city routes in towns with a population of not less that five lakhs. (b) Where the number of stage carriages are fixed under clause (a), the Government of the State shall reserve in the State certain percentage of stage carriage permits for the scheduled castes and the scheduled tribes in the same ratio as in the case of appointments made by direct recruitment to public services in the State. (c) Where the number of stage carriages are fixed under clause (a), the Regional Transport Authority shall reserve such number of permits for the scheduled castes and the scheduled tribes as may be fixed by the State Government under sub-clause (b). (d) After reserving such number of permits as is referred to in clause (c), the Regional Transport Authority shall in considering an application have regard tc the following matters, namely:(i) financial stability of the applicant; (ii) satisfactory performance as a stage carriage operator including payment of tax if the applicant is or has been an operator of stage carriage service; and (iii) such other matters as may be prescribed by the State Government: Provided that, other conditions being equal, preference shall be given to applications for permits from-
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(i) State transport undertakings; (ii) co-operative societies registered or deemed to have been registered under any enactment for the time being in force; 2[***] (iii) ex-servicemen; 3[or]
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[(iv) any other class or category of persons, as the State Government may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, consider necessary.] [***]
Explanation.-For the purposes of this section company means any body corporate, and includes a firm or other association of individuals; and director, in relation to a firm, means a partner in the firm. 1. Proviso omitted by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 23 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 2. Word or omitted by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 23 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 3. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 23 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 4. Sub-sections (4) and (5) omitted by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 23 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
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(xvi) that mails shall be carried on the vehicle subject to such conditions (including conditions as to the time in which mails are to be carried and the charges which may be levied) as may be specified; (xvii) the vehicles to be kept as reserve by the holder of the permit to maintain the operation and to provide for special occasions; (xviii) the conditions subject to which vehicle may be used as a contract carriage; (xix) that specified arrangements shall be made for the housing, maintenance and repair of vehicle; (xx) that any specified bus station or shelter maintained by Government or a local authority shall be used and that any specified rent or fee shall be paid for such use; (xxi) that the conditions of the permit shall not be departed from, save with the approval of the Regional Transport Authority; (xxii) that the Regional Transport Authority may, after giving notice of not less than one month,(a) vary the conditions of the permit; (b) attach to the permit further conditions: Provided that the conditions specified in pursuance of clause (i) shall not be varied so as to alter the distance covered by the original route by more than 24 kilometres, and any variation within such limits shall be made only after the Regional Transport Authority is satisfied that such variation will serve the convenience of the public and that it is not expedient to grant a separate permit in respect of the original route as so varied or any part thereof; (xxiii) that the holder of a permit shall furnish to the Regional Transport Authority such periodical returns, statistics and other information as the State Government may from time to time prescribe; (xxiv) any other conditions which may be prescribed.
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(xiii) that fares shall be charged is accordance with the approved fare table; (xiv) that a copy of or extract from the fare table approved by the Regional Transport Authority and particulars of any special fares or rates of fares so approved for particular occasions shall be exhibited on the stage carriage and at specified stands and halts; (xv) that tickets bearing specified particulars shall be issued to passengers and shall show the fares actually charged and that records of tickets issued shall be kept in a specified manner; (xvi) that mails shall be carried on the vehicle subject to such conditions (including conditions as to the time in which mails are to be carried and the charges which may be levied) as may be specified; (xvii) the vehicles to be kept as reserve by the holder of the permit to maintain the operation and to provide for special occasions; (xviii) the conditions subject to which vehicle may be used as a contract carriage; (xix) that specified arrangements shall be made for the housing, maintenance and repair of vehicle; (xx) that any specified bus station or shelter maintained by Government or a local authority shall be used and that any specified rent or fee shall be paid for such use; (xxi) that the conditions of the permit shall not be departed from, save with the approval of the Regional Transport Authority; (xxii) that the Regional Transport Authority may, after giving notice of not less than one month,(a) vary the conditions of the permit; (b) attach to the permit further conditions: Provided that the conditions specified in pursuance of clause (i) shall not be varied so as to alter the distance covered by the original route by more than 24 kilometres, and any variation within such limits shall be made only after the Regional Transport Authority is satisfied that such variation will serve the convenience of the public and that it is not expedient to grant a separate permit in respect of the original route as so varied or any part thereof; (xxiii) that the holder of a permit shall furnish to the Regional Transport Authority such periodical returns, statistics and other information as the State Government may from time to time prescribe; (xxiv) any other conditions which may be prescribed. Comment / Related Citation: Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Section 72 Stage carriage permit Grant of - Curtailment of route Held that what is prohibited by the proviso to sub-section (1) of Section 72 is granting of a permit in respect of any route or area not specified in the application The said proviso does not prohibit curtailment in regard to portion of the route applied for, for any reason In fact sub-section (1) specifically authorizes the Authority to grant stage carriage permit with such modifications as it deems fit Reason for the modification found not arbitrary or unreasonable - The question of directing the Authority to consider the application of the respondent afresh does not arise Impugned order passed by the High Court liable to be set aside and the orders of the Authority restored and curtailment of routes upheld. STATE OF WEST BENGAL & ORS. v/s S. K. NURUL AMIN [(2010) 11 SCC 182 = 2010 AIR(SCW) 4075 = JT 2010 (6) SC 418 = 2010(6) SCALE 190 = AIR 2010 SC 2271 = (2010) 7 SCR 496] & Motor V ehicles Act, 1988, Sections 67, 70 and 72 Motor Vehicle Stage carriage permit Grant of Power of chief minister State has no say Chief Minister or any authority, other than the statutory authority could not entertain an application of grant of permit nor could issue any order thereupon Even any authority under the Act, including the appellate authority cannot issue any direction, except when the matter comes up before it under the statute All government orders must comply with requirements of a statute as also the constitutional provision. PANCHAM CHAND AND OTHERS v/s STATE OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AND OTHERS [AIR 2008 SC 1888 = (2008) 7 SCC 117 = JT 2008 (3) SC 498 = 2008 AIR(SCW) 2111 = 2008 (3) SCR 888 = (2008) 3 Scale 378]
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(ii) State Tourism Development Corporations; (iii) State Tourism Departments; (iv) State Transport Undertakings; (v) co-operative societies registered or deemed to have been registered under any enactment for the time being in force; (vi) ex-servicemen.
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(vi) that the holder of the permit shall furnish to the Regional Transport Authority such periodical returns, statistics and other information as the State Government may, from time to time, specify; and (vii) such other conditions as may be prescribed.
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(3) The conditions referred to in sub-section (2) may include conditions relating to the packaging and carriage of goods of dangerous or hazardous nature to human life.
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(2) A permit may be renewed on an application made not less than fifteen days before the date of its expiry. (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (2), the Regional Transport Authority or the State Transport Authority as the case may be, entertain an application for the renewal of a permit after the last date specified in that sub-section if it is satisfied that the applicant was prevented by good and sufficient cause from making an application within the time specified. (4) The Regional Transport Authority or the State Transport Authority, as the case may be, may reject an application for the renewal of a permit on one or more of the following grounds, namely:(a) the financial condition of the applicant as evidenced by insolvency, or decrees for payment of debts remaining unsatisfied for a period of thirty days, prior to the date of consideration of the application; (b) the applicant had been punished twice or more for any of the following offences within twelve months reckoned from fifteen days prior to the date of consideration of the application committed as a result of the operation of a stage carriage service by the applicant, namely:(i) plying any vehicle(1) without payment of tax due on such vehicle; (2) without payment of tax during the grace period allowed for payment of such tax and then stop the plying of such vehicle; (3) on any unauthorised route; (ii) making unauthorised trips: Provided that in computing the number of punishments for the purpose of clause (b), any punishment stayed by the order of an appellate authority shall not be taken into account: Provided further that no application under this sub-section shall be rejected unless an opportunity of being heard is given to the applicant. (5) Where a permit has been renewed under this section after the expiry of the period thereof, such renewal shall have effect from the date of such expiry irrespective of whether or not a temporary permit has been granted under clause (d) of section 87, and where a temporary permit has been granted, the fee paid in respect of such temporary permit shall be refused. 1. Subs, by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 26 for without renewal (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
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(c) that any prohibition or restriction imposed any fares or freight fixed by notification made under section 67 are observed in connection with the vehicle to which the permit relates; (d) that the vehicle to which the permit relates is not driven in contravention of the provisions of section 5 or section 113; (e) that the provisions of this Act limiting the hours of work of drivers are observed in connection with any vehicle or vehicles to which the permit relates; (f) that the provisions of Chapters X, XI, and XII so far as they apply to the holder of the permit are observed; and (g) that the name and address of the operator shall be painted or otherwise firmly affixed to every vehicle to which the permit relates on the exterior of the body of that vehicle on both sides thereof in a colour or colours vividly contrasting to the colour of the vehicle centred as high as practicable below the window line in bold letters.
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(1) A Regional Transport Authority and the State Transport Authority may without following the procedure laid down in section 80, grant permits to be effective for a limited period which shall, not in any case exceed four months, to authorise the use of a transport vehicle temporarily(a) for the conveyance of passengers on special occasions such as to and from fairs and religious gatherings, or (b) for the purposes of a seasonal business, or (c) to meet a particular temporary need, or (d) pending decision on an application for the renewal of a permit, and may attach to any such permit such condition as it may think fit: Provided that a Regional Transport Authority or, as the case may be, State Transport Authority may, in the case of goods carriages, under the circumstances of an exceptional nature, and for reasons to be recorded in writing, grant a permit for a period exceeding four months, but not exceeding one year. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), a temporary permit may be granted thereunder in respect of any route or area where(i) no permit could be issued under section 72 or section 74 or section 76 or section 79 in respect of that route or area by reason of an order of a Court or other competent authority restraining the issue of the same, for a period not exceeding the period for which the issue of the permit has been so restrained; (ii) as a result of the suspension by a Court or other competent authority of the permit of any vehicle in respect of that route or area, there is no transport vehicle of the same class with a valid permit in respect of that route or area, or there is no adequate number of such vehicles in respect of that route or area, for a period not exceeding the period of such suspension: Provided that the number of transport vehicles in respect of which temporary permits are so granted shall not exceed the number of vehicles in respect of which the issue of the permits have been restrained or, as the case may be, the permit has been suspended.
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which representations in connection therewith may be submitted, and the date not being less than thirty days from the date of publication in the Official Gazette, on which, and the authority by which, and the time and place at which, the proposal and any representation received in connection therewith will be considered. (6) Every agreement arrived at between the States shall, in so far as it relates to the grant of countersignature of permits, be published by each of the State Governments concerned in the Official Gazette and in any one or more of the newspapers in the regional language circulating in the area or route covered by the agreement and the State Transport Authority of the State and the Regional Transport Authority concerned shall give effect to it. (7) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), a Regional Transport Authority of one region may issue a temporary permit under section 87 to be valid in another region or State with the concurrence, given generally or for the particular occasion, of the Regional Transport Authority of that other region or of the State Transport Authority of that other State, as the case may be. (8) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), but subject to any rules that may be made under this Act by the Central Government, the Regional Transport Authority of any one region or, as the case may be, the State Transport Authority may, for the convenience of the public,1[grant a special permit to any public service vehicle including any vehicle covered] by a permit issued under section 72 (including a reserve stage carriage) or under section 74 or under subsection (9) of this section for carrying a passenger or passengers for hire or reward under a contract, express or implied, for the use of the vehicle as a whole without stopping to pick up or set down along the line of route passengers not included in the contract, and in every case where such special permit is granted, the Regional Transport Authority shall assign to the vehicle, for display thereon, a special distinguishing mark in the form and manner specified by the Central Government and such special permit shall be valid in any other region or State without the countersignature of the Regional Transport Authority of the other region or of the State Transport Authority of the other State, as the case may be. (9) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) but subject to any rules that may be made by the Central Government under sub-section (14), any State Transport Authority may, for the purpose of promoting tourism, grant permits in respect of tourist vehicles valid for the whole of India, or in such contiguous States not being less than three in number including the State in which the permit is issued as may be specified in such permit in accordance with the choice indicated in the application and the provisions of sections 73, 74, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86 2[clause (d) of sub-section (1) of section 87 and section 89] shall, as far as may be, apply in relation to such permits.
(11) The following shall be conditions of every permit granted under subsection (9), namely:(i) every motor vehicle in respect of which such permit is granted shall conform to such description, requirement regarding the seating capacity, standards of comforts, amenities and other matters, as the Central Government may specify in this behalf; (ii) every such motor vehicle shall be driven by a person having such qualifications and satisfying such conditions as may be specified by the Central Government; and (iii) such other conditions as may be prescribed by the Central Government. (12) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), but, subject to the rule that may be made by the Central Government under sub-section (14), the appropriate authority may, for the purpose of encouraging long distance inter-State road transport, grant in a State, national permits in respect of goods carriages and the provisions of sections 69, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 4[clause (d) of sub-section (1) of section 87 and section 89] shall, as far as may be, apply to or in relation to the grant of national permits.
(14) (a) The Central Government may make rules for carrying out the provisions of this section. (b) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:(i) the authorisation fee payable of the issue of a permit referred to in sub-sections (9) and (12); (ii) the fixation of the laden weight of the motor vehicle; (iii) the distinguishing particulars or marks to be carried or exhibited in or on the motor vehicle; (iv) the colour or colours in which the motor vehicle is to be painted; (v) such other matters as the appropriate authority shall consider in granting a national permit. Explanation.-In this section,(a) appropriate authority, in relation to a national permit, means the authority which is authorised under this Act to grant a goods carriage permit; (b) authorisation fee means the annual fee, not exceeding one thousand rupees, which may be charged by the appropriate authority of a State to
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enable a motor vehicle, covered by the permit referred to in sub-sections (9) and (12) to be used in other States subject to the payment of taxes or fees, if any, levied by the States concerned; (c) national permit means a permit granted by the appropriate authority to goods carriages to operate throughout the territory of India or in such contiguous States, not being less than four in number, including the State in which the permit is issued as may be specified in such permit in accordance with the choice indicated in the application. 1. Subs, by Act 54 of 1994, see. 27, for grant a special permit in relation to a vehicle covered (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 2. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 27, for and 89 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 3. Sub-section (10) omitted by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 27 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 4. Sub. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 27, for and 89 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 5. Sub-section (13) omitted by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 27 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). Comment / Related Citation: Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Section 88 Motor Vehicle Stage Carriage Inter-State permits Grant of Inter-State permits must be countersigned by the other State. VISHNU DUTT AND OTHERS v/s STATE OF RAJASTHAN AND OTHERS [(2005) 13 SCC 592 = 2005 (Supp5) SCR 773 = JT 2005 (10) SC 584 = (2005) 10 Scale 222]
89. Appeals.
(1) Any person(a) aggrieved by the refusal of the State or a Regional Transport Authority to grant a permit, or by any condition attached to a permit granted to him, or (b) aggrieved by the revocation or suspension of the permit or by any variation of the conditions thereof, or (c) aggrieved by the refusal to transfer the permit under section 82, or (d) aggrieved by the refusal of the State or a Regional Transport Authority to countersign a permit, or by any condition attached to such countersignature, or (e) aggrieved by the refusal of renewal of a permit, or (f) aggrieved by the refusal to grant permission under section 83, or (g) aggrieved by any other order which may be prescribed, may, within the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner, appeal to the State Transport Appellate Tribunal constituted under sub-section (2), who shall, after giving such person and the original authority an opportunity of being heard, give a decision thereon which shall be final.
[(2) The State Government shall constitute such number of Transport Appellate Tribunals as it thinks fit and each such Tribunal shall consist of a judicial officer who is not below the rank of a District Judge or who is qualified to be a Judge of the High Court and it shall exercise jurisdiction within such area as may be notified by that Government.] (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), every appeal pending at the commencement of this Act, shall continue to be proceeded with and disposed of as if this Act had not been passed. Explanation.-For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that when any order is made by the State Transport Authority or the Regional Transport Authority in pursuance of a direction issued by the Inter-State Transport Commission under clause (c) of sub-section (2) of section 63A of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 (4 of 1939), as it stood immediately before the commencement of this Act, and any person feels aggrieved by such order on the ground that it is not in consonance with such direction, he may appeal under sub- section (1) to the State Transport Appellate Tribunal against such order but not against the direction so issued. 1. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 28, for sub-section (2) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
90. Revision.
The State Transport Appellate Tribunal may, on an application made to it, call for the record of any case in which an order has been made by a State Transport Authority or Regional Transport Authority against which no appeal lies, and if it appears to the State Transport Appellate Tribunal that the order made by the State Transport Authority or Regional Transport Authority is improper or illegal, the State Transport Appellate Tribunal may pass such order in relation to the case as it deems fit and every such order shall be final: Provided that the State Transport Appellate Tribunal shall not entertain any application from a person aggrieved by an order of a State Transport
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Authority or Regional Transport Authority, unless the application is made within thirty days from the date of the order: Provided further that the State Transport Appellate Tribunal may entertain the application after the expiry of the said period of thirty days, if it is satisfied that the applicant was prevented by good and sufficient cause from making the application in time: Provided also that the State Transport Appellate Tribunal shall not pass an order under this section prejudicial to any person without giving him a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
[(1) The hours of work of any person engaged for operating a transport vehicle shall be such as provided in the Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961 (7 of 1961)]. (2) A State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, grant such exemptions from the provisions of sub-section (1) as it thinks fit, to meet cases of emergency or of delays by reason of circumstances which could not be foreseen. (3) A State Government or, if authorised in this behalf by the State Government by rules made under section 96, the State or a Regional Transport Authority may require persons employing any person whose work is subject to any of the provisions of sub-section (1) to fix beforehand the hours of work of such persons so as to conform to those provisions, and may provide for the recording of the hours so fixed. (4) No person shall work or shall cause or allow any other person to work outside the hours fixed or recorded for the work of such persons under subsection (3). (5) A State Government may prescribe the circumstances under which and the period during which the driver of a vehicle although not engaged in work is required to remain on or near the vehicle may be deemed to be an interval for rest within the meaning of sub-section (1). 1. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 29, for sub-section (1) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
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95. Power of State Government to make rules as to stage carriages and contract carriages.
(1) A State Government may make rules to regulate, in respect of stage carriages and contract carriages and the conduct of passengers in : such vehicles. (2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provision, such rules may(a) authorise the removal from such vehicle of any person contravening the rules by the driver or conductor of the vehicle, or, on the request of the driver or conductor, or any passenger, by any police officer; (b) require a passenger who is reasonably suspected by the driver or conductor of contravening the rules to give his name and address to a police officer or to the driver or conductor on demand; (c) require a passenger to declare, if so demanded by the driver or conductor, the journey he intends to take or has taken in the vehicle and to pay the fare for the whole of such journey and to accept any ticket issued therefor; (d) require, on demand being made for the purpose by the driver or conductor or other person authorised by the owners of the vehicle, production during the journey and surrender at the end of the journey by the holder thereof of any ticket issued to him; (e) require a passenger, if so requested by the driver or conductor, to leave the vehicle on the completion of the journey the fare for which he has paid; (f) require the surrender by the holder thereof on the expiry of the period for which it is issued of a ticket issued to him; (g) require a passenger to abstain from doing anything which is likely to obstruct or interfere with the working of the vehicle or to cause damage to any part of the vehicle or its equipment or to cause injury or discomfort to any other passenger; (h) require a passenger not to smoke in any vehicle on which a notice prohibiting smoking is exhibited; (i) require the maintenance of complaint books in stage carriages and prescribe the conditions under which passengers can record any complaints in the same. Comment / Related Citation: Motor Vehicles Act, 1939, Section 95(2) MACT Liability of insurer Motor cab Which was being used for hire or reward and thus covered by Section 95(2)(b)(i) of the Act Which prescribes a limited liability of Rs. 50000/- Only in respect of persons other than passengers carried for hire or reward Injured was not passenger Liability of insurer limited. JAMESKUTTY JACOB (2) v/s UNITED INDIA INSURANCE CO. AND OTHERS [(2006) 3 SCC 750 = (2006) 2 SCC(Cri) 114] & Motor Vehicles Act (59 of 1988), Sections 2(7), 95, 96 A.P. Motor V ehicles Rules (1989), Rule 297-A(l)(c) Validity of Rule 297-A(l)(c)-The contract carriages are for those who want to hire the vehicle collectively or individually for a group or a party for their transport to a destination/destinations. The vehicle has to be hired as a whole for the carriage of passengers mentioned in the contract. There has to be only one contract for carrying the passengers mentioned in the contract from one destination to another. An agent or a group of persons/individuals cannot hire a public service vehicle for going from one place to another with passengers having different purposes. If such a construction is put then there would be no distinction between stage carriage or contract carriage permits, If contract carriage permit-holder is permitted to pick up individual or a few of them from the starting point of journey and drop them at the last terminus of the route it would virtually be a Stage Carriage with corridor restriction. Stage carriage is intended to meet the requirements of the general public travelling from one destination to another having different purposes whereas a contract carriage is meant for those who want to hire a public service vehicle as a whole collectively for their transport from one destination to another having the same purpose. High Court was not right In holding that the travelling party as a whole need not have a common purpose for their travel and It was sufficient if they had a common destination. . In Rule 297-A(l)(c) common purpose has been defined to mean the intention shared alike by all the persons travelling by the public service vehicles to attend a meeting, gathering or function, social, religious, political and the like, or to go to a pilgrimage or visit to- place of tourists interest or both. That it would not include the intention or the act of such persons merely travelling from one common point to another. This Rule framed by the State Government does not run counter to the provisions of S. 2(7) of the Act either in its intent or in its expression. The rule is in consonance with the intent of S. 2(7) of the Act. The same has been framed to fulfill the object with which S. 2(7) has been enacted. Any other interpretation would obliterate the distinction between a stage carriage permit and a contract carriage permit. STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH AND OTHERS ETC v/s B. NOORULLA KHAN AND ANOTHER ETC [AIR 2004 SC 2413 = (2004) 6 SCC 194 = (2004) 5 Scale 618 = 2004 AIR(SCW) 2901 = (2004) 5 Supreme 660 = 2004 (Supp2) SCR 432 = JT 2004 (5) SC 195]
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96. Power of State Government to make rules for the purposes of this Chapter.
(1) A State Government may make rules for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this Chapter. (2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, rules under this section may be made with respect to all or any of the following matters, namely:(i) the period of appointment and the terms of appointment of and the conduct of business by Regional and State Transport Authorities and the reports to be furnished by them; (ii) the conduct of business by any such authority in the absence of any member (including the Chairman) thereof and the nature of business which, the circumstances under which and the manner in which, business could be so conducted; (iii) The conduct and hearing of appeals that may be preferred under this Chapter, the fees to be paid in respect of such appeals and the refund of such fees; (iv) the forms to be used for the purposes of this Chapter, including the forms or permits; (v) the issue of copies of permits in place of permits lost, destroyed or mutilated; (vi) the documents, plates and marks to be carried by transport vehicles, the manner in which they are to be carried and the languages in which any such documents are to be expressed; (vii) the fees to be paid in respect of applications for permits, duplicate permits and plates; (viii) the exemption of prescribed person or prescribed classes of persons from payment of all or any or any portion of the fees payable under this Chapter; (ix) the custody, production and cancellation on revocation or expiration of permits, and the return of permits which have been cancelled; (x) the conditions subject to which, and the extent to which, a permit granted in another State shall be valid in the State without countersignature; (xi) the conditions subject to which, and the extent to which, a permit granted in one region shall be valid in another region within the State without countersignature; (xii) the conditions to be attached to permits for the purpose of giving effect to any agreement such as is referred to in clause (iii) of subsection (1) of section 67; (xiii) the authorities to whom, the time within which and the manner in which appeals may be made; (xiv) the construction and fittings of, and the equipment to be carried by, stage and contract carriages, whether generally or in specified areas; (xv) the determination of the number of passengers a stage or contract carriage is adapted to carry and the number which may be carried; (xvi) the conditions subject to which goods may be carried on stage and contract carriages partly or wholly in lieu of passengers; (xvii) the safe custody and disposal of property left in a stage or contract carriage; (xviii) regulating the painting or marking of transport vehicles and the display of advertising matter thereon, and in particular prohibiting the painting or marking of transport vehicles in such colour or manner as to induce any person to believe that the vehicle is used for the transport of mails; (xix) the conveyance in stage or contract carriages of corpses or persons suffering from any infectious or contagious disease or goods likely to cause discomfort or injury to passengers and the inspection and disinfection of such carriages if used for such purposes; (xx) the provision of taxi meters on motor cabs requiring approval or standard types of taxi meters to be used and examining testing and sealing taxi meters; (xxi) prohibiting the picking up or setting down of passengers by stage or contract carriages at specified places or in specified areas or at places other than duly notified stands or halting places and requiring the driver of a stage carriage to stop and remain stationary for, a reasonable time when so required by a passenger desiring to board or alight from the vehicle at a notified halting place; (xxii) the requirements which shall be complied with in the construction or use of any duly notified stand or halting place, including the provision of adequate equipment and facilities for the convenience of all users thereof; the fees, if any, which may be charged for the use of such facilities, the records which shall be maintained at such stands or places, the staff to be employed thereat, and the duties and conduct of such staff, and generally for maintaining such stands and places in a serviceable and clean condition; (xxiii) the regulation of motor cab ranks; (xxiv) requiring the owners of transport vehicles to notify any change of address or to report the failure of or damage to any vehicle used for the conveyance of passengers for hire or reward;
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(xxv) authorising specified persons to enter at all reasonable times and inspect all premises used by permit holders for the purposes of their business; (xxvi) requiring the person in charge of a stage carriage to carry any person tendering the legal or customary fare; (xxvii) the conditions under which and the types of containers or vehicles in which animals or birds may be carried and the seasons during which animals or birds may or may not be carried; (xxviii) the licensing of and the regulation of the conduct of agents or canvassers who engage in the sale of tickets for travel by public service vehicles or otherwise solicit customers for such vehicles; (xxix) the licensing of agents engaged in the business of collecting for forwarding and distributing goods carried by goods carriages; (xxx) the inspection of transport vehicles and their contents and of the permits relating to them; (xxxi) the carriage of persons other than the driver in goods carriages; (xxxii) the records to be maintained and the returns to be furnished by the owners of transport vehicles; and (xxxiii) any other matter which is to be or may be prescribed.
97. Definition.
In this Chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, road transport service means a service of motor vehicles carrying passengers or goods or both by road for hire or reward.
99. Preparation and publication of proposal regarding road transport service of a State transport undertaking.
[(1) Where any State Government is of opinion that for the purpose of providing an efficient, adequate, economical and properly co-ordinated road transport service, it is necessary in the public interest that road transport services in general or any particular class of such service in relation to any area or route or portion thereof should be run and operated by the State transport undertaking, whether to the exclusion, complete or partial, of other persons or otherwise, the State Government may formulate a proposal regarding a scheme giving particulars of the nature of the services proposed to be rendered, the area or route proposed to be covered and other relevant particulars respecting thereto and shall publish such proposal in the Official Gazette of the State formulating such proposal and in not less than one newspaper in the regional language circulating in the area or route proposed to be covered by such scheme and also in such other manner as the State Government formulating such proposal deem fit.
[(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), when a proposal is published under that sub-section, then from the date of publication of such proposal, no permit shall be granted to any person, except a temporary permit during the pendency of the proposal and such temporary permit shall be valid only for a period of one year from the date of its issue or till the date of final publication of the scheme under section 100, whichever is earlier.] 1. Section 99 renumbered as sub-section (1) thereof by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 30 (w.e.f. 14-11-194), 2. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 30 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). Comment / Related Citation: Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Sections 99 to 104 Notified routes Publication of Scheme Grant of stage carriage permits Relevant Scheme was introduced under the provisions of Section 99 r/w Section 100 of the Act 1988 and the same was published in the Gazette on 9.9.1990 - The Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 was repealed and the same substituted by MV Act, 1988 that became effective from 1.7.1989 The provisions of new Act which came into operation would be applicable and govern the cases in respect of the two permits for which appeals were pending before the Appellate Tribunal on the date when the aforesaid new Act came into operation During the pendency of the aforesaid appeals also the new scheme came into operation the claim of the appellants for grant of two permits which was pending before the Appellate Tribunal was governed in accordance with the provisions of the MV Act, 1988 r/w the scheme which was promulgated and was operative and functioning As on the date of modification of clause (4) in the year 1997 in the Scheme the appellants had no permits granted in their favour by the RTA and therefore it must be held that the present appellants had no permit in their favour granted by the RTA before coming into force of the Scheme Consequently, the aforesaid scheme does not give any protection or benefit to the appellants Appeal liable to be dismissed. RAJ TRANSPORT CO. PVT. LTD., AMRITSAR v/s STATE TRANSP. APPELLATE TRIBUNAL PB. & ORS. [2010(12) SCALE 241 = (2010) 13 SCC 460]
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(i) the State transport undertaking; and (ii) any other person who, in the opinion of the State Government, is likely to be affected by the proposed modification, and opportunity of being heard in respect of the proposed modification. (2) The State Government shall publish any modification proposed under sub-section (1) in the Official Gazette and in one of the newspapers in the regional languages circulating in the area in which it is proposed to be covered by such modification, together with the date, not being less than thirty days from such publication in the Official Gazette, and the time and place at which any representation received in this behalf will be heard by the State Government. Comment / Related Citation: Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Section 102 General Clauses Act, 1897, Section 21 Rescinding of notification Modification of scheme Hearing Authority Authority delegated to the Hearing Authority limited to hear objections/representation He is not authorized to approve the proposed modification It was not open for the Hearing Authority to approve the proposed modification or modify the proposed scheme Do not find that there was any impediment for the State Government in exercising its power under Section 102 of the 1988 Act read with Section 21 of the General Clauses Act, 1897 to rescind the notification . RASID JAVED & ORS. ETC.ETC. v/s STATE OF U.P. & ANR. ETC. ETC. [2010 AIR(SCW) 4079 = JT 2010 (7) SC 285 = 2010(6) SCALE 227 = AIR 2010 SC 2275 = (2010) 7 SCC 781 = (2010) 7 SCR 535] & Motors Vehicles Act, 1988, Section 99,100,102,103,104 Motor Vehicle Framing of scheme Route Stage carriage permits Scheme covering mofusil service for total exclusion of private operators including operator on town services Exception 2 in note appended to the Scheme is that the existing town service operating on the notified rules - Held that under Exception 2 contained in the note appended to the Scheme , permits can be issued only to the existing town services operating on the notified routes This means that only existing operators on the notified routes are eligible for permits Fresh applicants or future applicants are totally ineligible for getting permit for town services operating on notified routes. A.P. STATE ROAD TRANSPORT CORPORATION. v/s REGIONAL TRANSPORT AUTHORITY AND ANOTHER [AIR 2005 SC 2663 = (2005) 4 SCC 391 = JT 2005 (5) SC 50 = 2005 (3) SCR 931 = (2005) 4 Scale 452]
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Uttar Pradesh: In section 103, after sub-section (1), the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely:(1A) It shall be lawful for a State transport undertaking to operate on any route as stage carriage, under any permit issued therefor to such undertaking under sub-section (1), any vehicle placed at the disposal and under the control of such undertaking by the owner of such vehicle under any arrangement entered into between such owner and the undertaking for the use of the said vehicle by the undertaking. [Uttar Pradesh Act 5 of 1993, sec. 2 (w.r.e.f. 16-1-1993)].
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(i) Y means the length or area by which the route or area covered by the permit is curtailed; (ii) A means the amount computed in accordance with sub-section (4); (iii) R means the total length of the route or the total area covered by the permit. (6) The amount of compensation payable under this section shall be paid by the State transport undertaking to the person or persons entitled thereto within one month from the date on which the cancellation or modification of the permit becomes effective: Provided that where the State transport undertaking fails to make the payment within the said period of one month, it shall pay interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum from the date on which it falls due.
[(3) If the Central Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do in public interest, it may by order published in the Official Gazette, notify that any article or process used by a manufacturer shall conform In such standard as may be specified in that order.] 1. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 31 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
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[(b) the size, nature, maximum retail price and condition of tyres, including embossing thereon of date and year of manufacture, and the maximum load carrying capacity;] (c) brakes and steering gear; (d) the use of safety glasses including prohibition of the use of tinted safety glasses; (e) signalling appliances, lamps and reflectors; (f) speed governors; (g) the emission of smoke, visible vapour, sparks, ashes, grit or oil; (h) the reduction of noise emitted by or caused by vehicles; (i) the embossment of chassis number and engine number and the date of manufacture; (j) safety belts, handle bars of motor cycles, auto-dippers and other equipments essential for safety of drivers, passengers and other road-user; (k) standards of the components used in the vehicle as inbuilt safety devices; (l) provision for transportation of goods of dangerous or hazardous nature to human life; (m) standards for emission of air pollutants;
(o) the placement of audio-visual or radio or tape recorder type of devices in public vehicles; (p) warranty after sale of vehicle and norms therefor:] Provided that any rules relating to the matters dealing with the protection of environment, so far as may be, shall be made after consultation with the Ministry of the Government of India dealing with environment. (2) Rules may be made under sub-section (1) governing the matters mentioned therein, including the manner of ensuring the compliance with such matters and the maintenance of motor vehicles in respect of such matters, either generally in respect of motor vehicles or trailers or in respect of motor vehicles or trailers of a particular class or in particular circumstances. (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section,(a) the Central Government may exempt any class of motor vehicles from the provisions of this Chapter; (b) a State Government may exempt any motor vehicle or any class or description of motor vehicles from the rules made under sub-section (1) subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by the Central Government. 1. Subs, by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 32, for clause (b) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 2. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 32 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
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1. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994 sec. 33 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 2. Clause (g) omitted by Act 54 of 1994 sec. 33 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
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goods vehicle or trailer is being used in contravention of section 113,] require the driver to convey the vehicle to a weighing device, if any, within a distance of ten kilometres from any point on the forward route or within a distance of twenty kilometres from the destination of the vehicle for weighment; and if on such weighment the vehicle is found to contravene in any respect the provisions of section 113 regarding weight, he may, by order in writing, direct the driver to off-load the excess weight at his own risk and not to remove the vehicle or trailer from that place until the laden weight has been reduced or the vehicle or trailer has otherwise been dealt with so that it complies with section 113 and on receipt of such notice, the driver shall comply with such directions. (2) Where the person authorised under sub-section (1) makes the said order in writing, he shall also endorse the relevant details of the overloading on the goods carriage permit and also intimate the fact of such endorsement to the authority which issued that permit. 1. Subs, by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 35, for certain words (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
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The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make regulations for the driving of motor vehicles.
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[(1) Where any motor vehicle is abandoned or left unattended on a public place for ten hours or more or is parked in a place where parking is legally prohibited, its removal by a towing service or its immobilisation by any means including wheel clamping may be authorised by a police officer in uniform having jurisdiction.] (2) Where an abandoned, unattended, wrecked, burnt or partially dismantled vehicle is creating a traffic hazard, because of its position in relation to the 2[public place], or its physical appearance is causing the impediment to the traffic, its immediate removal from the 2[public place] by a towing service may be authorised by a police officer having jurisdiction. (3) Where a vehicle is authorised to be removed under sub-section (1) or subsection (2) by a police officer, the owner of the vehicle shall be responsible for all towing costs, besides any other penalty. 1. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 37, for sub-section (1) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 2. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 37, for highway (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
[(2) The conductor, if any, of a motor vehicle on any public place shall on demand by any officer of the Motor V ehicles Department authorised in this behalf, produce the licence for examination.]
[(3) The owner of a motor vehicle (other than a vehicle registered under section 60), or in his absence the driver or other person in charge of the vehicle, shall, on demand by a registering authority or any other officer of the Motor Vehicles Department duly authorised in this behalf, produce the certificate of insurance of the vehicle and, where the vehicle is a transport vehicle, also the certificate of fitness referred to in section 56 and
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the permit; and if any or all of the certificates or the permit are not in his possession, he shall, within fifteen days from the date of demand, submit photo copies of the same, duly attested in person or send the same by registered post to the officer who demanded it. Explanation.-For the purposes of this sub-section, "certificate" of insurance" means the certificate issued under sub-section (3) of section 147.] (4) If the licence referred to in sub-section (2) or the certificates or permit referred to in sub-section (3), as the case may be, are not at the time in the possession of the person to whom demand is made, it shall be a sufficient compliance with this section if such person produces the licence or certificates or permit within such period in such manner as the Central Government may prescribe, to the police officer or authority making the demand: Provided that, except to such extent and with such modifications as may be prescribed, the provisions of this sub-section shall not apply to any person required to produce the certificate of registration or the certificate of fitness of a transport vehicle. 1. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 39, for sub-section (2) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 2. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 39, for sub-section (3) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
131. Duty of the driver to take certain precautions at unguarded railway level crossings.
Every driver of a motor vehicle at the approach of any unguarded railway level crossing shall cause the vehicle to stop and the driver of the vehicle shall cause the conductor or cleaner or attendant or any other person in the vehicle to walk up to the level crossing and ensure that no train or trolley is approaching from either side and then pilot the motor vehicle across such level crossing, and where no conductor or cleaner or attendant or any other person is available in the vehicle, the driver of the vehicle shall get down from the vehicle himself to ensure that no train or trolley is approaching from either side before the railway track is crossed.
[(a) when required to do so by any police officer not below the rank of a Sub-Inspector in uniform, in the event of the vehicle being involved in the occurrence of an accident to a person, animal or vehicle or of damage to property, or] (b) when required to do so by any person in charge of an animal if such person apprehends that the animal is, or being alarmed by the vehicle will become, unmanageable,
and he shall give his name and address and the name and address of the owner of the vehicle to any person affected by any such accident or damage who demands it provided such person also furnishes his name and address. (2) The driver of a motor vehicle shall, on demand by a person giving his own name and address and alleging that the driver has committed an offence punishable under section 184 given his name and address to that person. (3) In this section the expression animal means any horse, cattle, elephant, camel, ass, mule, sheep or goat. 1. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 40, for may reasonably be necessary (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 2. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 40, for clause (a) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 3. Clause (c) omitted by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 40 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
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(b) give on demand by a police officer any information required by him, or, if no police officer is present, report the circumstances of the occurrence, including the circumstances, if any, for not taking reasonable steps to secure medical attention as required under clause (a), at the nearest police station as soon as possible, and in any case within twenty-four hours of the occurrence;
[(c) give the following information in writing to the insurer, who has issued the certificates of insurance, about the occurrence of the accident, namely:(i) insurance policy number and period of its validity; (ii) date, time and place of accident; (iii) particulars of the persons injured or killed in the accident; (iv) name of the driver and the particulars of his driving licence. Explanation.-For the purposes of this section the expression "driver" includes the owner of the vehicle.] 1. Subs, by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 41, of and, if necessary, convey him to the nearest hospital 2. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 41 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
135. Schemes to be framed for the investigation of accident cases and wayside amenities, etc.
(1) The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make one or more schemes to provide for(a) an in depth study on causes and analysis of motor vehicle accidents; (b) wayside amenities on highways; (c) traffic aid posts on highways; and (d) truck parking complexes along highways. (2) Every scheme made under this section by any State Government shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before the State Legislature.
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vehicle, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed; (e) the maintenance and management of parking places and stands and the fees, if any, which may be charged for their use; (f) prohibiting the driving downhill of a motor vehicle with the gear disengaged either generally or in a specified place; (g) prohibiting the taking hold of or mounting of a motor vehicle in motion; (h) prohibiting the use of foot-paths or pavements by motor vehicles; (i) generally, the prevention of danger, injury or annoyance to the public or any person, or of danger or injury to property or of obstruction to traffic; and (j) any other matter which is to be, or may be, prescribed. Comment / Related Citation: Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Section 138 MACT Compensation Enhancement of Appellant-practicing lawyer Suffered permanent disability in accident High court has taken a liberal view in favour of appellant than he deserved and awarded compensation of Rs 3,28,000/- with 12 % interest Plea that no compensation awarded to engage a driver for car in future On the date of accident he was riding on a scooter He had not brought on evidence at that point of time he could afford car He may have suffered some injuries but the same would not mean that he would not be in a position to rise in his profession only by reason thereof Due to drastic fall in bank interest rates, rate of interest now granted is 9% and complainant was awarded 12% No interference. TEJINDER SINGH GUJRAL v/s INDERJIT SINGH & ANR [(2007) 1 SCC 508 = 2006 (Supp7) SCR 599 = (2006) 10 Scale 448 = (2007) 1 SCC(Cri) 389]
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(3) No rule made under this section shall operate to confer on any person any immunity in any State from the payment of any tax levied in that State on motor vehicles or their users. (4) Nothing in this Act or in any rule made thereunder by a State Government relating to(a) the registration and identification of motor vehicles, or (b) the requirements as to construction, maintenance and equipment of motor vehicles, or (c) the licensing and the qualifications of drivers and conductors of motor vehicles, shall apply(i) to any motor vehicle to which or to any driver of a motor vehicle to whom any rules made under clause (b) or clause (c) of sub-section (1) or under sub-section (2) apply; or (ii) to any conductor of a motor vehicle to whom any rules made under sub-section (2) apply.
[(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (2) regarding death or bodily injury to any person, for which the owner of the vehicle is liable to give compensation for relief, he is also liable to pay compensation under any other law for the time being in force: Provided that the amount of such compensation to be given under any other law shall be reduced from the amount of compensation payable under this section or under section 163A.] 1. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 43, for twenty-five thousand rupees (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 2. Sub, by Act 54 of 1994 sec. 43, for twelve thousand rupees (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 3. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 43 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). Comment / Related Citation: Motor V ehicles Act, 1988, Section 140 Interim compensation No fault compensation As the expression no fault suggests the compensation u/s 140 is regardless of any wrongful act, neglect or default of the person in respect of whose death the claim is made Order of the Tribunal as affirmed by the High Court directing refund of interim compensation on the ground that deceased alone was responsible for the accident and hence claimant not entitled to any compensation held to be erroneous The order of the Tribunal insofar as it permits the insurance company to recover the amount of interim compensation along with interest from the claimants/appellants liable to be set aside. INDRA DEVI & ORS. v/s BAGADA RAM & ANR. [JT 2010 (9) SC 78 = 2010 AIR(SCW) 4924 = 2010(8) SCALE 312 = AIR 2010 SC 2913 = (2010) 10 SCR 347 = (2010) 13 SCC 249] & Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Section 140 Compensation No fault liability Findings by the Tribunal in denying the compensation as provided u/s 140 of the Act by taking view that a claim for compensation under the Section can succeed only in case it is raised at the initial stage or the proceedings and further that the claim must fail if the accident had taken place by using the car without consent or knowledge of the owner held to be erroneous The Tribunal held to be wrong in denying to the appellant (as well as other 3 claimants) were fully entitled to no fault compensation u/s 140 of the Act Insurance company directed to pay to the appellant Rs. 25,000/- along with simple interest @6% p.a. from the date of the order of the Tribunal till the date of payment The other 3 claimants though not before the Court also extended the benefit of the Order. ESHWARAPPA @ MAHESHWARAPPA AND ANR. v/s C. S. GURUSHANTHAPPA AND ANR. [JT 2010 (8) SC 508 = 2010 AIR(SCW) 4918 = 2010(8) SCALE 263 = (2010) 8 SCC 620 = AIR 2010 SC 2907 = (2010) 10 SCR 362 = (2010) 3 SCC(Cri) 1042]
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141. Provisions as to other right to claim compensation for death or permanent disablement.
(1) The right to claim compensation under section 140 in respect of death or permanent disablement of any person shall be in addition to 1[any other right, except the right to claim under the scheme referred to in section 163A (such other right hereafter] in this section referred to as the right on the principle of fault) to claim compensation in respect thereof under any other provision of this Act or of any other law for the time being in force]. (2) A claim for compensation under section 140 in respect of death or permanent disablement of any person shall be disposed of as expeditiously as possible and where compensation is claimed in respect of such death or permanent disablement under section 140 and also in pursuance of any right on (he principle of fault, the claim for compensation under section 140 shall be disposed of as aforesaid in the first place. (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), where in respect of the death or permanent disablement of any person, the person liable to pay compensation under section 140 is also liable to pay compensation in accordance with the right on the principle of fault, the person so liable shall pay the first- mentioned compensation and(a) if the amount of the first-mentioned compensation is less than the amount of the second-mentioned compensation, he shall be liable to pay (in addition to the first-mentioned compensation) only so much of the second-mentioned compensation as is equal to the amount by which it exceeds the first mentioned compensation; (b) if the amount of the first-mentioned compensation is equal to or more than the amount of the second-mentioned compensation, he shall not be liable to pay the second-mentioned compensation. 1. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 44, for any other right (hereafter (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
145. Definitions.
In this Chapter,(a) authorised insurer means an insurer for the time being carrying on general insurance business in India under the General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Act, 1972, and any Government insurance fund authorised to do general insurance business under that Act; (b) certificate of insurance means a certificate issued by an authorised insurer in pursuance of sub-section (3) of section 147 and includes a cover note complying with such requirements as may be prescribed, and where more than one certificate has been issued in connection with a
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policy, or where a copy of a certificate has been issued, all those certificates or that copy, as the case may be; (c) liability, wherever used in relation to the death of or bodily injury to any person, includes liability in respect thereof under section 140; (d) policy of insurance includes certificate of insurance; (e) property includes goods carried in the motor vehicle, roads, bridges, culverts, causeways, trees, posts and mile-stones; (f) reciprocating country means any such country as may on the basis of reciprocity be notified by the Central Government in the Official Gazette to be a reciprocating country for the purposes of this Chapter; (g) third party includes the Government.
[Provided that in the case of a vehicle carrying, or meant to carry, dangerous or hazardous goods, there shall also be a policy of insurance under the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 (6 of 1991).] Explanation.-A person driving a motor vehicle merely as a paid employee, while there is in force in relation to the use of the vehicle no such policy as is required by this sub-section, shall not be deemed to act in contravention of the sub-section unless he knows or has reason to believe that there is no such policy in force. (2) Sub-section (1) shall not apply to any vehicle owned by the Central Government or a State Government and used for Government purposes unconnected with any commercial enterprise. (3) The appropriate Government may, by order, exempt from the operation of sub-section (1) any vehicle owned by any of the following authorities, namely:(a) the Central Government or a State Government, if the vehicle is used for Government purposes connected with any commercial enterprise; (b) any local authority; (c) any State transport undertaking: Provided that no such order shall be made in relation to any such authority unless a fund has been established and is maintained by that authority in accordance with the rules made in that behalf under this Act for meeting any liability arising out of the use of any vehicle of that authority which that authority or any person in its employment may incur to third parties. Explanation.-For the purposes of this sub-section, appropriate Government means the Central Government or a State Government, as the case may be, and(i) in relation to any corporation or company owned by the Central Government or any State Government, means the Central Government or that State Government; (ii) in relation to any corporation or company owned by the Central Government and one or more State Governments, means the Central Government; (iii) in relation to any other State transport undertaking or any local authority, means that Government which has control over that undertaking or authority. 1. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 45 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). Comment / Related Citation: Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Sections 158(6),146,165,166(4),168,169 Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, Rule 150,158(6) MACT Compensation Problems being faced by claimants in getting compensation enumerated Directions issued to the Police Authorities to implement Section 158(6) and 196 of the MV Act Directions also given to the Claims Tribunal to comply with provision of Section 166(4) of the Act Suggestions also given to the Insurance Companies and Legislative/ executive intervention also sought Central Government also asked to consider rationalization of Second Schedule to the MV Act. JAI PRAKASH v/s NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED AND OTHERS [(2010) 2 SCC 607 = (2010) 2 SCC(Cri) 1075] & Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 Sections 165, 146, 196-Consumer Protection Act, 1986 Section 196-Compensation Car purchased on hire-purchase basis Two cheques given to bank for insurance policy Policy not renewed Fatal accident Claim filed before appropriate Tribunal Compensation also claimed before Consumer Forum Liability of insurer. Held that bank can not be held responsible, to pay damages for not
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obtaining insurance. Claim of damages rejected. PRADEEP KUMAR JAIN v/s CITIBANK AND ANOTHER [AIR 1999 SC 3119 = (1999) 6 SCC 361 = JT 1999 (5) SC 639 = (1999) 4 Scale 662 = 1999 AIR(SCW) 3067 = (1999) 7 Supreme 210 = (1999) 1 SCC(Cri) 1124]
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& Workmens Compensation Act, 1923, Section 4 Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Section 147 Compensation Insurers liability Workmen engaged in unloading from the tractor to an underground storage bin While cleaning the storage bin they fell into grocery pit and died due to asphyxia The use of the vehicle was not even claimed as being a ground on which liability is said to be fastened on the Insurance Company View taken by the High Court that insurance company not liable held to be justified and correct and not interference called for. MAMTAJ BI BAPUSAB NADAF & ORS. v/s UNITED INDIA INSURANCE CO. & ORS. [2010 AIR(SCW) 5872 = 2010(9) SCALE 590 = (2010) 10 SCC 536 = (2010) 10 SCR 996]
149. Duty of insurers to satisfy judgments and awards against persons insured in respect of third party risks.
(1) If, after a certificate of insurance has been issued under sub-section (3) of section 147 in favour of the person by whom a policy has been effected, judgment or award in respect of any such liability as is required to be covered by a policy under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 147 (being a liability covered by the terms of the policy) 1[for under the provisions of section 163A] is obtained against any person insured by the policy, then, notwithstanding that the insurer may be entitled to avoid or cancel or may have avoided or cancelled the policy, the insurer shall, subject to the provisions of this section, pay to the person entitled to the benefit of the decree any sum not exceeding the sum assured payable thereunder, as if he were the judgment debtor, in respect of the liability, together with any amount payable in respect of costs and any sum payable in respect of interest on that sum by virtue of any enactment relating to interest on judgments. (2) No sum shall be payable by an insurer under sub-section (1) in respect of any judgment or award unless, before the commencement of the proceedings in which the judgment of award is given the insurer had notice through the Court or, as the case may be, the Claims Tribunal of the bringing of the proceedings, or in respect of such judgment or award so long as execution is stayed thereon pending an appeal; and an insurer to whom notice of the bringing of any such proceedings is so given shall be entitled to be made a party thereto and to defend the action on any of the following grounds, namely:(a) that there has been a breach of a specified condition of the policy, being one of the following conditions, namely:(i) a condition excluding the use of the vehicle(a) for hire or reward, where the vehicle is on the date of the contract of insurance a vehicle not covered by a permit to ply for hire or reward, or (b) for organised racing and speed testing, or (c) for a purpose not allowed by the permit under which the vehicle is used, where the vehicle is a transport vehicle, or (d) without side-car being attached where the vehicle is a motor cycle; or (ii) a condition excluding driving by a named person or persons or by any person who is not duly licensed, or by any person who has been disqualified for holding or obtaining a driving licence during the period of disqualification; or (iii) a condition excluding liability for injury caused or contributed to by conditions of war, civil war, riot or civil commotion; or (b) that the policy is void on the ground that it was obtained by the nondisclosure of a material fact or by a representation of fact which was false in some material particular. (3) Where any such judgment as is referred to in sub-section (1) is obtained from a Court in a reciprocating country and in the case of a foreign judgment is, by virtue of the provisions of section 13 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) conclusive as to any matter adjudicated upon by it, the insurer (being an insurer registered under the Insurance Act, 1938 (4 of 1938) and whether or not he is registered under the corresponding law of the reciprocating country) shall he liable to the person entitled to the benefit of the decree in the manner and to be the extent specified in sub-section (1), as if the judgment were given by a Court Bin India: Provided that no sum shall be payable by the insurer in respect of any such judgment unless, before the commencement of the proceedings in which the judgment is given, the insurer had notice through the Court concerned of the bringing of the proceedings and the insurer to whom notice is so given is entitled Hinder the corresponding law of the reciprocating country, to be made a party to he proceedings and to defend the action on grounds similar to those specified in Hub-section (2). (4) Where a certificate of insurance has been issued under sub-section (3) of section 147 to the person by whom a policy has been effected, so much of the policy as purports to restrict the insurance of the persons insured thereby by reference to any condition other than those in clause (b)
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of sub-section (2) shall, as respects such liabilities as are required to be covered by a policy under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 147, be of no effect: Provided that any sum paid by the insurer in or towards the discharge of any liability of any person which is covered by the policy by virtue only of this subsection shall be recoverable by the insurer from that person. (5) If the amount which an insurer becomes liable under this section to pay in respect of a liability incurred by a person insured by a policy exceeds the amount for which the insurer would apart from the provisions of this section be liable under the policy in respect of that liability, the insurer shall be entitled to recover the excess from that person. (6) In this section the expression material fact and material particular means, respectively a fact or particular of such a nature as to influence the judgment of a prudent insurer in determining whether he will take the risk and, if so, at what premium and on what conditions, and the expression liability covered by the terms of the policy means a liability which is covered by the policy or which would be so covered but for the fact that the insurer is entitled to avoid or cancel or has avoided or cancelled the policy. (7) No insurer to whom the notice referred to in sub-section (2) or sub-section (3) has been given shall be entitled to avoid his liability to any person entitled to the benefit of any such judgment or award as is referred to in sub-section (1) or in such judgment as is referred to in sub-section (3) otherwise than in the manner provided for in sub-section (2) or in the corresponding law of the reciprocating country, as the case may be. Explanation.-For the purposes of this section, Claims Tribunal means a Claims Tribunal constituted under section 165 and award means an award made by that Tribunal under section 168. 1. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 47 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). Comment / Related Citation: Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Sections 149(1), 166 Compensation Insurers liability Insurance policy of the owner of the vehicle covered six occupants of the vehicle in question, including the driver whereas there were 15 passengers in the vehicle and most of them died and few received injuries The liability of the insurer would be confined to six persons only, notwithstanding the larger number of persons carried in the vehicle Such excess number of persons would have to be treated as third parties, but since premium had been paid in the policy for them, the insurer would not be liable to make payment of the compensation amount as far as they are concerned -The Appellant Insurance Company shall deposit with the Tribunal the total amount of the amount awarded in favour of the awardees and the same is to be utilized to satisfy the claims of those claimants not covered by the Insurance Policy along with the persons so covered The Insurance Company will be entitled to recover the amount paid by it, in excess of it liability from the owner of the vehicle, by putting the decree in execution The total amount of the six awardees which are the highest shall be construed as the liability of the Insurance Company UNITED INDIA INSURANCE CO. LTD. v/s K.M. POONAM & ORS. [2011(2) SCALE 568 = JT 2011 (3) SC 149] & Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Section 149 and 166 Motor Vehicle accident Compensation Liability of Insurer Since the cheque for the premium amount was received by the company at 4.00 p.m. on May 7, 1998, the insurance must deemed to have commenced from that time and four hours late when the vehicle met with the accident, the owner must be deemed to be covered by the insurance policy despite mentioning in the cover note that insurance would commence from May 8, 1998. ORIENTAL INSURANCE CO. LTD. v/s DHARAM CHAND & ORS. [2010(8) SCALE 501 = JT 2010 (9) SC 251] 150. Rights of third parties against insurers on insolvency of the insured. (1) Where under any contract of insurance effected in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, a person is insured against liabilities which he may incur to third parties, then(a) in the event of the person becoming insolvent or making a composition or arrangement with his creditors, or (b) where the insured person is a company, in the event of a winding- up order being made or a resolution for a voluntary winding-up being passed with respect to the company or of a receiver or manager of the companys business or undertaking being duly appointed, or of possession being taken by or on behalf of the holders of any debentures secured by a floating charge of any property comprised in or subject to the charge, if, either before or after that event, any such liability is incurred by the insured person, his rights against the insurer under the contract in respect of the liability shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any provision of law, be transferred to and vest in the third party to whom the liability was so incurred. (2) Where an order for the administration of the estate of a deceased debtor is made according to the law of insolvency, then, if any debt provable in insolvency is owing by the deceased in respect of a liability to a third party against which he was insured under a contract of insurance in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, the deceased debtors rights against the insurer in respect of that liability shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any provision of law, be transferred to and vest in the person to whom the debt is owing. (3) Any condition in a policy issued for the purposes of this Chapter purporting either directly or indirectly to avoid the policy or to alter the rights of the parties thereunder upon the happening to the insured person of any of the events specified in clause (a) or clause (b) of sub-section (1) or upon the making of an order for the administration of the estate of a deceased debtor according to the law of insolvency shall be of no effect. (4) Upon a transfer under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), the insurer shall be under the same liability to the third party as he would have been
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to the insured person, but(a) if the liability of the insurer to the insured person exceeds the liability of the insured person to the third party, nothing in this Chapter shall affect the rights of the insured person against the insurer in respect of the excess, and (b) if the liability of the insurer to the insured person is less than the liability of the insured person to the third party, nothing in this Chapter shall affect the rights of the third party against the insured person in respect of the balance.
154. Insolvency of insured persons not to affect liability of insured or claims by third parties.
Where a certificate of insurance has been issued to the person by whom a policy has been effected, the happening in relation to any person insured by the policy of any such event as is mentioned in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) of section 150 shall, notwithstanding anything contained in this Chapter, not affect any liability of that person of the nature referred to in clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 147; but nothing in this section shall affect any rights against the insurer conferred under the provisions of sections 150, 151 and 152 on the person to whom the liability was incurred.
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[Explanation.-For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that such deemed transfer shall include transfer of rights and liabilities of the said certificate of insurance and policy of insurance.] (2) The transferee shall apply within fourteen days from the date of transfer in the prescribed form to the insurer for making necessary changes in regard to the fact of transfer in the certificate of insurance and the policy described in the certificate in his favour and the insurer shall make the necessary changes in the certificate and the policy of insurance in regard to the transfer of insurance. 1. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 48 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
[(6) As soon as any information regarding any accident involving death or bodily injury to any person is recorded or report under this section is completed by a police officer, the officer incharge of the police station shall forward a copy of the same within thirty days from the date of recording of information or, as the case may be, on completion of such report to the Claims Tribunal having jurisdiction and a copy thereof to the concerned insurer, and where a copy is made available to the owner, he shall also within thirty days of receipt of such report, forward the same to such Claims Tribunal and Insurer.] 1. Subs, by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 49, for sub-section (6) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
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Comment / Related Citation: Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, Sections 451,457 -Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Section 158(6) Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, Section 159 Motor Vehicles Seized vehicles involved in commission of various offence National waste while in custody of Police Contention that earlier direction issued by the Apex Court in Suderbhai Ambalal Desai case are not complied with by the prosecuting agency Considering the mandate of Section 451 read with Section 457 Cr.P.C. further direction with regard to seized vehicle given. GENERAL INSURANCE COUNCIL & ORS. v/s STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH & ORS. [2010 AIR(SCW) 2967 = 2010(4) SCALE 141 = (2010) 6 SCC 768 = (2010) 5 SCR 97 = 2010 CRI. L. J. 2883 = (2010) 3 SCC(Cri) 226] & Motor Vehicle Act, 1988, Section 158(6) Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, Rule 159 Section 158(6) MACT Statutory obligation on the concerned police officers to forward Claims Tribunal having jurisdiction about the death or bodily injury to any persons so recorded in police station Sending copy thereof to the concerned insurer and the owner of the offending vehicle Provision mandatory Direction to all State Government and Union Territories to instruct all concerned police officers to comply with the requirement of section 158(6) of the Act. GENERAL INSURANCE COUNCIL & ORS v/s STATE OF ANDHRA PRADESH & ORS [AIR 2007 SC 2696 = 2007 AIR(SCW) 4873 = (2007) 12 SCC 354 = 2007 (8) SCR 192 = (2007) 9 Scale 165 = (2008) 1 SCC(Cri) 384]
161. Special provisions as to compensation in case of hit and run motor accident.
(1) For the purposes of this section, section 162 and section 163(a) grievous hurt shall have the same meaning as in the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (45 of 1860); (b) hit and run motor accident means an accident arising out of the use of a motor vehicle or motor vehicles the identity whereof cannot be ascertained in spite of reasonable efforts for the purpose; (c) scheme means the scheme framed under section 163. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in the General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Act, 1972 (57 of 1972) or any other law for the time being in force or any instrument having the force of law, the General Insurance Corporation of India formed under section 9 of the said Act and the insurance companies for the time being carrying on general insurance business in India shall provide for paying in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the scheme, compensation in respect of the death of, or grievous hurt to, persons resulting from hit and run motor accidents. (3) Subject to the provisions of this Act and the scheme, there shall be paid as compensation(a) in respect of the death of any person resulting from a hit and run motor accident, a fixed sum of 1[twenty-five thousand rupees]; (b) in respect of grievous hurt to any person resulting from a hit and run motor accident, a fixed sum of 2[twelve thousand and five hundred rupees]. (4) The provisions of sub-section (1) of section 166 shall apply for the purpose of making applications for compensation under this section as they apply for the purpose of making applications for compensation referred to in that sub-section. 1. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 50, for eight thousand and five hundred rupees (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 2. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 50, for two thousand rupees (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
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Comment / Related Citation: Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 Sections 161,163 Compensation Injured, 45 years old, having income of Rs. 4,000/-p.m. Likely to be increased Right leg amputated Overall disability of 50%. Held that additional amount of Rs. 2 lacs be paid. GRIFAN v/s SARBJEET SINGH [(2000) 9 SCC 338 = JT 2000 (8) SC 55 = (2000) 7 Supreme 378]
162. Refund in certain cases of compensation paid under section 161 (1).
(1) The payment of compensation in respect of the death of, or grievous hurt to, any person under section 161 shall be subject to the condition that if any compensation (hereafter in this sub-section referred to as the other compensation) or other amount in lieu of or by way of satisfaction of a claim for compensation is awarded or paid in respect of such death or grievous hurt under any other provision of this Act or any other law or otherwise so much of the other compensation or other amount aforesaid as is equal to the compensation paid under section 161 shall be refunded to the insurer. (2) Before awarding compensation in respect of an accident involving the death of, or bodily injury to, any person arising out of the use of a motor vehicle or motor vehicles under any provision of this Act (other than section 161) or any other law, the Tribunal, Court or other authority awarding such compensation shall verify as to whether in respect of such death or bodily injury compensation has already been paid under section 161 or an application for payment of compensation is pending under that section, and such Tribunal, Court or other authority shall,(a) if compensation has already been paid under section 161, direct the person liable to pay the compensation awarded by it to refund to the insurer, so much thereof as is required to be refunded in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1); (b) if an application for payment of compensation is pending under section 161 forward the particulars as to the compensation awarded by it to the insurer. Explanation.-For the purpose of this sub-section, an application for compensation under section 161 shall be deemed to be pending(i) if such application has been rejected, till the date of the rejection of the application, and (ii) in any other case, till the date of payment of compensation in pursuance of the application.
163. Scheme for payment of compensation in case of hit and run motor accidents.
(1) The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make a scheme1 specifying, the manner in which the scheme shall be administered by the General Insurance Corporation, the form, manner and the time within which applications for compensation may be made, the officers or authorities to whom such applications may be made, the procedure to be followed by such officers or authorities for considering and passing orders on such applications, and all other matters connected with, or incidental to, the administration of the scheme and the payment of compensation. (2) A scheme made under sub-section (1) may provide that(a) a contravention of any provision thereof shall be punishable with imprisonment for such term as may be specified but in no case exceeding three months, or with fine which may extend to such amount as may be specified but in no case exceeding five hundred rupees or with both; (b) the powers, functions or duties conferred or imposed on any officer or authority by such scheme may be delegated with the prior approval in writing of the Central Government, by such officer or authority to any other officer or authority; (c) any provision of such scheme may operate with retrospective effect from a date not earlier than the date of establishment of the Solatium, Fund under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 (4 of 1939) as it stood immediately before the commencement of this Act: Provided that no such retrospective effect shall be given so as to prejudicially affect the interests of any person who may be governed by such provision. 1. Solatium Scheme, 1989 vide S.O. 440 (E), dated 12th June, 1989, published in the Gazette of India, Extra., Pt. II, sec. 3(ii) dated 12th June, 1989. See Universals Central Motor V ehicles Rules, 1989 along with allied material.
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or in any other law for the time being in force or instrument having the force of law, the owner of the motor vehicle or the authorised insurer shall be liable to pay in the case of death or permanent disablement due to accident arising out of the use of motor vehicle, compensation, as indicated in the Second Schedule, to the legal heirs or the victim, as the case may be. Explanation.-For the purposes of this sub-section, "permanent disability" shall have the same meaning and extent as in the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923 (8 of 1923). (2) In any claim for compensation under sub-section (1), the claimant shall not be required to plead or establish that the death or permanent
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disablement in respect of which the claim has been made was due to any wrongful act or neglect or default of the owner of the vehicle or vehicles concerned or of any other person. (3) The Central Government may, keeping in view the cost of living by notification in the Official Gazette, from time to time amend the Second Schedule. 1. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 51 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). Comment / Related Citation: Motor V ehicles Act, 1988, Sections 163A and 166 - Compensation - MACT claim filed u/s 166 of the Act but subsequently on an application treated the claim u/s 163-A and award passed and amount of compensation withdrawn by claimant - Thereafter, an application filed that the claim petition filed u/s 166 may be decided - Held that the respondents having obtained the compensation, finally determined u/s 163A of the Act are precluded from proceeding further with the petition filed u/s 166 of the Act - The impugned judgment of the High Court upholding the order passed by the Tribunal to permit the respondents to proceed further with the petition filed u/s 166 of the Act held not sustainable and liable to be set aside. ORIENTAL INSURANCE CO.LTD. v/s DHANBAI KANJI GADHVI & ORS. [2011(2) SCALE 39 = 2011 AIR(SCW) 1269] & Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Sections 163A, 166 Compensation - Injury cases Assessment of future loss of earnings due to permanent disability Principles discussed. RAJ KUMAR v/s AJAY KUMAR & ANR. [2010(12) SCALE 265 = (2011) 1 SCC 343]
Where a person is entitled to claim compensation under section 140 and section 163A, he shall file the claim under either of the said sections and not under both.] 1. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 51 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
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163A]. (2) A Claims Tribunal shall consist of such number of members as the State Government may think fit to appoint and where it consists of two or more members, one of them shall be appointed as the Chairman thereof. (3) A person shall not be qualified for appointment as a member of a Claims Tribunal unless he(a) is, or has been, a Judge of a High Court, or (b) is, or has been a District Judge, or (c) is qualified for appointment as a High Court Judge 1[or as a District Judge]. (4) Where two or more Claims Tribunals are constituted for any area, the State Government, may by general or special order, regulate the distribution of business among them. 1. Added by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 52 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
[(2) Every application under sub-section (1) shall be made, at the option of the claimant, either to the Claims Tribunal having jurisdiction over the area in which the accident occurred, or to the Claims Tribunal within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the claimant resides or carries on business or within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the defendant resides, and shall be in such form and contain such particulars as may be prescribed: Provided that where no claim for compensation under section 140 is made in such application, the application shall contain a separate statement to that effect immediately before the signature of the applicant.]
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[(4) The Claims Tribunal shall treat any report of accidents forwarded to it under sub-section (6) of section 158 as an application for compensation under this Act.] 1. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 53, for sub-section (2) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 2. Sub.-section (3) omitted by Act 53 of 1994, sec. 53 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 3. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 53, for sub-section (4) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). Comment / Related Citation: Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Section 166 Compensation Claim petition denied by the Tribunal as well as High Court on the ground that concerned vehicle was not involved in the accidentas in the FIR lodged by the brother of the victim neither the number of the vehicle nor the name of the driver was mentioned Evidence of witness discarded solely on the ground that name of witness was not mentioned in the FIR, so it was not possible for the witness to see the incident Held to be not a proper assessment of the fact situation in this case In a case relating to motor accident claims the claimants are not required to prove the case as it is required to be done in a criminal trial The Tribunal has applied multiplier of 16 even though the age of deceased had been determined as 29 years Considering the age of the deceased of the victim the multiplier of 17 should be applied and the amount of compensation comes to Rs. 3,93,428/- apart from the amount of funeral expenses -Keeping in view the number of claimants of which three are minor children in exercise of its power under Article 142 of the Constitution an amount of Rs. 6 lacs awarded including the amounts of consortium and funeral expenses along with interest @7% from the date of presentation of the claim petition till the date of actual payment. KUSUM LATA AND OTHERS v/s SATBIR AND OTHERS [2011 AIR(SCW) 1593 = (2011) 3 SCC 646] & Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Section 166 Compensation Addition of income for future prospectus Multiplier Split multiplier Though there
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was evidence on record for future promotion of deceased who was 51 years of age but that not taken into account and taking income of the deceased at Rs. 16,000/- after applying multiplier of 11 compensation of Rs. 14,27,496/- awarded by the Tribunal and the same reduced to Rs. 11,82,000/- by introducing the concept of split multiplier and departed from the multiplier used by the Tribunal without disclosing any reason therefor Multiplier of 11 applied by the Tribunal upheld The judgment of the High Court held to be perverse and liable to be set aside -Taking into account the future prospectus of the deceased his income taken to be 20,000/- instead of Rs. 16,000/- and by applying multiplier of 11 the total compensation award rounded off to Rs. 18,0,0000. K.R. MADHUSUDHAN & ORS. v/s ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER & ANR. [2011(2) SCALE 511 = 2011 AIR(SCW) 1390]
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(3) Subject to any rules that may be made in this behalf, the Claims Tribunal may, for the purpose of adjudicating upon any claim for compensation, choose one or more persons possessing special knowledge of and matter relevant to the inquiry to assist it in holding the inquiry.
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(b) any party or insurer has put forward a false or vexatious claim or defence, such Tribunal may make an order for the payment, by the party who is guilty of misrepresentation or by whom such claim or defence has been put forward of special costs by way of compensation to the insurer or, as the case may be, to the party against whom such claim or defence has been put forward. (2) No Claims Tribunal shall pass an order for special costs under sub-section (1) for any amount exceeding one thousand rupees. (3) No person or insurer against whom an order has been made under this section shall, by reason thereof be exempted from any criminal liability in respect of such mis-representation, claim or defence as is referred to in sub-section (1). (4) Any amount awarded by way of compensation under this section in respect of any misrepresentation, claim or defence, shall be taken into account in any subsequent suit for damages for compensation in respect of such misrepresentation, claim or defence.
173. Appeals.
(1) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) any person aggrieved by an award of a Claims Tribunal may, within ninety days from the date of the award, prefer an appeal to the High Court: Provided that no appeal by the person who is required to pay any amount in terms of such award shall be entertained by the High Court unless he has deposited with it twenty-five thousand rupees or fifty per cent, of the amount so awarded, whichever is less, in the manner directed by the High Court: Provided further that the High Court may entertain the appeal after the expiry of the said period of ninety days, if it is satisfied that the appellant was prevented by sufficient cause from preferring the appeal in time. (2) No appeal shall lie against any award of a Claims Tribunal if the amount in dispute in the appeal is less than ten thousand rupees. Comment / Related Citation: Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Section 173 Motor Vehicle accident Compensation Income Deductions Net income Deduction as 30% towards income tax as assessed by the High Court not disturbed Held that while ascertaining the income of the deceased any deductions shown in the salary certificate as deductions towards GPF, life insurance premium, repayments of loans etc. should not be excluded from the income - The deduction towards income tax/surcharge alone should be considered to arrive at the net income of the deceased. SHYAMWATI SHARMA & ORS. v/s KARAM SINGH & ORS. [JT 2010 (7) SC 214 = 2010 AIR(SCW) 4391 = 2010(6) SCALE 763 = (2010) 8 SCR 417 = (2010) 12 SCC 378] & Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Sections 166,173 Compensation Multiplier The age of deceased was 48 years at the time of accident Multiplier of 13 applied by tribunal reduced to 10 by the High Court Held that the Tribunal had rightly applied multiplier of 13 Award of MACT restored The interest @7.5% p.a. awarded by High Court from the date of petition till the date of payment upheld. PODDUTOORI LALITA DEVI AND ANR. v/s A.P.S.R.T.C. REP. BY MANAGING DIRECTOR AND ANR. [2010(2) SCALE 587]
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Tribunal; and (e) any other matter which is to be, or may be, prescribed.
178. Penalty for travelling without pass or ticket and for dereliction of duty on the part of conductor and refusal to ply contract carriage, etc.
(1) Whoever travels in a stage carriage without having a proper pass or ticket with him or being in or having alighted from a stage carriage fails or refuses to present for examination or to deliver up his pass or ticket immediately on a requisition being made therefor, shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees. Explanation.-In this section, pass and ticket have the meanings respectively assigned to them in section 124. (2) If the conductor of a stage carriage, or the driver of a stage carriage performing the functions of a conductor in such stage carriage, whose duty is(a) to supply a ticket to a person travelling in a stage carriage on payment of fare by such person, either wilfully or negligently,(i) fails or refuses to accept the fare when tendered, or (ii) fails or refuses to supply a ticket, or (iii) supplies an invalid ticket, or (iv) supplies a ticket of a lesser value, or (b) to check any pass or ticket, either wilfully or negligently fails or refuses to do so, he shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees. (3) If the holder of a permit or the driver of a contract carriage refuses, in contravention of the provisions of this Act or rules made thereunder, to ply the contract carriage or to carry the passengers, he shall,(a) in the case of two-wheeled or three-wheeled motor vehicles, be punishable with fine which may extend to fifty rupees; and (b) in any other case, be punishable with fine which may extend to two hundred rupees.
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place, or applies for or obtains a driving licence or, not being entitled to have a driving licence issued to him free of endorsement, applies for or obtains a driving licence without disclosing the endorsement made on a driving licence previously held by him shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months, or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees or with both, and any driving licence so obtained by him shall be of no effect. (2) Whoever, being disqualified under this Act for holding or obtaining a conductors licence, acts as a conductor of a stage carriage in a public place or plies for or obtains a conductors licence or, not being entitled to have a conductors licence issued to him free of endorsement, applies for or obtains a conductors licence without disclosing the endorsements made on a conductors licence previously held by him, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one month, or with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees, or with both, and any conductors licence so obtained by him shall be of no effect.
Any person who contravenes the provisions of sub-section (3) of section 109, shall be punishable with a fine of one thousand rupees for the first offence and with a fine of five thousand rupees for any subsequent offences.] 1. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 54 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
[(a) has, in his blood, alcohol exceeding 30 mg. per 100 ml. of blood detected in a test by a breath analyser, or]
(b) is under this influence of a drug to such an extent as to be incapable of exercising proper control over the vehicle, shall be punishable for the first offence with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to two thousand rupees, or with both; and for a second or subsequent offence, if committed within three years of the commission of the previous similar offence, with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine which may extend to three thousand rupees, or with both. Explanation.-For the purposes of this section, the drug or drugs specified by the Central Government in this behalf, by notification in the Official Gazette, shall be deemed to render a person incapable of exercising proper control over a motor vehicle. 1. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 55, for clause (a) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
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rupees and for a second or subsequent offence with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees.
(1) Whoever drives a motor vehicle or causes or allows a motor vehicle to be used in contravention of the provisions of section 39 shall be punishable for the first offence with a fine which may extend to five thousand rupees but shall not be less than two thousand rupees for a second or subsequent offence with imprisonment which may extend to one year or with fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees but shall not be less than five thousand rupees or with both: Provided that the Court may, for reasons to be recorded, impose a lesser punishment. (2) Nothing in this section shall apply to the use of a motor vehicle in an emergency for the conveyance of persons suffering from sickness or injuries or for the transport of food or materials to relieve distress or of medical supplies for a like purpose: Provided that the person using the vehicle reports about the same to the Regional Transport Authority within seven days from the date of such use. (3) The Court to which an appeal lies from any conviction in respect of an offence of the nature specified in sub-section (1), may set aside or vary
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any order made by the Court below, notwithstanding that no appeal lies against the conviction in connection with which such order was made. 1. Subs, by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 56, for section 192 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
(1) Whoever drives a motor vehicle or causes or allows a motor vehicle to be used in contravention of the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 66 or in contravention of any condition of a permit relating to the route on which or the area in which or the purpose for which the vehicle may be used, shall be punishable for the first offence with a fine which may extend to five thousand rupees but shall not be less than two thousand rupees and for any subsequent offence with imprisonment which may extend to one year but shall not be less than three months or with fine which may extend lo ten thousand rupees but shall not be less than five thousand rupees or with both: Provided that the court may for reasons to be recorded, impose a lesser punishment. (2) Nothing in this section shall apply to the use of a motor vehicle in an emergency for the conveyance of persons suffering from sickness or injury or for the transport of materials for repair or for the transport of food or materials to relieve distress or of medical supplies for a like purpose: Provided that the person using the vehicle reports about the same to the Regional Transport Authority within seven days from the date of such use. (3) The court to which an appeal lies from any conviction in respect of an offence of the nature specified in sub-section (1), may set aside or vary any order made by the court below, notwithstanding that no appeal lies against the conviction in connection with which such order was made.] 1. Subs, by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 56, for section 192 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
[(1) Whoever drivers I a motor vehicle or causes or allows a motor vehicle to be driven in contravention of the provisions of section 113 or section 114 or section 115 shall be punishable with minimum fine of two thousand rupees and an additional amount of one thousand rupees per tonne of excess load, together with the liability to pay charges for off-loading of the excess load]. (2) Any driver of a vehicle who refuses to stop and submit his vehicle to weighing after being directed to do so by an officer authorised in this behalf under section 114 or removes or causes the removal of the load or part of it prior to weighing shall be punishable with fine which may extend to three thousand rupees. 1. Subs, by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 57, for sub-section (1) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
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lawful authority or in the reasonable belief that the owner would in the circumstances of the case have given his consent if he had been asked therefor. (2) Whoever, unlawfully by force or threat of force or by any other form of intimidation, seizes or exercises control of a motor vehicle, shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to three months, or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, or with both. (3) Whoever attempts to commit any of the acts referred to in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) in relation to any motor vehicle, or abets the commission of any such act, shall also be deemed to have committed an offence under sub-section (1) or, as the case may be, sub-section (2).
[Provided further that where the vehicle is removed by a Government agency, towing charges shall be recovered from the vehicle owner or person in-charge of such vehicle.]
[(2) Penalties or towing charges under this section shall be recovered by such officer or authority as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, authorise.] 1. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 59 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). 2. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 59, for sub-section (2) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994)
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section 185 or section 197: Provided that any person so arrested in connection with an offence punishable under section 185 shall, within two hours of his arrest, be subjected to a medical examination referred to in sections 203 and 204 by a registered medical practitioner failing which he shall be released from custody.
[(2) A police officer in uniform may arrest without warrant any person, who has committed an offence under this Act, if such person refuses to give his name and address.] (3) A police officer arresting without warrant the driver of a motor vehicle shall if the circumstances so require take or cause to be taken any steps he may consider proper for the temporary disposal of the vehicle. 1. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 60, for sub-section (2) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
[(1) A police officer in uniform or an officer of the Motor V ehicles Department, as may be authorised in this behalf by that Department, may require any person driving or attempting to drive a motor vehicle in a public place to provide one or more specimens of breath for breath test there or nearby, if such police officer or officer has any reasonable cause to suspect him of having committed an offence under section 185: Provided that requirement for breath test shall be made (unless, it is made) as soon as reasonably practicable after the commission of such offence.] (2) If a motor vehicle is involved in an accident in a public place and a police officer in uniform has any reasonable cause to suspect that the person who was driving the motor vehicle at the time of the accident had alcohol in his blood or that he was driving under the influence of a drug referred to in section 185 he may require the person so driving the motor vehicle, to provide a specimen of his breath for a breath test(a) in the case of a person who is at a hospital as an indoor patient, at the hospital, (b) in the case of any other person, either at or near the place where the requirement is made, or, if the police officer thinks fit, at a police station specified by the police officer: Provided that a person shall not be required to provide such a specimen while at a hospital as an indoor patient if the registered medical practitioner in immediate charge of his case is not first notified of the proposal to make the requirement or objects to the provision of a specimen on the ground that its provision or the requirement to provide it would be prejudicial to the proper care or treatment of the patient. (3) If it appears to a police officer in uniform, in consequence of a breath test carried out by him on any person under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) that the device by means of which the test has been carried out indicates the presence of alcohol in the persons blood, the police officer may arrest that person without warrant except while that person is at a hospital as an indoor patient. (4) If a person, required by a police officer under sub-section (1) or subsection (2) to provide a specimen of breath for a breath test, refuses or fails to do so and the police officer has reasonable cause to suspect him of having alcohol in his blood, the police officer may arrest him without warrant except while he is at a hospital as an indoor patient. (5) A person arrested under this section shall while at a police station, be given an opportunity to provide a specimen of breath for a breath test there. (6) The results of a breath test made in pursuance of the provisions of this section shall be admissible in evidence. Explanation.-For the purposes of this section breath test, means a test for the purpose of obtaining an indication of the presence of alcohol in a persons blood carried out on one or more specimens of breath provided by that person, by means of a device of a type approved by the Central Government by notification in the Official Gazette, for the purpose of such a test. 1. Subs. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 61, for sub-section (1) (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
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laboratory test(a) if it appears to the police officer that the device by means of which test is carried out in relation to the breath of such person indicates the presence of alcohol in the blood of such person, or (b) if the person having been required, whether at the hospital or elsewhere, to provide a specimen of breath for a breath test, has refused, omitted or failed to do so and a police officer has reasonable cause to suspect him of having alcohol in his blood: Provided that a person shall not be required to provide a specimen of his blood for a laboratory test under this sub-section if the registered medical practitioner in immediate charge of his case is not first notified of the proposal to make the requirement or objects to the provision of such specimen on the ground that its provision or the requirement to provide it would be prejudicial to the proper care or treatment of the patient. (3) The results of a laboratory test made in pursuance of this section shall be admissible in evidence. Explanation.-For the purposes of this section, laboratory test means the analysis of a specimen of blood made at a laboratory established, maintained or recognised by the Central Government or a State Government.
207. Power to detain vehicles used without certificate of registration permit, etc.
(1) Any police officer or other person authorised in this behalf by the State Government may, if he has reason to believe that a motor vehicle has been or is being used in contravention of the provisions of section 3 or section 4 or section 39 or without the permit required by sub-section (1) of section 66 or in contravention or any condition of such permit relating to the route on which or the area in which or the purpose for which the vehicle may be used, seize and detain the vehicle, in the prescribed manner and for this purpose take or cause to be taken any steps he may consider proper for the temporary safe custody of the vehicle: Provided that where any such officer or person has reason to believe that a motor vehicle has been or is being used in contravention of section 3 or section 4 or without the permit required by sub-section (1) of section 66 he may, instead of seizing the vehicle, seize the certificate of registration of the vehicle and shall issue an acknowledgment in respect thereof. (2) Where a motor vehicle has been seized and detained under sub-section (1), the owner or person incharge of the motor vehicle may apply to the transport authority or any officer authorised in this behalf by the State Government together with the relevant documents for the release of the vehicle and such authority or officer may, after verification of such documents, by order release the vehicle subject to such conditions as the authority or officer may deem fit to impose.
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(i) may, if the offence is an offence punishable with imprisonment under this Act; and (ii) shall, in any other case, state upon the summons to be served on the accused person that he(a) may appear by pleader or in person; or (b) may, by a specified date prior to the hearing of the charge, plead guilty to the charge and remit to the Court, by money order, such sum (not exceeding the maximum fine that may be imposed for the offence) as the Court may specify, and the plea of guilt indicated in the money order coupon itself: Provided that the Court shall, in the case of any of the offences referred to in sub-section (2), state upon the summons that the accused person, if he pleads guilty, shall so plead in the manner specified in clause (b) and shall forward his driving licence to the Court with his letter containing such plea. (2) Where the offence dealt with in accordance with sub-section (1) is an offence specified by the Central Government by rules for the purposes of this sub-section, the Court shall, if the accused person pleads guilty to the charge and forward his driving licence to the Court with the letter containing his plea, make an endorsement of such conviction on his driving licence. (3) Where an accused person pleads guilty and remits the sum specified and has complied with the provisions of sub-section (1), or as the case may be, subsections (1) and (2), no further proceedings in respect of the offence shall be taken against him nor shall he be liable, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Act, to be disqualified for holding or obtaining a licence by reason of his having pleaded guilty.
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they apply to any search or seizure under the authority of any warrant issued under section 94 of the Code.
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any, in force in any State immediately before the commencement of this Act shall continue to remain in force until the approved scheme under Chapter VI of this Act is published. (3) Any penalty payable under any of the repealed enactments may be recovered in the manner provided by or under this Act, but without prejudice to any action already taken for the recovery of such penalty under the repealed enactments. (4) The mention of particular matters in this section shall not be held to prejudice or affect the general application of section 6 of the General Clauses Act, 1897 (10 of 1897) with regard to the effect of repeals. Comment / Related Citation: Motor Vehicle Act, 1988, Sections 166, 147,157 and 217 MACT Liability of insurer Gratuitous passenger Whether a statutory insurance policy under Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, intended to cover the risk to life or damage to properties of third parties, would cover the risk of death or injury to a gratuitous passenger carried in a private vehicle Held, no Observations made in Asha Ranis case were in connection with carrying passengers in goods vehicle Same would apply with equal force to gratuitous passengers in other vehicle also Insurance policy, statutory policy It owed no liability towards the injuries suffered by the deceased who was a pillion rider UNITED INDIA INSURANCE CO. LTD., SHIMLA v/s TILAK SINGH AND OTHERS [AIR 2006 SC 1576 = (2006) 4 SCC 404 = 2006 (3) SCR 758 = JT 2006 (4) SC 280 = (2006) 4 Scale 67 = (2006) 2 SCC(Cri) 344] & Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 Section 95(2)-Motor V ehicles Act, 1988 Sections 147, 217-It is quite clear that sub-section (2) of Section 147 of the New Act directs that subject to proviso to sub-section (1), a statutory policy shall cover the amount of liability incurred except in respect of damage to any property of a third party for which a limit of rupees six thousand is specified. A careful reading of the proviso to sub-section (2) discloses that any policy of insurance, issued with any limited liability and in force immediately before the commencement of the New Act, shall continue to be effective for a period of four months after such commencement or till the date of expiry of such policy whichever is earlier. NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY LTD. v/s BEHARI LAL AND OTHERS [AIR 2000 SC 3053 = (2000) 7 SCC 137 = JT 2000 (10) SC 39 = (2000) 6 Scale 177 = 2000 AIR(SCW) 3352 = (2000) 5 Supreme 747 = (2000) 1 SCC(Cri) 1319 = 2000 (Supp2) SCR 698]
217A. Renewal of permits, driving licences and registration granted under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939.
[217A. Renewal of permits, driving licences and registration granted under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939.
Notwithstanding the repeal by subsection (1) of section 217 of the enactments referred to in that sub-section, any certificate of fitness or registration or licence or permit issued or granted under the said enactments may be renewed under this Act.] 1. Ins. by Act 27 of 2000, sec. 5 (w.e.f. 11-8-2000).
MANDATORY SIGNS OF THE FIRST SCHEDULE OF THE MOTOR VEHICLES ACT, 1988 1. The Schedule subs, by S.O.475(E), dated 21 st June, 1989 (w.e.f. 1 -7-1989) and renumbered as the First Schedule by act 54 of 1994, sec. 63 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
(See section 163A) SCHEDULE FOR COMPENSATION FOR THIRD PARTY FATAL ACCIDENT/INJURY CASES CLAIMS 1. Fatal Accidents: Annual Income AGE OF VICTIM Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 3000 4200 5400 6600 7800 9000 10200 11400 12000 18000 24000 36000 40000 MULTIPLIER RUPEES IN (THOUSANDS Comipensation in case of death
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Up to 15 yrs. Above 15 yrs. but not exdg. 20 yrs. Above 20 yrs. but not exdg. 25 yrs. Above 25 yrs. but not exdg. 30 yrs. Above 30 yrs. but not exdg. 35 yrs. Above 35 yrs. but not exdg. 40 yrs. Above 40 yrs. but not exdg. 45 yrs. Above 45 yrs. but not exdg. 50 yrs. Above 50 yrs. but not exdg. 55 yrs. Above 55 yrs. but not exdg. 60 yrs. Above 60 yrs. but not exdg. 65 yrs. Above 65 yrs.
15 16
Rs 60 57
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs Rs i. Rs. Rs. 84 108 132 156 180 204 228 240 79.8 102 125.4 148.2 171 193.8 216.6 228
52.8 62.4 72
Note: The amount of compensation so arrived at in the case of fatal accident claims shall be reduced by l/3rd in consideration of the expenses which the victim would have incurred towards maintaining himself had he been alive. 2. Amount of compensation shall not be less than Rs. 50,000. 3. General Damage (in case of death): The following General Demages shall be payable in addition to compensation outlined above: (i) Funeral expenses -Rs. 2,000/(ii) Loss of Consortium, if beneficiary is the spouse -Rs. 5,000/(iii) Loss of Estate -Rs. 2,500/(iv) Medical Expenses-Actual expenses incurred before death supported by bills/vouchers but not exceeding -Rs. 15,000/4. General Damages in case of Injuries and Disabilities: (i) Pain and Sufferings (a) Grievous injuries -Rs. 5,000/(b) Non-grievous injuries -Rs. 1,000/(ii) Medical Expenses-Actual expenses incurred supported by bills/vouchers but not exceeding as one time payment -Rs. 15,000/5. Disability in non-fatal accidents: The following compensation shall be payable in case of disability to the victim arising on of non-fatal accidents: Loss of income, if any, for actual period of disablement not exceeding fifty two weeks. PLUS either of the following:(a) In case of permanent total disablement the amount payable shall be arrived at by multiplying the annual loss of income by the Multiplier
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applicable to the age on the date of determining the compensation, or (b) In case of permanent partial disablement such percentage of compensation which would have been payable in the case of permanent total disablement as specified under item (a) above. Injuries deemed to result in Permanent Total Disablement/Permanent Partial Disablement and percentage of loss of earning capacity shall be as per Schedule I under Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923. 6. Notional income for compensation to those who had no income prior to accident:Fatal and disability in non-fatal accidents:(a) Non-earning persons -Rs. 15,000 p.a (b) Spouse -Rs. l/3rd of income of the earning/surviving spouse. In case of other injuries only "General Damage" as applicable.] 1. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 64 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994). Comment / Related Citation: Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Second Schedule MACT Compensation Loss of income - Multiplier Serious injuries in motor accident on left hand and right leg -Rod had to be inserted Permanent disability assessed at 35% -Appellants income determined at Rs. 3,000/- p.m. As he was aged 25 years multiplier of 17 should be applied Calculating the amount of compensation on that basis he was entitled to Rs. 2,14,000/towards loss of income instead of lump sum compensation of Rs. 1,75,000/- awarded by the High Court He would also be entitled to medical expenses incurred by him and compensation on other heads would be granted to him as awarded by the Tribunal. REJENDRA v/s PRADEEP AND OTHERS [2009(13) SCALE 13] & Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Section 163-A and Sch.II MACT Section 163A Nature and scope - Invoking of provision - Not necessary for claimant to establish any act of negligence on the part of driver Not necessary even to plead that the death occurred owing to any wrongful act or neglect or default of owner of the vehicle Quantum of compensation to be determined in terms of Schedule II appended thereto Apart from amount of compensation only funeral expenses, loss of consortium (if beneficiary is the spouse), loss of estate, medical expense, would be payable Schedule provides structured formula It stipulates reduction of income of deceased by one-third in consideration of expenses which he would have incurred towards maintaining himself, had he been alive. BANGALORE METROPOLITAN TPT. CORP. v/s SAROJAMMA & ANR. [AIR 2008 SC 3244 = (2008) 5 SCC 142 = JT 2008 (6) SC 63 = 2008 AIR(SCW) 5480 = 2008 (2) SCR 275 = (2008) 2 Scale 211 = (2008) 2 SCC(Cri) 545] SCH2. THE SECOND SCHEDULE Annual Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Income 3000 4200 5400 6600 7800 9000 10200 11400 12000 18000 24000 36000 40000 AGE MULTIRUPEES IN (THOUSANDS OF PLIER VICTIM Comipensation in case of death Rs 60 57 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs Rs 84 108 132 156 180 204 i. Rs. Rs. 228 240 Rs. 360 342 Rs. 480 456 Rs. 720 684 Rs. 800 760
Up to 15 yrs. Above 15 yrs. but not exdg. 20 yrs. Above 20 yrs. but not exdg. 25 yrs. Above 25 yrs. but not exdg. 30 yrs.
15 16
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Above 30 yrs. but not exdg. 35 yrs. Above 35 yrs. but not exdg. 40 yrs. Above 40 yrs. but not exdg. 45 yrs. Above 45 yrs. but not exdg. 50 yrs. Above 50 yrs. but not exdg. 55 yrs. Above 55 yrs. but not exdg. 60 yrs. Above 60 yrs. but not exdg. 65 yrs. Above 65 yrs.
52.8 62.4 72
81.6 91.2 96
61.2 68.4 72
Note: The amount of compensation so arrived at in the case of fatal accident claims shall be reduced by l/3rd in consideration of the expenses which the victim would have incurred towards maintaining himself had he been alive. 2. Amount of compensation shall not be less than Rs. 50,000. 3. General Damage (in case of death): The following General Demages shall be payable in addition to compensation outlined above: (i) Funeral expenses -Rs. 2,000/(ii) Loss of Consortium, if beneficiary is the spouse -Rs. 5,000/(iii) Loss of Estate -Rs. 2,500/(iv) Medical Expenses-Actual expenses incurred before death supported by bills/vouchers but not exceeding -Rs. 15,000/4. General Damages in case of Injuries and Disabilities: (i) Pain and Sufferings (a) Grievous injuries -Rs. 5,000/(b) Non-grievous injuries -Rs. 1,000/(ii) Medical Expenses-Actual expenses incurred supported by bills/vouchers but not exceeding as one time payment -Rs. 15,000/5. Disability in non-fatal accidents: The following compensation shall be payable in case of disability to the victim arising on of non-fatal accidents: Loss of income, if any, for actual period of disablement not exceeding fifty two weeks.
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PLUS either of the following:(a) In case of permanent total disablement the amount payable shall be arrived at by multiplying the annual loss of income by the Multiplier applicable to the age on the date of determining the compensation, or (b) In case of permanent partial disablement such percentage of compensation which would have been payable in the case of permanent total disablement as specified under item (a) above. Injuries deemed to result in Permanent Total Disablement/Permanent Partial Disablement and percentage of loss of earning capacity shall be as per Schedule I under Workmens Compensation Act, 1923. 6. Notional income for compensation to those who had no income prior to accident:Fatal and disability in non-fatal accidents:(a) Non-earning persons -Rs. 15,000 p.a (b) Spouse -Rs. l/3rd of income of the earning/surviving spouse. In case of other injuries only General Damage as applicable.] 1. Ins. by Act 54 of 1994, sec. 64 (w.e.f. 14-11-1994).
VakilNo1 Related News Displaying 3 Comments Have Your Say 1. Narendra singh Raghuvanshi says: April 27, 2013 at 3:34 pm what is meximmun hight of htv vehical loaded Reply Jastej S (Team Vakilno1) says: April 28, 2013 at 9:51 am you have to consult Motor Vehicles Act 1988 in this regard. Reply 2. dr adarsh yadwad says: May 21, 2013 at 1:09 pm CMV act says that till 12 months one need not pay tax in another state,but my car was stopped by RTA,Vizag n i was told to pay life tax of AP immediately,according to them it is not 12 months but only one month,which is true sir? can u help me pl? ive just brought my car to vizag n if the job is good i shall stay or else go back to karnataka,pl help!! dr.adarsh yadwad Reply
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