William Rainey Harper College Liberal Arts Division General Course Outline

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Number Symbolic Logic Course Title 3-0 (Lec-Lab) 3 Semester Hours

COURSE DESCRIPTION Introduces the student to formal symbolic logic. After an introduction to the concept of argument, students will learn both Aristotelian and modern symbolic logic. Applications to the real world may include contracts, legal arguments, and computer languages. TOPICAL OUTLINE I. Arguments: premises, conclusions, and indicator words II. Propositions, truth-values, induction v. deduction III. Validity, invalidity, counterexamples IV. Aristotelian logic V. Modern symbolic logic VI. Formal fallacies METHODS OF PRESENTATION 1. Lecture 2. Models of problem solving 2. Student presentations of homework problems 3. Computer based instruction using CD-ROMs that accompany textbooks STUDENT OUTCOMES (The student should . . . ) 1. identify arguments, premises and conclusions. 2. distinguish between inductive and deductive arguments. 3. prove invalidity through the use of counterexamples and truth tables. 4. identify the elements and attributes of categorical propositions. 5. test the validity of arguments by using the square of opposition. 6. construct truth table definitions for symbols used in propositional logic. 7. translate compound statements and arguments into symbolic form. 8. construct a variety of proofs, using rules of inference and replacement. 9. construct conditional and indirect proofs. 10. analyze ordinary language arguments using the methods of formal logic. METHODS OF EVALUATION 1. Exams (4 or 5) and a series of quizzes (6-10) 2. Daily homework assignments of problem sets from the text. Such assignments would include, for example, translation of ordinary language arguments to symbolic logic, use of truth tables to establish the validity or invalidity of arguments, use of the rules of inference and replacement to derive the conclusions of arguments from their premises. TEXTBOOKS/INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Hurley, Patrick J., A Concise Introduction to Logic, 10th Ed., Wadsworth, 2008 Layman, C. Stephen, The Power of Logic, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2005 Copi, Irving M., The Essentials of Logic, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 2007 PREPARED BY: Barbara Solheim and Barbara Njus Reviewed by: Colleen Burns Semester Spring Year 2009

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