The History of Artificial Intelligence
The History of Artificial Intelligence
The History of Artificial Intelligence
A papyrus, that was brought in a luxor antique shop by Edwin Smith in 1882, was prepared representing 48 surgical observations of head wounds. The observations were stated in symptom-diagnosistreatment-prognosis (long name) combinations. This was the first known expert system. Ramon Lull invented the Zairija, which happens to be the first device that tried to generate ideas by mechanical means. Thomas Hobbes wrote a book about humans and how they will create a new intelligence. George B. Dyson calls Hobbes The Patriarch of Artificial Intelligence.
17th century-1805
Pascal, 19 years at the time, created the eight-digit calculator in 1642. In 1694, Leviathan invented a computer that can multiply. Jonathan Swift anticipated an automatic book writer in Gullivers travels. Joseph-Marie Jacquard, creator of the first programmable device with instructions provided by punched cards.
Charles Babbage, created the Difference Engine in 1822, but never finished it. Later on he got a better idea and created the Analytical Engine, which is a mechanical programmable computer. George Boole created the Boolean Algebra. It helps manipulating and simplifying common proportions. Gottlob Frege liked Boole idea and later made the Predicate logic, which proved general theorems from rules.
Hand-driven calculators were available. Herman Hollerith (soon to be creator of IBM) patented a tabulating machine that could process census data. Leonard Torres y Quevedo invented a relay-activated automaton that you play against in chess. Edward Lee Thorndike came up with this awesome idea that all actions, thoughts, or desires are reflexes triggered by a higher form of stimulus.
Karel Capek, the person who said we need to come up with a better name for machines... ROBOTS!! This name was made for machines that revolted against their master and killed them. John von Neumann came up with the Minimax Theorem. It is still used today for game-playing programs. A mechanical analog computer was able to solve differential equations, the very smart creator Vannevar Bush. Alan Turing, this great person created a computer who could mimic other computers.
Claude Shannon, using Boolean Algebra, created a Electromagnetic calculator that was put in the first operational computer, The Robinson. In 1941, the Zuse Z3 computer was made. It could accomplish several instructions per second. 1943, vacuum tubes replaced electromechanical relays. Also Walter Pitts and Warren McCullock showed how artificial neural networks could compute.
John von Neumann designed the basic architecture that we still use today for computers. Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) ran 1,000 times faster than a relay-operator, and was ready to run in late 1945. Norbert Wiener invented a mathematical theory of feedback in biological and engineered systems. This work helped clarify the concept that intelligence is the process of receiving and processing information to achieve goals.
1945-1948 CONT.
The transistor was invented by William Shockley, Walter Brattain, and John Bardeen. Norbert Wiener published Cybernetics,which means "the science of control and communication in the animal and the machine."
Donald O. Hebbs suggested a way in which artificial neural networks might learn. He came up with the Turing Test, to understand machine intelligence.
-Alan Turing proposed a test to recognize machine intelligence. -Marvin Minsky and Dean Edmond work together to build the first neural network of a rat navigating a maze.
-Turing had committed suicide after being convicted for homosexuality in 1953. -Logic Theorist, the first AI program, was written by Allan Newell, Herbert Simon, and J.C. Shaw. The program could mimic associative memory by receiving different information. It was capable of changing, destroying, and creating new information. This is the beginning of making AI
-Many people like Newell and Simon were faced with the problem of AI not really grasping how to respond to requests. Eventually, Arthur Samuel wrote a program that could play the game checkers against him. It quickly learned how to beat him in the game. - John McCarthy founded the Artificial Intelligence Labratory at MIT. At MIT, McCarthy developed a new programming language for AI titled LISP.
-AI concentrate on bringing relatable knowledge to computer AI -Mortimer Taube authored the first book anti-AI book titled Computers and Common Sense: The Myth of Thinking Machines -The worlds first industrial robot is marketed by a U.S. company. -Tom Evans created the program ANALOGY. It was designed to solve problems using geometric shapes.
-Herbert Simon had predicted that machines would be capable of doing any work a man could do by the year 1985. -The Robotics Institute was started by Carnegie Mellon University. -Edward Feigenbaum and Robert K. Lindsay create the first expert system, DENDRAL. Its expertise was in mapping the structure of complex organism using collected data. -The National Research council ended all support for automatic translation research.
-Funding for AI research was cut in some of the best technological schools of America, due to the lack of success in results. -The backpropagation algorithm is discovered and used for more complex classification operations.
Late 1970s
-Practical, commercial applications of AI are still considered rare. -World champion backgammon player, Luigi Villa of Italy, became the first human champion of the board to be defeated by a computer program.
-Japan uses fuzzy logic to predict the arrival of subway trains. -Fuzzy logic is also applied in an industrial field as a program to control the cement kiln. -John Hopfield showed how a network of simple neurons could be given the ability to calculate.
Early 1990s
-Emphasis on ontology begins. Many researches study the kinds of objects that AI are capable of interacting with. -The University of Illinois releases the first online web browser, Mosaic.
Late 1990s
-Deep Blue, a 32-node supercomputer, defeats the world champion of chess. It won by determining and analyzing millions of plays 5 moves ahead of the champion. -An artificial intelligence gains control of a spacecraft for the first time.
Early-Mid 2000s
-iRobot introduces the Roomba, a robot vacuum that has since sold millions. -The U.S. Department of Defense funds the first competition between driverless vehicles. The winner received a two million dollar prize for beating twenty two other vehicles in the competition.