Cir 13 2 13
Cir 13 2 13
Cir 13 2 13
YAPAR BHAWAN, NEW DELHI-02 N "~~ ~._:= -. ffE-- -f--='~------:-: . No\.. \" I,,\r .~., :-', , Dated' \1!)':Lhl')
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No. F.7(400)/PolicyNAT/2011/
28.12.2011 vide which it has been prescribed b~ the Department that all the registered dealers and contractees (TAN holders) will make paymen, of th~ir tax, interest and penalty
or any other
payment due under the DVAT Act 2004 cornpuf orily through Electronic Mode of payment from the e-payment portals of the notified Banks.
All the dealers are hereby again informe? that the Deptt. will accept'the payment of any due tax in electronic mode only. However, to facilitate such dealers who are not having internet banking facility or where they are hesitant to avail thr same, all the notified Banks have been given in the
instruction to act as the 3ra Party for all such dealers who are also having Accounts respective Banks.
!n these cases, the deaiers can pay by cash/cheque to the Banks. The Banks will fill on-line
challan on behalf of the dealers and also deposit the money online from a dummy account created by them. The Banks may charge nominal service charges fsrorn.dealers for extending this facility.
Further, all the dealers are also informed that in cases of correction of wrongly entered challans, the Banks are not authorized to make any correction at their end. Corrections, if any, in respect of wrong entries will be undertaken by the Deptt upon receiving an application from the dealer along with a certificate from the Bank concerned about such wrongful entries.
(RAJESH KUMAR) ADDL. COMMR. (HR) All Dealers (through all the Associations) No. Copy to:
1. PS to CVAT for information please. 2. .,Additional Commissioner (Policy), Trade & Taxes Department, GNCT, Delhi. VATO (System) with request to upload on website. .
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