Moroccan Arabic Textbook 19

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136 Moroccan Arabic

Describing the Peace Corps Mission

Objective: By the end of the chapter, you will be able to: talk about the three goals of Peace Corps describe your job in Morocco

Peace Corps

nu hiya hay'at s-salam? hay'at s-salam munddama amrikiya kat-sift mutatawwiin l d-duwal n-namiya u l-ahdaf dyalha hiya: 1. t-tawn t-tiqni 2. l-mirikanin y-fhmu mzyan -uub l-li stadfathum u y-rrfu b dik -uub f mirikan 3. -uub l-mustadifa tta hiya t-trrf la l-mirikaniyin.
Vocabulary and Expressions

1 2

organization developing nations goals technical help peoples to host to inform host (adjective)

d-duwal n-namiya ahdaf t-tawn t-tiqni -uub

stadf rrf mustadif(a)

( )

The Three Goals Of The Peace

1. To help people of interested countries and areas in meeting their needs for trained men and women; 2. To help promote a better understanding of the American people on the part of the peoples served; 3. To help promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of the American people.


Peace Corps / Morocco 137

Youth Development

Susan: s-salamu


: :

Jamila: wa alaykum s-salam. al hadi u nti f l-mrib? Susan:

amayn u adya n-gls hna amayn wlla tlt snin


: . : : . : :

Jamila: nu kat-diri? Susan: ana mutatawwia ma hay'at s-salam u an-xdm f dar -bab. Jamila: nu Susan:

at-diri b d-dbt?

adya n-qrri n-ngliziya u adya n-dir maari ma j-jmiyat u ay aja l-li ndha alaqa ma tnmiyat -bab.

Jamila: iwa tbark lla lik a lalla. Susan: lla y-bark fik.
Vocabulary and Expressions

. .

: :

youth development youth center exactly project* projects activity* activities b d-dbt mru maari naat anita

tnmiyat -bab

dar -bab
relationship association associations director anything

jamiya jamiyat mudir ay


* In Morocco, the word for project suggests to some Moroccans an undertaking that requires money. The word for activity does not have this connotation. You will often be safer, therefore, using the word for activity, since most of what you do will not based upon major grants or fundraising.

138 Moroccan Arabic


Text smiti Judy. ana kan-xdm ma brnamaj l-bi'a d hay'at s-salam. l-muhima dyali hiya n-uf kifa n-nas kay-tamlu ma t-tabia. kan-gul l n-nas u t-turis l-li kay-zuru lipark ba ma-y-luu- z-zbl f ay blasa. u y-afdu la l-bi'a mn t-talawut. u ba n-nas ma-y-qtu- -jr u y-afdu la l-aba. kan-awl n-uf mahum i turuq xora ba y-tiybu u ma-y-sthlku- bzzaf d l-tb u kan-dir maari ma j-jamiyat f majal l-muafada l l-bi'a u t-tnmiyat l l-umum. Vocabulary and Expressions

. . .

environment program to deal (with) nature trash to protect pollution trees brnamj taml (ma)

l-bi'a forest

aba turuq
l-tb majal

( )

ways firewood field / domain in general to cut to consume


afd la
t-tulwut -jr

l l-umum qt

Peace Corps / Morocco 139

140 Moroccan Arabic


Sumiya: s-salamu Christine: wa

. .

: : :

alaykum s-salam.

Sumiya: ftk l-bar f s-sbitar. we nti frmliya? Christine: lla mai frmliya u mai tbiba. Sumiya: nu xdmtk? Christine: kan-tkllm ma n-nas la sthum u st wladhum. Sumiya: we kat-tihum d-dwa? Christine: ma-kan-tihum- d-dwa u ma-kan-dir- libra. kan-gul l n-nas nu xsshum y-diru ba ma-y-mrdu- huma wlla wladhum. u kan-hdr mahum la l-'ahammiya dyal d-dwa d l-bir, u bit l-ma u sil l-yddin u d-dwa d l-kr. Sumiya: mzyan. had -i muhim. u sabtk nu kat-dir? Christine: kat-gul lihum y-jlbu l wladhum ba ma-y-mrdu- u kat-r lihum nu xsshum y-diru ila ma-bau- y-wldu bzzaf u kat-ns l-yalat l-amlat ba y-miu l s-sbitar. Sumiya: had -i mzyan. tbark lla likum. Christine: lla y-bark fik.
Vocabulary and Expressions

: : : . : : .

. . . :

. . . . : :

health health clinic nurse doctor to be sick medicines

s-sa s-sbitar
() ()

the importance l-'ahammiya the (water) well diarrhea to immunize to give birth l-bir l-kr jlb wld

t-tbib(a) mrd

Peace Corps / Morocco 141

Small Business Development


the shot




Chris: s-salamu l-mllm: wa

. . .

: : : : :

alaykum s-salam. tfddl a sidi.

Chris: sm li n-qddm lik rasi. l-mllm: iyeh,

l-mllm: u kifa

Chris: smiti Chris, ana mutatawwi ma hay'at s-salam u jit hna ba n-awn l-muqawalat s-sira.

. : : .

at-awnha? Chris: f bzzaf d l-wayj, bal l-isabat u l-'ihar u

t-tswiq. matalan kan-sawbu lakart d vizit l l-muqawala u kan-tiuha smiya u kan-hhru l-mntuj dyalha f l-internet. l-mllm: had -i mumtaz welakin ba at-stafd had l-muqawala? Chris: at-stafd it at-bi s-sla dyalha f l-mrib u f l-xarij. l-mllm: mzyan. lla y-awnk. Chris: ukran a sidi.
Vocabulary and Expressions

: . . . . : :

small business development enterprise / firm accountancy advertisement to advertise marketing l-muqawala l-isabat l-'ihar hhr t-tswiq

tnmiyat l-muqawalat s-sira products merchandise business card abroad to advertise the products l-mntuj s-sla lakart d vizit l-xarij hhr b l-mntuj

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