June Training: Week 1 and 2

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June Training

Week 1 and 2

Josh Launchig and soaring to the spot,

Andy with Clip board waiting at the bottom
We Learn how to set up and care for Eaglets,
The crew
this one appears to have bent keel but it’s just
set up wrong

June training is four days a to single team

sand bag stu-
week through out June for all
new instructors. At 8 am we dents. The next
learn techniques for teaching day we basics
and flying and at the same of rigde soaring
time we’re being scored as sand dunes.
individuals and as teams. Which includ-
Training is led by Andy and ed launching
there are about 12 students. sideways and
Week 1: We learned how to landing in a
Zach Launching and Team members Josh
double team and attempted and Jo watching marked cor-
launching off the main dune. A very large points board was
drawn out in the sand and basically who ever could fly the
furthest and land at the top of the board got the most points.
We had to crab across the ridge the best we could before
turning out and heading for the landing. It was hard but tons
of fun. Flying Eaglets isn’t like flying any other Hang glider
but I’m starting to like them. They’ve been built specifically
for Jockey’s Ridge and are excellent for teaching students.

ridor for points.

The Next day
was the same ex-
cept for we we’re
spot landing.
Everyone was
doing very well.
Every Satur-
day morning is
“Eaglet Wars”
and all instruc-
tors compete in
flying contests.
The First Satu-
rady the winds
were north east Getting in last Flights before
and good for first class hikes up the hill

We practiced launching in no wind
and adding thrust as teams. Ea-
glet wars were tough but I learned
how to flare with the tail wires.
I took tons of pics, lots are of launches
and eaglet wars. The two above sho
w the results of improperly launch-
ing in a turn and the instructor (Andy)
calmy expaining to the studentin-
structor (David) that skrewed up.
Student at least remained realxed.

6. Air Rick
Team Scores
8. David
Dynasty- 290
9. Hunter
D&D - 220
Stoners - 191
Fly Curious - 83

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