William Lilly - Christian Astrology - 3 Books

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__ CHRISTIAN ASTROLOGY MODESTLY Treated of in three Books, The firft containing the nfe of: anEphemeris, the erecting of a Scheam of Heaven 3 Mature of the twelve Signes of the Zodiack , of the Planets; with 4 moftcafie Introdu@ion coche whole Arc of AstROLocy, The fecond, by a moft Methodicall way Inftrugeth the Student how to Judge or Refolve all manner of Que- - {tions contingent unto Man, viz, of Health, Sick- nefs, Riches, Marriage, Preterment, Journies, Ge, - Severall Quekions inferted and Judged, Thethird, containes an exact Method, whereby to Judge upon Nativities 5 feverall wayes how to rectifie them; How to judge che generall face of the Natiyz by the ewelye Houles of Heayglyy according co che nacurall influence of the S¥'®Rs ; How his particular and Annuall Accidents, by the Arc of Di- rection, and igs exr& mealure of Tine by Profedtions, Revolutions, Vranfirs, A Nativity Judged by the Mes thod ‘preceding, The fecond Edition Gorreited, and Amended. By Witiram Liiuy Student in Afirology, Se tee Orne nieure asl menrs: Nibil a ars, quod vom dillam prius, LONDON, Printed by Joun Macocx, 1659. CHRISTIAN ASTROLOGY: MODESTLY Treated of in three Books, Thefirftcontaining thenfe ofanEpbemerit, the ereéting of a Scheam of Heaven ; nature of the twelve Signes of the Zodiack , of the Planets with a mofteafie [ntrodugion core whole Ar of ArTRowooy. The fecond, by a moft Methodicall way Inftrudteth the Student how to Judge or Refolve all manner of Que- {ions contingentunto Man, viz, of Health, Sick- nel Riches Matta, Pelerment, Jouries, res Several Qustions ined and fudged ‘The third, containes an exact Method, whereby to Judge upon Nativities 5 feverall wayes how to reétie ono own gee ig a heNa be le Heuls of tegtelay coding to che nul infmnceot the STs + How spare and Aanioll Acne, by the Arcot Die retort Tone rei Ant nt as Acatur (smitat: feice: TMOS LALLIUS Anrolagus Ate (smite LONDON, TAM 1602. i Ate foi Printed by Jou Macocn, 3659, Tobis moft learned and vertuous Friend Borstaop Wurruock , E/g; one of the Members of the bonorable Honfe of Comaons in this profent Panuiamenr. ach barred Sir Hope this Dedicatory Epiftle of mine jpublihed without your knowledge fhall- beget no tech finifter confteudtion in bor that the fault hall be admitted: niall tranfgreffion 5 and this, my Pepe finde cafe temiin 2 your mot gene lands. Tam now (o well acquainted with your pleas fing mative Dilpofition, thae in things of this nicare where you are ot in quefion , 1dare a litle offends forits fixed natural Maxime ingraffed in you,to love your fricuds Gncerly , and rarely to rake offence pon Aight fili "Pardon his boidnel 5 veily , fo many , fo number~ A3 Ie

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