IQCM Assignments - 25th July

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Assignment 1 [Individual Assignemnt[ (Submission Date : 25th July - To CR)

Evaluation of the Gurus Select a Quality Guru out of the below list and answer the questions that follow specific to the Quality Guru you have picked.
W. Edwards Deming C.F. Gauss Vilfredo Pareto Ronald Fisher Joseph M. Juran Philip Crosby Shingeo Shingo Kaoru Ishikawa Taiichi Ohno Genichi Taguchi Walter A Shewhart Yogi Akao Armand Feigenbaum 1. 2. 3. 4. What Remains of enduring value? Are they culturally specific? Were their writings designed to meet particular problems in a historical time scale? How applicable are concepts to service industries such as education, health, social services? 5. Who IS the customer?

Assignment - 2 [Group Assignment] (Submission Date : 25th July - To CR)

Deming Prize Winning Firms Select a firm (groupwise) and find out why the firm was awarded the Deming Prize
1. Sundram Clayton Ltd. (1998) 2. Sundram Brake Linings (2001) 3. TVS Motos Co. Ltd. (2002) 4. Brakes India Ltd. (2003) 5. Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. (2003) 6. Rane Brake Linings Ltd. (2003) 7. Sona Kayo Steering Systems Ltd. (2003) 8. SRF Ltd. (2004) 9. Indo Gulf Fertilizers (2004) 10. Krishna Maruti ltd. (2005) 11. Rane Engine Valves (2005)

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