The document outlines the 4-year curriculum for a Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology program. The curriculum includes general education courses in the first year, radiologic technology courses in the second and third years, and clinical education in hospitals during the fourth year. Coursework covers topics like radiologic physics, patient care, radiographic techniques, and specialized modalities like CT, MRI, ultrasound and nuclear medicine.
The document outlines the 4-year curriculum for a Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology program. The curriculum includes general education courses in the first year, radiologic technology courses in the second and third years, and clinical education in hospitals during the fourth year. Coursework covers topics like radiologic physics, patient care, radiographic techniques, and specialized modalities like CT, MRI, ultrasound and nuclear medicine.
The document outlines the 4-year curriculum for a Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology program. The curriculum includes general education courses in the first year, radiologic technology courses in the second and third years, and clinical education in hospitals during the fourth year. Coursework covers topics like radiologic physics, patient care, radiographic techniques, and specialized modalities like CT, MRI, ultrasound and nuclear medicine.
The document outlines the 4-year curriculum for a Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology program. The curriculum includes general education courses in the first year, radiologic technology courses in the second and third years, and clinical education in hospitals during the fourth year. Coursework covers topics like radiologic physics, patient care, radiographic techniques, and specialized modalities like CT, MRI, ultrasound and nuclear medicine.
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Batch 20 12 CM O No. 18, series of 2006
First Semester Second Semester
En g 1 Comm un ication Skills I 3 En g 2 Comm un ication Skills II 3
Fil 1 Sining n g Pakikipagtalastasan 3 Fil 2 Pagbasa at Pagsulat 3 Psy Ge neral Psych ology 3 Bio 1 Ge neral Zoolog y 5 M ath 1 College Algebr a 3 Rizal Rizal’s Life, Works & Writings 3 Phys 1 College Physics I 5 RT 1 01-A Radiologic Ph ysics, Equipm ent RT 100 Introduction to Radiologic Tech. and Maintenance I 3 with STS 3 Philo 1 Logic 3 PE 1 Fun dam entals of Gymn astics 2 PE 2 Recr eational Activity 2 NST P 11 Na t’l Service Training Program 3 NST P 12 Na t’l Service Training Program 3 ( ROT C / CWTS ) ( ROT C / CWTS ) OR Or ientation 1 ( 25 ) ( 25 )
First Semester Second Semester
Lit 1 Ph ilippine Literature in E nglish 3 SoAn Sociology and Anthropolog y
Comp 1 Fun dam ental Skills & Word with Family Planning 3 Pr ocessing 3 RT 2 02 Medical T erm inology 2 Bio 2 Hum an Anatomy & Physiolog y 5 M ath 2 Basic Statistics 3 H. Ec. He alth E conomics with TL R 3 RT 2 03 Patient Car e & Man agem ent 3 PHGC Ph ilippine Histor y / H. C. Comm un ity & Public Health 5 Gov’t an d C on stitution 3 RT 2 01 –B Radiogr aphic Technique and RT 101-B Radiologic Ph ysics, Equipm ent Film Processin g / Analysis II 4 and Maintenance I I 3 En g 3 Speech & Or al Com munication 3 RT 201-A Radiogr aphic Technique and Comp 2 Ph oto Ed iting & Web Design 3 Film Processin g / Analysis I 3 PE 4 Swimming 2 PE 3 Ga mes & Sports 2 ( 28 ) ( 25 )
First Semester Second Semester
For Lan For eign Language 3 RT 3 07 Radiologic Patholog y 3
RT 300 Radiogr aphic Positionin g & RT 3 08 Computerized T om ography 3 Radiolog ic Procedur e 7 RT 301 Radiologic Con trast E xam inations 3 RT 3 09 Magnetic Resonance I maging 3 RT 302 Radiobiology & Radiation RT 3 10 Inter ventional Radiolog y 3 Pr otection 3 RT 3 11 Radiotherapy 3 RT 303 Ultrasonography 3 RT 3 12 Nuclear M edicine 3 RT 304 De pt. Adm in. Eth ics and RT 3 13 Quality Assuran ce & Quality Jurispr udence 3 Control 3 RT 305 Ve nip un cture 2 Research Elemen ts of R esear ch 3 RT 306 Dental Radiography 3 Philo 2 Ph ilosophy of M an 3 ( 27 ) ( 27 )
First Semester Second Semester
CE 1 Clin ical E ducation I 18 CE 2 Clin ical E ducation II 18
( 22 week s hospital training / ( 22 we eks hospital trainin g / 1,056 hours ) 1,056 hours ) Seminar 1 3 Seminar 2 3 ( 21 ) ( 21 )