Course Syllabus - Fall 20131

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Contact Information: Mr. English [email protected] 734.419.

2200 X6408

Mrs. Troike [email protected] 734.419.2200 X7129

English 9A Syllabus Course Description This two-semester course is a foundation class for all ninth grade students. It will focus on both literature and composition. Students will develop effective communication and literary skills through rigorous and relevant units of instruction and engaging learning experiences focusing on inter-relationships and selfreliance. Students will strengthen their skills by viewing, listening to, and reading many forms of literature. Plays, short stories, poems, non-fiction, biographies, and essays will be used to inspire and model writing. Students will employ the writing process to write paragraphs for various purposes, to improve sentence structure and style, and to write a variety of multi-paragraph compositions throughout the school year. Outcomes This course is aligned with the Michigan High School Content Expectations and the Common Core State Standards which may be accessed at the Michigan Department of Education website. Timelines and Assessments Each semester, the course will focus on three major units. Each unit (approximately six weeks) will consist of an anchor text and several supplemental texts that relate through a common theme. Students will be assessed at the mid-unit mark (approximately three weeks) using a formative assessment, and upon completion of the unit with a summative (capstone) assessment. English 9 year-long theme (disposition): Inter-Relationships and Self-Reliance Unit One (1st marking period) Anchor texts (various short stories): The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell; The Interlopers by Saki; The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant 3-week assessment: Read a story and identify plot elements. Capstone assessment: Narrative Writing and application of plot elements Unit Two (2nd marking period) Anchor text: The Odyssey by Homer and Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan 3-week assessment: Apply elements of the hero cycle to a new text Capstone assessment: Cause and Effect essay on the topic Hero Unit Three (3rd marking period) Anchor text: Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson 3-week assessment: Identify and locate sources for a social issue topic; take notes (group project) Capstone assessment: Group research project on social issue (final presentation/ submission), including visual artifacts and bibliography. Students will use their research to write an essay on their social issue. For each marking period, there will be summative assessments that will make up 70% of the students overall grade. These include: Writers notebook Major reading assessments Major writing assessments Culminating novel projects Speaking and listening assessments The other 30% of a students grade will be comprised of various formative assessments, including :

Homework Quizzes Minor writing assignments Other in-class work

Final Exam Portfolio: Students will be responsible for maintaining a writing portfolio that houses all writing pieces throughout the semester. Revisions to written pieces and a final reflection will be required for the final portfolio. It is imperative that all writing pieces are maintained. Loss of required writing pieces may result in a failing grade on the final exam. District-Wide Attendance Policy: This year, Wayne Memorial High School has instituted a new attendance policy. Major highlights of this policy include: If a student has 15 absences, they will lose credit for the course. An appeal, however, can be filed with the building principal. If a student is over 15 minutes late to class, he/she will be considered absent. Two lates (5-15 minutes) will be classified as an unexcused absence. Four tardies (less than 5 minutes) will be classified as an unexcused absence. It is extremely important for students to be in attendance all days. In the event of pre-arranged absences, students are responsible for contacting teachers in advance. Technology: Students today are often referred to as digital natives, and we believe that technology has the ability to greatly enhance and support instruction. There are, however, times that technology can hinder and subtract from the learning environment. Students will regularly be informed when personal technology is and is not appropriate in the classroom. We also realize that cellphones and other devices enable students to be in contact with those outside of the building at all times. We kindly ask that you limit contact with your student during passing time or lunch and not during our instructional time. Additionally, we will utilize technology as much as possible throughout the year. This may include students registering for individual Dropbox ( accounts, where students can store and share documents. Passes: Because our time is limited within the classroom, it is our policy that passes will only be given when related to student achievement and instructional outcomes. In other words, students will not be given passes to use the restroom, visit another classroom, to make phone calls, etc. Behavior Expectations: It is our expectation that all students will behavior appropriately in order to maintain an environment that is conducive to learning. In the event that your students behavior prevents others from learning, it will be addressed using Wayne Memorials Positive Behavior Intervention Support system. First Step: Verbal warning Second Step: Parent contact Third Step: Office referral Choice Reading: This year, all English teachers will designate class time for choice reading. This means that your student will have the opportunity to select materials from both our classroom and school libraries. We are sensitive to having appropriate materials in the classroom library, but we recognize that there can be different interpretations of appropriate. To that end, we ask that you review your students choice novel, so that you approve of the content.

Please sign and return this portion by Monday, September 9, 2013. I have read the English 9 syllabus and understand what is expected of me. I know what I have to do to succeed in this class and am willing to put forth the effort to do so. I agree to abide by the policies and procedures outlined above. If I have any questions or concerns, I know how to contact Mr. English/Mrs. Troike and will do so as soon as possible. Student Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Student Signature: _______________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Phone: _______________________________________ Parent/Guardian Email: __________________________________________________________________ Is there any other information that would be helpful for me to know in order to best meet the needs of the student this semester? If so, please write it below.

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