Semi Converter
Semi Converter
Semi Converter
The circuit of 1-p semi converter consists of : Two Thyristors T1,T2 Two Diodes D1,D2 AC Voltage source Vs Free wheeling diode FD LOAD(RLE)
The two thyristors T1,T2 gets triggered at wt=Q & pi+Q resp. such that VmsinQ>E. Load gets connected through T1 & D1. From Q to pi, Io flows through load,D1 ,Vs &T1 such that Vo=Vs in terms of waveform .After wt=pi, Vo reverses as Vs changes polarity & FD starts conducting. Io gets shifted to T1,D1 to FD & flows from Q to pi,2pi + Q & so on.T1 gets line commutated at wt=pi+ such that Vo becomes zero from pi<wt<pi+Q as load gets shorted. At wt=pi T2 gets F.B. such that Vs>E. FD is turned off after pi+Q .Now at wt =pi same process is repeated but using T2 &D2.Note Is is +ve when T1 & D1 conducts & is ve when T2 & D2 conducts. During free wheeling period L is recovered & dissipated in R & partially added to load emf E & no energy is fed back to source.