3rd Generation Partnership Project Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects Service Aspects Charging and Billing (3G TS 22.105 Version 3.2.0)
3rd Generation Partnership Project Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects Service Aspects Charging and Billing (3G TS 22.105 Version 3.2.0)
3rd Generation Partnership Project Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects Service Aspects Charging and Billing (3G TS 22.105 Version 3.2.0)
0 (1999-10)
Technical Specification
3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects Service aspects; Charging and Billing (3G TS 22.105 version 3.2.0)
The present document has been developed within the 3 Generation Partnership Project (3GPP ) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP. The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organisational Partners and shall not be implemented. This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organisational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. TM Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organisational Partners' Publications Offices.
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Copyright Notification No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.
1999, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, CWTS, ETSI, T1, TTA,TTC).
Foreword ................................................................................................................................................4 1 2 3
3.1 3.2
Cross Phase Compatibility for Release 99........................................................................................................................ 6
5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4
7.1 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.3 7.3.1 7.4
8.1 8.2
This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3GPP. The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of this TS, it will be re-released by the TSG with an identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows: Version 3.y.z where: x the first digit: 1 presented to TSG for information; 2 presented to TSG for approval; 3 Indicates TSG approved document under change control. y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections, updates, etc. z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the specification;
This Technical Specification describes the Service Aspects of charging and billing of the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). This standard is not intended to duplicate existing standards or standards being developed by other groups on these topics, and will reference these where appropriate. This standard will elaborate on the charging requirements described in the Charging Principles in UMTS 22.01 Service Principles. It will allow the generation of accurate charging information to be used in the commercial and contractual relationships between the parties concerned.
Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document. [1] [2] [3] [4] References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific. For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply. For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. A non-specific reference to an ETS shall also be taken to refer to later versions published as an EN with the same number. 3GTS 22.01 Service aspects; Service Principles; GSM 02.31: "Fraud Information Gathering System (FIGS); Service description - Stage 1". TS 22.078: Customised Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic (CAMEL); Service definition Stage 1 TS 22.086: "Advice of Charge (AoC) Supplementary Services; Stage 1
For the purposes of this TS, the definitions in [1] are supplemented by the following definitions: Accounting: The process of apportioning charges between the Home Environment, Serving Network and User. Billing: A function whereby CDRs generated by the charging function are transformed into bills requiring payment. Call Detail Record (CDR): A formatted collection of information about a chargeable event (e.g. time of call set-up, duration of the call, amount of data transferred, etc) for use in billing and accounting. For each party to be charged for parts of or all charges of a chargeable event a separate CDR shall be generated, i.e more than one CDR may be generated for a single chargeable event, e.g. because of its long duration, or because more than one charged party is to be charged. Chargeable Event: An activity utilising telecommunications network infrastructure and related services for user to user communication (e.g. a single call, a data communication session or a short message), or for user to network communication (e.g. service profile administration), or for inter-network communication (e.g. transferring calls, signalling, or short messages), or for mobility (e.g. roaming or inter-system handover), which the network operator wants to charge for. The cost of a chargeable event may cover the cost of sending, transporting, delivery and storage. The cost of call related signalling may also be included.
Charged Party: A user involved in a chargeable event who has to pay parts or the whole charges of the chargeable event, or a third party paying the charges caused by one or all users involved in the chargeable event, or a network operator. Charging: A function whereby information related to a chargeable event is formatted and transferred in order to make it possible to determine usage for which the charged party may be billed. Real time: Time, typically in number of seconds, to perform the on-line mechanism used for fraud control and cost control. Settlement: Payment of amounts resulting from the accounting process. Short time: Time, typically in number of minutes, to perform the off-line mechanism used for accounting.
Call Detail Record
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
to provide a call detail record for all charges incurred and requiring settlement between the different commercial roles; to allow fraud control by the Home Environment and the Serving network; to allow cost control by the charged party; to provide at the beginning of a chargeable event an indication to the charged party (if involved in the chargeable event) of the charges to be levied for this event; to allow itemised billing for all services charged to each subscription, including voice and data calls, and services offered by home environments.
The main new requirements for UMTS charging and accounting are:
These new requirements will allow users more freedom to obtain service when roaming, whilst providing effective cost and credit control for the Home Environment and User.
There are no earlier releases of the UMTS standards for which backward compatibility of equipment implementing these standards is required. It is envisaged that UMTS will evolve beyond Release 99, for example with the addition of a number of new requirements for charging and billing; these are noted in the appropriate sections below. The technical standards for Release 99 should be developed in such a way that it is possible and practical to introduce these requirements, ideally in a backward compatible manner.
When a change is introduced which affects the UMTS technical standards, it is said to be 'backward compatible' if existing equipment can continue to operate and perform correctly with equipment that conforms to the new implemenation.
The standard shall support the creation and transfer of charging records in order to facilitate:
interworking with pre-UMTS systems (e.g. GSM); fraud management procedures; detailed itemised billing.
Call Detail Records shall be generated in the Serving Network to record chargeable User or Mobile Station activity and inter-carrier connections. Some of the information is provided by the user, other information is only available in the network element of the serving network. Depending on the type of chargeable event some of the information may not be available or might not be required.
The users user equipment that is incurring the charge shall provide the following information to the serving network:
The serving network serving the user shall provide the following information to the home environment:
Unique CDR identity (unique per network element in a period of about 100 days).
Charged Party
For subscription related chargeable events the CDR shall indicate the charged party, i.e. normally the calling party. As alternative it should be possible to apply reverse charging or to charge the event to a party not involved in the event itself (e.g. a company as VPN subscriber). It should be possible for multiple leg calls (e.g. forwarded, conference or roamed) to be charged to each party as if each leg was separately initiated. However, in certain types of call, the originating party may wish/be obliged to pay for other legs (e.g. SMS MO may also pay for the MT leg.). It shall be possible to change the chargeable party at the call set-up. In case of inter-network chargeable events, the CDR usually does not contain the charged party, but it can be derived from network configuration information contained in the CDR. For each party to be charged for a chargeable event or parts of it a separate CDR shall be generated.
Special Cases
Long calls
The advent of packet data services, which can extend for very long periods of time (days, weeks etc), although at low cost because charges are based on data throughput, may mean that billing records are only output at the end of very long periods. For this reason the serving network shall support the generation of call records also during the life of the packet data session, either when some charge value is reached or some duration or both, to allow for both charging settlement and cost control.
Multimedia calls
During one call the user may invoke different services like speech, data transmission, video and audio, which may lead to a separate CDR for each service. If several CDRs will be the result of each multimedia call, the billing system shall be able to correlate these records and to indicate to the user on the bill that they belonged to one call.
The UMTS system may be used to trade soft goods (e.g. information, video, audio), or hard goods (e.g. books) of high or low value per item between the user and a merchant. It shall be possible for such merchants to charge users directly for services they provide. Electronic payment mechanisms are or shall be made available through other standards (micropayment, credit card payment, etc), and therefore are outside the scope of this specification UMTS shall not prohibit the use of these mechanisms, and, where possible, shall provide the basic communications transport to allow them to be used effectively. However, if the serving network acts as merchant of soft goods, it may charge the user directly, creating a CDR as described above or using micropayment mechanisms.
The efficient transfer of charging information between serving networks and from serving networks to home environments requires a standardised interface between these entities. It shall be possible to define different time intervals for the transfer of charging information between serving network and home environment (e.g. when a chargeable event occurs, when a chargeable event is initiated by the user, when a chargeable event terminates, at regular
intervals during a chargeable event). The format of the charging information exchanged (see 5.1) shall be standardised. It shall be possible for the relevant parties to agree minimum and maximum age of call information tranfered between themselves.
The transmission mechanism for charging information collected in 5.1 above shall ensure its integrity and secrecy. A mechanism to validate the source and integrity of the information shall be provided so that: The home environment shall be able to validate the source and integrity of the charging information supplied by the serving network; The serving network shall be able to validate the source and integrity of the charging information supplied by the user; The serving network shall have proof that services were provided to a specified user.
The serving network shall collect and process the charging data generated in its network elements. The record of each individual transaction shall be reported to the home environment at short time intervals in order to provide itemised bills, and to deal with any disputes regarding charges both for users and for other UMTS networks and home environment. The standard shall support the transfer of charging data at different intervals as required by the Home Environment (e.g. short time intervals, real time, other regular intervals).
The registration process allows the home environment to authenticate users before they incur any charges. Once authenticated, the home environment then delegates authority to the serving network operator with which he has a direct commercial relationship to incur charges for services supplied to that user. The direct commercial relationship may be with either the serving network operator if known directly by the home environment or a network operator known to the home environment. This procedure uses each network as trusted third parties in a chain of delegation between entities, thus allowing commercial transactions between entities who have no direct commercial dealings. There shall be an authentication procedure between all entities in the UMTS system which have a commercial relationship.
Fraud Control
A mechanism to control fraud shall be provided by the serving networks and the home environment.
Charging information shall be collected by the home environment in real time from all serving networks which its users are allowed to use. The billing system in the home environment shall process the information in real time and provide the means to set charge thresholds per time interval upon which some actions may be started, such as informing the customer care centre or even barring the user in the HLR. It shall be possible for the Home Environment to define different time intervals for the collection and the processing of charging information (e.g. real time, short time, other regular intervals)
Charging information shall be collected from the network elements and processed in real time. This will allow the serving network to always be aware of the exposure to visitors. A limit for the accumulated charges for all visitors from one home environment or a limit per visitor may be agreed between the home environment and the serving network. It shall be possible for the Serving Network to define different time intervals for the collection and the processing of charging information (e.g. real time, short time, other regular intervals)
For Release 99 the cost control mechanism may be based on Advice of Charge. However the Release 99 standards should not prevent the future implementation of the full Cost Control requirements. The Release 99 standards should allow these new features to be introduced in a backward compatible manner; specifically terminals conforming to Release 99 standards should continue to support the Release 99 service requirements when operating with future implementations of Advice of Charge in the Home Environment.
Inter-network Settlement
Mechanisms shall also be provided to allow inter-network settlement of charges on a bulk basis. The same mechanisms shall be used between home environments and serving networks. This will allow each of these parties to meter the total input and output of charges and thus determine the payments required on a periodic basis between each of the parties with which they directly interact. The mechanisms used shall allow each of the parties to meter charge flows independently, with the aim of matching the values recorded at both sides of the same interface. The imbalance in charge flow shall be accumulated in short time, such that each entity can be informed when a threshold has been exceeded and determine whether to continue.
Support for the requirements in this section is not required in Relase 99. However the Release 99 standards should not prevent the future implemenation of this requirement in a backward compatible manner (eg a roaming broker enabled Home Environment should inter-operate with a R99 Serving Network). It is a requirement that UMTS users shall be able to obtain service and use chargeable services with networks with whom neither they nor their home environment have any direct commercial agreement. This shall be enabled by interworking via trusted third parties. Each Home Environment shall interwork with one or more serving network operators, with whom they would negotiate a commercial roaming agreement and test the interworking. Any user wishing to use the services of a particular serving network would register with that serving network, who would either directly or indirectly interwork with the home environment. Fraud and cost control mechanisms shall be used to ensure that charges incurred for UMTS services do not exceed the credit limits set. This can be applied for the user and the other roles involved in commercial dealings. In practice, any serving network shall be capable of operating as a roaming broker.
Roaming Broker
Home Environment
The same mechanisms used for routing calls and resolving addresses shall be used to route the subscription identity back to its Home Environment . of the standard shall support a routing identification mechanism to allow a serving network, which does not maintain its own list of all known HE, to determine the appropriate route to reach a given HE. A number of alternative routes may be possible, and ideally the system should be capable of determining the lowest cost to the end user. Typically, smaller networks will only have a limited number of external connections to other networks or clearing houses, but may not know which one to use for an unknown (new) HE. In this case, the serving network may make a number of inquiries for each route to determine the lowest cost route to handle the call.
Settlement of charges
Settlement of charges incurred by a user shall be on a wholesale basis between the different parties involved in the registration link. By authorising a user to register, or a roaming broker to pass that on, each party is in turn authorising charges up to a maximum credit limit with the adjacent party. Any charges levied can then be paid to the adjacent party on a wholesale basis at the end of a mutually agreed accounting period. Funds are thus passed between each party for the services supplied by the network operator in a serial fashion.
TDoc. No.
CR. No.
Section affected
New version
Version 3.0.0
Version 3.1.0
1. 2. Short time and real time defined. For multimedia calls (eg H324M) it is not always possible to identify the different media streams and not possible to define separate CDRs for the different media streams. 7.2.3 is restructured and the section is renamed The charging mechanism is also a function of the service and tariff variants in the serving network. The serving network should also be able to do fraud control. GSM 02.31 FIGS may be considered. A mobility event can also be an example of a chargeable event. It is here interpreted that the chargeable party can be changed at the call set-up.
9. Accumulated charges in the currency of the serving network should not be a CDR requirement.
002 003
Document history
Date Status Comment
SMG 1 WPC output draft for editing purposes only Presented to SMG1 WPC meeting, London Incorporated changes agreed at Dec 96 Meeting including charging model and charge enquiry
20 April 1997
Version 0.0.4
Presented to SMG1 WPC meeting in Sophia Antipolis Incorporated text submitted at Feb 97 meeting
4 June 1997
Version 1.0.0
Proposed Version 1 incorporating changes discussed at SMG1 WPC meeting in Antwerps, June 97
23 June 1997
Version 1.0.2
Incorporated remaining changes discussed at SMG1 WPC meeting in Antwerps, June 97 Preparation for SMG1 UMTS Helsinki meeting, incorporating text from reports 22.24 and 22.71 Incorporated comments from 22.24, 22.71 developed at SMG1 UMTS Meeting in Helsinki
27 Nov 1997
Version 1.1.0
4 Dec 1997
Version 1.2.0
26 April 1999
Version 3.1.0
(concluded) Document history 8 Dec 1997 5 November 1998 Version 1.2.2 Version 1.3.0 Format and editorial changes by ETSI Sec for SMG#24 Incorporate changes discussed at SMG1 Rome, including reflecting changes to 22.01 role model. Accept Changes and send to editing SMG1 Rome Tdoc 98-0859 Agreed by correspondence. Reviewed by Rapporteur Jan 13, 1999 To be presented at SMG#28 for Approval Approved at SMG#28 Reformatted for TSG SA SA#3, Yokohama, Japan SA#5, Kyongju, Korea
12 January 1999
Version 1.3.1
27 January 1999 February 1999 March 1999 May 1999 October 1999
Version 2.0.0 Version 3.0.0 Version 3.0.1 Version 3.1.0 Version 3.2.0