Outline of Turing Machines and Complexity

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Outline of Turing Machines and Complexity

1. Turing machine (TM) = formal model of a

computer running a particular program.
✦ We must argue that the TM can do
exactly what a computer can do, albeit
2. We use the simplicity of the TM model to
prove formally that there are speci c problems
(=languages) that the TM cannot solve.
✦ Two classes: \recursively enumerable"
= TM can accept the strings in the
language but cannot tell for certain that a
string is not in the language; \non-RE" =
no TM can even recognize the members of
the language in the RE sense.
3. We then look at problems (languages) that do
have TM's that accept them and always halt;
i.e., they not only recognize the strings in the
language, but they tell us when they are sure
the string is not in the language.
✦ The classes P and NP are those
languages recognizable by deterministic
(resp., nondeterministic) TM's that halt
within a time that is some polynomial in
the input.
✦ Polynomial is as close as we can get,
because real computers and di erent
models of (deterministic) TM's can di er
in their running time by a polynomial
function, e.g., a problem might take
O(n2 ) time on a real computer and O(n6 )
on a TM.
4. NP-complete problems: Since we don't know
whether P = NP , but it appears that at least
some problems in NP take exponential time,
the best we can do is show that a certain
problem is \NP-complete," = if this problem
is in P , then all of NP is in P .
5. Some speci c problems that are NP-complete:
satis ability of boolean (propositional logic)
formulas, traveling salesman, etc.
Intuitive Argument About an Undecidable
Given a C program, does it print hello, world.
as the rst 13 characters of output?

 We prove there is no C program to solve that
problem by supposing that there were such a
program H , the \hello-world-tester."
✦ H takes as input a C program P and an
input le I for that program, and tells
whether P , with input I , \prints hello
world" (by which we mean it does so as
the rst 13 characters).
 Modify H to a new program H1 that acts like
H , but when H prints no, H1 prints hello,
✦ Requires some thought: we need to
nd where no is printed and change the
printf statement.
 Modify H1 to H2. This program takes only
one input, P , and acts like H1 with both its
program and data inputs equal to P .
✦ I.e., H2(P ) = H1(P; P ).
✦ Requires more thought: H2 must bu er
its input so it can be used as both the P
and I inputs to H1.
 H2 cannot exist. If it did, what would H2(H2)
✦ If H2(H2) = yes, then H2 given H2 as
input evidently does not print hello,
world. But H2(H2) = H1(H2; H2) =
H (H2; H2), and H1 prints yes if and only
if its rst input, given its second input as
data, prints hello, world. Thus, H2(H2 )
= yes implies H2(H2 ) = hello, world.
✦ But if H2(H2) = hello, world. then
H1(H2; H2) = hello, world. and
H (H2; H2) = no. Thus, H2 (H2) =
hello, world. implies H2(H2 ) 6= hello,

The TM
 Finite-state control, like PDA.
 One read-write tape serves as both input and
unbounded storage device.
✦ Tape divided into cells.
✦ Each tape holds one symbol from the tape
✦ Tape is \semi-in nite"; it ends only at the

 Tape head marks the \current" cell, which is
the only cell that can in uence the move of
the TM.
 Initially, tape holds a1a2    an BB    where
a1 a2    an is the input, chosen from an input
alphabet (subset of the tape alphabet) and B
is the blank.
Formal TM
M = (Q; ; ,; ; q0; B; F ), where:
 Q = nte set of states.
 , = tape alphabet;   , = input alphabet.
 B in , ,  = blank.
 q0 in Q = start symbol; F  Q = accepting
  takes a state and tape symbol, returns a new
state, replacement symbol (either might not
change) and a direction L=R for head motion.
Nontrivial examples are hard to come by. Here's a
TM that checks its third symbol is 0, accepts if so,
and runs forever, if not.
M = (fp; q; r; s; tg; f0; 1g; f0; 1; B g; p; B; fsg)
1.  (p; X ) = (q; X; R) for X = 0; 1.
2.  (q; X ) = (r; X; R) for X = 0; 1.
3.  (r; 0) = (s; 0; L).
4.  (r; 1) = (t; 1; R).
5.  (t; X ) = (t; X; R) for X = 0; 1; B .
ID's of a Turing Machine
The ID (instantaneous description) captures what
is going on at any moment: the current state, the
contents of the tape, and the position of the tape
 Keep things nite by dropping all symbols to
the right of the head and to the right of the
rightmost nonblank.
✦ Subtle point: although there is no limit
on how far right the head may move and
write nonblanks, at any nite time, the
TM has visited only a nite pre x of the
in nite tape.

 Notation: q says:
✦ is the tape contents to the left of the
✦ The state is q.
✦ is the nonblank tape contents at or to
the right of the tape head.
 One move indicated by `; zero, one, or more
moves represented by `* .
✦ Check the reader for the detailed
de nition of `.
With input 0101, the sequence of ID's of the TM
is: p0101 ` 0q101 ` 01r01 ` 0s101.
 At that point it halts, since state s has no
move when the head is scanning 1.
With input 0111 the sequence is: p0111 ` 0q111 `
01r11 ` 011t1 ` 0111t ` 0111Bt `   .
 The TM never halts, but continues to move
Acceptance by Final State and by Halting
One way to de ne the language of a TM is by
the set of input strings that cause it to reach an
accepting state.
 L(M ) = fw j q0w `* p for some p in F and
any and in , g.
Another way is to de ne the set of strings that
cause the TM to halt = have no next move.
 H (M ) = fw j q0w `* pX , and  (p; X ) is not
de nedg.
✦ Subtle point: a TM can appear to halt if
the next move would take the head o the
left end of the tape.
✦ Given any TM, we can mark the left end
so that never happens; i.e., we produce
a modi ed TM that accepts the same
language and halts rather than fall o
the left end.
 The TM M of our previous example has L(M )
equal to those strings in the language of RE
(0 + 1)(0 + 1)0(0 + 1) .

 H (M ) is the language of  + 0 + 1 + (0 + 1)(0 +
1) + (0 + 1)(0 + 1)0(0 + 1) .
Equivalence of Acceptance by Final State
and Halting
We need to show L is L(M1 ) for some TM M1 if
and only if L is H (M2 ) for some TM M2 .
Modify M2 as follows:
1. Introduce one accepting state r.
2. Whenever there is no transition for M2 on
state q and symbol X , add a transition to
state r, moving right (so we can't possibly fall
o the left end) and leaving symbol X .
Roughly, we let M2 simulate M1 , but if M1 enters
an accepting state, M2 has no next move and so
 Major problem: M1 could halt without
✦ To avoid this problem, introduce state r
that moves right on every symbol, staying
in state r and leaving the tape symbols
✦ Give M2 a transition to r (moving right)
on every state-symbol combination that
does not have a rule.
 Also, remove all transitions where the state is
an accepting state of M1 , so M2 will halt in
those situations.
Falling O the Left End of Tape
The reader talks about the funny situation where
the TM would halt but falls o the left end of
 This situation is not halting.
 Neither does a TM accept if it tries to enter
an accepting state as it falls o the left end.
 We can prevent falling o the left end, by
marking the leftmost cell, as in the reader.
 But it appears we do not need to do
so in order to prove the equivalence of
halting/accepting, since neither occurs when
the TM falls o the left end.

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