Driving Test
Driving Test
Driving Test
Carbon monoxide coming from your car smells like : a) Burning leaves b) Fresh gasoline c) Burning rubber d) Has no odor. 2 . What lights should a driver use when driving in the fog (either bad weather has reduced visibility during day time hours) a) Parking lights b) Low beam head lights c) High beam head lights d) Emergency four way flasher. e) Four way flashers 3 . What is the meaning of this sign ? (Fig. School zone sign) a) Pedestrian Crossing b) Bus stop c) School zone d) School crossing 4 . When you are approached on a two-way road from the front or rear by an emergency vehicle with lights and siren on , you should: a) Stop where you are b) Do nothing until you reach an intersection c) Drive to the right as far as possible and stop d) Maintain your speed and allow the emergency vehicle to pass e) Drive to the left as far as possible and stop f) Speed up and stay ahead of the emergency vehicle g) Stop where you are as quickly as possible 5 . What is the meaning of this sign? (Fig. A stop sign) a) Railroad crossing b) Slow c) Caution d) Stop 6 . Which of the following affect a motorcyclist more than operators of other vehicles ? a) Heavy traffic b) Blind intersections c) Bright headlights
d) Road and weather conditions. 7 . Accidents frequently occur just before darkness because : a) The roads becomes slip over and wet b) Driver are not able to see as well as in the daylight c) Traffic is the heaviest at this time d) Stopping distance is increased 8 . What is the meaning of a crosswalk ? a) For traffic to slow down b) For drivers to be considerate of pedestrians c) For pedestrians to be considerate of drivers d) For pedestrians to cross at certain locations 9 . What is the meaning of this sign ? ( Fig. A divided highway sign) a) Divided highway b) Lane ends merge left c) Two way traffic d) No passing zone 10 . When you see children playing near the street you should : a) Sound your horn to warn them b) Sound your horn and drive close to the right curb c) Drive to the left side of the street d) Slow and prepare to stop 11 . Why do motorcyclist vary their lane position ? a) To see more at the road ahead b) To be more visible to other motorists c) To protect their position within the lane d) All of the above 12 . If you pass your exit on the interstate , you should : a) Slow to a stop and back-up to the exit b) Look for an opening in the median strip and make a "U" turn c) Go to the next exit to leave the interstate d) All of the answers are correct 13 . To help avoid accident when driving on the interstate, keep your eyes : a) Focus on the center line b) concentrate on the car ahead c) fixed one quarter mile ahead d) Moving to observe traffic
14 . A broken yellow line between two lanes of traffic means : a) No left turn at this place b) Both lanes are for traffic going in the same direction c) Passing prohibited at all times d) Passing allowed when it is safe 15 . When a school bus has stopped on a two lane road and has its red loading lights flashing, all vehicles must (an undivided four lane road, either) a) Slow down as they pass the bus b) Come to a stop, then proceed slowly c) Maintain normal road speed d) Stop until the flashing lights are turned off 16 . What is the minimum following distance that should be allowed between two vehicles ? a) Two seconds b) Three seconds c) Depends on the speed the vehicles are traveling d) Four seconds e) 50 feet f) A distance that is reasonable and prudent g) 100 feet h) 250 feet 17 . what is meaning of this sign ? (Fig. A railroad crossing sign) a) Railroad crossing b) Caution c) Slow d) Stop ahead 18 . A flashing red traffic light means : a) Stop until light turns green b) Slow to less than 10 miles per hours c) Proceed with caution prepare to stop d) Stop, proceed when way is safe 19 . According to the "Implied Consent Law" : a) An arrested driver under age 18 will not be prosecuted b) Residents and non residents are treated alike
c) An arrested driver will have to submit a medical waiver d) This low is also known as the "Compulsory Insurance Law"
20 . When following other vehicles at night, a driver should : a) Increase his following distance and use low beam headlights b) Use high beam headlights c) Drive closer than in the day so that he can see traffic ahead him d) follow at the same distance as in day light 21 . Alcohol will affect your judgment, reaction time and vision. Which of the following will lessen the effects of alcohol ? a) Drink lots of strong black coffee b) Run cold water over face and wrist c) Take a few breaths of fresh air d) Wait a few hours before driving 22 . what is the meaning of this sign ? (Fig. A merge left sign) a) Lane ends merge left b) divided highway c) Two-way traffic d) No right turn 23 . A solid yellow line on your side of the center line means : a) No passing is allowed in either direction b) No passing is allowed from the oncoming lane c) No passing is allowed from your lane d) passing allowed when it is safe 24 . What is the meaning of this sign ? (Fig. A no right turn sign) a) No right turn b) No left turn c) No U turn d) No trucks 25 . When driving long distances, a driver should guard against accidents that may result from : a) Changing traffic patterns b) Changing weather and roads conditions c) becoming tired and sleepy d) All of the above
26 . After passing another vehicle, it is best to return to your lane a) Immediately after passing b) one car length ahead c) as soon as you have signaled d) Until you can see the car you passed from rearview mirror
27 . When a car ahead signals a left turn, you should : a) Slow, signal for a left turn b) Stop, signal for a left turn c) Pass on the left d) Slow, prepare to stop 28 . To recover from a skid, you should a) Pump the brake b) Turn in direction of the skid c) Hold steering and apply brake d) Turn away from the direction of the skid 29 . What is the meaning of this sign ? (Fig. Pedestrian crossing sign) a) School crossing b) pedestrian crossing c) Bus stop d) School zone 30 . When approaching the top of a hill, a driver should : a) Watch for oncoming cars passing in your lane b) Read all warning signs for possible danger on the road ahead c) Look for slow traffic just over the hill d) All of the above 31 . What are you required to do if you have an accident? a) Stop and exchange information b) Report it to your insurance company c) Get the name of the witnesses d) Nothing if the damage is less than $100.00 32 . What is the safest speed for drivers to travel on snow or ice covered roads? a) Posted speed limit b) A speed slower than other vehicles on the road c) Posted speed limit for night travel d) A speed that adjusts for weather and road conditions
33 . If an oncoming car drifts over the center line into your lane, you should: a) Sound your horn b) Slow down and flash your lights c) Slow down and move right d) Slow down and stop
34 . To help avoid emergency situations you should: a) Keep your left foot near the brake b) Keep your eyes moving c) Travel at a constant speed d) Never travel over 60 MPH 35 . When you cause minor damage to a parked car and cannot locate the driver, you should: a) Leave name, address and details attached to vehicle b) Report to insurance company within 24 hours c) Report to State within 24 hours d) Remain until driver returns 36 . Using alcohol or drugs while driving affects your: a) Judgment b) Reaction time c) Vision d) All of the above 37 . Bicyclist using the road with motor vehicle traffic present: a) Has full rights to use the road b) Should ride on the shoulder of the road c) Should pull over and stop d) Should ride against the traffic 38 . Mixing alcohol and drugs may result in: a) Serious health problems b) Multiplying the effects of alcohol, or have additional effects of its own c) Death d) All of the above 39 . If a police officer directs you through a red traffic light, what should you do? a) Stop then go
b) Wait for green light c) Proceed as directed d) Drive to the right and stop 40 . A first time of driving under the influence (DUI) is punishable as following: a) A fine of not more than $2,500 b) A felony c) Imprisonment in jail for not less then 10 days nor more then 1 year, and a fine of not more than $1,000 d) A fine of not more than $1,000
41 . What is the meaning of this sign? (Fig. Road merge sign) a) Merge b) Stop c) Divided highway d) Yield 42 . When two vehicles approach an intersection at approximately the same time, and there are no lights or signs, which vehicle has the right of way? a) The vehicle on the left b) The vehicle on the right c) Neither vehicle d) Both vehicles 43 . It is illegal to park: a) Within 25 feet of a fire hydrant b) Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection c) Within 100 feet of the nearest rail or a railroad crossing d) All of the above 44 . What is the meaning of this sign? (Fig. A two way sign) a) No "U" turn b) Divided highway ends c) Two way traffic e) Lane ends merge left 45 . Signals should be given continuously for at ? feet before turning: a) 50 feet b) 100 feet c) 200 feet d) 300 feet
46 . At least 9 out of 10 collisions are caused by: a) Speed b) Allowing too close to the other vehicle ahead of you c) Failure to yield d) Human error 47 . Commonly associated with an alcohol related include: a) (unreadable answer) b) Creased insurance costs c) Alcohol and drug substance abuse evaluation d) All of the above
48 . Hard surface roads are likely to be especially slick: a) When it is start to rain b) Just after center line is painted c) After raining for several hours d) IF it is a new road 49 . When merging with traffic on an interstate highway from an acceleration lane, you should: a) Stop at the end of the acceleration lane b) Slow down in the acceleration lane c) Adjust to traffic speed, move carefully into the right lane when there is a sufficient break in traffic d) Stop and wait until there is no traffic
Some important numbers that may appear in the drivers written test: 1) Up to $100 fine and/or up to 30 days in jail plus liability for damage to property and injury or death of another person. 2) You must yield to blind person. Stop at least three feet away from the person crossing the intersection 3) Stay two seconds behind the vehicle in front of you. Allow four seconds in bad weather. Watch 15-20 seconds ahead for cars braking, entering, and exiting. 4) Signal left at least 100 feet before the exit. 5) Check ahead for at least 200 feet of clear roadway without a "No Passing Zone". 6) You should signal for at least 100 feet or 1/3 of a block before you turn, slow down, or stop. 7) Upon conviction of speeding charge --up to $200 fine and 30 days in jail. 8) To park on a hill, stop within six inches of the curb.
9) It is illegal to park in these places: a) Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. b) Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection. c) Within 30 feet upon the approach to any flashing beacon, stop sign, or traffic control signal located at the side of the roadway. d) Within 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing. 10) Whenever approaches a railroad grade crossing, the driver of such vehicles shall stop within 50 feet but not less then 15 feet from the nearest rail. 11) You must use your low beams when you are approaching within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle. 12) You must dim your lights when you are following another vehicles within 200 feet . 13) You must use your headlights between 30 minutes after sunset and 30 minutes before sunrise.