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SSeIQ ‘aie OWeNName Date Class
25 Laboratory Investigation (continued)
iclic hydrocarbons
4. Remove two balls that represent hydrogen atoms from the top side of your model of ethene.
Heer ve one toothpick. With two other groups, build a model of benzene
2, Remove two balls that represent hydrogen atoms from your model of methane. Do not remove
the toothpicks or change their positions. With five other group’ ‘build a model of cyclohexane.
(NOTE! In this model, a single bond may be represented by two toothpicks.)
Analysis and Conclusions
1. tw an actual methane molecule, swould you expect the six bend angles to be different or the
wean What angles would you expect for the bonds in ethene? Explain.
2. Compare the bond angles in your models to those in actual molecules.
3, Discuss the differences between the structures of cyclohexane and benzene.
|. On Your Own Use balls and toothpicks to make other hydrocarbon models. Display yo
models in the classroom.
34 Chupter 25 {Prensa