Praktikum 1
Praktikum 1
Praktikum 1
Notes Output Created Comments Input Data Active Dataset Filter Weight Split File N of Rows in Working Data File Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing Cases Used as missing. Statistics for each analysis are based on the cases with no missing or out-of-range data for any variable in the analysis. Syntax T-TEST GROUPS=kel(1 2) /MISSING=ANALYSIS /VARIABLES=Hb /CRITERIA=CI(.95). Resources Processor Time Elapsed Time 00:00:00.000 00:00:00.000 C:\Users\HiMoe\Documents\praktikum1data.sav DataSet7 <none> <none> <none> 20 User defined missing values are treated 16-May-2013 09:31:14
[DataSet7] C:\Users\HiMoe\Documents\praktikum1-data.sav
Group Statistics kelompok kadar Hb 1 2 N 10 10 Mean 12.1000 13.9800 Std. Deviation 1.19443 .98522 Std. Error Mean .37771 .31156
Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means 95% Confidence Interval of the Sig. (2F kadar Hb Equal variances assumed Equal variances not assumed .378 Sig. .546 t -3.840 -3.840 df 18 17.371 tailed) .001 .001 Mean Difference -1.88000 -1.88000 Std. Error Difference .48963 .48963 Lower -2.90867 -2.91134 Difference Upper -.85133 -.84866